Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 60 Dragon Rack!

The chaotic clouds are low at dusk, and the snow dance is rushing back to the wind.

Hitsugaya Toshiro raised his sword to the sky, his silver-white broken hair fluttered wildly, and his white feathers squeaked in the gust of wind.

The amazing cold air formed a white airflow around him, and an ice dragon formed by the condensation of water vapor circled and covered his figure!


Thick black clouds covered the sky and the sun was obscured, and lightning and thunder could be seen faintly!

An extremely heavy sense of oppression permeated the sky and the earth, and then a cold air spread, causing the temperature within a radius of hundreds of meters to drop at a speed visible to the naked eye!


Everyone in the vicinity felt depressed at the same time.

This kind of feeling is like being locked in a closed space, and even breathing becomes much more difficult. Every time you need to use all your strength to get a little bit of oxygen!

beep beep~

The helicopter that had been suspended in the sky experienced severe turbulence at this moment, and issued a harsh buzzer alarm.


The soldier driving the helicopter shouted in horror: "The temperature is too low, our propellers will be frozen!"

The military's armed helicopters are closer to the black clouds. At this time, the temperature has already broken the limit, resulting in icing on the steel wings, and they may be at risk of falling at any time!

"Damn it!"

General Ross cursed angrily.

He didn't understand why it was summer one second before, and their helicopter was about to freeze into ice the next second!


The pilot tried to control the bumpy plane and urged loudly: "The temperature is close to minus one hundred degrees, we can't be suspended in the air, we must land quickly!"

Zero Baidu, what is this concept?

The coldest known South Pole, but only 89 degrees, and now the temperature in this street seems to have broken the world record!

In this extremely cold weather, even the exhaled air will be frozen!


General Ross slammed the door with a venting punch and shouted, "What the hell is going on here? Can anyone tell me? Why did the temperature suddenly drop so much?"

"It's... snowing?"

A soldier sitting next to Ross looked at the snowy sky outside and shouted in shock, "General, look, it's snowing outside!"


Ross turned his head to look out the window, his mind went blank and he couldn't say anything!

I saw that in that black cloud, a crystal clear snowflake fell down.

As if winter had arrived earlier, the temperature of the entire street and even the surrounding area was dropping at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Oh... my god..."

Seeing this scene, Coulson stood there as if struck by lightning, unable to believe his eyes.

It's summer!

It's the hottest month in the United States, how could it possibly snow?

Although Coulson couldn't believe his eyes, it was really snowing now!

"Is this... is he doing it?"

Coulson couldn't help but take a step back, his heart was full of shock, and he stammered: "'s summer now!"

"so what?"

'Lord' had a kind of self-confidence and pride on his face, and said: "This is the captain, this is his sworn solution, and he has the power to ignore the weather!"


Coulson swallowed, and had a clearer understanding of the power of Death!


When the circling ice dragon rose and the white cold air dissipated, the figure inside was revealed!

at this time,

Hitsugaya Toushiro's image has changed drastically, and his whole body is covered in armor condensed by ice.

The right arm holding the knife turned into a dragon head holding an ice wheel pill, while the left arm and feet also turned into dragon claws; two huge and crystal clear ice dragon wings spread out from behind, and there was an ice dragon tail. dance behind you.

The most striking thing is that behind Hitsugaya Toshiro's head, there are twelve purple ice flowers suspended in the air.

"Big Red Lotus... Ice Wheel Pill!"

Hitsugaya Toshiro's eyes narrowed slightly, his lips slightly opened, and a white cold air spit out, and said indifferently: "Hasward, are you ready?"

"Is swastika used in a place like this?"

A trace of ridicule flashed in Hasward's eyes, and he pursed his lips and said, "You are still the same as before, a group of cold-blooded killers. As long as they can achieve their goals, they don't care about any sacrifice."

"You talk too much... Hasward."

Hitsugaya Toshiro's eyes turned cold, and the dragon head formed by the condensed ice held the Zanpakutō Bingrenwan in his mouth: "The ice dragon spins its tail!"


A huge ice dragon with a diameter of about 100 meters suddenly burst out of the blade!


Haswald sneered, raised his hand and roared the sinner: "Holy Word: All things are connected!"


Wherever the azure blue spiritual beam passed, no matter whether it was an ice dragon or a building blocking it, it was instantly pierced through!

But this kind of straight-line attack was easily avoided by Hitsugaya Toshiro.

"Absolutely empty!"

I don't know when, Hitsugaya Toshiro took the opportunity to approach him, and then waved the ice wheel pill, slashed forward with a sword, and led the giant dragon to turn around and spin its tail!


The guns and swords intersect, colliding with fierce sparks!

It's just a simple swing of the knife, but the power is far greater than before. Feeling this unusually powerful force, Hasward's complexion changed a little!

"My Zanpakutō...I can't stop it so easily!"

Hitsugaya Toshiro's eyes changed, the strength on the blade suddenly increased several times, and the extremely cold freezing air surged out!

Gently swing the knife once, but under the blessing of Swastika's power, how much more powerful is it?

The blade of the ice wheel pill forcibly broke the sinner, and then with an unstoppable attitude, a deep bloodstain was drawn on Hasward's chest!

Feeling the attack of the deadly cold air, Haswald immediately retreated 100 meters, but he had to be frozen by the surging cold air, which froze most of his body!

Lorde estimated that it was almost done, and that the spiritual pressure was also consumed more seriously, so he winked at Hitsugaya Toshiro, indicating that the scene could be over.

Hitsugaya Toushiro nodded slightly, indicating that he understood, and then shook the wings behind his back, rushing like a shooting star!

"Dragon Rack!!!"

"Large Sacred Arrow!!!"


The moment the large sacred arrow collided with the tip of the knife, the biting chill was compressed to a critical point, and then burst out suddenly, arousing a violent airflow and forming a terrifying shock wave.

The cold air that broke out swept the whole world in the blink of an eye, and it seemed that even time had been suspended at this moment!

next second!

With the whistling wind, violently swept across the sky and the earth, a shrill roar roared in the cold wind, and the boundless energy burst out.

boom! ! !

A dark blue ice sculpture formed after a fountain-like projection froze Hasward's entire being!

Not only him!

On the entire street within 100 meters, whether it is water pipes, iron tools, building ruins, etc...

All substances that exist in form have been frozen into ice sculptures, exuding crystal clear light!

"Hasward... it's over!"

Hitsugaya Toushiro stopped and turned around, looking at Hasward, who had been frozen, and spit out a white chill.


Haswald, who had been frozen, suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a strange smile: "This captain, why don't you look at your feet."

"Under your feet?"

Hitsugaya Toushiro was stunned for a moment, then looked at his feet.

Five silver short swords were inserted into the ground, and they were placed in five directions at the angle of a pentagram, just to surround Hitsugaya Toshiro in the formation!

"Where did the formation come from?"

Hitsugaya Toshiro suddenly had an ominous premonition: "When did you bury it?"

"It's called a shattering formation."

Haswald said in the ice: "I was buried in this place as early as when you first started to solve it, and I didn't expect it to come in handy."

"The formation formed by the high concentration of spirits condensed by the quencher and the things that cut the soul is several times stronger than the condensed flames of the spirits just now."

"Goodbye... the unknown Captain Death."


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