Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 156: Frontier of solar system

Unexpectedly, there are unexpected gains!

Li Mo touched his chin, staring at Stephanie pretending to say hesitantly: "Only one ... something is not enough."

"This magic stone is the only one!" Stephanie anxiously excused.

Her father frowned. "That's the case, we're terminating the deal."

It seems they don't know three things about it.

After Li Mo tried out the reality, he immediately started acting, pretending to say generously: "It doesn't matter, just like that, who makes us friends?"

Stephanie was relieved, her father shook his head helplessly, and saw that the old man was very reluctant to let the stone out.

When the deal was reached, Li Mo did not make nonsense, and directly asked McQueen to drag this space-time stone up.

Stephanie said goodbye to his father.

"Stephanie, you ... must be safe." Gideon Malik suddenly felt a little bit reluctant, after all, her daughter had to go to the vast space alone.

"Please rest assured father, I will meet our god!" Stephanie had been unable to restrain her excitement and turned to the traction beam.

Gideon Malik sighed, looking at his daughter's small size in the traction beam. Suddenly there was a trace of regret in her heart. It seemed that her daughter's life and family wish had begun to be difficult to choose.

After Li Mofei returned to McQueen, Scolch, who had been on the ship, took the crew and Stephanie to visit the spacecraft, and he hurried to the captain's room.

"How is it, McQueen, is this the thing?" Li Mo asked anxiously after closing the door.

"Yes, we are very lucky," McQueen replied quickly.

"You said that this thing is a cosmic wonder, what kind of thing can be classified as a cosmic wonder?" Li Mo asked in relief.

"I have a video of the Kerry Empire Academy of Sciences here for you to translate." With McQueen's voice, a holographic image was displayed in the center of the captain's room ...

The infinite universe contains infinite mysteries, and the developed civilization feels that it is just a glimpse of the leopard.

In special circumstances, the might of the universe will cast some unimaginable products beyond the physical rules of the universe.

The rules in chaos, time, and space are all likely to be shaped by the Big Bang into tangible matter, just like a few infinite gems.

The black hole singularity, after the explosion of a superstar, was condensed by the strong magnetism of the universe, the pulsars collided, and even the parallel universes collided, it is possible to form cosmic wonders.

The three stones were the result of the collapse of an unknown dimension and were obtained by the powerful Kerry Imperial Academy of Sciences, which had not yet undergone a cataclysm.

After research, the Academy of Sciences found that these three stones can change the rules of space, time and quality under certain conditions.

At the beginning of the design, McQueen incorporated the powerful evolutionary instinct of the Bruder Zerg, plus the technology of the Kerry Empire, giving it the capital to rely on absorbing the wonders of the universe ...

When Li Mo opened his eyes, his interest increased, and he said quickly: "Hurry up and see what will change."

With the order of Li Mo, the stones contained in McQueen's belly capsule slowly sank into the deck, and then turned into a large black pitch-like liquid that was absorbed by McQueen.

"What's changed?" Li Mo asked anxiously.

"It takes a week to fully absorb, and during this time curvature flight and hyperspace jumping are not possible," McQueen replied.

"It's okay, take your time, you must be more secure." Li Mo told him, sighing with satisfaction, came to the large observation cabin.

The observation cabin is located in the neck of the Beatles McQueen, which is a place planned by Li Mo in advance.

As long as the ship is crowded, the cockpit will be listed as a restricted area, and guests on board can move here. The top of the entire observation cabin is completely transparent, which can not only enjoy the view of the universe, but also filter harmful strong cosmic rays, and cover the armor during combat.

The crew and Stephanie were watching the wonderful starry sky, and suddenly the door of the observation cabin opened.

Li Mo, wearing his large starship captain's coat, came in with a cigarette, and he clapped his hands. "Welcome to the most handsome spaceship in the universe. I am your captain Li Mo. You have a week You can freely move around and enjoy the beauty of the universe. Woody can use this to find inspiration. "

"After one week, we will start the space jump, and you all give me to the dorm bay. Frank you ask why? Because you are too weak, the pressure during the space jump will crush you. If you need anything, you can find a mechanical nanny , Our supply is very sufficient. "

Then he swayed to Stephanie. "Beauty, give me the coordinates of the planet you are going to."

