Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 79 Bald, see bald again!

After thinking about it, Lord felt that it was useless to stay here, so let's go down and have a look.

Now that he has promised to take this woman's soul back, he will definitely not break his promise.

And the reason for this is not for this woman, but for Constantine!

In layman's terms, he took a fancy to Constantine.

"Good ~ you wait for me upstairs."

Lord squatted down and reached out to stroke the black cat, then instructed: "Don't run around anywhere, just wait for me here."


The black cat was very human, as if he really understood it, and turned back and licked Lorde's palm lightly.

Then, Lord came to the edge of the cliff and looked down.

From the position where he was standing, vertically downward to the disc stone carving, the distance between them was about 150 meters!

The wind speed....very high.

Humidity... barely.

Lord closed his eyes, raised his chest, stretched his arms freely, and jumped forward with his toes lightly tapped!

Leap of Faith!


At a vertical distance of several hundred meters, the wind and sand whistled in his ears, and Lorde was like a black meteor, falling on the disc stone carving!

As soon as he landed and came into close contact with the disc stone carving, Lord suddenly had a special feeling in his heart, as if someone was calling him!

But this special feeling disappeared in an instant, and it was so close that Lord thought maybe it was just an illusion.

After Lord got up, he observed the ancient disc stone carving.

The radius of the disc stone carving is about 100 meters, and there are six raised stone pillars in the center area of ​​the stone carving, which bound and surrounded Angela there.

Considering that this is hell, Lord did not dare to be careless for the sake of safety.

First, he placed a barrier formed by several layers of spiritual pressure within one meter near himself, and then injected the spiritual child into the blood vessels, keeping it in the state of static blood at all times.

"Let me see what is the reason why those evil ghosts dare not enter here." After making complete preparations, Lord strode towards it.

As he gradually approached the central stone platform, an invisible sense of threat came, as if he was being peeped by some evil gaze, making Lord feel uncomfortable!

"I knew it wasn't that easy!"

Lorde looked around vigilantly, and the range of Reiatsu's perception spread to the maximum, not even letting go of the surrounding bricks and stones!

Don't say it!

Under this carpet-like perception of spiritual pressure, he really found a 'shadow'!

The shadow was hidden behind Angela, invisible and intangible, like a ghost, and could not be distinguished with the naked eye.

If it weren't for the weak spiritual power it exudes, Lord's spiritual pressure sensed a slight fluctuation, I am afraid that standing in front of him would not be able to find it!

"Shoot him, magic gun!"

Adhering to the principle that the first action is stronger, and the second action suffers, Lorde did not say a word, and immediately began to solve the magic gun when they met!


The blade of the magic spear suddenly stretched out, piercing the 100-meter void in the blink of an eye, and shot at the opponent with a sharp edge!

When the magic spear was about to hit the shadow, the blade was blocked by an invisible force and stopped in front of the shadow!

"Come out, don't hide."

There was a flash of solemnity in the depths of Lorde's eyes, so easily able to block the spear, this person's strength must not be under him!


The space is like a stone falling into the water, and suddenly there are layers of ripples. After the ripples spread, the true body of the shadow gradually appeared in front of Lord.


Just one glance, Lorde couldn't help frowning.

Although the appearance of the devil is very casual, except for Lucifer, it is not very good; but only the appearance of this guy,

It is really a bit ugly to break through the limits of human aesthetics!

One look at a child, the kind that may not be able to sleep at night!

From the outside, He looks like a human being who has been skinned alive, and his body is smooth and clean, without a single hair.

The limbs are long and slender, the skin is a strange rotten gray, the muscles are atrophied and shriveled, and the malnutrition is alive and well!

Moreover, this guy's facial features are random, which also makes Lord unable to complain.

The two eye sockets are deeply sunken, and it looks like someone has been hammered. The cheekbones on both sides of the cheeks are protruding, the nostrils are turned up, the teeth are sharp and the mouth is sharp, terrifying.

It's as if each of the five senses have their own thoughts, and since no one in hell is watching anyway, I just want to grow up.

"What a strange power..."

That ugly... monster, stretched out a finger and pointed on the tip of the sharp spear, with a puzzled expression on his face: "This feeling is somewhat similar to Mephisto, but it is not Exactly the same, human...get your name."

Lord retracted the spear, with a trace of solemnity hidden in his eyes, and then said lightly: "Before asking others' names, do you have to report your own name?"

Hearing this, the monster's eyes showed a sneering light, and sneered: "You don't know me?"

Lord tilted his head to think for a moment, then asked back, "Do I need to know you?"

"Ha ha ha ha......"

The monster seemed to have heard some big joke, and laughed loudly: "You came to my hell and asked who I am?"

his hell?

Hearing this sentence, Lorde was slightly shocked and said, "You are... one of the seven great devils?"

"I am the Demon King who symbolizes the sin of greed - Mammon!"

The monster grinned, then walked towards him and said, "Human, your power is very interesting, give me your body."

[Urgent Mission: Battle of Hell (1/3)

Mission details: Demon King Mammon is very interested in your death power. If you don't want to be possessed by him, it is recommended to defeat his clone here!

Completion Condition: Kill the Mammon clone (0/1)

Mission reward: unified settlement after all completed]


Lord took a deep breath and then let it out slowly. He didn't want to talk now, he just wanted to be alone.

Bald, bald again!

As we all know, in the multiverse, the bald head is a symbol of the strong!

Yamamoto Yuan Liuzai has a bald head, and a knife can evaporate the soul world.

Saitama has a bald head, and can comb the earth with one punch!

The Turtle Immortal is bald, and the qigong wave shatters the moon!

Frieza is a bald, evil cosmic emperor!

Thanos is bald, a man who snapped his fingers and killed half the universe.

Master Gu Yi is also bald, and can easily hang the Dimension Demon God.

The sin of greed, Mammon... is also bald!

Lorde couldn't help but have a hint of doubt. Could it be that the hair of these powerhouses is used to seal combat power?

This brings up a very serious issue.

Appearance is more important, or strength is more important?

Beauty is what I want, and strength is what I want; you can't have both, and you can give up appearance and get strength!

"I'll shave my head back!"

Lorde scolded inwardly, Zanpakutō was replaced by Hingrenwan!

With the spiritual power of his current fifth-ranking officer, the forced solution is estimated to last for less than ten minutes!

But the other party is Mamen, one of the seven demon kings of hell. Is ten minutes really enough?

But now, he can't bear to think about it anymore!

The surging spiritual pressure rose up like a substance, and the thick cloud covered the originally dim yellow sky!

"Swallow solution - Dahonglian Binglunwan!"

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