Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 132: Pirates of Dreams Space (1)

If it were possible, Li Mo really didn't want to take this risk. The dimension of the dream was very secretive, not to mention what happened in the dream of the dreamer was completely unpredictable, but the current situation could not allow him to hesitate.

The sacrifice ceremony has begun, and an unknown and powerful existence has watched here. Li Mo and them all have become tributes placed on the dining table. Unless the witch Case stops by herself, they can only wait for death ...

After Li Mo asked that sentence, Chieri nodded first. "Of course, I've seen that movie."

Marvel World also has a space movie of Pirates of the Dream, but it was not filmed by Nolan, and the plot is also different.

"That film still has some theoretical basis, and it happens that I have read some books on psychology, plus this."

Li Mo shook the alienated broken magic cone in his hand. "This artifact can lead us to invade the dream. As long as we find a suitable method to implant a mind, we may be able to change the witch's mind."

"Fk! I probably understand what you mean." Demon Michelle shook her head, "You are the craziest human I have ever seen, and you go deeper in the infinite serial dream, even the demon of our dreams dare not do this. play."

"You think I think so." Li Mo snorted angrily. "If you don't wait to die, or gamble, you can only choose one."

"Well, I'll join." Chieri looked firm with a little thought. "Although everything here is a little confusing in my mind, it's okay to strike."

Li Mo nodded and turned to look at the demon Michelle who was scratching her head.

"What do you think I do?" Demon quickly shook his head. "No, no, don't even think about it, I won't go crazy with you."

"Your ability to change forms is very important. You can act as a team pretender. So ..." Li Mo's face gloomed. "You only have three choices: one, when a dinner of an evil god. Two, take a risk, Everyone survives. Third, I will kill you now! "

"I don't kill people, do you still want to kill me?" Demon Michelle looked astonished.

"Evil devil everyone will take it!" Li Mo put on a face of justice, "unless you prove yourself."

"Okay, okay." Demon raised his hands helplessly, "I promised to join, your look makes me sick."

"Can we go now?" Chieri asked.

"It would be nice if a mathematician who is proficient in geometry is a navigator." Li Mo was helpless. "The place we are going to is not like here, the space distortion is inevitable. Mathematicians can find a way for us, but now Where to look for this situation. Forget it, let's go ... "

A voice interrupted him suddenly.

"If you want a mathematician, I think I can do it." François, a young man with a mental disability, suddenly said, "Sorry, I overtook what happened now after I overheard your conversation. Introduce yourself, I'm a professor of mathematics at the University of Paris and a member of the International Mathematical Society. "

"Wow, I didn't expect it ..." Li Mo was surprised and a little bit lucky at the same time, but he still said smoothly: "This is not a child's play. The place we are going to enter is very dangerous. Once we are trapped as soul bodies, , Will never come out. "

"Is there a better alternative?" Francois shrugged.

"My dear, you ..." His girlfriend, Christina, was immediately anxious.

"Listen to me, Christina, I will definitely save you out." Francois said affectionately to his girlfriend, and then looked a little excited: "And I don't always tell you, people will always Is there a great moment, now it's time. "

Li Mo shook his head silently, and he looked at his teammates: a priest who didn't know the situation, a reluctant demon, a young man with a middle and second brain, and himself who had no heart at all.

This team of dream stealers is really low ...

"Are you ready?" Li Mo looked serious, first stunned the witch at first, then raised the magic cone, and filled the people with a dreamlike green smoke after injecting energy.

"let's go!"

As soon as the words fell, the green smoke wrapped into everyone's forehead ...


After passing through a kaleidoscope's unpredictable channel, the surrounding scene quickly solidified.

The scene in front of them made everyone look dumbfounded.

"What the **** is this place?" Chieri swallowed.

They are located in a vast stone temple. Numerous naked men or beautiful men and women in light gauze are rolling together with blurry eyes, wheezing and moaning everywhere. A thick **** atmosphere fills the entire temple. .

One to two, one N, N to N, all kinds of fancy tricks made them eye-opening ...

"It really is a lewd witch!" Chieri frowned. He was ready to fight, but he never encountered such a scene.

"No, you are wrong!" Li Mo shook his head. "Sex and dream have the most profound and essential connection. Everyone has it, and has the most direct connection with the real self, the subconscious. Fortunately, we are right local."

"What shall we do next, kill these people?" Chieri asked.

"Don't you, is this guy sexually depressed, why is it so murderous?" Li Mo shook his head. "We better not act lightly. After changing our cognition, we will touch the defense mechanism. It is not time yet."

As soon as his words fell, a large group of beauties in light gauze swayed towards them. When they came to them, they didn't talk, they hugged them lightly, some licked their ears, some touched their hands ...

"Don't resist!" Li Mo exclaimed. "To fit into this atmosphere, Michelle, quickly turn into a small animal to find people who are out of place here, that's the key to leaving here!"

Having said that, he grabbed the waist of the two beautiful women next to him and prepared to take off his pants.

"Wow, this task is so exciting!" Francois is not a good thing, just said goodbye to his girlfriend, and now he was carrying a woman.

"Oh shit, you know that there is nothing good for me." Desire Michelle shook her head helplessly, and turned into a crow and flew into the hall quickly.

"God, all of this is sin, is it your test ..." Chieri, who was holding back the excitement, closed his eyes and ignored the woman who touched and kissed himself, muttering there. The Bible.

Gradually, the woman next to him changed his face, stepped back with a cold face, and shouted, "Here is here!"

There was a moment of silence in the hall, and everyone's eyes were on Li Mo them.

"Shit!" Li Mo quickly put on half of his trousers and said to Chieri with a headache: "Can you treat this as a spring dream?"

