Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 101: Battle of New York (4)

Tony knew at a glance what Li Mo meant.

Using the gap of energy backflow, the tentacle drill is continuously wedged into the energy hood, and when a certain depth is reached, the scepter of the mind is used to push away the cosmic cube in one fell swoop.

This method has the potential to succeed!

Tony's eyes suddenly lighted, and he immediately focused on blocking the attacking Zitarians, helping Li Mo eliminate interference.

The black widow Natasha saw that Li Mo's spacecraft stopped at the top of the Stark building, and immediately thought of a way to **** a Zetaru floater to the top of the building.

"What are you doing?" Natasha frowned at seeing Li Mo's condition and asked Tony.

"He is trying to close the portal. The chances of success are very high. This is the key to victory now!" Tony said seriously.

Natasha nodded and immediately notified everyone of the situation.

US team Steve Rogers smashed the head of a Zita Swiss soldier with a shield. After receiving the news from Natasha, his tired face could not help showing a hint of joy, and immediately made arrangements.

"Sor, you immediately go up with eagle eyes to help stop the enemy."

Sol nodded, and to be honest, he was a little awed by the man who almost lifted his hammer. Waving a hammer with a eagle eye and flew near Stark Building. Hawkeye targeted killing, and he gathered lightning to start a range attack.

Steve then looked around and said, "The rest come with me, mainly to attract the enemy's forces."

The four wounded defenders alliance and a group of soldiers nodded, they were about to follow up, and suddenly heard a group of people crying in a building next to them.

Daredevil Matt was about to rush up and was stopped by Steve. "I'm going, you take them first."

The horse nodded, and immediately led the others to the next scheduled battlefield. His super hearing could play the biggest role at this time.

Steve rushed into the building over several burned cars and found that three Zeta Swiss soldiers were firing with guns in the hall. Opposite them were a large group of citizens trapped there.

Steve slammed the shield out and shattered a Zitari head, then rushed forward, took over the shield that flew back and engaged in close combat with the remaining two soldiers.

After three or two efforts, he ended up with two soldiers, but when he twisted off the neck of the last Zeta Swiss soldier, a grenade rolled out.

Steve already knew the power of these grenades after the battle just now. When he saw that the light spot shown above had reached the last square, he anxiously blocked it with a shield. Because there is a large group of citizens around.

A huge explosion sounded, and Steve was thrown up high, and then fell heavily to the ground without any movement.

The citizens who had escaped the panic were frightened and watched the motionless Captain America whisper.

"is it him?"

"Did he not have been killed during World War II?"

"Is he dead? Let's go up and help him!"

"Don't move anyone!" Roared a white man in a black suit. "Don't worry about him, it would hurt us if an alien comes to see it."

"Fk! You bastard, that's Captain America!" A young black man shouted angrily.

"I don't care who he is, didn't he say on TV, this disaster was caused by these superheroes!" The white man in the suit shook his head fiercely.

The crowd who was a little bit timid gradually quieted down.

"Let's go to hell!" Someone suddenly shouted.

Steve had woke up, but was just aching and stiff. Hearing the words of these people, he sighed and climbed up shaky.

The crowd took a few steps back.

"Get out of here and follow the subway line, there is a safe line that has been opened." Steve said calmly.

"The gate of time and space will soon be closed and the war will be over. And ... hold on ... live!"

After that, he ran out with a shield ...


Fierce fighting continues, although the US military has invested a large number of troops and an incredible sense of glory erupted.

It can only be said that they have done their best.

U.S. Frontline Command,

A row of correspondents is sitting in front of the computer constantly gathering battlefield news and giving orders to the command. Bad news comes from their mouth one by one.

"Seventh team has lost contact ..."

"The second line of defense has been defeated and the Brooklyn Bridge has completely collapsed ..."

"The first aviation formation has lost 70%. Oh god, they blow up the Statue of Liberty!"

"Our cluster missile attack was intercepted ..."

The bruised frontline commander, General Bruno, frowned and tightened, and couldn't help but slammed his fist on the command board, "Damn, how on earth should this fight be fought!"

He looked at the staff of his staff, and couldn't help but patted the table and shouted, "I need a feasible solution!"

The staff members looked at each other and closed their mouths tightly. They thought that the reliable plan had failed just now.

Suddenly, General Bruno saw a young man staying at the most corner seem to be eager to try.

He knew this white guy named Allen, a **** relationship.

"Alan, do you have any good proposals?" General Bruno couldn't help but be a little bit angry.

"Report General! We have to find the alien's weak point, and we will hit it in one shot!" Allen stood up and said loudly.

