Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 408 Space, Mind, Reality

Since Rick wanted to die, Lord has always been kind and generous, and simply fulfilled her wish and sent her to see his companion.

Since then, there will be no Rick in the world.

Even the remaining soul fragments were crushed by Lord with the power of the Quincy, leaving no traces, and completely wiped them out.

Cut weeds and roots, and leave no trouble.

In this way, no matter how powerful TVA is, it is impossible to resurrect one, and it does not even have a soul.

"Time... is running out."

Lord's mood was a little heavy, and he provoked the TVA Time and Space Movement Administration, and there would inevitably be a war in the future, which gave him a lot of pressure invisibly.

An organization above the multiverse, the maintainer and maker of order, its existence history and traces spread across all timelines, and it can erase the timeline at will, or even destroy the entire time and space. Its power and background are very well known.

In comparison, he still looks very immature.

TVA is like a giant, and he is like a child. The gap between the two can be described as a world of difference.

The only way of life left for him now is how little time is left. Before TVA realizes all this, he will use the power of the system to do his best to become a real Spirit King.

Only by becoming the Spirit King of the Three Realms can he have the power to resist, and will not be wiped out.

The pressure instantly increased.

The existence of TVA is like a sword of Damocles, hanging high above Lord's head. As time goes by, it falls little by little until his head is cut off.

The leisurely days that have been around for a long time now seem to be the end, and TVA is what he has to solve.

People are selfish.

Even if you know your existence, it may cause a huge disaster, and the way to stop all this is to end your own life.

But unfortunately...

Lorde does not consider himself a saint, nor is his moral standard that high.

Holy time line is also good,

No matter the chaotic time and space, these issues are not what he needs to worry about. Whether the multiverse collapses due to this, and whether hundreds of millions of creatures will be destroyed, is not within his scope of thinking.

In short, he didn't want to die!

If you don't want to die, you must resist!

Adhering to the concept of killing one to save a hundred, whether TVA's behavior is really just, he has no intention to refute this, because it has no meaning.

After all, from the perspective of the majority, the sacrificed minority is justice, and no one will ever care about it. The idea of ​​these sacrificed people seems to be a brilliant idea, but in fact it implies the oppression of power.

Therefore, Lord will not argue with him about right or wrong, and only decide on the strength of his strength.

Winner takes all, loser for Kou.

The rules of the world are that simple.

According to the information obtained from Rick's mouth, it undoubtedly confirmed Lord's previous speculation that the latitude he is in is by no means the movie universe, it is an unknown... brand new latitude!

"No wonder... things that shouldn't have appeared." Lorde's eyes were low and half-closed, with a gleam of thought.

Gargoyle faces, vampires, perfect creatures...

Heaven, Hell, Constantine...

Dark God Book, Sithone, Cthulhu...

Kim Bong, Gwen, parallel universes...

Akkad, Cain, Twin Flowers...

The past scenes were like a marquee, flashing quickly in Lord's mind, connecting countless pieces of information like a needle and thread, linking them together bit by bit, and finally forming a guess.


Lord's eyes suddenly sank, this guess is so terrible that even he himself thinks it is impossible.

But if...

With a probability of one in a trillion, it really fulfilled his guess.

Then the truth of this dimension is far more terrifying than what we see now, and even in the distant future, what awaits him may be the most tragic ending.

Ulquiorra and Hasward knew that Lord didn't like to be disturbed, especially when he was thinking, so they silently stood by and waited for the next step.

After half an hour.

With a long sigh of unknown meaning, Lorde's thinking finally ended, with a faint dignified expression on his face, and said lightly: "Let's go, it's been so long since we've been out, we should go back."




Lingwang Palace.

Along the huge Omotesando straight to the sky, an antique-style white palace group stands above the vast sea of ​​clouds.

Wanzhang Xiaguang sprinkled like gold powder, spiritual sons turned into rivers and crouched in the sea of ​​​​clouds, pavilions and pavilions were readily available, heavy eaves and jade tiles were like sky velvet, jade building orchids were like colorful dragons, and rare and rare beasts were entrenched on the jade pillars, showing a solemn and solemn expression. Dignified atmosphere.

There was no one in the huge palace.

Lord closed his eyes and leaned on the bench, enjoying the tranquility alone, his own leisure time, only when he was in this palace, he didn't have to think about so many troubles and forget everything. .

After enjoying a moment of tranquility, Lord opened his eyes again, took a deep breath, and seemed to spit out the depression in his chest.

No matter how stressful it is, life must go on.

Whether it is the threat of TVA or the so-called 'truth of the world', evasion cannot solve the problem, and it must always be faced.

The only thing he can decide is how to face it.

Lorde concluded that this time the plan was quite successful.

The space gem and the mind gem are his biggest gains this time. Counting the previous reality gems, the infinite rough stones in his hands now have reached an astonishing half.

If Thanos knew about this situation, it is estimated that he would be about to explode.

The soul gem that was collected so hard was originally intended for Loki to go to Earth to bring back the space gem, but I didn't expect to lose his wife and lose the army. was robbed.

Lord raised his hand to cut through the void and took out the gem from the shadow space.

Space, mind, reality!

Blue, yellow, and red, the three colors complement each other, shrouding the entire palace, presenting a certain brilliant color.

Lord stared at the three gems, couldn't help swallowing, and couldn't help but be excited.

No one can deny the power of the six infinity stones, just like all Yu-Gi-Ohm players are in the late stages of dragon cancer.

The gathering of the six infinite original stones has the power to change the entire universe. Although it cannot affect the multiverse, for the current Lord, it is the most important part of his next plan.

The success of this plan is directly related to whether he can compete with TVA in the future!

Therefore, Lord set his goal at the remaining three gems, namely time, soul, and power.

The Time Stone is in the hands of the Supreme Mage. His relationship with Gu Yi is not bad. It would be okay to wait two more years. Anyway, she will soon find Eternity.

As for the Soul and Power will only be a while longer.

After all, the current earth does not have the ability to travel between stars, so he can't let his body cross the universe, right?

This is not the world of immortal cultivation, so let's wash and sleep.

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