Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 493: Crazy Bones in Flowers: Heart of Heisong (5)

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Can't go on anymore...

Lord took a deep breath, intending to get serious.

In the children's game at the beginning of the solution, if you are familiar with the rules, you can still choose opportunistic methods.

But in front of Huatian Crazy Bone after the Swastika, any tricks are futile. As long as you are within the range of Huatian Crazy Bone·Heisong's spiritual pressure, unless it is a powerful spiritual pressure at the transcendent level, you must Follow the rules it lays down.

Even as the owner of Zanpakutō, Kyōraku Chunsui could not go against this point.

Taking advantage of the second act "tragedy", he must solve Jingle Chunshui as soon as possible to prevent the third act "tragedy" from happening.

Once Jingle Chunshui was dragged into the third act of the "tragedy", he would be forced to compete with Jingle Chunshui for spiritual pressure. This was the last thing he wanted to see.

"The eyes full of murderous intent..."

Jingle Chunshui was still sitting on the ground, noticing the change in Lorde's eyes, and said with a chuckle, "If I guessed right, are you planning to stop the third act?"


Lord slowly raised the pitch-black blade, wiped his fingers lightly on it, and the blade murmured: "If you drag it to the third act, it won't end well then."

"With your current body, can you do it?"

Jingle Chunshui supported the knife with both hands and slowly got up. The wound on his chest was sore and he gasped for air. He grinned and said, "Don't look at me like this, but I still have the strength to delay you for a while."

"I hope you can say that in a while."

In the depths of Lord's pure golden eyes, there was a dark blood color, and he walked slowly with the blade upside down: "The solution...all of it!"

The next moment, the boundless blood-colored spiritual pressure churned!

From the upside-down blade and sleeves, it seemed as if endless blood was flowing down, converging into billowing waves around his body, turning this pure white half-fan-shaped platform into a tumultuous sea of ​​blood!

"It's actually even the Swastika of Unoka..."

Jingle Chunshui's pupils trembled slightly,

Knowing the danger of that sea of ​​blood, a few pedallings jumped into the sky, with the words speechless written all over their faces, and said, "Young man, how many swastikas have you hidden?"

"you guess?"

Lord, who was in a sea of ​​blood, spurted more blood from the black spots and holes in his body, but his recovery speed went up a level, almost the blood that just came out, and it was replenished in the next second. went back.

One out and one in, it means nothing.

Lorde cracked his "bed of shame" in such a strange way.

"it's a pity......"

Jingle Chunshui touched his wound, remembering the past and couldn't help sighing, "If I knew earlier, I would have learned more from Uzhihua, and it won't be so miserable now."

"Then come down."

Lord picked up the bleeding blade, stepped on the churning blood flower, and said with a smile: "Although I am not the flower of Mao, but all the healing effects, you should be aware of it?"

"Such deceptive lies should be left to girls."

Jingle Chunshui curled his lips with disdain, and said, "The blood pool is a panacea for you, but it is poison for me, I don't want to be 'overtreated' and then become an ugly creature. Bones."

Although they can heal each other, it is based on the will of the user.

Otherwise, the pool of blood that has all been turned into is a severe poison that eats bones and burns muscles, which is hundreds of times more terrifying than concentrated sulfuric acid.

" really saw it."

Seeing that there was no way to trick Jingle into the spring water, Lord didn't bother to go down with his ink, so he lifted his foot and stepped on the blood pool of the surging waves.


Under the shock, the bright red blood pool suddenly stirred up waves of up to 100 meters.

Under the layers of the raging waves, like a roaring dragon, it shot straight into the sky. Lord stepped on the boundless sea of ​​blood, holding the blood-condensed blade, and pulled out a slender blood-colored silk thread, wrapped in spiritual power. Pi's knife strikes the head of Chun Shui's neck.

"Not alone!"

Jingle Chunshui swung both knives, bringing a spinning top and a hurricane roaring toward him.

The whistling hurricane collided with the roaring sea of ​​blood, and the two unexpectedly burst out with a clanking sound of gold and iron clashing. Two completely different spiritual pressures, mixed with monstrous killing intent and grief, swept the entire world in an instant. .

The bursting air mass produced a strong thrust, like a pair of invisible giant hands, repelling the nearby sea of ​​blood and air, forming a near-vacuum area, but the two people who were in it did not stop at all, and were still engaged in intense life and death. Fight!

Between swords, lights, swords and shadows, countless firelights burst into flames!

In just one breath, the two have fought hundreds of times. Ordinary people can't see their movements at all. Only through the sparks that splash from time to time can they tell where they are, but that's all.

The raging wind was like a sharp blade, cutting traces on the ground below.

He has served as the captain of the Soul Society for hundreds of years, and is one of Yamamoto Motoyasu's favorite disciples. In the future, he will inherit the position of the captain and continue to guard the Jingle Chunshui of the Soul Society and the four fundamentals of killing fists and walking ghosts. No flaws, infinitely close to the exceptional Aizen.

Even though he was seriously injured, Jingle Chunshui still showed the super high quality of the captain, and found a flaw in Lorde's moves. offensive.


Two black blades of different lengths easily split the steel defense.

"I've been waiting for this moment!"

There was a stern look in Lorde's eyes, he deliberately revealed flaws, just to wait for Jingle Chunshui to take the initiative to attack.

"No, it's a hit!"

Jingle Chunshui was startled, and only then did he realize that he had been fooled.

A large amount of blood loss from the wound on his chest caused his thinking to be confused, so he couldn't see through Lorde's trick at a glance, and the tense nerves in the fierce confrontation didn't have time for him to think more. reacted.

When Jingle Chunshui realized that he had been fooled, he was about to withdraw and retreat.

A deadly threat of death surged into his heart, as if being pointed at by thousands of blades, the hairs on his back were blown up, a black shadow was reflected in his pupils when he looked up, holding a short Zanpakutō to aim at it. took him.

"Solution - God Killing Gun!"

A dazzling dazzling knife light that is extremely dazzling, along with the extremely fierce momentum, instantly stretches.

In desperation, Jingle Chunshui didn't care about his image, forcibly twisted his neck and turned his head to one side, avoiding the vital part in a dangerous and dangerous way, but his cheek was cut with a deep blood cut, almost half of his face was cut. All set up.

A handsome uncle's skin has become more terrifying than a Specter.

But Jingle Chunshui felt a trace of happiness in his heart. If he hadn't hid quickly, his head would have been hung on the knife at this moment.

Stepping on Shunbu several times in the sky, and keeping a safe distance from Lodra, finally allowed him to take a breath.

Jinglechun was exhausted and panting, not only because of the aggravation of his injury, but also because his physical strength was rapidly depleting.

It's a miracle that he can still stand now. If he hadn't been idle in the past and learned the basics of Dao from Uzhihua, I'm afraid he would have fainted from the blood loss by now.

Can't drag it any longer...

Jingle Chunshui lost the slightest frivolity in his eyes, and instead became extremely solemn.

If he continued to delay like this with Lord, I was afraid that he would die of his own injuries before he exhausted the other party's spiritual pressure.

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