"So where do you think their weak point is?" General Bruno asked with a frown.

"Aliens must have a post-worm control like the Zerg!" Allen continued to say proudly, as if he had not seen the staff around him look like an idiot: "As long as we eliminate the worm, the big army will instantly out of control."

"Also!" He patted his head and said, "We need some outstanding talents, such as engineers who can make computer viruses, drilling workers who can make holes in comets, medical experts who can research for alien viruses. ... "

"Enough!" General Bruno stared angrily at Allen.

The poor young man gradually felt that something was wrong. With the gloating eyes of the staff around, his legs began to tremble.

General Bruno stared at Allen for a long time, and just as the young man was about to collapse, he suddenly turned and shouted at the others,

"Catch me two live aliens!"

"By the way, find two more medical experts!"

"And **** engineers and drilling workers ..."


The other end of time and space

The huge Zetaru fleet is quietly stopping in the deep universe.

In the main ship's command pod, two Zittari commanders were chatting, they had a very different appearance from the soldiers below.

"I thought it was an easy task. I didn't expect this primitive planet to resist for so long."

"We have exceeded our expectations and the leader TheOther will certainly be unhappy."

"It doesn't matter. Anyone who died is a biochemical clone soldier."

"You said, we use so many biochemical clone soldiers, what if they rebel in the future?"

"No way. In countless wars, we have too many people who died. The leader had long thought about this problem, so he ordered the controller to be installed in their brains, and life and death are under our control.

"You said, would the people of this primitive planet directly attack the main ship?"

"Rest assured, according to the information they have obtained, they have no ability to fight in the universe at all."

"I think about it ..."


"Some boring, should we have two drinks?"

"It's a good idea ..."


Stark Building Top

Another group of Zetaru floaters rushed up, and Sol stood on the side of the tall building and lifted the Thor's hammer high.

The sky was immediately gloomy, countless thunderclouds gathered, the thick thunder of buckets of light gathered on him, and then he shook the Thor's hammer fiercely, dispersing dozens of electric lights, sweeping away the enemies that came up.

Suddenly, his eyes were frozen, and he saw Rocky, who was hundreds of meters away with a group of Zetarians ramming.

After speaking to Tony, he quickly flew over.


Thor shone with a thunderbolt to clean up the surrounding Zittari soldiers, and roared angrily, "Look at what you did!"

Rocky smiled. "What I did, I just wanted to be a king."

"Look around, is this what a king would do?" Sol asked with a clenched fist.

Rocky looked at the city like an apocalypse, his eyes flickered, and then said, "This is just the necessary sacrifice. Odin has done more than me!"

"And you!" Rocky looked at Thor with a mockery. "Aren't you the one who likes to stir up the war, or are you soft-hearted for a woman on Earth?"

"Stop, brother!" Sol couldn't help but pleaded, "Mother Frigga has been thinking of you, and my father asked me to take you home safely. Earth people are not easy!"

"Not easy?" Rocky laughed. "Who can hurt me except that bastard?"


A strong green figure rushed out of the building next to the glass and broke into another building, pressing Rocky's head.

Rumbles kept ringing and the whole building was trembling.

"Wait, spare him!"

Sol was anxious, rushing into the building along the hole ...


the other side,

Consecutive high-intensity combat, Tony's energy has been somewhat insufficient.

After fighting off a wave of attacks again, he flew to Li Mo and asked anxiously: "How long will it take, Li?"

Li Mo gritted his teeth and absorbed madly. "It takes about 20 minutes!"

"Are you sure?" Tony asked skeptically.

"When did I hang over you?" Li Mo snorted ~ ~ Tony: "..."


U.S. Frontline Command

A biomedical expert gleefully played the video while explaining, "We placed the living alien soldier in a room that was completely isolated from all signals, and he really lost his ability to move!"

General Bruno couldn't help but glance at the little staffer Allen, and he really got this guy right.

Allen proudly said, "What do I say, as long as we kill the worm, we can achieve complete victory."

"But how do we get through the gates of time and space that gather a large number of soldiers, and we do not have the ability to fight in the universe!" A staff officer could not help but say.

"I'm more worried about another thing than this!" Alan frowned again.

"Come on!" General Bruno was startled.

"Every time this happens, the stupid US government will always do bad things!" Allen said worriedly.

"You look silly at the movies!" General Bruno shook his head.

"Report General!" A liaison officer sitting at the computer suddenly stood up.

"Director Ross requires us to withdraw quickly and completely."

"They will launch a nuclear attack immediately!"

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