Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 119: nonstop

"what happened to you?"

The merchant tribe elder asked a little bit worried, and he still had a good opinion of Li Mo who was able to bargain with himself very well.

"Oh ... it's okay, I'm just ... very happy." Li Mo said with a smile on his face.

"It is indeed something to be happy." The elder of the merchant tribe also laughed cheerfully.

"No ... what are you happy about?" Li Mo asked in amazement.

"Business can promote the development of the country, do you know that you have opened a gap for this closed country." The merchant tribe elder said with a smile.

"Wakanda looks well-developed and rich?" Li Mo asked, puzzled.

"The people of this country ... forget it, don't say it." The friendly elder suddenly felt a little interested and soon left.

Li Mo was a little weird, but he didn't care. He turned around and took an aircraft under the leadership of a guard to get things on the border McQueen.

This time he used ten Hercules 2.0 plus a box of whispers of Eros in exchange for a ton of refined Zhenjin, of course, including some deposits from Princess Su Rui.

Don't look at one ton, it's not much. But for now he is enough, after all, there is also an upper limit on the absorption capacity of Vampire Vine.

But there are not many good things. He has already experimented. McQueen can also incorporate Zhenjin. If McQueen's shell is replaced with Zhenjin ...

It's beautiful when you think about it.

Sitting in the captain's room, McQueen broadcasted live images of small insect detection.

This is a huge pit in the mountains, surrounded by vibrating gold stones reflecting the light blue shimmer, dense like the stars in the sky.

On the surrounding stone walls, there are one Zhenjin mining robots. From time to time, a number of suspended platform vehicles fly by to collect the Zhenjin rough stones collected by the robot. There are also several magnetic levitation tracks in the center of the pit, and the smelted vibrating gold nuggets shuttle through them like high-speed trains.

After scanning for insects, the scale of this vibrating gold mine was imaged three-dimensionally in the captain's room. This vein is very large, showing an irregular mountain shape as a whole. The mountains on the outside seem to envelop the mine with a layer of stone skin. The Wakanda people only made a deep hole in the center, and even 2% of this vein has been mined.

"Damn coal boss, no, Zhenjin boss." Li Mo was envious and envious.

It's a pity that the pit is out of sight, and the guys in Wakanda look at him again. Can only find another opportunity.

These are all my best ...

I really want to grab them.

The strength of the McQueen should be okay,

Grab it then

Whoever dares to stop him will be killed.

Even if this country is completely gone ...

Li Mo's eyes were slowly covered with bloodshot blood, and his face began to become somewhat distorted.

Suddenly, the psychic protection hand on the wrist trembled, Li Mo calmed down quickly, and found that he did not know when he was holding the scepter of the mind.

What's wrong? !!

Li Mo knew that he was affected because he was not such a killer. He squinted his eyes and carefully looked at the scepter in his hand.

I don't know why, he can't absorb the power of spiritual gems.

Can the use of spiritual gems affect one's mind?

Or is there something wrong with this scepter?

Li Mo thought about his recent behavior, and found that he no longer wanted to use his brain when he encountered something, and increasingly depended on the power of the scepter of the soul.

Although he hated abilities such as mind control, to be honest, this feeling of being able to manipulate others at will is really cool.

Will I become more and more dependent on this stuff in the future?

You can grab what you want,

Pretty women can go directly,

The pesky person can just let him die.

Slaves who think like drugs,

It's like muttering in the Lord of the Rings ...

Li Mo fought a cold war, and the scepter of the opponent was alert.

However, he was really reluctant to throw this thing to others, because it was already named Li.

We still need to use it to solve the problems of the Soverin.

Li Mo thought about it and put the scepter into the back room. "McQuan, record my state just now. If this happens again, immediately close the scepter."

After handling the scepter, Li Mo returned to Golden City, the capital of Wakanda, with the goods.

The spacecraft slowly landed on the platform, and some people in Wakanda were waiting there.

Wakabi, the elder of the border tribe and Wakanda's defense commander, stepped up in a hurry.

Border tribes can clash with poachers or warlords who accidentally enter, especially when posing as if they were shot black.