Stephanie changed into a black tight-fitting leather coat and heard that she quickly took out a flat panel display from the package and handed it to Li Mo.

Li Mo took a look and took a look at the three-dimensional three-dimensional star map. He said with satisfaction: "Very well, not in the corner of the universe, we can go there first."

Stephanie couldn't help but frown.

Li Mo shook his head. "I have a question. How did you know his planet coordinates?"

Stephanie nodded and replied: "We send a team of people every so often and carry various parts with us to form a signal transmitter. Unfortunately, there is no way back. Just a few months ago, we Received a signal sent to the transmitter decades ago, indicating this address. "

Li Mo nodded and didn't speak, turned around and Woody said hello and returned to the captain's room.

He first picked up the "Jade Jade Record" carved on the jade plate and looked at it.

"Cuiyulu" is the origin of human alchemy. It has only 13 short sentences but it is profound.

According to legend, it was written by a **** named Tot in ancient Egypt, who also wrote a Book of Undead.

The position of Cuiyulu in alchemy is equivalent to that of Tao Te Ching.

Li Mo stroked the uneven ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs on the jade slab with his hand, and observed carefully.

Of course, he would recite a few short sentences on it. Newton's alchemy manuscript did not tell me how many times.

What made him curious at the time was that this jade slab was square and square, with a pattern composed of hieroglyphs, which looked like some kind of weird jade ... U disk!

He placed the jade plate on the experimental platform, and McQueen quickly performed a detailed scan.

It's weird. The center of the jade slab is full of complex and difficult to distinguish energy circuits, but it is not comprehensive. It seems that it can only be read by connecting some external device.

Li Mo shook his head and didn't care. There are too many unsolved mysteries in this world. Let me study them later.

Thinking of this, he quickly put the jade slab back to the captain's storage room. Later, I found a place to sit down cross-legged and started my magic research.

He now has a certain understanding of the magic system of the Marvel universe.

The mage draws huge dimensional energy, and performs magic in various fields such as space, energy, and soul through runes and spells.

Scientific is the practical method of cognitive world. In a sense, magic can also be classified as an unknown science.

There is one exception, modify reality!

There is no trace of this ability, and it is completely confusing, and the realistic gemstone with this ability is in the hands of Li Mo.

After absorbing the energy of the gem, the tentacles first have the ability to truly clone and change volume.

Li Mo feels that this change is still going on, but he has not yet accumulated a critical point.

After all, he needs to extract dimensional energy, convert it into his own energy, and then inject it into the real gem. Finally, the real gem will emit energy to change the vampire.

This is aimed at itself, can it inject energy to modify the reality of other items?

Li Mo stretched out a tentacle, and directed the energy of the realistic gem to a ceramic tea cup, and at the same time the thoughts began to focus.

Suddenly, a miracle appeared, and the ceramic tea cup became a plastic tea cup!


Li Mo stood up and cheered.

Next, he even enjoyed himself, turning a glass of water into a vodka and a laser gun into a toy water gun ...

The dimensional energy extracted by the root whiskers couldn't keep up with his use quickly. After a break, Li Mo was agitated and shouted, "McQuan, tell Scorch to come over."

Scholci came quickly, "boss, what are you doing?"

"Are all the guests arranged?" Li Mo asked.

"It's all right, one by one, it's a fuss. It's really a bunch of scumbags." Scolchi shrugged his lips, and then hesitantly asked, "boss, can the beautiful lady on the ship be soaked?"

"Remember, all women who have been allowed on board may end up in my bed!" Li Mo warned.

"Um ... okay." Scorch scratched his head.

"Stop that." Li Moyang smiled warmly. "Let's do a little magic experiment."

