Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 99: Battle of New York (2)

门 The gate of time and space in the sky continues to expand,

Li Mo gradually felt something wrong,

This big hole is too big, right?

Lame is five times bigger than the original story!

What is this tm doing ...

He was a little panicked at the fact that he didn't take it seriously.

He turned to look at the shocked Captain America, Eagle Eye and Black Widow.

Even if these guys can hide bullets, their combat skills are extremely strong, and they will be exhausted in the face of the swarming Zitarians.

The space-time hole in the sky finally stopped expanding, and the Qitari people, like a swarm of bees, suddenly burst out.

First came out a huge number of miscellaneous soldiers, tall stature, pale complexion, wearing a brass helmet and breastplate, holding a laser gun in his left hand, and a suspended combat airship in his right hand.

After these guys surged from above New York, they quickly dispersed in small groups.

Followed by a dozen giant biological battleships, they look like Pippi shrimp.

东西 This thing is called Leviathan by the Zetaris, it is a kind of void planktonic creature, and it became their assault ship after being biomechanized by the Zetaris.

This stuff is dressed in heavy stab armor all around, and a large number of Zeta Swiss soldiers are carried in the cavity in the abdomen.

If you want to ask which city people are most afraid of in the two days when they know that aliens are coming, the answer is undoubtedly New York.

Damn Hollywood!

This is a general curse for New Yorkers.

Some savvy people have temporarily moved to the countryside. The rest are either lucky or unimportant. When they see the aliens falling from the sky, they finally feel cold.

The Zittaris immediately launched an attack, and the submerged floating craft continuously fired high-energy lasers to destroy everything in front of them. And a dozen Leviathans started to destroy the surrounding floors.

This is the tactics of the Zetaru people, which quickly conducts intensive attacks, first causing chaos, then dividing and destroying the resistance, and finally paralyzing the entire city.

Although the panic in the past two days has severely damaged the city of New York, there are still a large number of pedestrians on the street.

They screamed in the sound of the explosion and kept running. Some people hid in the building next to them for a while, and those who ran on the street in a panic way became the targets of the Zitarians.

A group of extinct religious members stood hand in hand on the street, "comrades, let us meet the trial peacefully ..."

Then, it was shredded by several lasers.

警察 Some policemen used futile guns to attack the chanting Zitaris, and they were even listed as a priority target.

The cars on Kuo Street were constantly bombarded and then violently exploded. Shattered rocks are constantly falling down the dense high-rise ...

The news of the alien invasion of New York spread all over the world. The Pacific and Atlantic Fleet, which had been recalled by the U.S. forces, immediately marched near New York. The local air force base immediately dispatched a large number of aviation formations. An army division stationed outside the city quickly advanced to New York.

During the urgent video conference of the United Nations summit, the US President faced the demands of many countries to send troops to the United States to fight in the United States. Ability to repel aliens. "

"So what if you lose?" The Russian strongman said indifferently. "No one knows how big the attack will be. If New York falls and the aliens completely control the portal, we may face Across the global front, when the power is dispersed, the entire earth will fall. The battlefield must be controlled in New York. If not, we will consider using nuclear bombs to scrub the ground. "

你们 "You dare!" Said the US President with his teeth gritted, "If you take the lead in using nuclear bombs to attack the United States, we will also launch the most powerful nuclear counterattack against you! By then, it will be over!"

"Rogue country!" The leaders of other countries scolded their teeth.

When the United States also uses North Korea's tricks, other countries are basically helpless.

"Then you want to watch the earth destroy!" The leaders of the other great powers looked darkened.

"If New York falls ..." The US President's face also sank, "We will use nuclear bombs ourselves!"

After closing the video, he looked poorly at Director Ross next to him. "You see the situation now, are you sure?"

Roose said with a firm face, "I will control the front in New York, and if necessary, authorize the use of nuclear weapons."

The US President gritted his teeth, "No, we can't wait! If the frontline forces fail, fire nuclear weapons as soon as possible and give priority to destroying the Stark Tower portal!"

Uh ...

Li Mo and their Kun-style fighters flew into New York soon. Looking at this scene like the last day, no one spoke.

As soon as they flew over Times Square, they were stared at by a group of Zitarui soldiers. Under the attack of dozens of lasers, Natasha was hit by the rear wing despite her excellent driving skills. , Crushed several cars and pedestrians.

Twenty-eight Zetaray levitation crafts circled quickly in the air and approached the Kun-style fighters that had landed on the street, preparing to launch a second round of attack.

