Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 116: Press conference

From the birth of mankind, there has been a desire to look at the stars, and it has been so since ancient times.

Especially after the development of modern industry, people have extremely magnificent imagination of outer space, but thanks to the unremitting efforts of SHIELD, ordinary people have no access to such incidents.

After the war in New York, mankind finally believed in the existence of aliens, and Tony returned from outer space made it clear that he had brought information about the universe, and the news completely detonated human society.

"This may be the most watched press conference since television was invented."

This is a sentence spoken by famous commentator Mark Holperin on nbc's morning news show.

Almost everyone agrees with this view. The Stark Group's press conference will gather global attention, from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere, from national leaders to ordinary people, and various organizations ...

At 3 pm on April 12, 2013.

Press Room of Stark Building.

Representatives of important media from all over the world have gathered here. Not only that, representatives of the scientific academies of various countries and some famous quantum physics and aerospace research institutes have been sent here.

The audience was sitting in a black crowd, and people exchanged news with their colleagues from time to time.

At the same time, large urban streets in the bustling countries of the past seemed extraordinarily lonely at the moment, and ordinary people were sitting in front of the television waiting.

Nick Fury sat in the large office and stared at the TV. He knew he was witnessing the beginning of an era.

Hydra and some villains haven't looked for anything, they're watching.

The Director of the Federal Rescue Administration, Ross, stared down at the dense list of Hydra, and looked up at the soon-to-be-turned-out troll on TV, finally feeling a bit confused.

In a dilapidated basement in Socovia, a young man and woman are watching television with eyes full of hatred.

"Pitro, the murderer who turned the weapon turned into a hero who saved the world. What should we do?"

"Wanda ... I was approached two days ago and said it would give us the power of revenge, I was a bit worried ..."

"Promise him, no matter what the price!"


Over the unknown sea, Hefeng-1 is quietly flying in the blue sky and white clouds.

Even though SHIELD was already dismembered, Nick Fury knew the truth about not putting eggs in a basket, so the team led by the resurrected Coulson was set up as scheduled.

"Hurry up, hurry up, why haven't started yet." The newly joined Skye said anxiously staring at the TV.

"It's just a press conference," Melinda May said blankly.

"Comeon, don't tell me you haven't imagined flying a spaceship in the Xinghai Sea," Skye said frowningly.

"I always fantasize." Leo Fiz said.

"I do too!" Jerma Simmons.

The three gave a high-five happily.

Melinda May shook her head helplessly, "I only care about how it will affect our future actions."

"Coulson, have you dealt with both of them?" Skye asked curiously.

"Well ... they're all really good people." Coulson watched the TV, lamenting the unpredictable changes in the world.

At this time, the light on the TV screen gradually dimmed, and some historical image materials gradually appeared on the huge projection screen behind the press conference stage.

In 1957, the Soviet Union launched the first satellite in human history: Sputnik ...

In 1961, the Soviet Union successfully launched the world's first manned spacecraft "Dongfang" 1. The astronaut who took the spacecraft was Gagarin ...

In 1969, the US Apollo 11 spacecraft left the earth and flew to the moon. Armstrong successfully landed on the moon ...

In 2010, the International Space Station was completed ...

Battle of New York in 2012 ...

In 2013, now ...

The lights gradually turned on, and Tony rarely stood in the middle of the stage wearing a stable suit, his face looked very serious.

"Very amazing achievement." Tony applauded first at the screen, then turned away. "Maybe many people don't know the difficulty. The distance from the earth to the moon seems very short, 384,400 kilometers. But it's enough to plug all the planets of the solar system. "

"From the entire history of the earth, there are 115 billion people who have lived, including the 7 billion people who are still alive, and you are one of them. The seemingly large population does not even have the ability to explore the entire solar system. . "

"And the solar system is only a tiny part of the universe like the atom. In the constantly rotating galaxy, we have just made a circle to reach our current position, and 225 million years have passed since the dinosaurs were still alive."

"Human beings are small. Famines, wars, and energy crises are constantly threatening our living environment. Such as the nuclear crisis, meteorites, etc., can cause us to die at any time."

"We live on this beautiful planet, and our unique environment ensures our human survival and reproduction. But the resources of the earth have restricted human development."

"Perhaps the universe is cold and scary. But for the future of mankind. We need to go out!"

"The New York War made us realize that the universe was not peaceful, but fortunately we won."

"As we all know, I fell into the gate of time and space. My friend Li Mo also drove in with a spaceship to save me."

"In his spaceship, I was fortunate to see a higher civilization in the universe."

"I brought back not only some information from the universe, but also the basic technology of space navigation and the most important star map."

"Thanks for someone's generosity, I brought back a few prototypes of curvature engines and transition scanners. Our next step is to develop Earth's own curvature engine."

When Tony's words just came down, the scientific researchers on the stage went crazy first. They thought that there was only information about the universe, and they did not expect such a big surprise. With this thing, the biggest obstacle for humans to enter the universe will disappear.

