Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 97: Return

Panic can spread.

Human beings have a strong conformity. When the consciousness of the group roars forward like a tide, most people will only be bound by it, regardless of your IQ or academic level.

There is a rumor in the market that the scarcity of garlic and salt can cause looting, not to mention that aliens are really coming.

In just two days, the world economy was hit hard. The factory closed, the mall was deserted, and the streets were a mess, and the world's stock markets were full of sorrow.

A large number of religious members who advocated extermination took to the streets, encouraging people to give up resistance to trial.

Some people choose to do things they didn't dare to do before the last stage of life, others confess to the goddess, and some goddesses completely let go of their hold.

More is the madness under the collapse, I don't know how many people choose to drag the family together to drink poison ...

Aegis Space Airship

meeting room

事情 "Things are getting worse and worse, we must do something," Steve said worriedly.

"Maybe it's time to take tougher measures against Loki!" Nick Fury said word by word. He kept Loki in his hands under all pressure during this time, just because he was afraid of the bad things of those people. Asgard also became an enemy. However, the situation now did not allow him to hesitate.

Saw Frow frowned. "Rocky is from Asgard. Interrogation is OK, but I will not let you handle it."

"Would you let him destroy our world?" Bruce Banner, the good old man, was also angry. "Trust me, we are not afraid of any so-called god!"

"Are you provoking me?" Sol stared at Bruce Banner, and then there was a bit of pain in his eyes. "I also love Midgart. There are my girlfriends and friends here. I'll go to Rocky again. Talk. "

After speaking, Sol left in a hurry.

Natasha looked at the back of Sol's departure, and thoughtfully said, "Rocky seems to have been deliberately caught by us. What is his plan?"

Sol came to the interrogation room, looked at Loki in the isolation glass cabin, and exclaimed angrily: "Look at your good deeds and stop your plot immediately!"

Rocky has learned what happened in the past two days through the Soul Scepter placed outside. He shrugged and made a naughty expression, "Wow, it's nothing to do with me. I haven't started attacking here yet. I didn't expect them to mess up like this."

"Don't you lead all of this!" Sol said angrily. "You put Asgard's glory to shame."

Rocky's eyes suddenly turned red, and he patted his hands fiercely on the glass bin, staring at Sol and saying, "I ... not ... Asgard!"

Then he gave a distorted smile, "Don't you think this interesting world is going to collapse? ... hahahaha ..."

Uh ...

Washington DC

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

The White House, the third floor of the East Wing,

The Federal Office for Disaster Relief, established by the Beacon Line, is the most powerful department in the United States at present. It is dedicated to responding to the current crisis. It is only responsible to the President and has power over everything in the country.

General Ross, no. It should be Director Rose frowning at the gathered information, and said firmly, "The current situation is not good for us. We must first take the initiative."

Deputy Chief Tarbert shook his head. "First, we must get the prisoner, but we have no jurisdiction over SHIELD."

Director General Ross looked out the window and said blankly, "Now is the moment of life and death in the United States. Anything that stands in front of us is our enemy. Individuals or organizations."

Tabor nodded, "I will arrange it immediately."

On the evening, an interview was broadcast on several major television media in the United States.

The respondent is Benson, a professor of astrophysics at Harvard University, a Nobel laureate, and he has an extensive reputation worldwide.

The silver-haired old man said solemnly to the screen: "Destroying a race that would not have threatened your race would not improve the original security of the invaders, and the value of an asteroid is for a technologically The advanced civilization that moves freely in space is trivial. "

"So the question is coming, why are they here?"

"I got some information." His eyes were full of anger. "There is a mysterious organization that has been secretly studying alien creatures, superhumans, and spooky events for decades. They are protecting the public. Reason to isolate us from the truth. And this incident is the aliens brought in by their space and weapon research. They are the culprits, so-called Iron Man is their accomplice. Their names, "


Then, he took out some confidential information and videos that the military handed over to him and kept explaining ...

People's panic and anger seemed to find a vent. For a time, everyone was denouncing SHIELD, and a large number of demonstrations and masses demanded the ban of this illegal organization.

As soon as the SHIELD group appeared before the public, its reputation had become unheard of.

Qilian took the Stark Group's stock price straight down like diving.

Of course other countries and organizations know what is going on, but they invariably choose to be silent.

On the one hand, SHIELD's various rights have somewhat exceeded their acceptance scope. On the other hand, the founders of SHIELD are all Americans. Even after becoming a worldwide organization, they have an inseparable relationship with the United States. The situation can be said to be in the middle. br />

Didn't go down the rock or because the current crisis still needs the help of SHIELD, but after the crisis they will not miss this opportunity.

In this case, Nick Fury knows that the SHIELD organization is dead, and even if it is not dissolved now, it will be dealt with after the war.

希尔 "Hill, you now know why I set up this emergency elite squad." Nick Fury stood in front of the bridge of the Aircraft Carrier, looking at the blue sky and white clouds out of the window to the commander Maria Hill.

