Geological activity on this primitive planet is extremely active.

First affected by the gravitational tide of four black hole bombs, and then by Li Mo extracting a large amount of planetary energy, the planetary continental plate suddenly became more unstable.

The earth began to shake violently, cracks over thousands of kilometers began to appear, countless volcanoes began to erupt, and the green planet's original energy was ejected hundreds of meters high by air waves like a magma, a doomsday scene.

And in the sky covered by black smoke,

Hundreds of kilometers of worm-shaped mothership was smashed into two by a tentacle ...

The rushing airflow will make the small Zerg spacecraft roll out of control, collide with each other and explode ...

Dozens of building-sized eyeballs stared at the sky, and the dense and thick rays of light continued to be blasted. In one shot, all the ships along the way could be destroyed. The energy shields of those worm-shaped ships were like paper in front of red rays with a diameter of 5 meters. The average.

The Zerg's proud tide of worms has now completed Li Mo, allowing his tentacles and big eyes to exert the greatest effect.

"Are you sure he is human?"

Looking at the horrible sight in front of him, Bruce Banner could not help but spit. "Compared to him, Hulk is not a monster at all ..."

Tony slapped the corner of his mouth. "This is his ability. You haven't seen it, but, um ... a little ... bigger."

Bruce Banner looked at Tony with a strange look. "Well, that's just a little bigger power. Fortunately, this is not the Earth, otherwise this little power will cause panic all over the world ..."

"That's what it says." Tony touched his chin, his face serious, "I'm all here, I hope you can forget what you saw today."

Everyone nodded solemnly.

At this time, in another cabin of the McQueen, Reed was still in a coma. The cells of the whole body were changing at the genetic level. Some useless gene fragments were recombined and distorted, and combined with foreign materials to form new ones. spiral.

But one person has slowly opened his eyes. Although the representative of the military, Dr. Dum, was the worst injured, he relied on his strong willpower to wake up first.

He felt the painful pain and the increasing strength in his body, while watching the scene outside the window quietly, his eyes thoughtfully ...

The attack of the cricket exterminators was blocked. Instead of continuing their brainless death crickets, they stopped attacking and exited the planet's atmosphere like an endless bee colony.

The Zerg Commander is a female with a huge abdomen. She is just the bottom of the Zerg King's huge harem army.

The worm after seeing the huge tentacles was only surprised. She was not surprised or scared at all. In the long years of the Zerg universe's conquest, she would always encounter various weird and powerful creatures.

To deal with this kind of creature, the cricket exterminator has formed its own set of procedures.

Looking at the retreating Zerg, Tony in the McQueen shouted loudly.

Li Mo also collapsed instantly, withdrew the power, and the huge tentacles dancing in the clouds and the roots spreading all over the ground instantly disappeared.

He felt like he was stepped back and forth dozens of times by a hundred rhinos on his body. His pain was numb and he had lost consciousness. His eyes were dark and crumbling. He exhausted his last strength and returned to McQueen. He fell to the ground and passed out.

And Tony in the cockpit could no longer care about Li Mo. They were attracted by a sight in the sky.

Although many places on this planet are covered with dark clouds, the agitation of Li Mo's huge tentacles and the arrival of a large number of Zerg spaceships have made the sky's cloud cover very thin, so that Tony can clearly see them. The satellite-like space fortress of the Zerg.

The center of that space fortress began to sink into a large block at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon formed a dark, large hole. A little light began to gather at the hole and became brighter ...

"Is that a death star?" Bruce Banner murmured.

"I only know that it is definitely not a good sign." Tony swallowed and asked in panic: "Damn, McQueen, how much longer do we have?"


"ten minutes?"

"Nine, eight ..."

McQueen started counting down, forming a blue space energy hood and emitting a lot of gravitational fluctuations.

But in Tony's view, McQueen was more like counting down the Zerg star-strike weapon.

The light at the entrance of the satellite became more and more bright, as if it was about to launch in the next second, waiting for McQueen space to pass through these seconds, Tony and they felt like dancing with death.

A strange airflow and buzzing sounded, the satellite hole suddenly burst into full bloom, and the Zerg Death Star Cannon fired. This weapon has a unique title in the Zerg: Sad Harvester.

"Ah-!" Everyone shouted in horror ...

McQueen also accumulated enough energy at the same time, the moment the Death Star Cannon was launched, the light was booming, and it disappeared in this space.

Like a watermelon that has been hit by a bullet, this newborn primitive planet is instantly penetrated by the energy shock wave of the Zerg sad reaper, which starts to swell and shatter from the inside, and at the same time flashes a dazzling red light. A huge circle of energy shock waves quickly Cosmic radiation dissipates ...


Li Mo was so tired that he didn't even have the strength to dream, so he slept for three or four days before waking up.

Like the beginning of a serious illness, there is no trace of spirit in the soft body, and I don't want to move for a while holding a cup of tea.

Thinking of the scene in negative space at that time, Li Mo shook his head.

To be honest, he didn't even think he could do this, and this was just absorbing part of the energy of a primitive planet.

To what extent can the demons who possess the energy of the entire dimension do?

Li Mo could hardly think.

Outside the window, a man in flames was flying at high speed over New York.

It was Johnny Stone, the younger brother of Reed's girlfriend Susan Stone, and a guy who revealed his flair from the inside out.

This cargo relies on his own superpowers and a handsome, resembling Captain America's young face. These days, women have been seduced everywhere, from supermodels to Hollywood actresses, and even their own fans.

Let Li Mo despise it very much.

Speaking of Captain America, Li Mo suddenly scratched his head and called the black widow Natasha for a while.

She and Hawkeye have been searching for the whereabouts of Steve Rogers. They had lost hope and thought that Steve had crossed the other planets in the Nine Realms. But someone in Berlin, Europe, witnessed Captain America and Kim fighting on the street, so they followed.

