
Lord's brain immediately shut down.

He has been single for ten thousand years and has no girlfriend, but now he suddenly has a daughter, who should he ask for reasoning?


Konstantin clapped vigorously from the side, looking like he was watching the fun, and the wrinkles and folds on his face were crowded together, and he said gloatingly: "If I say you are a bit outsiders, you already have a daughter. Now, why are you still hiding it from my brother?"


Lorde was so angry, he tilted his head sharply, stared at the bitch fiercely, with two bright lights in his eyes, murderous like a sharp sword, wishing to stab Constantine directly.

"Uh...I was joking."

Constantine shuddered, the muscles on his face twitched, he immediately raised his hand to express his surrender, and said with a dry smile: "Everyone has such a good relationship, it's just a joke, don't take it seriously."


Lorde snorted coldly, turned his eyes to the girl again, and frowned slightly: "You said you were my ... daughter, what about the evidence?"

A girl who suddenly appeared and said that she was his daughter, no matter from which point of view, there was a big problem.


He doesn't even have a wife, so where did he come from? Could it be that he gave birth to his own daughter?


Nexia tilted her head cutely, and his figure was reflected in the pair of jade-like pure jade eyes, and said: "If the evidence is there, hasn't Father already received it?"

"I received?"

Lorde looked surprised and said, "When did I receive your so-called evidence."

"It's that sleeve..."

Nexia explained: "My father should be able to feel that there is my Reiatsu on the sleeve."

"You wait..."

Lord waved his hand to interrupt the girl, feeling a sudden confusion in his brain, and asked, "How can you prove that you are my daughter with just one sleeve?"

That sleeve was swallowed by Shutu and thrown into the time and space of a hundred years ago.

But that was just an accident, it wasn't that he himself was thrown into the past, and what could he do with only one sleeve?

So just based on such a broken sleeve, it is impossible to prove that the girl in front of him is his daughter.

"Only a sleeve can't prove your identity, it can only prove that you once picked up the pieces of my lost death tyrant outfit." Lorde looked straight at the girl in front of him and said, "So... Do you have any other evidence?"

"I'm not really your own."

Nexia's eyes dimmed a little, and she slowly lowered her head, biting her red lips with her teeth, brewing a little bitterness: "But please believe me, I really didn't deceive you, I am indeed your daughter. , which you... admit it yourself."

"It's getting more and more absurd..."

Lorde's eyebrows twitched into a ball, his voice was a few degrees colder, and he said, "I haven't even seen you before, and when did I admit it myself, you are my daughter?"

"Wait, Lord, don't jump to conclusions in such a hurry." Constantine interrupted suddenly, rubbing his stubble chin, and said meaningfully: "Maybe this girl, what she said is true, it's just that You haven't experienced all this yet?"

"I haven't experienced..."

Lorde looked shocked. If you follow Constantine's thinking, wouldn't it mean that the girl in front of you is from the future timeline?

"Even the angels that devoured time appeared,

Is there anything else impossible? Constantine spread out his hands with a smile, and said, "Of course, the premise of all this is just based on the fact that she didn't lie to you." "

"I won't lie to my father!"

Nexia grabbed the corner of her clothes and looked at Lord timidly, a pleading look appeared in her eyes, and there was a hint of crying in her voice: "I... won't lie to you, I really It's your daughter, please believe me."

Lorde's eyes flickered slightly, as if he was thinking about something. After a while, he waved his hand and placed a ghost barrier all over his body, isolating the outside voice and sight.

The reason for this is because the next conversation is about his own secret, so it cannot be heard by others.

"You said that you are my daughter and you are from the future, so you should know some secrets about me, right?" Lord said lightly.

This is the best way to prove it.

If what Nexia said is true and is really his future daughter, then he will definitely know something about the secrets he is hiding.

His secrets are not many, but at least the identity of the Spirit King is something that is unknown to all non-intimate people.

Just like the meaning of Yinmeng to him, Lorde never hides too much from those who are close to him. It can be said that it is the most appropriate to use the identity of the Spirit King to distinguish the true from the false.

"Say, let's talk."

Lord stretched out his hand to squeeze the girl's chin, raised the delicate face, and said indifferently: "If it is really my daughter, at least that matter...you must know."

The man's voice was calm, but Nexia knew in his heart that this was just a disguise on the surface, and what lurked beneath the calm was the turbulent and violent turbulence.

Once the answer she said next couldn't match the man's expectations, then she would be greeted by a monstrous wave that would mercilessly crush her into powder!

"You are... the Spirit King!"

Nexia met the man's gaze, her pure eyes were firm, without the slightest hesitation or hesitation.

"anything else?"

Lorde's heart moved, and he believed it by seven or eight points, but he remained expressionless and continued to ask, "If only this is the case, I still have a hard time believing you."

In fact, it has basically been proved here that Nexia is indeed his future daughter, but just to be on the safe side, Lord still wants to try again.

"there's one more thing......"

Nexia bit her lip, a look of hesitation flashed across her beautiful face, and finally made up her mind to walk slowly: "This is what my father told me, and you must not reveal it unless it is a last resort."

Seeing the girl coming step by step, Lord raised his eyebrows slightly, but did not respond, and let her approach him, wanting to see what secrets she could tell.


Nexia stood on tiptoe and came close to Lorde's ear, two icy jade hands held his cheeks, and slowly said a name in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

The moment the name blurted out, Lorde's pupils shook violently like an earthquake, and he couldn't even control the spiritual pressure in his body.


The granite floor was shattered, the visible Reiatsu burst out instantly, and a suffocating pressure spread.

In an instant, the ghost barrier was full of cracks.

If it wasn't for Lord's conscious restraint, I'm afraid he would have already forcibly shattered the barrier, and then razed the entire hotel lobby to the ground!


After a while, Lord calmed down, took a deep breath, looked at the girl in front of him again, showed a bitter smile, and said, "You... even know that name, it seems true It's my daughter."

That name... Not even Yinmeng knew it.

And the person who can know this name is undoubtedly only the person he trusts the most.

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