Suddenly, more than a dozen tentacles protruded from the open rear cabin, and they were instantly skewered into kebabs, and then threw them severely on the street.

Li Mo scolded and came out.


Another three Zetaray floating warships flew out, greeted by the whistling car thrown out by Li Mo.

"Fk! This can't be beaten at all, you must close the portal first!" Li Mo looked at the densely packed Qitarui people in the sky and said, shaking his head.

At this time, forty or fifty US fighter planes suddenly whistled from the direction of the coastline, firing dozens of missiles at a distance and hitting the giant Leviathan.

A continuous and violent explosion sounded, and two Leviathans sustained heavy injuries and slowly bumped into two high-rises.

The U.S. military seemed to be encouraged. Ships cruising along the coast also fired dozens of missiles, dragging long white smoke at several Leviathans.

Unfortunately, several missiles were turned into fireworks by the Zetaris with a laser in the air, and more Leviathan was drilling out of the space-time hole.

Several fighter jets in the air formation quickly started a fight with the Zitaris, and the sky became a mess. The front line instantly spread across the entire island of Manhattan and several surrounding areas, and continued to spread outward.

"Tm New York is completely over." Li Mo looked scalp tingling.

Haw turned to look at him, Steve and the three of them had been fighting with the Zittari soldiers ejected from Leviathan.

Although they are rapidly destroying their enemies, they do not play any decisive role in this kind of war, and a large number of miscellaneous soldiers quickly surround them.

Suddenly, a **** man rushed out of the corner with a car door and bumped into a few Zita Rui soldiers. Followed by Matt, Jessica, and a white youth with glittering fists.

The Puppet Defenders Alliance also came and quickly gathered with the captain and them.

Under Captain Steve's command, they immediately stabilized the line of defense and changed their focus to rescue ordinary people.

Some army armored vehicles also drove in, and a large number of soldiers cooperated with them to fight back on the ground and in the air for the Zetaris.

Li Mo shook his head. It seemed that these people could not be expected. He looked at the Stark Building in the distance and decided to rush over immediately.

As soon as he was about to leave, a figure suddenly flew from a distance and landed in front of Li Mo.

Sol arrived, clutching Bruce Banner with one hand.

Finally came two powerful.

嗨 "Hi, Bruce, it's been a long time since you've grown fatter." Li Mo and Bruce Banner said hello to Saul, "Fly me to the Stark Building."

He was not nonsense, came over and grabbed Li Mo's hand and quickly raised his hammer. Then the two of them flew towards the Stark Building.

"You just put me ..." Brusbanna muttered as they looked away, then looked up at the dense Zetaris in the sky, gritted their teeth and said, "Huck, you can destroy as much as you want today. It's up! "

Then his pupils and complexion became green, and his muscles began to bulge ...

"嚎 ——!" The wild roar rang through New York.

The ears are whistling by the wind, and on both sides are buildings that quickly become smaller ...

After training with rocket raccoons and flying in outer space, Li Mo has no fear of heights.

He even looked at the Thor's hammer in front of him. Saying that it was a Royal Hammer flight, Li Mo suddenly had some inspiration in his mind, but this was not the time for experiments.

Seeing that the Stark Building was getting closer, suddenly a crowd of Zittari people flew over to them ~ ~ Sor turned to look at Li Mo, with a trace of pain and pleading in his eyes, base."

Then, by his instinct, he threw Li Mo to the top of the Stark Building, and rushed towards the group of Zitaris.

莫 Li Mo looked at Sol, who shook his head, and they shook his head. They didn't know that they were not from this plane. Both Sol and Frigga were good to themselves. Why did they kill Rocky?

As he approached the Stark Building, Li Mo launched his rocket boots and landed on it.

尼 Tony wearing armor is standing in front of a complex machine with Dr. Eric Shavig, with a cosmic cube floating in the center of the machine, shining with an ice-blue light.

After seeing Li Mo, Tony was just a few energy shock waves, then immediately flew up and wanted to start a battle with Li Mo based on past experience.

Unfortunately, Li Mo has grown a lot, and the two tentacles entangled him tightly at a speed that couldn't cover his ears.

Li Mo did not make nonsense, immediately lifted his face armor with tentacles, and pasted the Ningshen bracelet. The professor beside him was also rolled over.

"It's you asshole!"

Rocky suddenly appeared opposite, gritted his teeth and looked at Li Mo said.

Li Mo looked at Rocky and showed a smirkful smile. He extended a finger to him and kept shaking left and right, while his voice was still in the mouth.

嘭 ... 嘭 ... 嘭

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