Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 84 The Electric Chair in Star Prison!

Midnight bar.

After a lapse of two hours, Lord and Constantine returned to their old places again.

As soon as he walked in through the entrance, Constantine felt as if he had walked into a slaughterhouse, and the air was filled with the disgusting smell of blood!

pat... pat...  

Coming under the bar, Constantine was stunned.

Although he had vaguely guessed what had happened, he did not expect it to be so miserable. All the mixed blood of angels and demons in the entire bar died under his hands!

Severed limbs and minced meat covered the entire bar, and sticky blood spread to all corners along the gaps between the floors.

"God, how many people did you kill?" Constantine asked while frowning and pinching his nose. The smell of blood was so strong that even he couldn't accept it.

No wonder Lord let Angela stay at home and let Yinmeng accompany her before departure. It seems to have been expected!

If the policeman saw it, he would have to pull out the handcuffs and arrest this guy on the spot!

"Everyone except midnight."

Lorde said calmly, as if he was eating and drinking, and he didn't take it seriously at all.

"You look a lot like Gabriel..."

Constantine was silent for a while, then leaned against the wall, lit a cigarette, and sneered: "Always looking high, his eyes are full of indifference and ignorance, in your eyes, isn't human life like Is it as worthless as weeds?"

"You are wrong, Constantine."

Lorde's eyes narrowed slightly, and said indifferently: "No one has been high above from the beginning, I am like that, and so is Gabriel."

"This point of view is very strange. It's the first time I've heard it."

Constantine took a sharp puff of cigarette to ease the disgusting smell of blood, and asked, "Although I don't have a good relationship with these bastards, I really want to know, why did you kill them?"

"Does the reason matter?"

Lord asked back.

"Very important."

Constantine took a breath and smiled, "At least I have to make sure that the person I'm traveling with is not a psycho killer, or... a demon?"

Lord smiled and said, "Didn't you prove it with a contract that I'm not a devil?"

"Anything can go wrong, including unreliable things like contracts." Constantine said, with a hand behind his back without a trace.

He has experienced the darkest betrayal and witnessed the ugliness of human nature!

Because of this, he won't trust anyone easily, even if the other person's appearance is a human being!

A mysterious man brought by the hell contract, but does not belong to the jurisdiction of hell, has the ability to easily slaughter half-blooded angels and demons, and can rescue lost souls from hell, even kill the demon king's clone, no matter from Which angle is full of doubts!

The little movement behind Constantine's back was naturally impossible to hide from Lord's eyes, but he didn't really care.

Don't say that Constantine was incapable of killing him, even if he did, the lengthy spell and action before releasing the magic was enough for Lord to kill him more than a dozen times.

"Friend, I have to know why they died, otherwise what if you go crazy and kill me together?" Constantine said with a smile.

Lord said indifferently: "There is only one reason to kill them, and that is their honor to me, swords face each other!"

"Your honor?"

Constantine looked slightly stunned, but then reacted immediately and said tentatively, "You mean...that little girl?"


Although Lord was smiling, his eyes were extremely cold.

With a chill that pierced through the bone marrow, "Since you plan to attack Yinmeng, you shouldn't have anything to complain about if you die under my hands?"

"Nice job, friend!"

Constantine mourned for the group of scumbags for a second in his heart, and then said, "I wanted to kill those bastards for a long time. Such scum doesn't deserve to stay in the world."

The so-called changing face is faster than flipping a book, which may refer to a person like Constantine.

Lord didn't bother to bother with him, and said, "Midnight is in his secret room, you better know how to get in."

"Don't worry."

Constantine patted his chest and said, "I've been thinking about this guy's secret room for a long time, and I know how to get in."

The two crossed the bar, then followed the back of the office at midnight, walked all the way down for a few minutes, and came to a secret room decorated like a church.

Midnight is still the same dress, suit hat, scarf cigar, big gold chain and small watch, a social atmosphere.

However, the moment he saw Lorde, Midnight's black face was frightened into white.

"Dear Midnight, an old friend is here to see you!"

Constantine opened his arms enthusiastically, intending to go over and hug this old friend, but unfortunately, just two steps away, a double-barreled shotgun was aimed at his forehead.

"It's you, Constantine!!!"

The anger in Midnight's eyes was about to turn into reality, and I wanted to burn this damn man to ashes!

All because of this broom star, the reputation and territory he had been operating for many years were destroyed overnight!

As for the real murderer...

I'm sorry, Midnight didn't have the courage to seek revenge against Lord, so he could only vent his anger on Constantine.

"No no no..."

Constantine quickly waved his hand and said, "I know you're angry now, but I'm with him. Do you have to think about the outcome before you start?"

Relying on the big tree to enjoy the shade, Constantine was all too familiar with the fox and tiger majesty. Just a few words made Midnight feel timid, and the hand holding the gun trembled slightly.


Midnight's face was blue and white, and when he finally saw Lorde, he could only put down his gun angrily, "The bar is gone, and people are killed, why are you still coming to me?"

Constantine was too lazy to talk nonsense, and said straight to the point: "I want to borrow something from you."

The situation is stronger than that of people, and at midnight, he can only press his anger and say, "What?"

"Your electric chair."

The electric chair that appeared in the original film of "Hell Detective" is from the Star Prison in New York State. It is one of the first three prisons in the United States to use electric chairs to execute executions. Since 1890, 200 people have been executed in this electric chair. prisoner.

And when this electric chair devoured nearly 200 lives, it may be the wish of many prisoners to beg to go back in time before dying, thus giving this electric chair the magical effect of going back in time at will according to the user's wishes.

By the way, this electric chair was one of Midnight's favorite collectibles, and it cost a lot to get it.

"What are you using that chair for?"

Midnight asked cautiously: "You know the capabilities of that chair, if there is no suitable reason, I dare not lend it to you!"

The electric chair in Xingxing Prison is too terrifying. If it is used by someone with a heart to go back in time at will, it is likely to cause turmoil in the world, and the principle of neutrality he has always adhered to will also be destroyed!

"The question is, in the current situation, do you still have the capital to reject me?" Constantine sneered, and the big guy standing behind him spoke hard, and he didn't care about Midnight's stinky face.

Midnight's face was even uglier.

If it weren't for the fear of Lord, he would even want to unscrew Constantine's head and shove it into the toilet to flush it out!

"Midnight, an old friend, don't you know who I am?" I don't know where Constantine got the confidence to say this.

Obviously, Midnight knew him better and said with a sneer, "It's because I know you are Constantine that I'm more worried about you messing around!"

When his character was questioned, Constantine said he was very hurt and sighed: "Okay, I confess, I actually want to find Baldasa."

Midnight was silent for a while, and then gritted his teeth: "You have to promise me that you will leave here immediately after you use it up, and you will never come to me again!"

"What a pity, I thought we were best friends."

Constantine couldn't help but feel a little emotional. There was one less friend around him. If something went wrong in the future, no one could cheat.

Midnight sneered: "We have never been friends, we were not before, and we will not be in the future."

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