Although their weapons are extremely advanced and Wakanda's medical technology is also very good, some people are always injured.

It is okay to say that minor injuries are sometimes too late to be returned to Gold City.

After Wakabi took away hercules, the two maids took away the box of facial cleansers. The stimulus for trading has been put there.

Li Mo was about to leave, and Princess Su Rui and his brother, Goth Chara, came over.

"Are you leaving? What are you doing so anxiously?" Princess Su Rui said.

"Yes, I still have something." Li Mo smiled. The little girl was very interesting and always interested in his travels in the universe. Li Mo saw Tony's shadow in her.

"At least, let's take you around the Golden City and have a bite to eat. That's not Wakanda's hospitality." Techara said with a smile.

"Um ... okay." Li Mo listened and moved.

Subsequently, Li Mo and Skorchi toured the Golden City under the leadership of the two siblings.

This place is very interesting, high above it is a shiny high-tech building, and at the foot is a yellow African-style earthy building.

There are rail cars and maglev trains passing by. There are also peasants dangling with donkey carts. There are actually people in the streets who are carrying cattle and sheep.

Street vendors on the street are free to display a variety of goods, African wood carvings, silver-plated bronze teapots and trays, Wakanda fabrics, ceramic jars, and so on, and even smartphones are sold.

It is full of dreams, and even more disturbing. After stepping on a piece of sheep dung accidentally, Li Mo finally couldn't help but, "I said two people, let me be honest, your technology is advanced, but the appearance of the city is just crumbling."

Techara was a little embarrassed. "I know, I want to change when I come back to some cities in Europe, but the effect is not good. You know, our people are not too restrained."

Li Mo knew for a moment, African uncle, well-known, even in Wakanda.

"There is an institution called the Urban Management Bureau, which can learn from China. It is quite powerful in urban governance and should solve your problems." Li Mo couldn't help but suggest.

"Is that miracle country?" Techara thoughtfully.

"It's amazing!" Princess Su Rui immediately searched with her smartphone and exclaimed, and then showed Techara the photos.

Here are two photos before and after the city management, one is extremely messy, and the other is clean and tidy.

"I would suggest to my father that a city management bureau be established." Techara said seriously, "Thank you for your recommendation, Lee."

Li Mo shrugged.

Wakanda is also rich in snacks, but many Li Mo dare not get down. Roasted crocodile, zebra, ostrich and other skewers Li Mo, which Princess Su Rui highly recommends, have barely eaten a few skewers, but the big worm is really scary. What kind of banana rice ball and so on, the taste always feels a bit strange.

Later, Li Mo discovered a strange phenomenon.

The bustling Wakanda people in the streets dressed in African costumes and bought snacks and handicrafts with a smile on their faces, looking happy.

But why are civilians so keen to eat roadside stalls in the highly developed Wakanda? Why is the traditional small commodity economy still so developed?

When passing by the spacecraft, Li Mo found that there were many thatched cottages and fields outside the gold city. The Wakanda people usually do the physical work of feeding sheep and feeding rhinos. They live in these cottages.

Is it possible that only the upper class headed by the king can enjoy the benefits brought about by the popularization of gold?

These people do not look like they have received advanced education, and the construction of a high-tech civilization depends on developed industries and a large number of advanced talents.

So how did Wakanda's technology develop? Just a few elites?

There may be other secrets in Wakanda ...

But Li Mo didn't ask.

After Techara invited them for a slightly normal meal at the palace, Li Mo and Skorchi left Wakanda.

There may be a lot of weird places here, but there is always a day when the truth comes to Japan.

McQueen slowly lifted off, and the wild African continent gradually disappeared.

On the west coast of the United States, in a rare interpersonal place, McQueen dropped Li Mo, Scolchi, and Kola, and plunged into the vast sea.

Li Mo and Cora are about to return to Asgard. As Scorci belongs to the deportees, he goes to Las Vegas alone.

Emil stayed on the McQueen. This guy had long thought of the spaceship as home, and was very happy about it.

"You need to be safe here, don't make trouble." Li Mo said to Scolchi on the beach.

"Relax boss, I will treat myself as an ordinary earth person, but I haven't been here before." Scolchi shrugged.

