Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 642: Decay, Skeleton Emperor

"The great son of Odin, Thor Odinson!"

"Roaring to the sky, spears clanging, shields ringing and thundering, arrows raining, the battle is about to begin!"

"Use the sharp sword that tears the wound, and stab the enemy who is overestimating his own strength!"

"The dirty dark elves will surely stain my king's sword-holding hands with blood!"

"He is brave and fearless, and he cuts off the enemy's head neatly."

"It is the rumbling Thor's hammer that will lead our warriors to victory!"

"O blood-stained raven, follow the charge of the berserkers and witness our supreme glory!"

The bold Asgardian warriors sang the ancient raven song.

Under the watchful eye of the great god Odin, they will ride on a huge warship made of oak and sail to the tragic battlefield of blood and fire.

And the only destination they beg for is the Hall of Valor where warriors can go.

Looking from afar, tens of thousands of troops marched in order, making deafening sounds like thunder in the sky. The blazing fighting spirit surged into the sky, and large flags roared in the howling wind. From near to far, it disappeared into the mountains of Asgard.

The half-black, half-gold flag fluttered in the wind, emblazoned with the totems of a goat and a raven.

The raven is a symbol of Odin and the goat is a symbol of Thor.

When Asgard's god kings and princes went out to fight, they would engrave their totems on the flags. Now, although Odin has returned to the Hall of Valor, Thor is still very stubborn and painted the totems that symbolize his father. on the flag.

At this moment, he was both a god king and a prince.

He shoulders not only the blood feud, but also the hatred of washing away the shame of being invaded by the dark elves.

In front of the tunnel in the mountains, Thor suddenly stopped and paused, then looked back at Asgard.

This glance was filled with many thoughts.

He seemed to want to imprint every scene and thing in Asgard deep in his heart.

It was about thousands of kilometers away from the Immortal Palace in a straight line. Although the man's figure could not be seen clearly, Thor had a special feeling, as if his eyes collided with that man's eyes from a distance.


Sol seemed to be talking to himself, but he also seemed to be entrusting someone with instructions.

And the Immortal Palace, thousands of kilometers away, was in the same position where Odin watched him leave.

Lord looked at Thor's position and said calmly and indifferently: "Since I promised Odin, I will definitely protect Asgard."

After a while.

Thor seemed to hear the reply, so he turned back resolutely and entered the space tunnel in the mountains.

Asgard's tens of thousands of elite troops, without any hesitation or fear on their faces, followed their king into the space tunnel.

Asgard now has no protective power.

This time, in order to completely defeat the dark elves and destroy Malekith's conspiracy plan, Thor dispatched almost all the troops. As long as the adult males who could still move basically joined the battle in the dark world of Wat Alheim.

Even when Odin conquered the Nine Realms, he had never used such a huge army.

The local power has reached a state of prehistoric emptiness. If Lord were not guarding here, an army of a hundred people could easily sweep across Asgard.

"I really don't know whether I should praise him for being honest and honest, or whether I should say that this guy has a weak brain." Lord looked at the Asgard army that had all left, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

As the king of a country, Thor actually left the country to others and went out to fight with his own army.

Basically, anyone with a little bit of brains and political thinking would never do such a shocking thing, but Sol was just right and entrusted the entire country to a man who had never known him before. Masked man.

And the reason why he did this was just because Odin was willing to believe this man.

The word trust is simple to say, but when put into practice, it undoubtedly stumps countless people.

Whether it is the party who gives the trust or the party who is entrusted with the trust, they are all worthy of respect.

Compared to the wily Odin, Lord obviously still prefers Thor. Although this guy always acts recklessly and rudely, from a friend's perspective, there is no doubt that he is the kind of person worth trusting.

The simplest question, would you rather be friends with Thor or SHIELD?

The answer is obvious, it must be Saul.

At least Thor won't betray his friends for profit, but SHIELD may backhand you and sell you that day, and then he will have to trick you into counting the money for him.

So Lord is willing to help Thor, in addition to the benefits given by Odin, to a large extent because of his temperament.

"Isn't ten tons a bit too little..."

Lord took out his hand from his spacious sleeve robe, and then sneered: "If I had known better, I should have asked Thor for more Uru metal, otherwise I would be sorry for your worth. Am I right? Mr. Supreme Mage .”

"Mr. Lord, you..."

When they heard Lord's words, the beautiful faces of the two palace maids next to them were filled with shock.

Then his eyes turned slightly, casting into the shadows in a corner of the palace.

The dark shadow, which was originally without any abnormality, suddenly began to squirm like some kind of living thing the moment his voice fell, exuding a permeating cold aura, and a pair of scarlet blood-like eyes with violent eyes, faint and indifferent. looked at him.

The two palace maids were frightened, and they froze in place without daring to move.

Although those eyes were not staring at them, the coldness and trembling that invaded the bone marrow aroused the most primitive fear in the heart.

"This shadow looks a bit familiar."

Lord tilted his head and grinned: "If I remember correctly, we met more than a hundred years ago?"

The shadow did not answer his question, and continued to extend slowly like a living thing.

The invisible things hidden in the shadows kept making chewing sounds similar to clicking clicks. The surrounding space showed jagged edges. The ground and everything touched by the shadows were being chewed and disappeared inexplicably.

"Mr. Lord, please leave here immediately!"

The two palace maids shouted loudly and asked the distinguished guest to leave.

With their status in the Immortal Palace, they are not qualified to know about Lord.

The two weak palace ladies were in fear, even the hands holding the swords were trembling, their teeth were chattering, and their eyes were shaking violently. Even though they wanted to turn around and run away immediately, they still faithfully practiced the law. They were entrusted to protect the distinguished guests. responsibilities.

"Well, thank you for protecting me."

Lord chuckled and took a step forward, blocking the two palace maids behind him, and said calmly: "This is the second time we have met. Are you planning to hide in the shadows all the time?"

Click, click, click...

The speed of the shadow's spread suddenly accelerated, covering most of the room in the blink of an eye.

The penetrating cold aura swept across like a rising tide, and the space showed signs of destruction after being eaten away in large areas, and the invisible thing in the shadow screamed sharply, swallowing the light like a huge black curtain, and moved towards Lord Come from where you are.

"There is a saying, I wonder if you have heard it?"

Lord looked at the dark shadow approaching, but instead of panicking at all, he showed a joking smile: "The same move can only be used once against a Saint. Although I am not a Saint, it is almost the same. "

I saw him taking a step forward with a smile, surrounded by a faint black mist.

The color of the light mist cannot be described in words. The rich and extremely black color is full of ominousness and deathly silence. It seems to be the opposite of everything in the world, the end of life and time, and the irresistible supreme law of the universe.


There was no huge movement, not even the slightest change.

The shadow hiding the invisible thing disappeared instantly like the melting snow in spring the moment it touched the black mist. It was not swallowed up or subsided, but returned to death forever in one breath.

The earth is decaying and the void is dissolving.

All tangible and intangible things calmly returned to death wherever the black mist passed.

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