"Our system is indeed strong, but it is easy to be interfered and dragged down by various parties, and various interests are full of it. In an increasingly complicated situation, an unrestrained team composed of human elites may be able to break through the predicament . "

"I still keep my thoughts." Maria Hill's eyes were extremely firm. "The future of this world cannot be left to a few people to decide. Only the system and collectively attributed to the best practices are the key to long-term victory."

Nick Fury was helpless. "What do you think we should do now?"

Maria Hill's eyes were extremely sharp. "We need a strong response. SHIELD is of great significance and we cannot let them come."

Nick Fury shook his head: "Now is not the time to be instigated, don't forget our duties and purpose. What's going on with Rocky?"

"Natasha has noticed something abnormal and has gone to collect information ..."

And just then,

Solar system near Pluto.

A light spot expanded rapidly, the faint blue McQueen rushed out, and a sharp turn stopped in the void.

All the people in the cockpit were pale and bloodshot.

A wow, all came out.

"Damn ... you lunatic ... are you dead?" Kola said weakly in a crying voice.

"I'm applying now to quit ... is it still too late?" As soon as Scorch said something, he immediately retched.

Aimi didn't speak, struggling to get up to clean up the dirt in the ground, this hairy guy is actually a severe cleansing patient.

"Shut up ... I'm going to save someone, I'm afraid I won't be too late." Li Mo's face was still a little unsightly. "McQueen, start anti-detection."

"Okay, Captain Li Mo."

A flash of streamer flashed through the McQueen, and then the color of the fuselage began to fade, and it finally became like a piece of extremely pure glass.

The McQueen's stealth function is extremely powerful. In this state, even the current Cree's main ship radar cannot find it, let alone earth technology.

Li Mo is well aware of the ethics of those countries on the earth, so he will not give those people a chance to slap their own babies.

After starting the curvature engine, McQueen approached the Earth at an extremely fast speed. Before entering the atmosphere, the radar of the planet had already found the trace of the SHIELD airspace mothership.

At this moment, the spacecraft Emperor Aircraft was cruising over the west coast of the United States, and Li Mo found a hidden place to land the McQueen.

"You must stay in the spacecraft first, not allowed to come out without my order, especially Emil and Kola, be careful to be caught and sliced." Li Mo said to the crowd before getting out of the ship.

"Captain I want to go down, too. I look like a normal Midgart. I'm going to Las Vegas Hi." Scolchi said as he retched.

"Here is fighting the Zitaru people, what woman are you anxious to play, wait until the end." Li Mo shook his head and refused.

"I like fighting very much. This is my favorite Midgart, and I have to go to great lengths," Scorch said firmly.

"Sor is also here," Li Mo said blankly.

嗯 "Well ... that's fine, I don't think it's appropriate, either." Scolchi shook his head and went back to his room to sleep.

After Li Mo stepped out of McQueen, he quickly directed his spacecraft to dive into the sea and found a place to hide. He and McQueen's spirit have resonated and agreed, and McQueen can be commanded through thoughts.

When I stepped on this familiar land, Li Mo felt some emotions for a while. The universe is so large and the magnificent scenery is everywhere, but only here can make people feel comfortable and comfortable.

Perhaps this is the origin of the term mother star.

首先 He first called Coulson to pick him up, then he called them one by one, telling them to come and let them leave New York at once.

After a while, Coulson flew slowly in a Kun-style fighter.

"Sor said you will be back soon, but I didn't expect it to be so fast. Welcome back to Earth, Lee, what about your spaceship?" Coleson looked out from the plane and asked around, asking strangely.

"Spaceship? How can there be any spaceship? I haven't seen any spaceship." Li Mo scratched his head and said.

"Don't worry, we won't covet your spaceship." Coulson shook his head helplessly ~ There are a lot of alien items in the SHIELD warehouse. We even intercepted them in the Roswell incident A very complete spaceship. "

I believe you have a ghost!

莫 Li Mo pouted his lips and asked, "What's happening to Tony?"

"No word, he is still controlled by Rocky, we don't know what he is doing now." Coleson frowned.

Li Mo thought for a while, pulled out the phone and called Matt Murdoch, "Hey, Matt ... It's me, yes, I'm back safely. I know the situation now, don't say anything, do me a favor, You go to the Stark building first, you should hear it if Tony is there, then call me. "


"What do you think Tony would go to the Stark Building, why?" Coleson asked in confusion.

"Hit luck." Li Mo shrugged.

Coleson didn't bother with this issue anymore, and he briefed Li Mo on the recent situation when he flew to the Sky Mothership.

"It seems that SHIELD is going to finish this time." Li Mo shook his head and sighed.

不 "No, you are wrong, SHIELD will last forever!" Coleson countered. To him, SHIELD is home, so how could a powerful SHIELD ...

At this moment, a voice came from the public channel of the Queen ’s fighter,

"Aerospace Mothership was attacked, we are falling, all nearby personnel quickly go to rescue, coordinates ..."

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