The media personnel became restless after asking about it, and the live broadcast experts immediately explained the meaning of the curvature engine to the audience in front of the TV, and the ordinary people couldn't help getting excited.

"Will the Stark Group transform its aviation power next? Can other countries buy a curvature engine?" A Russian journalist couldn't help but ask loudly.

Many people held their breaths, waiting for Tony's answer. After all, Tony is an American. With the virtue of the US government, some people have begun to worry about exploitation in the future.

"Stark Group will of course be involved in aviation." Tony answered affirmatively, then looked at the audience and opened his arms.

"But all the technical information of space navigation will be shared with all humanity!"

The audience was completely boiling, everyone stood up and applauded desperately, some even jumped up in excitement, cheers and whistles kept ringing ...

In a corner that the audience couldn't see on the side of the stage, Li Mo poked his lips and said to Peper next to him, "This guy never forgets to be handsome."

Pepper shook his head with a smile and looked at Tony on the stage with excitement.

"Pepper," Li Mo said later thoughtfully. "Tony looks cynical. In fact, he bears a lot of things in his heart, and sometimes it may collapse and make irrational decisions. Look at it."

"I see." Pepper nodded. "Are you leaving?"

Li Mo nodded, "I still have something, and I will leave in a while, and the atmosphere here is a bit crazy, you know those people, it's upset."

Pepper agrees: "Indeed, these two days are really crazy. Do I need to say something to Tony?"

"No, just let it be." Li Mo shrugged and turned out of the press room.

Tony, who was speaking on the stage, saw Li Mo's figure going out, he was silent, and went on to say, "The general principle of the curvature engine is to produce high-energy and rapid ion plasma through the reaction furnace of matter and antimatter. This reaction Need to be controlled by a dilithium crystal ... "


When Li Mo came to the corridor, he found a graceful figure leaning against it, and walked up with a smile.

"This is the information you want." The black widow Natasha handed a USB flash drive, "don't think about it again? The captain has put you on the list."

"Sorry, I can never get used to that kind of life." Li Mo shrugged.

"Well, all the way." The black widow Natasha turned away and smiled.

When Li Mo came to the rooftop, a bunch of men were already waiting there.

"Little Lucas, think again, Barrett and George both have their own business, don't you want to follow me?" Li Mo said looking at his black clerk.

This kid has grown up a lot, showing a calm temperament.

"Boss, I won't do anything with you?" Lucas Jr. shrugged. "I will continue my internship at Matt. When you decide to return to the store one day, I will still be your clerk."

"Well, watch out for yourself. If you need help, you can find Tony." Li Mo sighed.

Then, under the watchful eyes of a group of people, Li Mo took Skorch and Kola to board the McQueen.

The spacecraft slowly rose into the air, and disappeared quickly after turning on stealth.

"Boss, where are we going next, Las Vegas?" Scolchi said excitedly.

"First accompany me to do something, and then Kola and I go back to Asgard. You and Emil stay on the earth to take care of the McQueen. I will leave you some money, and you will go on a leisurely journey." Li Mo said smoking a cigarette.

Scorch couldn't help but whistle. "Awesome, what are we going to do now?"

"Catch a little fish for bait." Li Mo smiled and took out the USB stick given by the black widow.


Columbian jungle

Ulysses Crow turned off the TV and said to the drug boss next to him: "Don't worry about this. If they do make a spaceship, we will also buy one and expand the business to the entire universe! "

A group of people laughed.

Subsequently, Ulysses Krau led the drug lord into a transport vehicle. Open a box and show the drug lord, "The best anti-equipment weapon, you know, I don't usually come in person like this small business."

"I seem to hear that you are being hunted down by some people?" Said the drug lord chief thoughtfully.

"They have hunted me down for more than ten years, am I not living well?" Ulysses Skelaus stretched out his hands ~ ~ hehe smiled.

Suddenly, a vine protruded from the void on his side, rolled up, and Ulissiklau quickly disappeared into the void.

"Whatfk!" The drug lord was so frightened that he sat on the ground and moved back quickly.

On McQueen, Scorch stared at Ulysses Scalau, who had been controlled by Li Mo with his scepter, and asked strangely, "boss, what are you doing with this guy?"

"He has some fun things in his hand, and I'm going to use him to do business with local tyrants," Li Mo said proudly.

"What fun?" Skorch asked curiously.

Li Mo snorted, "What are you asking?"

Scorch: "..."

"Anyway, it's a good thing. Go, go to the next stop, get my baby." Li Mo said with a shrug.

"Boss, what do you have?" Scolchi's eyes lit up.

"Don't inquire about what you shouldn't know!" Li Mo snorted again.

Scorch: "..."

After 15 minutes,

A mountain forest in Missouri,

Li Mo's miserable voice shouted, "What about Lao Tzu's magic book?"

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