Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 62 The Abominable Little Black House Captivity Tour!

Three days have passed since the battle between Hulk and Hate.

In the age of the Internet, people's memories are always short.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is very good at this kind of thing. They released lace messages of one star after another, and slowly led the attention of ordinary people from the New York war to these entertainment news.

Meanwhile, S.H.I.E.L.D. unleashed its power in an attempt to find the missing Hasward and Abomination.

But unfortunately nothing!

Hasward and Abomination seem to have evaporated from the world, as if they do not exist in this world at all, and there is no information about them at all.

After witnessing the threat of Death and Quincy with his own eyes, Nick Fury used this as a reason to formally propose two major plans, the 'Bitter Winter Project' and the 'Avengers' to the Security Council!

In order to ensure the safety and future of mankind, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the United States need 'Avengers'!

When it is impossible to protect the earth and human beings, the Avengers will be the last trump card of human beings!

And the premise of executing the 'Avengers Plan' is the need for a qualified leader!

A spiritual leader who has enough charisma and upholds an honest heart and will never give in!

Captain America Steve Rogers, captain of the Roaring Commando during World War II, who foiled the conspiracy plans of the Axis powers and smashed the evil Hydra organization, is the spiritual symbol of all American people.

Nick Fury believes that no one is more suitable to be the leader of the 'Avengers' than Steve!

The high-ranking members of the Security Council naturally would not sit by and watch a huge threat like Death appear around them, so they decisively approved the implementation of the plan and allocated a large amount of funds as support.

What do ordinary people do when they have money?

Consumption! Consumption! Consumption!

Fury is no exception, but the way he consumes is slightly different from others, and he likes to build secret bases!

Just as a man can never read a woman's heart, no one in this world knows how much Nick Fury's secret base is!

Nick Fury called Hill, with a big smile on his face, and said, "Hill, go buy me a few more boxes of coffee cups."

"I see, Chief."

Hill nodded, showing a knowing smile.

In Nick Fury's view, this is not considered corruption, it is just a rational use of funds!

He knows better where the money should be spent than any stupid fellow in the Security Council.


Pure Spirit Pavilion.

Lord took Yinmeng's hand and came to the underground space together.

In the empty underground space, Hasward was standing on the edge of the abyss of despair. After seeing Lord and Yinmeng coming, he bowed his head respectfully and said, "Lord Lord, Miss Yinmeng, why are you here?"

After finishing his role as Xiaobai, 'Soul Transformation' returned to its true form - Hasward!

From now on, he will no longer be anyone, but a shadow of Lorde alone!

Lord waved his hand and smiled gently: "No need to salute, I'll see how his progress is."

Unexpectedly, Haswald suddenly knelt down on one knee with a trace of shame on his face, and said, "I'm sorry for betraying Lord Lord's trust. The process of hatred transformation was not very smooth."

At that time, Lord's choice to take the hatred away was actually a whim!

Since the Abyss of Despair can cultivate the 'whole' spirit into a virtual, does that mean that he can cultivate those villains into a more advanced 'virtual'?


A monster with a mixture of Hulk serum and Super Soldier serum injected with a powerful body that feeds on hatred and anger, there is simply no more suitable material than it!

As for why not choose Hulk?

Because Lord is not sure, that is the Hulk in the comics plot,

Or the Hulk in the movie universe!

If it's the Hulk in the movie plot, it's okay to say, but if it's the Hulk in a comic plot, I'm afraid it will be a Vastord-level phantom! may even become more terrifying, the Hulk will become a 'transcendence'!

The picture is too beautiful to imagine.

So just to be on the safe side, it's better to hate it.

"The reason?"

Lord was not surprised by this, because he had long expected that it would not be so simple to transform mutant creatures into virtual ones!

"Subordinate...I don't know."

Hasward lowered his head in shame, and said, "It only takes three days for ordinary souls to fall into the abyss of despair, but hatred has been in for three days, and there is still no sign of fall."

"No signs of depravity?"

Lord suddenly became curious about the hatred, "Hasward, take me to see it."


Haswald walked to the Abyss of Despair, opened the defensive barrier arranged in the sky, and said, "Lord Lord, Miss Yinmeng, the barrier has been opened, you can come in."

In order to prevent the abomination and depravity from suddenly rushing out of the ground, Haswald set up a defensive barrier on the top of the Abyss of Despair, and a large Holy Spirit Bow was erected above, ready to launch the holy arrow at any time. .

"Let's go, Yinmeng, follow me to see."

Lord smiled and took Yinmeng's little hand and jumped down from the abyss of despair.


The three came to the bottom of the abyss of despair.


Hasward snapped his fingers and ignited the Reiki flame, illuminating the dark surroundings.

The blue light occupied the bottom of the cave, reflecting the terrifying body of hatred.

I saw several arm-thick spiritual chains extending from the surrounding walls, and then tied the hatred into a large shape and hung it in the air.

In addition, Lorde also saw the hands and abdomen of the abomination, which were all nailed to the wall by the pointed beam of the Binding Dao's mouth, and directly below the abomination, a special spirit arranged by the Quincy. Sub-array, the role is also binding.

good guy!

This tied Lord almost doesn't know or hate it. If someone who doesn't know comes over, it is estimated that he is playing a small black house prison!

Lord looked at his face and said speechlessly: "Hasward... Who asked you to tie it up like this?"

Husward ignored Yinmeng, who was waving desperately, and said lightly, "It's Miss Yinmeng's suggestion, she thinks it can avoid hatred and escape."

"Sound... dream?"

Seeing the unnatural expression on Yinmeng's face, Lord didn't know where to complain for a while.

Yinmeng also seemed to know that she had done something wrong. She looked at Lorde aggrievedly, and explained weakly: "I... I'm just afraid that he will run away."

This is not what I want to ask!

Lorde wanted to know where Yinmeng learned this binding method.

"Kill...kill me..."

I don't know when the hatred woke up, and shouted at them weakly: "Kill me... please..."

Lord covered his forehead and said weakly, "Hasward, what did you do to him?"

Husward pushed the lens with one hand and said expressionlessly: "Lord Lord, I just want to degenerate him."

"So, what did you do?"

"Miss Yinmeng told me that pain makes people resentful, so I give him pain every day."


"Shoot him with the holy arrow."


Lorde looked at Abomination's unlovable look, and the holes all over his body. Now he can understand why Abomination has not fallen!

It's about to be labeled as PTSD, isn't it?

Abomination: ╥﹏╥...

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