Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 448 Void: Underworld God! (1)

Nexia has always firmly believed, and has never doubted, that no matter what kind of difficulties and enemies are faced in front of her, her father's sword will definitely cut off all obstacles.

This is not blind confidence.

She had seen countless similar scenes in the future time and space, those enemies that were so powerful that they felt hopeless, but ultimately defeated by her father.

Lorde didn't respond to her, just took a step forward silently, stood in front of the fake, and expressed his thoughts with practical actions.

Go ahead... here it is for me!

Constantine understood what Lord meant, the last hesitation in his heart was completely dispelled, he took a deep breath, and said, "We are waiting for you on the ninth floor, don't let anything happen."

"Let's go, father."

Nexia reluctantly gave up, took a deep look at Lorde's back, firmly imprinted it in his heart, turned and walked behind.

After the embossed wall with the wall clock embedded in it was shattered by the blade of the magic spear, a dark path was revealed, which was the road leading to the ninth floor.

It is still a spiral staircase, but it is narrower and more crowded. It can only accommodate one person at a time, and there is no end in sight. It seems that the huge mouth opened by the abyss extends all the way to the depths of the center of the earth.

When the two were about to step into the road, the fake Lord, who had been standing still, seemed to be stimulated by something, and suddenly rushed over, with a roar similar to that of a beast.

Fake Lord's speed is extremely fast, but it does not use Shunpo, but an astonishing speed movement made entirely by physical abilities.

Click click!

At the moment when it disappeared, the marble floor in the banquet hall cracked one after another, as if it was trampled by a mammoth giant elephant, it shattered into countless stones, and the storm that was set off sent out in all directions like bullets. Empty sound.


A fishy wind mixed with thick blood, accompanied by the roar of terrifying beasts, rushed towards Nexia and Constantine.

The five fingers are like sharp blades, making a harsh sound as they pass through the air, and the target is pointed directly at the neck of the two.

Konstantin's back cooled, and goosebumps suddenly appeared all over his body. The exposed skin was blown by the strong wind, cracking fine blood openings, and the trembling feeling penetrated into the bone marrow, and then poured into the heart and cerebral cortex.

Subconsciously, Constantine looked back and saw the figure of the roaring beast, with two pale arms stretched out, its five fingers attacking like blades, and it was already less than a meter away from Nexia's neck at this moment. !

The girl's clean and slender neck, in front of the sharp claws with five distinct joints, as pale as a corpse, seemed to be decapitated in the next second, staged a scene of tragic decapitation.

"Be careful!"

Constantine was shocked and quickly reached out to grab Nexia and save the girl from this danger.

But before he could make a move, out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of another figure, which appeared suddenly like a ghost, a short blade with a cold brilliance, and it touched the palm of the sharp claw.


The sharp claws collided with the blade, and in the dark environment, a dazzling fire was splashed, and the huge and crisp sound of gold and iron clashing echoed in the empty banquet hall.

The short-lived firelight reflected Lord's stern face, as well as his pupils with a cold killing intent.

Only then did Constantine react, and while he was relieved, he glanced at Nexia and found that the girl was still walking forward without showing any hesitation, as if she had expected it.

"Don't worry about what's behind you."

Nexia walked all the way to the stairs, and then slowly turned around,

He said, "It's impossible for that guy to break through after his father breaks it himself, so we just need to move forward."

"You're right, I'm too careful, even an angel can't kill your father, let alone a monster." Constantine was stunned for a moment, and then smiled self-deprecatingly.


Lord's eyes were a little unhappy, and he felt that Constantine was talking too much nonsense, so he turned around and raised his leg with a kick, which slammed into his chest and kicked the guy directly into the stairs.

"Fuck - you TM sneak attack!"

Constantine didn't have time to react, and was kicked several meters by Lord. He almost flew into the stairs upside down, and then rolled down the stairs in a circle like a hot wheel. .

The spiral downward staircase is very narrow, and the inclination angle of each step is very large, so Constantine can't stand up at all, and can only be forced to form a human flesh sphere, roll down while cursing and screaming, and gradually walk. Fading away into the depths of darkness.

Nexia was stunned for a few seconds, and then looked at Lorde with a strange look in his eyes, as if he had re-acquainted with his father.

Lord pointed to the passage with his chin, and then gave the girl a look, motioning her to leave here quickly, otherwise he wouldn't be able to let go.

"Yes, I'm leaving now!"

Nexia's body was shocked, as if she was frightened, and she quickly turned around and walked into the passage. Seeing the small steps in a panic, it was estimated that she was afraid that she would also be kicked.


When Fake Lord saw someone breaking into the passage, he suddenly let out a shrill howl, his face was covered with violent black blood vessels, his muscles twisted and became hideous and terrifying, and his body was full of a strong violent aura!

The strength of the sword suddenly increased several times, and the fake Lord relied on brute force to press the tip of the sharp spear with his palm and slowly advance forward step by step.

what a powerful force...

Lorde's face changed slightly, and he was secretly shocked. He didn't expect the power of this ghost to even feel a little bit of difficulty for him.


Fake Lord's eyes flickered with red light, and he took a half step forward with a roar. The ground was stepped on and cracked. The huge force was transmitted along the surface, and the whole banquet hall shook violently. Its hardness far exceeded that of steel. His fists smashed through the air, and with the violent momentum like a landslide, he slammed into Lord's face with a mighty force.

The power of this punch made the void tremble!

The bursting Gangfeng was pulled by the fist, and roared like a wind dragon and rushed over. Lorde couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly. He tapped the ground with his toes and jumped back, a beautiful harrier in the air. Roll over to get away from it.

A punch fell in the air, causing thousands of ripples.

The power in the fist that has nowhere to release, directly plowed out a deep ravine from the marble floor in front of him.

dong dong dong!

Seeing that the punch didn't hit the target, that thing seemed like a tireless monster, giving Lord no chance to catch his breath at all, running over like a beast on all fours, those scarlet eyes full of violence and murder, in this piece In the dark environment where the five fingers could not be seen, a thin line of bright red blood was pulled out, floating in the darkness like a terrifying ghost.

It has to be said that the monster has a strong ability to grasp the timing.

It grasped the huge flaw that Lorde avoided jumping into the air and just landed, and it was still unable to adjust his posture in time. It planned to use a stormy offensive to tear the enemy who was blocking it in front of it!

However, how can Lord do what it wants?

When talking about his experience in dealing with the battlefield and his on-the-spot reaction when he was fighting the enemy, he prided himself on not losing to anyone. Don't forget that he inherited the title of "Sword Eight" from the hands of Yachiryu Unohana. man!

Just a monster, he has seen through the thought in his heart.

The monster rushed forward confidently, and was about to throw a fist at Lord, but saw a dazzling dazzling light suddenly burst out under the large black robe, like the first ray of morning light that cut through the night. , suddenly the dark environment is illuminated like daytime!

Swallow solution...God kills the gun!

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