Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 466 The Third Wilbur

Falling in love with, a Zanpakutō at the beginning of Meiman

Boom! ! !

Just when Wilbur was about to devour Michael and directly complete his ascension plan, he heard an earth-shattering thunder from above his head.

The roaring thunder rolled in, tearing apart the dark and thick dark clouds, and the roar of some kind of giant beast resounded through the entire sky for a while.

"This is impossible!"

Wilbur raised his head suddenly, showing a stunned expression: "He...that man...isn't he trapped by the Weeping Angel?"

next moment!

Wrapped in the evil that destroys all things, the splendid thunder is like a splendid golden meteorite from the sky, dragging gorgeous fireworks for a thousand meters, piercing the dark and thick night, and crashing into the factory.


This steel factory, full of cruelty and blood, was smashed by a huge shock wave almost in an instant. The supporting beams, columns and structures collapsed. The huge kinetic energy hit the ground, smashing every inch of the land as far as the eye could see. Up to 100 meters in the air!

The entire city of Newcastle was caught in an eight-magnitude earthquake, and countless huge cracks spread like a dense cobweb.

Look at Wilbur's position.

The golden thunder beam has already penetrated from the surface to the depths of the leylines in one breath, leaving a tiankeng with a diameter of tens of meters.

One blow, shattered mountains and rivers, and collapsed the earth.

Within a few thousand meters, the topography was completely changed by this blow!

among the ruins.

Beside the huge tiankeng smashed by the thunder, the sacred blazing angel wings were wrapped into a ball, and the feathers outside were spotless and white as jade.

As the aftermath gradually disappeared, the sacred Seraph Wings slowly unfolded, revealing Michael and Constantine inside, but fortunately they did not appear to be injured.

Although this dazzling archangel has lost most of his power after being trapped for many days, he is still a high-level seraph in essence. At the moment before the lightning strike, he decisively used his seraph wings to wrap her and Constantine. inside.

Seraph Wings are the source of power bestowed by God on angels. Even if the divine power cannot be used, its tenacity alone is comparable to that of an artifact. The aftermath of the lightning strike is more than enough.

Losing the cover of the factory roof, the dense torrential rain fell in the sky, mixed with a bit of bone-chilling cold, and the fresh air poured into the nostrils, no longer the disgusting bloody smell.

However, the thunder continued, and even intensified. The sky shrouded in cloudy clouds was filled with dancing silver snakes for a while. Countless lightning bolts and thunder roared, pulling out tree-like traces, as if the sky was torn apart.




Thunder roared and the wind howled.

Looking at the dark night sky, golden ripples slowly rippled.

The roaring thunder was like a torrent raging in the dark clouds, and the thick flames burst and boiled one after another, dyeing most of the night sky into a bright red, such as the scene of burning clouds.

A thin figure, bathed in the mighty thunder, came with endless coercion like a god from above.

Wherever you go, the dark clouds recede!

Even the torrential rain seemed to be afraid of the majestic figure. As the splendid flames converged into a tide, the turbulent swept from the east, and the rain gradually became smaller and then disappeared.

Newcastle, which has been shrouded in heavy rain for many years, finally showed a dazzling light at this moment.

Yes...he is coming!

Michael raised his slender goose neck, his emerald green pupils reflected like a mirror, and the majestic figure from far to near showed a trace of joy from his heart.

The warm and warm sunshine sprinkled her, bringing her a long-lost warmth, which is the warmth she has never felt since she came here.

"I'm not too late."

A ray of light from the sun, through the ruins of the factory, shone on the man's face. Those blue eyes were quiet and steady, giving people an indescribable peace of mind.

"Not early...but not too late."

Michael raised his head and stared at the man in front of him. He couldn't help but feel a little sigh in his heart. He pursed his thin pink lips and raised a quiet smile: "Without a year, you have become stronger... Lord Carr."

"you know me?"

Lorde raised his brows slightly and looked at this angel with a little curiosity. Like such a beautiful female angel, anyone who has only met once will be deeply impressed.

But unfortunately, he did not have the slightest impression, nor did he remember where he had seen such a blazing angel. an exception.

In Lorde's aesthetics, Gabriel is definitely not a beauty, at most it can only be said that he is in line with the definition of angelic neutrality.

"I forgot......"

Michael lowered his head, his thick eyelashes trembled, and a trace of disappointment flashed through his eyes: "You don't remember me now."

Hearing this sentence, Lord's eyes flickered slightly, and his expression seemed to be a little weird. Looking at the lost Michael, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, as if he wanted to say but didn't dare to say it.

Fortunately, Michael bowed his head at the moment and did not notice his expression.

"Exactly as you said..."

Lorde quickly returned to normal. After pondering for a while, he replied: "There is a problem with my memory, which seems to be related to the situation here. Since you are a blazing angel, can you tell me what happened here?"

"Although I really want to tell you everything, that guy doesn't seem willing to wait." Michael didn't answer him directly, but raised his finger and pointed to the back, where an illusory figure stood at some point.

"Sure enough, it appeared again."

Lorde couldn't help sighing, pinched his aching brows, looked at the man calmly, and said, "Kill one after another, are you a human or a cockroach?"

A well-fitting long suit with a windbreaker over it, brown curly hair neatly combed back with hair oil, expensive leather handmade shoes on his feet, and a gorgeous walking stick inlaid with gold threads in his right hand. From the inside out, there is an aristocratic temperament from the upper class, obviously this is another Wilbur Whatley.

He can be 100% sure that...

Wilbur, who was struck by the lightning just now and slammed into the bottom of the pit, is now completely dead, and it can be said that there is no slag left.

Wilbur, who was hacked to death by that guy before, is also impossible to resurrect again.

The one in front of them now was the second Wilbur Whatley he had ever seen.

Even a person with a dull and sluggish brain can feel something strongly wrong at this time. After all, no matter what level, Wilbur Whatley can't have so many individuals!

Is it... a clone?

Lord thought to himself, but quickly denied his opinion.

One advantage of being a god of death is that he can directly observe the other party's soul state, and in the Wilbur Whatley he saw in his eyes, no matter which soul state was complete, there was no sign of reduction or weakness.

This means that Wilbur Whatley is not a clone.

Every Wilbur Whatley who appeared in front of them was the real 'himself'!

But then, a paradox arises.

How can the three Wilbur Whatleys be explained if the soul is intact and there is no sign of division?

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