Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 470: Deteriorated version of the residual fire sword

Falling in love with, a Zanpakutō at the beginning of Meiman

The blade is like fire.

The existence of this knife itself is equivalent to the history of the Soul Society.

Known as the strongest offensive and destructive, even the Zanpakutō capable of destroying the world, it finally showed its terrifying power of burning the sky and boiling the sea, permanently changing the topography, and even the atmospheric environment!

"Just a fire... watch me put it out!!!"

Wilbur forcibly suppressed the turbulent unease in his heart, and instructed many Wilburs to scream together: "Youhabach, there is only one reason for your failure, that is, in the space of the ascension ceremony, everything is Under my control!"

"I...I am God!!!"

The screams of millions of people shattered the space.

In the violent tremor of the earth like an eighth-magnitude earthquake, the blood-colored substance as viscous as asphalt was lifted high, and the monstrous blood waves with a height of hundreds of meters were howling, pushed by an invisible big hand, and the huge waves were layered on top of each other. Covering the sky and covering the sun!

The souls of those Wilburs who were burned to ashes continued to merge into the blood-colored waves.

Under the spell of blood, their souls had already been integrated into Wilbur, and even turned into an immortal existence, even the attack of Zanpakutō could not completely destroy them.


Thousands of mournful souls wailed and screamed, converging on the surface of the blood-colored raging waves.

The terrifying heads floated in waves of blood, and the negative emotions intertwined with resentment and anger seemed to be real, making this blood-colored wave more than 100 feet tall, even just by observing it with the naked eye, you can feel it to a strong mental shock.


The blood-colored waves roared, and everything withered and fell. Even the invisible space was corroded, showing terrifying traces of twisted mess.

"That guy was mean, but at least he told me one thing."

Lord did not look at the blood wave that was about to fall, and seemed to be talking to himself: "Instead of thinking about how to improve the spiritual pressure, it is better to think about how to make the spiritual pressure more concise. Really. The power is not's more subtle manipulation."


The blood was surging, and the ghost wailed.

The space in front was constantly distorting, squeezed by the terrifying blood wave, making a creaking sound that was close to the limit, as if it would all collapse in the next second.

The blood-colored ocean roared wantonly, and the huge waves came one after another, and the distance was getting closer and closer. Maybe they would be buried in this terrifying ocean in the next second.

There was a hint of anxiety in Michael's eyes, but he didn't bother Lord because of it.

like he...

Lord slowly closed his eyes, held the blade of flame, and felt the subtle feeling.

More detailed and nuanced.

Experience it first, then control it.

Instead of letting the spiritual power overflow meaninglessly, there is no need for such a large-scale attack, but all the power is concentrated on the blade.

Concentrate a little bit and get to the top!

next moment.

Lord suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a brilliance like a morning star in his eyes, and the blood-colored giant wave was already close at hand, and it was only half a meter away from him at this moment.

"like this!"

Lord took a step forward, and the flames released from the blade suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared!

Not only that.

Even the endless sea of ​​fire that once spread over the earth, ignited the entire atmosphere, and burned the sky red,

It also disappeared suddenly, as if it had never appeared, everything was just an illusion.


Seeing this scene, Wilbur immediately laughed: "After seeing the power of God, are you finally planning to give up?"

No... not giving up!

Those flames did not disappear!

Seraph Michael's eyes narrowed slightly, she knew that energy would not be created out of thin air, nor would it disappear out of thin air.

If the flames did die out, why did the temperature, instead of dropping the slightest, get hotter?

With such doubts in mind, Michael's eyes shifted slightly, and he finally noticed something strange and understood the reason.

To be precise.

Those flames did not disappear out of thin air, but were compressed on top of the blade. The surface of the blade, which was already pitch black, became dull at this moment, like a dry and scorched branch. It looked even worse. Those who had failed forging. of carbonized blade blanks.

Anyone who sees it will wonder, can this charred and dry strip really be called a knife?

I'm afraid even the knife in the kitchen is countless times sharper than this black and dry branch?

The knife that was still aggressive just now, as if it was going to burn the sky and boil the sea and destroy one world, has now turned into this appearance. The gap between the front and back is simply astounding.

But it was such a dry and charred black, as if it was a waste product after the failure of forging, but it caused an indescribable terror to rise in the heart of the blazing archangel Michael.

"Although there is no way to solve it now, I can try to simulate it." Lord seemed to be burdened at the moment, sweat dripped from his forehead, and the arm holding the knife turned into a kind of, Approximate appearance after coking.

Eight thousand streams · Kendo · Blade of the Rising Sun · Change!

Lord meditated in his heart, and then faced the monstrous sea of ​​blood that was pressing down, and pulled out the charred blade from the invisible sheath.


On the nearly pitch-black blade, there was a strong fiery red, accompanied by a sharp wave of the flowing blade Ruo Huo towards the front, the extremely dark blade of light was like a broken waterfall, instantly splitting the whole world into two, the color of everything in the world was captured, As if reduced to black and white negatives.

next moment.

Half of the sky was ignited in time, and no flames overflowed from the blade, some were just scorching to the extreme high temperature, erasing everything that could be touched!


The blood-colored raging waves that were hundreds of feet high evaporated in an instant!

Along with it, it was wiped out by the pitch-black blade, and most of the city of Newcastle was extended along with the blade, creating a huge fissure of nearly a kilometer, which is like a terrifying wonder of the world like the Great Rift Valley in East Africa!

Everywhere along the way, all tangible and intangible substances were directly melted and erased by the terrifying high temperature in it, without a trace.

Only the black ashes that remained in place silently narrated the horrible scene just now, proving that something once existed here.

As for Wilbur...

Those remaining ashes, scattered in the air with the breeze, may have told everyone the answer.

This is the case...  

It is also like the residual fire sword after the solution.

It neither burns nor releases explosive flames, but just wipes away everything that the blade touches.

Once waved, it is bound to end everything!

This feeling......

The thoughts in Lord's mind are mixed, looking at all this he has caused, his calm heart can't help but wave after wave.

This is just a try.

But this kind of special technique of manipulating spiritual power, which is almost meticulous, made his eyes shine and touched a higher level of power!

And this is just a poor imitation. If he can perfectly reproduce the knife that Lorde cut out after the blur, it will not even cause extensive damage.

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