Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 65 A mysterious gun head!

"Forget it...let's go back."

Lord rubbed his hair, looking a little tired.

This is because after using instant coaxing, it will cause tearing of muscle tissue and mental fatigue after a large amount of spiritual pressure is consumed.

Dang bang~

But just when he was about to leave, he found a long metal object that fell from the body of the virtual explosion, and made a crisp sound when it fell to the ground.

"What is this?"

Lord suddenly became curious, and it stands to reason that after Xu was beheaded, nothing would be left behind.

But this dummy actually 'exploded equipment', which is unheard of!

Walking closer, Lord picked up the long object from the ground.

This is a standard European style gun tip, cast from brass, wrapped in a tough cowhide holster with gold wire wrapped around the cowhide to prevent the tip from falling off.

"Gun head?"

Lorde's brows were locked, and he couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

Why is there a gun head bursting out of the virtual body, and the TM is wearing a sleeve!

Although I don't understand the reason for the time being, my intuition tells Lord that the origin of this spear head is not simple, and it is likely to have a great relationship with the virtual.

After pulling out the leather holster wrapped on the outside, the whole picture of the gun head was also presented in front of Lord's eyes.

This is a brass-colored gun head. Judging from the subtle scratches and quaint texture on it, it should be regarded as a long-standing cultural relic.

The spear head is flat and slender as a whole, the middle part is hollowed out, and the surface is engraved with complicated patterns, and the shape is more inclined to the tip of the spear.

Looking closer, Lorde can still vaguely see that there is still a trace of dark red blood that has dried up and solidified on the sharper parts at both ends of the gun blade!

Lord stared at the tip of the gun, his eyes suddenly became blurred, and in a tone that was almost hypnotized, he said in a low and hoarse voice: "Los Angeles...I'm going to Los Angeles..."


Zanpakuto, born with the Shinigami, realized that Lord's situation was not right, Zanpakuto suddenly let out a soft moan!

With the spiritual power of Zanpakutō rushing into his mind, Lord's sanity suddenly came to his senses!

"This shit... has a problem!"

Lord bit his lip to concentrate, forcing himself to stay awake.

"Los Angeles....."

"Bring it... to LA..."

"I will give you eternal life..."

A phantom, evil whisper full of temptation, constantly echoing in Lorde's mind!

The voice seemed to be telling him that his mission was to send this gun head to Los Angeles!

Over and over, over and over again...

This kind of feeling is like listening to tens of thousands of monks reciting sutras in a temple, which made Lord feel a splitting headache, and threw the weird gun head out with a flick of his hand.


The gun head rubbed on the ground and spun and slipped out more than ten meters away.

At the same time, that voice disappeared from Lord's mind!


Lorde breathed a sigh of relief, the pain on his face also subsided, and wiped the sweat from his forehead: "What a dangerous thing, I almost got caught!"

If it wasn't for Zanpakutō's reminder just now, it would be difficult for him to break free from that weird state!

"It's really weird!"

Lord's eyes gradually became solemn, and he stared at the gun head lying on the ground: "Where is the ghost that can affect the soul of the god of death?"

You must know that he is now a fourth-class officer-level death god, but he was still unable to escape the situation under control just now. The horror of this gun can be imagined!

Lorde's brows furrowed,

Silently thinking about what to do with the gun.

Leaving it alone is definitely not going to work.

The key question is, how can he take this gun away?

As a result of direct contact, he had already experienced it once. He didn't want to experience the feeling of reciting scriptures in the brain again, so he decisively gave up.

Then the only way left is to seal it!

Use the ghost way of high-level incantation to seal this gun, and then put it in the cowhide holster just now and take it away!

Theory exists, practice begins!


Before Lord could seal the gun with Ghost Way, he saw a stray cat get out from the side, and then rushed towards the gun at a rapid speed.

Lorde's face changed slightly. He thought of all the results, even the failure of the seal, but he did not expect that such a scene might happen!

I saw that after the stray cat picked up the gun, his eyes suddenly became red as blood, and his back arched a huge arc, and a shrill scream came from his mouth!


In the shrill cat meowing, Lorde watched the stray cat's soul with his own eyes, and was forcibly ejected from his body!

Next up!

An eye-opening thing happened to Lorde!

The soul of the stray cat suddenly exploded, and then at a speed visible to the naked eye, it quickly reorganized under the action of the cage spirit, and turned into a beast with an image similar to a liger.

Moreover, a black hole was broken open in its chest, and a white sticky substance appeared out of thin air, forming a bony mask on its face!

And that gun, taking advantage of the process of the soul degenerating into a void, was buried in its body!

The whole process from degeneration to reorganization was extremely fast, so fast that before he could react, a complete void was born in front of him!

"I'm... Fake?"

Lorde's eyes twitched fiercely, and he cursed subconsciously.

What is this TM?

A phantom created by a strange spear head, and the speed of degeneration is so fast!

This speed is much more efficient than his 'Abyss of Despair'!


This virtual cat transformed from a cat, when he saw Lorde, a trace of humanized fear flashed in his scarlet eyes!

Obviously, it inherited the memory of the previous host and knew that it was not Lorde's opponent.


Xu turned around and ran without any intention of stopping!

"Interesting, so funny."

Lord showed a playful smile: "The moment he saw me, he chose to run away immediately. Did he have wisdom himself, or was he controlled by that gun?"

No matter what the conclusion is, he doesn't intend to let go of that gun, a tool that can quickly create an illusion, and he has to get it no matter what!


Lorde chased after him, holding the convict in his left hand, aiming at the phantom, and then pulled the trigger!


The sacred annihilation arrow formed by the condensed spirits burst out of the air, but after hitting the virtual right leg, it only left a shallow mark and was not able to penetrate it.

"Is it steel again?"

Seeing this, Lorde's heart seemed a little enlightened.

It seems that the Zanpakutō and Sacred Swordsman that can defend against him before is not because it has the steel skin of [Destruction Grade], but because of the mysterious spearhead buried in its body!

That gun head seems to give the bearer, indestructible skin, and pure and powerful physical power!


Taking advantage of Lord's stunned effort, the virtual scurried out hundreds of meters away, and suddenly pulled away from him!

That virtual seems to have undergone some kind of strengthening. With Lord's current LV.4 Shunpo, it seems that it is impossible to catch up with it.

boo boo~

After several consecutive jumps, the one disappeared into the night.

Seeing this, Lorde could only stop, looked at the place where the phantom disappeared, and chuckled: "It's getting more and more interesting."

Los Angeles?

It seems necessary to go for a walk!

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