Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 92 The advent ceremony begins!

The hospital hall was a mess.

The last half-blood demon was reduced to ashes by the burning of the holy fire.


Konstantin's limbs were limp, and he slowly sat on the ground leaning against the wall. His messy blonde hair and white shirt had been soaked by a large amount of sweat that seeped out.

Don't look at the fact that the battle was only a few minutes, but the physical strength actually accumulated has almost reached his limit.

But there is no time for him to rest now!

He felt that in the last door leading to the hospital swimming pool, there was a huge magical energy being stimulated, that was the coming ceremony of Mamen!

"Sure enough, in the end, I'm the only one who saves the world." Constantine's eyes showed a firmness, his palms were supported on his knees, his back was against the wall, and he was rubbing upward little by little.

Finally, Constantine stood up reluctantly.

With trembling hands, he took out the last bottle of holy water from the inner pocket of the windbreaker.

This is his personal habit. He will keep some small props in the inner pocket of the windbreaker all year round, and he will never use it unless the mountains and rivers are exhausted. It can be regarded as the last resort for himself.

The holy water in the bottle is specially made by his old friend Biman. In addition to weakening the demon's power, drinking it directly can restore a small amount of injuries and physical strength. It is one of his favorite exorcism tools.

Only...this is the last bottle!

Biman, who made holy water, died in Baldasa, and no one can prepare these props for him in the future.

"Goodbye, Biman, my old friend."

Constantine looked a little sentimental, then unscrewed the outer seal with his hand, raised his head and drank the holy water.

ton ton ton~

As the cold holy water flowed down his throat, he felt a warm feeling in his body, covering his limbs, and he couldn't help groaning comfortably.

The holy water fell like rain in time, nourishing the dry land in the body.

The physical strength that was used up, and the internal organs that were aching after the impact, are now also bursting with vitality under the action of holy water!



The last door leading to the pool was kicked open. After Constantine strode in, his eyes were immediately drawn to the woman floating on the water in the middle of the pool.


Constantine's face changed slightly, he jumped into the pool without hesitation, and swam towards Angela.

Coming to the front, Constantine found that Angela was in a very bad state. Her skin was as pale as ashes, her eyes were closed, and she had no breathing or heartbeat, like a dead person!

The clothes soaked in water clinged to her body, showing off Angela's graceful curves.

In normal times, Constantine would definitely take a second look. But in the current situation, he has no intention to pay attention to these at all.

"Oops... the advent ceremony has begun!" Constantine looked solemn, knowing that he couldn't drag it on any longer, he had to exorcise the demon as soon as possible, and immediately dragged Angela with both hands to swim towards the edge of the pool.

After finally dragging Angela to the shore, before Constantine could catch his breath, he saw Angela's stomach swell at a speed that violated biological common sense!

After Angela's belly swelled to the limit, the skin was stretched to the limit, showing a transparent appearance. Under the belly, it could be clearly seen that there was a terrifying human face and the shape of two palms, as if in the next second The monsters will tear apart this thin layer of estrangement and come to the world!

Obviously, the ceremony is ready!

Mammon has already possessed Angela's body, and now it is only due to the restrictions of the two realms that he cannot be born from the mother's body for the time being!

The ceremony is still one step away!

That is the spear of Longinus stained with the blood of the gods,

Only by using Longinus to open Angela's belly, can the demon king of hell really come to the world!

Constantine, the gun of Longinus, had already guessed that it was in Gabriel's hands. Although he didn't know why Gabriel had not come yet, he knew that this was his last chance!

"Damn bastard!"

Constantine straddled Angela with his legs apart, pressing one hand on her bulging belly and pinching her neck with the other.

The unconscious Angela suddenly opened her eyes. She had no pupils at all, only pale eyes. She was staring at him with a penetrating 'eye', and said with a strange smile: "Constantine, You can't stop me!"

"Don't you know if you try it?"

Constantine snorted coldly, and then began to chant the incantation hurriedly:

"Lord, please save us from the devil's trap!"

"In the name of the Lord, dissipate!"

"Let go of the living and the dead!"

"The creator of all things will surely throw you into hell!"

"Keep his kingdom from your defilement forever!"


Angela's face burst into blue veins, screaming in pain, struggling frantically trying to get out of Constantine's control.

"In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I order you, go back to hell!" Seeing that the exorcism spell was effective, Konstantin's face added a look of joy, and he continued to recite the incantation at a faster pace.




Weird cries came and went, echoing in the empty swimming pool.

With the slightly ambiguous actions of the two now going up and down, if they were seen by outsiders, they might think they were playing some kind of erotic activity.

"Are you kidding me?"

Constantine's face was ugly, even the dullest person should have reacted now, the exorcism spell is useless to Mammon.

"How is it, Constantine, doesn't my voice sound similar? Are you having a good time?" Angela's pale pupils stared at him, the corners of her face were exaggeratedly pulled to her ears, revealing a very Evil smile.


A tyrannical shock wave erupted from Angela's body, sweeping across the room.

And Constantine was so close, that he didn't have time to dodge, he was hit by the shock wave heavily on the ceiling, and then fell to the ground with a bang!


Constantine spat out a mouthful of blood, feeling that all the bones in his body were about to be shattered.

Angela stood up slowly and sneered: "How about the taste of despair? Constantine."

"Add! Hundred! Columns!"

Constantine coughed up blood from his mouth, the anger in his eyes spurted out like a substance, and roared in a tone that was almost gnashing his teeth.

He has roughly guessed why his exorcism spell is ineffective against her, because this body has been blessed by a high-level holy angel, so the mammon who is in Angela's body can ignore the exorcism spell!


Angela's smile became more and more arrogant and arrogant: "I have already said that it is impossible for you to expel me, Constantine!"

"So, what about me?"

A cold voice suddenly came, and Mamen and Constantine's expressions changed slightly.

One was surprised, the other was surprised, two different gazes were directed at the source of the voice at the same time.

Under the dark night and the bright moonlight, Lord, who was dressed in a black death tyrant, slowly fell from the broken skylight above his head, and threw something in his hand at Mamen.


It was a hideous monster head, rolling like a ball on the smooth floor of the pool.

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