Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 70 The Supreme Mage adds 0 columns!

Time... stopped flowing at this very moment!

Everyone in the bar was suspended for the last second!

Although this corpse was unable to move due to the influence of this power, Lord could clearly feel that his mind and soul were not affected.

As long as he wants, he can become a god of death at any time!

However, Lord didn't do this. He planned to wait and see the changes and find the source of this power!

And the first object of his suspicion was, of course, Constantine!

That sentence was read out of this guy's mouth, so he seriously suspected that it was this bastard's trick.


When Lord observed Constantine, he saw that the guy's eyes were wide open and his expression full of horror. Obviously he didn't know this would happen in advance!

"Is it really not what he did?"

Lord couldn't help but wonder, seeing Constantine's innocent appearance, it really didn't look like he knew it in advance.

Noticing Lorde's scrutiny, Constantine immediately showed a wronged expression, struggling to squeeze three words from between his teeth: "No... yes... I …”

You are alright!

Lorde was speechless, and his image of Constantine was refreshed again.

The entire bar was affected by the pause of time and space, and those hybrid angels and demons could not escape, but Konstantin, a mortal, was able to stay awake in this situation and even explain to him!

No wonder he can test wildly on the edge of heaven and hell, this means of life-saving is also no one!


Pieces of white holy feathers fell from the ceiling, and with the soft milky white light blooming, a noble figure slowly fell.

As the pure white and holy wings slowly unfolded, revealing the woman wrapped inside, Lorde's eyelids suddenly picked up fiercely, and a mouthful of blood stuck in his throat, almost choking himself!

Is this TM sure that it is not the ancient one?


Lord frantically complained in his heart: "What's the matter, I can change my face and come back again. It's easy for me to act like you!"

The angel who suddenly descended in front of him had the exact same appearance as Gu Yi.

The only difference between the two is that Gu Yi has a bald head, while this one has curly blond hair!

By the way.

The person who plays the villain Archangel Gabriel in "Hell's Angels" and the person who plays the Supreme Mage Gu Yi are the same person!


Constantine's mouth widened, and he looked incredulous: "How could you come to such a place?"

His current level of shock is definitely no smaller than that of Lord!

You must know that the Archangel Gabriel was instructed to guard the world, responsible for monitoring angels and demons, and would not take the initiative to come to him on weekdays, let alone come to this "dirty" place full of mixed blood!

"John Constantine."

Gabriel's golden eyes were not mixed with any emotion, and he said indifferently: "Did you recite the [Proverbs of God]?"

Proverbs of God?

Lorde's eyes met Constantine's, and both saw a hint of shock in the other's eyes.

Being able to let the archangel Gabriel come down in person, and even set foot in the filthy place where the mixed blood is located, is obviously very important for the 'Proverbs of God' in her mouth!

Although I don't understand the meaning of it for the time being, my intuition as a fraudster tells Constantine that he had better not tell the truth, otherwise he will surely die ugly!

Constantine trusted his intuition, so he denied it: "Sorry, I don't know what the Word of God is, and I have never recited it."


Gabriel looked indifferent,

Staring at him, he said, "John, you should know that I have the 'Omniscient Eye', right?"

"Know... know!"

Hearing this sentence, Constantine's face froze suddenly, and then his eyes unconsciously turned to Lord, as if asking him what to do.

The all-seeing eye!

Also known as the Eye of God and the All-Seeing Eye, it represents the eye of God who monitors human beings!

Gabriel can see everything that is happening in any corner of the world, and there are no secrets to hide from her eyes!

But there is a premise, or a 'loophole'!

The Omniscient Eye can only see what happens 'now', not what happens 'past' or 'future'!

According to this logic, unless Gabriel is an idiot who is constantly monitoring Constantine 24 hours a day, there is a high probability that she herself will not know what happened just now!

And when Gabriel came, he asked Constantine if he had recited the proverbs of God, which can prove this from the side!

If Gabriel's all-seeing eye really 'sees' it, and Constantine recites the Word of God, why bother?

So based on this, it is not difficult to speculate.

In fact, Gabriel didn't know if Constantine had read it, but just picked out the one who she thought was the most likely from among the people who had been suspended by time!

Secondly, Lord also noticed something!

Gabriel's eyes were always on Constantine, not the leather holster on the table!

The "Proverbs of God" that he was looking for was very close at hand, but Gabriel just didn't find it. It does not rule out the possibility that this mysterious holster can avoid the All-Seeing Eye!

In summary.

Lord had reason to guess that Gabriel was deliberately defrauding Constantine!

And even if you guess wrong, it doesn't matter, anyway, the unfortunate one is Constantine, and what does it have to do with him, an "ordinary person" who was suspended by time?

Lord secretly gave Constantine a look, indicating that he should not panic, just dare to lie to her.

Constantine was skeptical.

But the next second, he saw Lorde's cold eyes, as if he was saying to him: If you dare to tell the truth, you will be killed!

Under Lorde's 'nuclear' eyes, after a brief hesitation for tenths of a second, Constantine resolutely chose to obey.

Deceiving Gabriel won't kill him even if he is discovered, but if he dares to tell the truth, he has no doubt that this man will do what he says!

The lesser of two evils, everyone understands this simple truth!

"I'm so sorry, Gabriel."

Constantine said with a look of regret: "I have never seen the proverbs of God, let alone recite them."

Gabriel didn't say a word, and looked at Constantine with golden eyes.

That naked feeling is very bad, as if he has been stripped naked, examining his heart from the inside out!

But who is Constantine?

The ability to deceive gods and ghosts can be called the pinnacle, and under Gabriel's inspection, he looks like he has a clear conscience.

One second..ten minute...

Finally, Gabriel withdrew his gaze a little unwillingly, and could only say, "I hope you didn't lie to me, John."

"Of course, Gabriel."

Constantine showed a smile: "I know the character of Constantine, whether it is heaven or hell."

Seeing this, Lorde couldn't help but express a little admiration for this scum!

Even Gabriel can deceive, as expected of you, 'Zag Kang', your ability to deceive people is even stronger than that of the Big Blue King!


Gabriel snorted coldly, obviously she knew the character of this scum very well, "There seems to be a movement in hell recently, you remember to pay attention."

After leaving a sentence, Gabriel turned and shook his wings, turning into a milky white light that penetrated the ceiling, and then disappeared into the darkness.

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