Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 145: The Realm of 9 Realms (2)

Once again across the gate of time and space, just arrived in Asgard.

Heimdal was standing in front of the Rainbow Bridge, with two regulators in front of him. "Just don't go to Warnerheim, I'll send someone to take it."

"Thank you, hurry." Li Mo dragged the regulator to McQueen, and suddenly hesitantly asked, "God Odin said nothing."

"The King of God fell asleep in Odin," Heimdal replied.

"Great ... No, I mean I'll be back for the Warrior's Day ..."

Li Mo smiled and waved away.

"What are you happy about?" Heimdall shook his head.

Then they came to Jotunheim.

This is a planet almost completely frozen.

The ice and snow continent is extremely chaotic, and there are wars of the Frost Giant tribe everywhere.

The regulator fell on the icy ocean, next to a remote island shrine.

While McQueen was pulling the regulator, Li Mo went in curiously.

The temple was deserted. Judging from the large pillars and the tall dome, there were some huge creatures here.

The frescoes of the temple are carved with creatures that are not present in Jordonheim.

Not only the ice giants, some giants with rocky skin on the mountains that have not yet been frozen, giants with pale blue skin in the ocean, but also some huge creatures, ogres, giant wolf, giant bears ...

Li Mo touched his chin, it seems that Jordonheim was not this frozen planet before.

He suddenly remembered the deep memory of Witch Case, before the death of the sea giant Vermore said that he would give the Winter Treasure Chest to the Ice Giant and let Odin's plan fail.

Maybe this is the reason ...

Then they came to Musbelheim.

McQueen's scans pointed to a familiar location underground.

As expected!

Li Mo covered his forehead with a headache. The flame hall of the King of Flames, Sirte, was the converging point of the planet's energy, and the regulator was also attracted there.

In desperation, Li Mo was fully prepared to use a tentacle to hang McQueen hovering in mid-air, teleporting immediately if something went wrong.

Then he came to the underground entrance and rolled in his tentacles with the gift dropped by McQueen ...

A large group of black skins quickly spotted him.

"I want to see the Fire King, and his old friend is coming to visit!" Li Mo shouted quickly.

He was soon taken to the Hall of Fire.

Unlike here when he left, there were large pits caused by black hole bombs on the ground. Some scorched corpses were scattered all over the place, and they could be discerned as cursed soldiers.

The regulator is placed next to Sirte's throne.

"It's you!" Sirteer, sitting on the throne, put his hand on the Twilight Sword. "Do you dare to come back?"

"Dear King of Flames." Li Mo sneered, "Thank you very much for your gift, this special trip brought you a gift."

"Gift?" Sirte was a little faint, then sat down, seemingly caught in some sort of memory.

"This is specially made for you. I found the most skilled craftsman." Li Mo put down the tentacle-wrapped gift, which attracted Surtel's attention.

It's a two-meter-tall gadget similar to a touchscreen phone.

"It contains almost all of Midgart's masterpiece novels and writing skills books, and especially uses thermal insulation materials, energy-driven can use pyrolite." Li Mo proudly introduced.

Surteer came over and operated under the guidance of Li Mo.

"And there are some movies and games on it." Li Mo explained as he operated.

Soulter quickly became addicted and waved his hand. "Very well, you can leave."

"That ... friends should give each other gifts," Li Mo said awkwardly.

"I'm very happy with your gift, so what do you want?" Asked Sirte.

"Is that okay?" Li Mo pointed at Tuning Yi with a smile on his face.

Sirte looked at Li Mo. "You put in those dark elves?"

"How is that?" Li Mo was a little embarrassed, and then drew up. "The Dark Elves are about to destroy the Nine Realms, so it's not unusual to appear here."

Sirte looked at Li Mo. "You're lying, but it doesn't matter. Take your things away."

Li Mo rolled the adjuster with his tentacles excitedly, and flew back to McQueen, exhaling nervously.

Things went so smoothly that he couldn't believe it, and he felt that this guy Sultel had been pretending to be stupid, but he knew it well.

After Li Mo's departure, Surtel also lost interest in continuing to play.

He turned and sat back on his throne, seemingly caught in some kind of memory, and murmured: "Udondir, Simmara ..."

Li Mo finally came to Yalfheim.

This is a green planet, the surface of which is composed entirely of forests, and its owner is the spirit of light.

Long disappeared in the long history ...

Li Mo followed the guidance of the McQueen and came to a withered towering tree.

