Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 82 Handsome is popular!


The Pillar of Optimus, which was formed by countless ice flowers, suddenly dissolved under the burning jet-black flame. With a pungent sulphur smell rising, a huge and terrifying figure slowly emerged.

On the top of his head grows the curved horns of the devil, behind him are a pair of black bat wings, his legs are anti-joint below the knees, and his feet are a pair of flaming hooves.

Sheep hooves, goat horns, bat wings!

Needless to say, this is the standard demon image!

When this demon appeared, the entire time and space of hell seemed to freeze!

Although the real name of the devil is unknown, the world calls him - Mammon!

At the moment when the clone was destroyed, all the memories poured into the mind of the main body of Mamen. After learning about all the situation, he rushed back from other hells at the fastest speed, trying to stop Luo who was about to escape. German duo.

But unfortunately...

Lord, as if he had expected it, took Angela and the black cat away early.

"You run fast, human!"

Mamen's current mood can be said to be extremely bad.

The so-called "stealing chickens without losing rice" probably refers to Mammon. Not only did the person who did not get Lord, but also lost the mother body used for the advent ceremony.


The dignified Hell Demon King actually let a human being rescue the important descending mother body under his nose, and even the power projection clone was slaughtered!

If the other six demon kings of hell know this, what face does He Mamen have in hell?

"That human...what is the origin!"

Mammon stared at the hell sky shrouded in dark clouds, and there was a hint of dread in her scarlet vertical pupils.

If it is said that what he cares most about now is not that the mother body used in the advent ceremony is taken away, but the power displayed by Lord, which has caused a lot of influence on him to some extent!

If it's just the shaking of hell's authority, it may be understood that the power of that human being is very special.

But at the last moment, Mammon, who was frozen by the blooming ice flower, could clearly perceive that the will of hell was helping that human being!

This kind of absurd act is like you have a pretty solid vault and keep a large amount of money in it, you are the owner of this vault, and only you can open this vault!

But now a stranger suddenly came, and effortlessly opened the vault and took some of the money in front of you. How do you feel now?

In the same way, if hell is understood as this vault, and power is the key and password to control and open this vault, you can understand why Mammon is so angry!

Originally, He was coveting the power of others, but now the situation is reversed!

That human being can actually seize the power of hell under his control, and even want to strip his demon kingship away from the host. How can Mammon endure this?

In contrast, things that come to the world can be delayed for a while!

But that human must die!

It doesn't matter if you fail, anyway, the Demon King's profession is an iron job, and the big deal is to find a chance next time.

But if that human being really takes away his power, then he will become the most humiliating hell demon king in history!

"Can't wait any longer!"

There was a trace of deep fear in Mamen's eyes, and then she said bitterly: "That human must never be allowed to survive, and the ceremony of arrival must be speeded up!"




Angela, who was lying on the corpse, suddenly let out a scream, then opened her eyes in horror, and the majestic giant on her chest rose and fell violently!

It's very large... Visually there is a D!

With the clothes that are close to the body after soaking,

It can be called the European and American version of wet temptation.

"Wake up?"

Constantine withdrew his gaze without a trace, and then mocked: "Welcome back, by the way, how is the scenery in hell?"

There was a look of horror on Angela's face, and she took several breaths in a row before she said with lingering fear: "It's terrible, I swear this is the worst decision I've ever made!"

"It's too late to regret it now."

Constantine narrowed his eyes slightly, spit out a white smoke ring, and said coldly: "I reminded you long ago, hell is not a good place, you have already stepped into our world, and this kind of thing will continue in the future. occur."

"I..." Angela could only smile bitterly.

She imagined the horrors of 10,000 kinds of hell, and even thought she was mentally prepared to bear the consequences of these.

But when she really stepped into hell, she realized how naive her thoughts were!

Just as it is impossible for human beings to imagine a real 'God', so the god is crowned with the image of a human being, the horror she imagined is less than one ten thousandth of the real hell.

"Get up when you rest."

Constantine flicked his thumb, shook off the ash, and said, "Come with me to meet your savior."

"Savior?" Angela looked at him strangely, as if asking, didn't you save me?

"No, I don't have the ability to save your soul from hell." Constantine's mouth twitched, wanting to say that you think too much. If I had this ability, would I still have to worry about lung cancer?

The two walked out of the bathroom one after another.

Angela walked into the living room, and at first sight she was attracted by the man covered in smoke with a cat in his arms, just because she had never seen such a handsome person before!

The man's delicate facial features, deep blue eyes, and the gentle smile on the corners of his lips made Angela feel that her heart was beating wildly for a moment.

" handsome!"

Angela said this subconsciously, but the next second she realized that it was wrong, and her cheeks suddenly turned red.


Constantine felt a deep malice. Angela didn't do this when she saw him. He was also very handsome, okay?

"You... hello!"

Although Angela's earlobes were flushed and she didn't dare to look directly into Lorde's eyes, she still pretended to be calm: "Thank you for saving me, my name is Angela, if you don't mind, can I buy you a cup of coffee? ?"

Is this a declaration of covenant X?

Judging from Angela's flushed cheeks, her rapid breathing and her slightly watery eyes, this woman wanted to go to Lorde!

Constantine: (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻!


Equally speechless is Lorde. Although he admits that he is indeed handsome, it is not enough to make a woman fall in love with him just after meeting him, right?


The black cat let out a laziness, a hint of playfulness flashed in its golden pupils, and then jumped from Lorde's arms to the ground with graceful steps, lying beside his feet.

"Ah~ I'm sorry!"

The unreasonable thoughts in Angela's mind disappeared, the crimson color on her face quickly faded, and she quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, I mean just drinking coffee, thank you for saving me."

"No thanks, it's just a gesture of help."

Lorde replied lightly, but there was a suspicious look in his eyes.

He vaguely felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell exactly what was wrong!

Angela smiled awkwardly, not daring to look directly into Lorde's eyes,

She also found it very strange. It seemed that some magical charm was attracting her just now, which made her want to get close to Lorde, and even had to have a shot with Lorde!

Seeing these two dog men and women looking at each other, Constantine's liver was hurting, and he could not wait to shout, "You are so handsome, so I'll be here first, okay?"

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