It was only after they arrived in Germany that Steve and King seemed to have evaporated from the world, and there is no clue to this day.

After hanging up the phone, Li Mo shrugged. The so-called Avengers had long been a piece of sand.

Tony is busy leading the progress of human science and technology, and since Hulk took care of Xiao Wangyou, his intelligence has skyrocketed. With his own ideas, he doesn't like to kill and kill the earth people who consider themselves monsters.

Frigga wasn't dead, and she tried to get Rocky out of the dungeon again. Asgard screens a court blood show every day, making Sol ecstatic.

Only Eagle Eye and Black Widow followed Captain America Steve Rogers every day to fight criminals everywhere.

Steve Rogers is also missing now,


The world doesn't seem to be so messy ...

Li Mo held a tea cup, drank a cigarette, and strolled around the Baxter Building.

This building has a more academic atmosphere than the Stark Building. They even have their own research and training center. Young students in white coats can be seen walking around.

The Frankenstein group came together again, and the negative space gave these scientists a lot of gains.

Tony and Reed are constantly experimenting with new ideas together every day, and testing the collected material and energy samples.

They were so attentive that they nodded their heads and continued the discussion.

Li Mo listened for a while, feeling more dizzy, and hurried out.

Oncoming Susan Stone greeted him kindly.

This woman has a sweet face and a **** figure, but Reed's guy drills in the laboratory every day and often conducts scientific experiments all night long, which is simply a waste.

Having said that, this woman and his brother's powers are quite high, one is flame, the other is stealth and controlling force field and energy.

Even Reid seemed very satisfied with his ability, but he didn't have any idea of ​​developing skills such as rubber guns to improve combat effectiveness.

He is satisfied that the efficiency of his own experiments has been accelerated. One can reach a beaker bottle far away with one hand. If you want to see the results of the opposite experiment, just stretch your head like a giraffe.

The only unlucky person is the stone man. This guy is really ugly. That day, Huck, who suddenly came out to take care of Xiao Wangyou, laughed at him.

The day before yesterday was because his wife divorced him and jumped from the top of the Baxter mansion in grief to attempt suicide.

As a result, it goes without saying that he did not fart, but the city hall has another infrastructure task.

However, Li Mo was not interested in them. He was interested in another person, a person who had kept himself in the house since he returned, Victor von Dum ...

In Dum's room, Li Mo knocked on the door and walked straight in.

Dum was sitting on the bed looking at his hands, but Li Mo didn't answer.

After Reed's tests, they found that the cells of Dum did not mutate.

In other words, Dum did not get any abilities like them, but instead fell into a scar that was difficult to repair.

Even the stone people think that Dum is losing money, but Li Mo doesn't think so. Things are far from simple.

Sure enough, after Li Mo turned on energy detection, he quickly saw the green magical energy surrounding Dum.

If he was right, Dum didn't gain much power this time, but the magic broke through to another realm.

The dull and lonely face of Dum's face, Li Mo had to scratch his head and set up a conversation first.

"Are you practicing magic?"

"Can you tell me about the witch's magic system? I can exchange it for a medicine that can treat your trauma."

However, Li Mo said a lot, and Dum didn't answer, just as if he was thinking about something there.

Li Mo reluctantly asked only one sentence: "Is your mother who ran out of **** to warn us that day?"

Sure enough, Dum's face quickly twisted, becoming very gloomy and terrible, and then gradually calmed down.

"I can teach you all the magic knowledge I know." Dum looked at Li Mo blankly. "However, I need your help."

"What's the matter?" Li Mo asked expectantly.

"Someday I will go to **** and rescue my mother's soul from Mephisto's hands." Dum looked at Li Mo. "I hope that you can come and help me when the time comes."

"Hehe ..." Li Mogan smiled, and refused euphemistically: "Although I really want to learn, I want to live longer."

Dum seemed a little disappointed and angry. "Your courage doesn't match your ability at all."

"Nonsense, that's a big demon!" Li Mo shook his head. "And I heard that his wisdom is as profound as his ability. You want to go to his place?"

"You are so timid that you can't even tell Mephisto's name ..." Dum was completely disappointed, looking at New York outside the window, and seemed to have made a decision.

"Let's talk about your scars." Li Mo said a little embarrassingly: "Although some medical cosmetic techniques can also restore you, my pills have no toxic side effects and are made of natural ..."

"Shut up!" Dum shook his head in disgust. "I didn't plan on treatment at all."

"Why?" Li Mo said strangely, "This is related to the happiness of your second life ..."

"Happiness ?!" Dumm suddenly interrupted him, with a strange ridicule on his face: "I don't need that kind of thing at all."

There seemed to be a trace of grief on his face, and he said with memories ...

"My mother is indeed a powerful witch, but in order to give me a better foundation, she spent most of her energy on me in the mother's body."

"When those warlords came, the rebels were about to be defeated. In order to protect my young father and my wounded and dying father, she reached an agreement with Mephisto at the cost of her soul."

"In a few years ~ ~ In an escape, my father covered me with the only coat in the snow and ice in order to protect me. I survived, but he froze into an ice sculpture."

"I'm a disaster star who shouldn't have come to this world ..." Dum's voice gradually diminished. "You think the mother's soul is still suffering in hell, but there is nothing I can do about it Are you happy?"

"What are these scars?" Dum shook his head and smiled scornfully. "Every day I live is in endless suffering!"

Dum then fell silent, and Li Mo sighed, wondering what to say.

After a while, Dum stood up, picked up a backpack he had already packed, and turned away.

"Where are you going?" Li Mo couldn't help asking.

Dum stopped. "I'm going to do something I had planned."

"what's up?"


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