Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 443 Contradiction Spiral (4)

"This is the wall clock you want me to see"

Lorde frowned tightly, and looked at the girl next to him suspiciously, who gave him a positive look.

A wall clock, what's the secret

With such doubts, Lord and Constantine came closer and observed them carefully.

But no matter how they looked at the wall clock, they couldn't find anything special. If they insisted that there was something unusual, it might be this crimson wall clock that came from a palace clock treasured by the British royal family.

Constantine is an authentic Englishman, and he spent a long time wandering in London before, and he came into contact with many three religions and nine streams during exorcism, so the identification of antiquities can be regarded as a little bit of experience.

He recognized at a glance that this wall clock was from the British royal family.

The wood on the outside of the wall clock is extremely high-end, which is rare on the market, and the clock plate inside is not simple. It is made of some unknown crystal, and is engraved with the queen's crown symbolizing the British royal family. , the hands are shaped like delicate flower branches, and the hour markers are carved from precious blue minerals. x

So, how precious is this wall clock?

To use Constantine's words to describe it, if this wall clock is handed over to the British royal family, at least it can be replaced by a viscount, and the queen can be crowned herself and kiss the back of the great hand.

For an Englishman, the back of his hand that can be kissed and the knighthood can be said to be the supreme honor. Constantine's eyes became more and more hot as he thought about it, and it seemed that if Lorde was still there, he would have Take the clock off and take it with you.

"Cough, as a friendly reminder, your dear, it's still eleven years before your birth." Lord coughed dryly, dashing Constantine's unrealistic fantasy.

"I almost forgot, it's King George VI now." Constantine shook his head remorsefully, and grinned regretfully: "It would be nice if it were 1939 now, maybe after we go out, we can still go to see Fenghua Zhengmao. what?"

"Okay, wait for you to discuss with the Weeping Angel and take you to 1939." Lord was amused by this guy, and said: "Just to compare with Prince Philip and see who can get it in the end. Queen's Heart."

dong dong dong

Just as the two were joking, a thick and heavy sound suddenly echoed in the banquet hall.

This sudden sound made Konstantin tremble with fright. He and Lord looked down at the wall clock at the same time, and found that the hands of the flower branches were superimposed on each other, and together they pointed to the top twelve o'clock!

"It's about to begin, Father."

Nexia walked closer, stared at the swinging pendulum, and said quietly: "You will soon know the meaning of this hotel's existence and what Wilbur wants to do."

dong dong dong

After the bell rang twelve, the things in front of him suddenly blurred.

It's not because they have problems with their eyes,

Instead, it was blurred in the physical sense. The space was like a canvas that was arbitrarily painted, filled with colorful messy colors, and a strong sense of distortion rushed into their hearts.

The next moment, the space returns to normal.

The intense distortion gradually disappeared, and when Lord and Constantine knew what was going on around them, they were shocked beyond measure. They actually returned to the lobby of the hotel, with a stone wall depicting a picture of hell in front of them!

"We're back again."

Constantine looked around and said with a look of astonishment, "But I remember we were not in the banquet hall?"

"The space has been swapped."

After Lord glanced at the things around him, he let out a heavy sigh, his expression suddenly became solemn, and said solemnly: "And not only the position of the space has been changed, but even the time has been dialed back to before we came. ."

Before he left this hall, he had left a ghost mark on the stone wall.

But now after returning here, the imprint of the ghost has disappeared, and it was not destroyed by any external force, so the remaining result is that there is time to go backwards!

"How is it possible to turn back time!"

Constantine's face was horrified, which was beyond the scope of magic. As far as he knew, only the Supreme Mage could do it, but how could such a terrifying person appear in this small hotel today!

"Yes or not, just go and see."

Lord did not pause this time, grabbed the two people beside him and walked directly to the first floor again.

This time, there is a change!

There were no dead bodies in the room, and no one was there.

"This kind of magic"

Constantine was stunned, as if he couldn't believe this scene, this kind of magic that even time could fool, he vaguely remembered where he seemed to have seen it, but now he can't remember it.

"If I guess correctly, these people should be on the eighth floor." Lord narrowed his eyes, and the thought that flashed before suddenly appeared again, and this time he accurately captured it.

"Yes, father."

Nexia did not hide it and said bluntly: "Now everyone is attending the banquet for the eighth time."

"I roughly guessed Wilbur's intentions, but I still need to verify it." Lord said, grabbing two people, and said lightly: "Let's see with our own eyes, the whole process of the hotel in this hotel. ."

Instant step, instant step, instant step.

After several instant steps, the three of them came directly to the eighth floor.

At this time, the banquet hall on the eighth floor is no longer the empty look it used to be.

A group of people are sitting around the long table, with happy smiles on their faces, pushing each other to exchange cups.


The lively scene in front of him, in Constantine's eyes, was unusually terrifying.

Those who were sitting around the long table, wearing white napkins and enjoying the food elegantly, were all the dead people they had seen in the room before!

They are resurrected!

And sitting in this banquet hall, as if it had never happened, drinking food and wine with laughter.

At the far end of the long table, a man and a woman sat.

The woman has soft blonde hair and wears clothes that are not in line with this era. Under the white open-chested one-piece dress, she has round and slender legs, and she wears seductive flesh-colored stockings, which perfectly sets off the feminine charm.

The man sitting next to the woman has meticulously combed brown hair, a high nose bridge and deep pupils. He looks very handsome and handsome. He wears a well-cut suit and dress. 's owner. 0

"Those two"

Konstantin seemed to have eaten a fly. He pointed at the man and woman with an ugly face, and squeezed a few words out of his teeth: "It's Erin Caswiener and Wilbur Whatley." div

Meiman: A Zanpakutō at the beginning https://

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