"Well, let's go now." Li Mo nodded, and then took a few steps forward with Kola.


Li Mo raised his scepter and shouted.


Nothing happened.

"He must not have heard it." Li Mo smiled at Kola.



"Uncle Hai!"


Li Mo shouted over and over again, gradually anxious and deteriorating, "Hey, I usually call you brother and sister, and often bring you drinks and drinks. Is that right for me?"

"That ... boss, don't you need a pager?" Skorchi asked, scratching his bald head hesitantly.

"Also use the pager? It seems that Sol has never used it." Li Mo was a little dumbfounded.

"Although Heimdall can see the entire Nine Realms, his attention will not always focus on you. Sol is a member of the royal family." Scorch covered his forehead helplessly.

"That's it." Li Mo smiled awkwardly. "What should we do, fly back to Asgard on the McQueen?"

"They didn't take away my pager, let you use the boss." Scorch took out a unique badge from his body and handed it to Li Mo.

According to Skorchi's explanation, Li Mo pressed the gem on his badge, "Hemdal, did you hear me, take me to Asgard!"

After about a minute, when Li Mo began to feel impatient, a colorful beam of light fell from the sky, instantly covering him and Kola. Then the beam of light disappeared, leaving only a huge circular magic burning pattern on the ground.

"Finally left, Las Vegas, here I come!" Scorch cheered, and quickly left the place.


This is the first time Li Mo has used Rainbow Bridge while awake.

Surrounded by spray-like colorful rays, you can see the surrounding stars and nebulae rapidly receding through the rays ...

After about 30 seconds, a strong light ahead, stepped on the ground suddenly, and after a few steps pushed by a forward force, Li Mo and Kola finally stopped.

This is a golden hall with a round dome, and the surrounding walls are covered with large and small clocks.

There was a lot of noise around, there was a line of Asgard soldiers, and there were prisoners in handcuffed anklets.

"Hey, Lee, welcome back to Asgard, but you have to make way a little, and someone needs to teleport." Heimdall stood on the round platform in the middle, holding the sword inserted into the cylinder and said.

"What's happening here, Sol?" Li Mo hurried forward, asking strangely.

"Thanks to the infinite energy of the Cosmic Cube, the Rainbow Bridge was just repaired some time ago. During this time, the Nine Realms were very chaotic, the smoke was everywhere, rebels and thieves were everywhere. Sol was busy leading the soldiers to calm down." Heimdall answered Road.

"Okay, you're busy, let's talk later." Li Mo nodded and took Cora out of here.

After crossing the Rainbow Bridge, after leaving the palace area, the two rented a floating car to fly to the big market.

Despite the chaos elsewhere, Asgard is still bustling and peaceful.

"Are the people you said here?" Li Mo asked Cora.

"I just watched the news and they arrived three days ago." Kola looked a little anxious.

"It's okay, there's me." Li Mo comforted and asked, "What would they do to you if they reviewed the problem?"

"Everyone in Soverin is very valuable ~ ~ We have no death penalty, but we will be imprisoned." Cora replied, "But I don't believe this, after all, it involves the struggle between the parliament and the high priest."

"No matter how they play, we can figure out how to stay out of the box." Li Mo shrugged.

Soon, levitated cars came to the big market.

There is still a bustling crowd of people here. After getting off the bus and walking one street, the two came to the shop of the dwarf Moradin.

"Haha, my companion, you finally came back safely." Moradin, who was checking his accounts, laughed after seeing Li Mo, and stood up with a fierce hug.

"I'm happy too, but, **** it, the smell on your body is still so heavy." Li Mo helplessly pushed him away.

"I won't change it." Moradin shrugged. "There was a problem with our business, and the Soverin suspended our contract."

"I know, this time I'm here to deal with this matter specially." Li Mo snorted. "Where are those bastards?"

"On their spacecraft, the guys pretended to be in the big market and were taught by Asgard's people. They have been hiding on the spacecraft since then." Moradin said with a smile.

"Conceivable, do they think the people here will eat their set?" Li Mo shook his head and waved the scepter in his hand.

"Let's go meet these guys!"

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