"It's so real, I can't do it, I can't be sorry for my wife!" Chieri also cried without tears.

"It's a dead brain." Li Mo reluctantly covered his forehead.

Francois watched the leaving woman reluctantly, swallowed and asked, "What should we do now?"

"Hidden behind me." Li Mo shook his head and stretched out the vine. "It's about to fight ..."

Immediately after his words, countless men and women in the hall immediately put on SM leather clothes, and rushed up with a whip and mace.

Fortunately, they are just ordinary people. Li Mo easily used the vines to flick waves, but these people are still coming up in a steady stream ...

After a while, some people started to upgrade, and a magician had fired a fireball at them.

Li Mo can only set up an energy shield to resist.

"Why are they still magic?" Chieri exclaimed.

"Have you ever played a tower defense game?" Li Mo answered angrily, "The result of touching the defense mechanism is this, their abilities will become stronger and stronger, who knows what will happen in the end."

Chieri opened his mouth and wondered what to say.

After a while, the men and women surrounding them suddenly let go of several passages, and several magical siege vehicles of the same shape as Dick were slowly pushed out.

Li Mo's face was a bit bad at the moment, and he yelled out loudly, "You dare to put that thing over, I will destroy this place immediately!"

But those people didn't bother him, and started to fire magic cannons.

Li Mo suddenly thought about whether the enemies who had been hit by his own super electromagnetic gun also had such bad ideas.

Just as he was about to go crazy, the seductive Michelle in the distance suddenly recovered and shouted, "Here it is, here!"

Le Mo was overjoyed, grabbed Chieri and Francois for a moment and came to the demon, anxiously asking: "Where?"

"Here is a pure virgin." Demon pointed to a thorny room.

Li Mo turned his head and saw an innocent little girl trembling in that thorny room.

"Why is there such a pure girl in such a place?" Chieri couldn't help asking.

"It shows that her subconscious is resisting all of this! It's too late to elaborate, let's go!" Li Mo said as he raised the broken magic cone.

Green smoke flashed again, and everyone entered the little girl's brain.


Another scene change.

The crowd came to a place like a chapel. The tables and chairs were a bit messy, and there was still some blood on them.

"Where is this again?" Kieri asked, looking around.

"New York ... a funeral home in Hell's Kitchen ..." Li Mo murmured, watching the familiar scene. He has figured out many things.

"You know here?" Chieri was strange. "What's going on?"

Li Mo hesitated, and explained in detail the last time he confronted Marcus and Thomas with the witch's body, without concealing it at all.

"If the previous scene was her sexually-driven manifestation, then what happened here was the cause, desire and restraint of nature. This was the most ashamed thing after she woke up, so it was particularly profound." Li Mo shrugged "I didn't expect to have such a big impact on her."

"No wonder the two guys Thomas and Marcus deliberately concealed." Chieri shook his head. "You are doing this ..."

"That was just a mistake, okay! Besides, we were fighting against evil at the time!" Li Mo embarrassedly, "don't care about these insignificant things, let's find a way to investigate here."

As soon as his words fell, four people rushed in from outside the church. They were Li Mo, Marcus, Thomas, and George.

The four people didn't seem to see them, and turned left into a corridor ...

"I know I asked a little bit, but please explain it." Chieri asked helplessly.

"Those with deep memories will continue to play back the scene. I said the same thing again, don't affect them, don't touch the defense mechanism!" Li Mo explained patiently, fearing that these guys would be bad.

"Hey, psychologist, I just want to figure out what we are looking for. Will the layers of dream go deeper?" Demon Michelle has a big head, "We will be completely lost!"

"We have to find the subconscious mind of the witch Case, who is the true self, and find the original source," Li Mo said with a frown. "Only implanting ideas there can succeed."

"Okay, let's follow ..." Just after half a sentence, Demon Michelle saw another four of them, Li Mo, coming from the gate. They also ignored them and rushed directly into the corridor in the middle of the church. In the eyes of everyone's eyes, another team rushed in and ran into the corridor on the right ...

"What the **** is this!" Devil could not help but curse.

"Shit! The thing I fear most has appeared." Li Mo covered his forehead. "The twisted space of dreams."

Then he looked at Francois. "Mathematician, it's up to you if you can leave here."

"Okay." Francois nodded solemnly, "We need to walk through this maze again to build a rough model."

Li Mo nodded, and everyone accompanied Francois into the corridor on the left, where the scene was also traced back, and there were also three exits.

Under the guidance of Francois, the crowd chose an exit and walked in. They came to the anatomy room where the witch's body was stored. There were three more exits. After entering, they appeared in the chapel ...

François took a piece of paper and pen to keep writing notes, and the others kept walking around with him.

I don't know how long it has been ~ ~ Others can barely remember it at first, but later they are a bit confused in space thinking and want to vomit.

"Shit!" Even with the constitution of the demon, Demon Michelle couldn't hold on, and sat down, "No wonder there is no demon who dares to go into the dream, and it is over, we are completely over ..."

Li Moqiang looked at Francois with nausea. "Do you have a solution? Don't tell me you're dizzy!"

Francois ignored Li Mo. He had scratched his hair, his eyes were red and he kept writing and drawing on the paper, while muttering something in his mouth ...

"That guy is crazy!" Demon shook his head. "It is simply wrong for you to find an ordinary person to be a pilot."

"I've found it! I've found it!" Francois cried out as suddenly as he went crazy. "Here, like Escher's spiral staircase, points out the existence of a paradox in the dream, here is a non-European Few miles, this year's Fields Award must be me! "

Li Mo laughed and said proudly to the demon: "Don't underestimate mathematicians!"

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