Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 445 Break the cycle!

"I still don't understand. If Wilbur is looping the death of these people indefinitely, as you said, how does he control time?" Constantine asked.

"And even if he has practiced black magic, if he wants to perform such a magic, the price he needs to pay and the backlash he has to bear. As far as I know, among the mages, from the past few hundred years, only the supreme mages have been One person can do it."

"The Supreme Mage has the inheritance of Emperor Weishan, and she is also in charge of countless treasures. It is not surprising that she can do it to me, but this British nobleman, why can he do it?"


Lord sighed and said, "I'm also curious why he can do it."

Manipulating time is a forbidden technique in magic. Even Kama Taj, who has the inheritance of white magic and is blessed by the Trinity God, has strict laws and regulations on this magic. The Supreme Mage has to pay a serious price, let alone this Will Bur Whatley, was he just an English aristocrat?

Magic is not free.

Casting any kind of magic, even if its effect is insignificant, requires a corresponding price. This is the absolute iron law of the magic world, and even the Supreme Mage cannot violate it.

Spells are like a loan relationship. Masters use specific gestures and incantations to connect with those in other dimensions and borrow the corresponding power from them. No matter how strong or weak this power is, it needs to be repaid after surgery.

With each spell cast, the body will suffer backlash. According to the strength of the spell, the strength of the backlash will also change. The only way to solve these backlashes is to devour those disgusting magical creatures.

Even Kama Taj, who is based on white magic, still needs to pay varying degrees of price for borrowing from Trinity Weishandi.

And some powerful black magic comes from those terrifying dimensional demon gods, which requires the negative emotional energy of human beings, and it must be very strong, such as sacrificing loved ones and friends.

So Constantine rarely used magic, on the one hand because of the rules he set, and on the other hand because of these costs, sometimes he would rather die than eat those disgusting magical creatures.

According to the clues collected so far, Constantine is almost certain that this is a very large and powerful black magic, but he doesn't know the dimension demon god.

So here comes the question...

A mere aristocrat in the upper class of the British society has neither an orthodox magic inheritance nor a treasure that can resist backlash and costs. How did he display this powerful black magic?

"He...don't have to pay for it."

Nexia was silent for a moment, with a hint of disgust flashing in her eyes, and said, "Forgive me for not being able to tell you the reason, but please believe me, that's the truth."

Without having to pay the price and bear the backlash, can you cast an absolute cycle spell with such a huge range and control time at will?

Constantine's eyes were like copper bells, and he weakly opened his mouth, trying to refute an impossible sentence, but the words came to his mouth, but he swallowed them back.

It's not impossible, it's very possible!

In fact, since stepping into this hotel, he has experienced many "impossibles", and every thing has broken his impression of the norm.

The Weeping Angel who uses time as an energy source, and the extremely evil black magic, what he has seen so far has almost shattered his worldview, what else is impossible?

Lord didn't want to delve into this. Rather than just speculating here, he might as well go directly to the banquet hall to see if there were any clues left, so he said, "After Wilbur walked out of the room,

Suddenly disappeared, I guess he should go to the ninth floor, let's go to the eighth floor to see. "

The floor structure of the entire underground hotel is an imitation of the Canosal Hotel on the ground. The area before the eighth floor is exactly the same. The only difference is that there is no entrance on the ninth floor.

So the most important thing for them at the moment is to find where the entrance to the ninth floor is, and then see what secrets this weird Wilbur Whatley is hiding here.

And the 'key' that Nexia said, if there is a high probability of no accident, it should also be hidden by Wilbur on the ninth floor.

According to the normal thinking analysis, the ninth floor should be below the eighth floor, so Lord intends to check first to see if they have missed any organs or important clues.

tick... tick... tick...

The three returned here again, and the crisp sound of the clock moving echoed in this empty banquet hall, and the appearance of everything here returned to the way they were first seen.


Constantine looked sad, clutching his almost shriveled abdomen, looking at the rest of the food on the table, and sighed helplessly: "It's a pity that these meals, if only I could eat them."

"Aren't you the god of death?"

Lorde heard the sound of hunger, looked back at him in surprise, and asked, "The spirits here are not thin, so it should be no problem to maintain daily needs, right?"

"Not the hunger you understand."

Constantine waved his hand, shook his head and said, "My stomach is pounding because of the backlash of magic, so I need to eat magical creatures. Ordinary spiritual power and food are useless to me."

Lorde seemed to understand but didn't understand, and he didn't understand the profession of mage, so he could only pat him on the shoulder comfortingly, and said, "Then there is no way, you can stay next to it first, and then talk about it when the matter is resolved."

The search went on for a long time.

But no matter how they looked, they were almost three feet away, and they didn't find any entrance, or anything suspected of being an agency, as if it was an ordinary banquet hall.

thump, thump, thump

As the hands overlapped again, pointing to the number twelve, a thick and dull bell sounded in the hall, and the surrounding things became blurred, and a strong sense of distorted dizziness gradually spread from the bottom of my heart to my mind.

Time to repeat again!

But this time, Lord, who had been observing the surrounding, suddenly narrowed his eyes into a thin line, and a terrifying light appeared in his eyes. It seemed that he had discovered something, and he took a half step forward and pulled out the belt around his waist. Zanpakutō.


Constantine, who was in the distorted space, suddenly felt a surge of spiritual pressure, which was unstoppable like a stormy sea, and a bright silver cold light suddenly cut off this chaotic void!

"Shoot him, magic gun!"

The boiling spiritual pressure suddenly converged, turning into a dazzling light, bursting with extremely sharp sword energy, tearing the void in front of them!

The floor and long table of the banquet hall were divided into two by this knife light, and the fractured part was as smooth as a mirror, as if it had been so.

Constantine raised his head and looked in the direction in which the blade extended, and found that the target of Lord's attack was the wall clock embedded in the white embossed wall facing the gate.


A huge crack spread from the surface of the wall clock, and then more and more cracks covered the entire crimson clock body.

" repetition!"

Constantine looked around and suddenly realized that the time loop of the entire hotel seemed to have been destroyed!

But before he could be happy, he saw that the entire banquet hall suddenly vibrated, the crystal lamp above his head shook wildly, and the slender iron chain attached to the lamp body made a heart-pounding sound.

The vibration lasted for about ten seconds, and the crystal lamps finally couldn't bear it. They fell one by one and smashed to the ground into crystal slag. As the only light source disappeared, the entire hall suddenly became pitch black, and five fingers could not be seen.


Constantine felt dark, and something flashed by, but it was too fast and there was not enough light to make out the shape.

But he can be sure that that flashing thing is definitely a living creature!


In this dark space, he could clearly hear a fourth breathing sound besides the three of them!

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