Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 430 Bloody Factory

In 1915, the British Empire.

During the First World War, the whole of Britain was shrouded in a haze of German artillery fire.

The empire on which the sun never sets, which has ruled the world for nearly half a century, is now like an old lion king on the grassland. Facing the sunset at the last moment of his life, he struggled to lift its claws that were no longer sharp, and swung it towards the one who dared to invade. Challenge its majestic foe!

But unfortunately, what this old man is disappointed to face is the fierce Germany that has already risen!

The huge zeppelins bombed the British coast with a large amount of ammunition at the beginning of the year, and then bombed the capital London in May, causing large areas of residential and commercial building damage.

At the appeal of Prime Minister Churchill, the entire British Empire moved!

Like a clockwork embedded in a gear, this huge war machine broke out its roar, and all the factories were continuously producing cannonballs, sending batches of young people to the battlefield.

The war was started by a group of old men, and it was the young people who paid the price!

A total of 15 countries joined the war one after another, shrouding Europe, the Pacific Ocean, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa in the shadows, and ultimately brought serious disasters to mankind and contributed to the deaths of tens of millions of people.

Later generations named it World War I in honor of those who died in the war, historians and politicians.

But it is clear that the only lesson humanity has ever learned from history is that it will never be learned.

However, what I said above has nothing to do with the goal of Lord's trip. He didn't come to stop the world war, he just came to find someone.

After being caught by the Weeping Angel, the moment he opened his eyes again, he found himself in England a hundred years ago.

patter patter...  

The dreary cold rain cast a layer of sadness on the streets of England.

In the distance, there are several huge chimneys piercing the sky, and the dark smoke emanating from it, like the sharp claws of a demon protruding into the sky, adds a strange and ominous atmosphere to this foggy gray sky.

The machinery and gears in the unknown factory made a deafening roar.

Several scarlet searchlights emitted huge light, penetrating the white fog that permeated the surrounding area.

There were hardly any pedestrians on the cobblestone streets under the torrential rain.

This dispelled Lord's idea of ​​asking for directions. He propped up a thin layer of spiritual pressure to cover himself, and after blocking all the rain, he walked along this street to the city center.

He intends to go to someone and ask him where this place is.

But Lord had been walking for more than ten minutes, but he didn't see a lighted place, and he didn't even feel a breath of life.

Except for the two scarlet searchlights in the factory in the distant fog, the entire city was shrouded in darkness, and no one could be seen lighting up the fire, as if everyone had already turned off the lights and fell asleep early.

The scene in front of you, as long as you are not an idiot, you will know that there is definitely a problem!

Although there is fog to cover the whole picture, the range that Reiatsu can perceive is about 100 square kilometers.

"Is it the Weeping Angel's fault?"

Lord's brows wrinkled, there was a vague feeling of badness, and he secretly raised his vigilance in his heart.

The range of the absolute domain extends to fifty meters around him, and surveillance bacteria are arranged behind it to guard against the sudden appearance of the Weeping Angel, and once other creatures invade the domain, he can react immediately.

After pondering for a while, Lord decided to visit the factory.

The only place with light in the whole city, maybe you can get some useful information there, such as knowing where this ghost place is, and where is the hotel that trapped Constantine and others!

Lorde condensed spiritual power on the soles of his feet and slowly floated into the sky, intending to fly directly through the fog.

However, at this time.


A tremor that hit the depths of his soul swiftly devoured him like a raging flame.

His keen sixth sense intuition told him that if he planned to continue to increase his altitude, he would die in the next moment. There seemed to be something indescribable in that black smoke, which was enough to directly threaten his life!

Black smoke and white mist seem to separate the sky and the earth in this city.

It is like a clear and clear boundary that defines the edge of life and death. Any creature who dares to touch this line will be swallowed by the black fog of death.

"...Is it forbidden to fly?"

Before the investigation was clear, Lord decided that he had better stabilize himself.

The source of this black smoke was the huge factory with scarlet searchlights, and it was the only place he could go.

The road to the factory is not easy.

The factory was built in the suburbs, so it couldn't take the main road in the city, only the muddy road after the rain.

I believe that people who used to drive on a rainy day in the countryside know how difficult it is to walk on the dirt road after it rains. Almost one foot is deep and one foot is shallow, and it is accompanied by the mud that has turned up. It can be said to be extremely annoying. .

But if it's just this level, Lord doesn't really care. The real hard way is after staying away from the city.

About three kilometers away from the factory, there is a section of black pavement mixed with asphalt that I don't know how to use something strange.


I don’t know what is covered on the black road. The greasy and sticky touch makes Lord feel very uncomfortable. Every foot is like stepping on the glue. When it is pulled out, it can even pull out silk threads. A foul smell.

When the city first saw it, it gave him a terrible feeling, even a strong sense of disgust.

If it wasn't for Constantine and Potts, as well as the mysterious unknown death god, Lorde would probably have taken out the flames and burned the city with raging flames, completely solving all threats from the source!

But unfortunately, he couldn't do it.

Lord resisted the disgust and discomfort in his heart, stepped on this disgusting black road, and got closer to the factory in the mist.

As he got closer, he could finally glimpse part of the factory's structure.

This is a huge factory in the shape of a ring, with a total of about three floors in height, and each floor is almost ten meters long.

There are countless reinforced iron beams built together outside, and finally a simple factory was erected. From the outside, it looked like a hedgehog, with protruding steel structures all over its body, and the two huge scarlet searchlights. , on the top floor of the factory.

But there was another thing that caught Lord's attention than the factory's grotesque shape.

Not far from the factory, there is a river used to dump industrial waste, but the river has long since dried up, revealing the deep ditch below.

In this ditch, what is piled up is not industrial waste.

Instead, it was piled up like a mountain of minced meat and wreckage, as if it had been shredded by some kind of machinery, exuding a disgusting rotten stench, and there was still a steady stream of shredded meat and limbs flowing into the factory drainage pipes. This ditch!

Judging from the characteristics of the minced meat and wreckage, Lord is almost certain that these are from 'human beings', and the factory in front of him is a bloody factory!

Why is there no one in the city, now he can be considered to know, because everyone is here.

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