Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 634 The star returns to its original position, riots in the nine realms (4)

"Good evening, gentlemen and ladies."

"I'm Halson Connors from The New York Times, reporting on the latest news from NASA!"

"According to the calculations of the famous astronomer Professor Fisher Canast, the nine planetary wonders that appear once every six thousand years will appear at 8:30 the day after tomorrow. At that time, everyone will enjoy this rare astronomical event. .”

"The nine planets will be at an angle of 14.8 degrees, arranged in a straight line."

"This is the greatest astronomical epic since humans officially explored the universe. I think no one will miss it, right?"

"The New York Times will be live streaming the entire event so you won't miss it, even if you're indoors."

"This is the report from the on-site reporter, Halson Connors."



After reading the news with a gloomy look, Fury raised his hand angrily and smashed the coffee cup: "Didn't I tell those idiots at NASA to try their best to publish fake times to keep everyone from going out?"

"NASA responded and said there was nothing they could do."

Hill turned a blind eye to the shards of ceramic cups scattered on the floor, and continued: "Several major media outlets, together with the consortium behind them, jointly put pressure on the U.S. Congress to release the concealed information, saying that the people have the right to know the truth. "

"S·H·I·T, stop fucking farting for me!"

Fury gritted his teeth with hatred, his anger couldn't stop rising from his chest, and his eyes were filled with terrifying bloodshot eyes: "Don't think that I don't know the plans of these bastards, don't they just want to make big news to earn traffic? "

"Director, it's useless no matter how angry you are."

Hill sighed softly, filled the new coffee cup and handed it over, comforting: "Those people don't care about the life and death of civilians, they only care about how much Franklin they have in their pockets."

Although it is indeed good to understand Fury's idea, it can avoid causing large-scale civilian casualties.

But unfortunately, he overlooked one thing. In the eyes of those capitalists, if too many civilians die, they may be used as a reason to attack political opponents.

"It's come to this moment, and these guys are still..."

Fury suddenly felt a little exhausted, leaning back on his chair with a disappointed look on his face: "Obviously it was not like this a few decades ago. At that time... the country I protected was still a country that truly respected freedom. Why? It only takes a few decades for it to degenerate into this.”

"Perhaps...there are fewer opponents."

Hill's eyes were a little sad, and he sighed: "Since the split of that red country, our country has completely changed."

"These bastards..."

Fury's teeth were itching with anger, and his face became darker and more gloomy: "Sooner or later, I will find an opportunity to hang these bastards who only know Franklin on the street lights of the boulevard!"

"Director, what should we do now?"

Hill pursed his lips and smiled, but immediately realized that he had lost his temper and said seriously: "Currently, the people cannot evacuate. Do we need to inform the military to prepare for war in advance?"

"I have informed General Ross."

Fury crossed his hands against his chin, with an icy glint in his single eye: "At the same time, members of the Security Council issued orders. Arms across Europe are ready, but the main force of the attack is still the Avengers."

"But our numbers..."

Hill couldn't help but feel a little worried. No matter how powerful the Avengers were, there were only seven of them.

Even including the two temporary members, there are only nine people in total. Even if one person is responsible for guarding a country, it is impossible to guard an area as large as the entire Europe!

"I know, but there's nothing I can do."

There was a hint of bitterness on Fury's face, and he said tiredly: "We have one last resort, we just hope it won't be used."

"You mean?!"

Hill's pupils shrank slightly and his heart almost stopped.

As an eighth-level agent, she basically has a little knowledge of the confidential information within SHIELD.

The "last resort" mentioned by Fury reminded her of a terrifying plan that no one wanted to mention and was permanently sealed somewhere, a horrifying failed plan.

"'s the Typhon Plan."

Fury's eyes flashed with extreme uneasiness and fear, and his tone suddenly became low and hoarse: "If the war goes to the end, and even the Avengers can't resist the invaders, the only thing we can rely on... .something."


Hilton suddenly gasped, this was indeed the plan!

The name Typhon comes from Greek mythology.

The youngest son of the Earth Mother Goddess Gaia and Tartarus, is known as the ultimate terrifying demon and the ancestor of all terrifying evil beasts. From this, we can imagine that the plan named after this name has deep implications. What is the meaning of.

The 'Typhon Project' is the highest level of confidentiality within SHIELD. It stands to reason that only Fury knows the details. However, during a certain special operations mission, she accidentally came into contact with the outermost operations of the plan.

As a result of that operation, one hundred and seventy-nine combat members were killed.

Hundreds of kilometers in a radius were completely turned into scorched earth. White phosphorus bombs, incendiary bombs, air burst bombs...all the familiar and known cutting-edge weapons, except the atomic bomb, were all used in turn.

Hill had no access to the core of the plan and didn't even know why that area was bombed.

But the only thing she knew was that Fury's temperament changed dramatically after he came back, and he ordered that the details about the "Typhon Project" be completely blocked, and that no one except him could trace the storage location of the experimental plan in any form.

Although Nick Fury, as director, has countless secret experiments to commit suicide.

Logically speaking, he should have gotten used to it, but that was the only time Fury showed fear and regret about his experimental plan.

"But the director..."

Hill said with fear: "Didn't you say that this plan cannot be restarted under any circumstances?"

"Hmph, I said this."

There was a hint of madness in Fury's eyes, like a gambler losing at the gambling table. He said hoarsely: "But the premise is... there is still a possibility for human civilization to survive. If mankind is about to be destroyed, , then let the whole earth be buried with it!"

The Typhon Plan has such a terrifying effect.

Once human civilization is about to reach the brink of destruction, he will serve as the last line of defense for mankind, dragging the entire earth and the invaders with him.


Even though his mind was as hard as iron, Hill was frightened by the fierceness and determination exuded by the one-eyed man in front of him. His pretty face turned pale and he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"Hill, this is reality."

Fury slowly stood up from the chair, came to the glass window and looked out at the sea of ​​clouds, and said in a calm voice: "The reason why humans can stand at the apex of all living things, even better than those alien races, do you know what it is? ?"

"Is it...wisdom?"

Hill himself was a little unsure, and after speaking, he denied it: "No, no, it should be perseverance?"

"What you said is just superficial."

Fury said in the calmest tone: "In my opinion, there is only one reason why humans are better than other races."

Hill swallowed nervously, waiting for the next words.

"You don't understand... Hill..."

Fury grinned from his lips to his ears, and turned around to reveal his white teeth: "Human beings' bottomless, never-ending malice is the real root cause that makes human beings superior to all living things."

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