The bracelet in his hand suddenly lit up, and a vision appeared in front of him:

This is a planet that is much more beautiful than the present. The forest is misty with mist. The ground is full of vibrant spring water. There are stars shining in the dark woods. The climate is always warm and comfortable as in early summer. Above the forest ...

The light elves used to be too beautiful, most of them were women, with slender and hot bodies, slightly pointed ears, white skin, and moving voices, jumping in the spring with veil.

They have a stronger magic forging process than dwarves, and powerful phantom runes make them rich in warriors and mages. They are extremely powerful and have a rune array that covers the planet.

These elves are powerful but do not like fighting. They are close to nature and love to travel. Their lord Urondir and princess Simmara even made friends with the fire giant Sirte.

Then, the war that affected the Nine Realms began ...

Odin led the long princess Hella to start the journey of conquest, and the equally powerful Warnerheim became their **** brother under the leadership of Lord Frey.

The first dwarf cartilage was bent to the ground. At that time, only the savage's Midgart worshipped them as gods. The most chaotic giant kingdom was slaughtered and cleaned, and the bodies of the mountains were filled with the underworld.

Only Mosebelheim is difficult to conquer, the environment of the Fireland is harsh, various flame creatures are powerful and not afraid of life and death in their territory, and Surtel with the eternal flame and the twilight sword created by the elves is even more powerful. .

The powerful dark elves were long ago annihilated, and the neutral elven kingdom of light elves, Alfheim, were spotted.

Warner Pro's Frey used tricks to destroy Alfheim's planetary enchantment, the elves of light fell into darkness, the lord Urondil and the princess Simmara died, and a large number of light elves were enslaved to Warner Heim is entertaining ...

The angry Sirte stormed into Warnerheim desperately, killed Frey, torched the entire planet, then surrounded by Odin and Hella, defeated and deprived of the eternal fire.

Because of the energy of the planet Mosbelheim, Surtel is immortal, so he has lived until now ...

Yalfheim is a special place. The elves and the planetary energy coexist. Without the elves, the earth has lost its spirituality.

The Forest of Light and the Forest of Darkness were all burned down, leaving only this living elven tree ...

The illusion gradually disappeared, Li Mo's heart was full of sorrows, and eventually he turned into a sigh.

McQueen gradually flew off the ground, Li Mo looked back at the green planet, and then entered the space-time gate.

After recovering the eight regulators, the spatio-temporal door over London gradually disappeared.

Despite a disaster, it was a great victory after all, and the Queen held a grand celebration at Buckingham Palace.

Everyone was cheering and drinking, and the customs of Asgard's stranded soldiers drinking and throwing cups made the royal steward's face pale.

As a hero who defeated the dragon, Sol was sought after by everyone.

Li Mo stood alone on the balcony with a wine glass and watched the scene quietly.

Saul ran over with the bottle aside the crowd, "Li Mo, why are you a little bit unhappy?"

"Brother, do you know that you have an older sister?" Li Mo asked with a smile.

"Impossible, where do you hear the rumors, I am the great prince of Asgard ~ ~ Sol shook his head.

"Well ... maybe I heard it wrong. Have fun. I want to blow my hair here." Li Mo said with a smile.

"Well, I'm leaving tomorrow, remember to return to Asgard for the Warrior's Day!"

"Of course there is no problem ..."


The next day, everyone left.

Sol they returned to Asgard.

Black Widow and Hawkeye went to look for the missing Steve Rogers.

The Coulson squad continued to fight the Hydra.

Tony and Reed return to New York, and he plans to invest in Reed's space program.

Li Mo drove McQueen alone into space ...


McQueen led the Dark Elves to restart the civilization. The spacecraft slowly landed in front of the remaining elven trees.

Li Mo clung to the elven ancient tree with his hand. "This is the seed of the dark elves. Remove the cruelty and leave the tenacity. Nourish on the land of the light elves. Darkness and light are intertwined. A new elven tribe is about to be born!"

The elven ancient tree quickly regained its vitality ...

Li Mo retracted his hand and looked into the sky. "Heimdal, I know you can see that this is a new race. If Asgard is really just, let everything go with the wind ..."

A sigh came from the Golden Palace ...


Many years ago ...

The keen travelling princess of the elven kingdom of light, Simmara, accidentally came to Musbelheim, the harsh environment.

Sirte came to her: "Little bug, aren't you afraid of me, I'm a flame demon!"

"Don't be afraid!" Simmara grinned. "We are all products of nature. What kind of demon are we pretending to be?"

Surtel: "Storytelling!"

Simmara: "Okay, before, the world was in chaos ..."

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