"Boss, what are you doing?" Skorch watched Li Mo alertly.

"Don't worry, don't move, relax ..." Li Mo said as he guided the energy of the real gem slowly to Skorch.

Soon, Scolchi's nose grew longer and longer like Pinocchio.

"Holyshit!" Skolch was frightened, holding his nose. "Don't, boss, get back the magic."

"Okok, right away." Li Mo hasn't teased Skorchi anymore, and he has quickly restored him to its original state.

"Okay, you can go." Li Mo waved his hands, excited to start the next experiment.

But Scolchi didn't want to leave, and he hesitantly asked, "Boss, can you make my second child bigger?"

"Is it okay to be iron?" Li Mo became angry, "get away!"

Skolki left warily, and Li Mo stared at his stall, scratching his head, "In fact, it would be nice to get bigger ..."

After a day of experiments, Li Mo thoroughly figured out the rules.

Reality gems can indeed modify reality to some extent, but this unusual ability requires a lot of dimensional energy.

Simple small material modifications are possible, but more powerful realistic modifications, such as changing the result of something or changing a certain physical law, require immense energy to support, and it is impossible to drain Li Mo.

Next, Li Mo began a more important magic experiment, cheating.

His reasoning about magic was too slow, and an energy shield took months. When will so much magic happen?

Li Mo took out a blank sheepskin roll bought by Karma Taj and sat in front of him.

He first experimented with a relatively simple magic, stealth.

The energy of realistic gems gradually began to gather, and the magic model of Karma Taj began to be split and recombined, and a large number of Asgard Runes and Phantom Runes filled them ...

I don't know how long before, the new stealth magic applied to him is finally constructed successfully.

Li Mo experimented, and the effect was quite good, and because all his magic models were burned on the trunk of the Vampire Vine, a lot of complicated casting process was eliminated in the province, and he could almost send and receive.

Li Mo looked at the time, and unknowingly passed two full days.

He scratched his head. This was just the simplest magic. It took so long. It seems that the power to extract dimensional energy is still a little small.

He then re-planned the plan. First of all, a relatively complicated magic, the dimension gate.

According to the description in the "Luo Hong Feature", there are at least 300 dimensions that have been ascertained.

Of course, many of them are desolate places with thin energy. Those with powerful dimensional energy are usually occupied by demons.

The more powerful the dimension, the more powerful the Demon Lord is. For example, in his several beards, the energy extracted from the nightmare dimension is 1, the energy of the planet Mosbelheim is 2, and the dark space of Weston is 4; In the original energy, otherwise, the thinness would not even reach 0.1.

Of course, as his ability evolves, the roots will become thicker and more energy will be absorbed.

He had thought about using the ability of realistic gems to thicken the roots first, but quickly eliminated this stupid idea.

Now the demon gods have noticed, just because the energy extracted is too little, the devil gods don't care, just a little curious.

Now suddenly from a tumor cell to a lymphoma metastasis, isn't it that the devil gods are dogs jumping over the wall?

Like scams, cheating someone out of their homes will make him desperate. But if you cheated a thousand dollars from each of 10,000 people, it will only make everyone feel that you are hateful.

But the effect is far different.

Thinking of this, Li Mo immediately started the preliminary preparations, carefully remembered the magic model of the dimensional gate, and studied a large number of dimensional space books.

First of all, there must be something in mind, otherwise the effect of the magic model will be greatly reduced.

Four days later, he was finally ready and McQueen brought good news.

McQueen, who absorbed the successful evolution of the space stone, not only has the magical power of infinite teleportation in a short distance, but also requires almost no preparation when performing space jumps and dimensional crossings, and will never appear like the last time in negative space. Distress situation.

The original space stone can transport people across the universe, and its functionality may be greatly reduced, but according to McQueen, the real power will not be revealed until all three stones are assembled.

Li Mo was overjoyed, it was a sudden big upgrade before the monster. He was more confident about taking the power gem this time.

After looking at the star map, Li Molai hit the observation cabin.

Old Woody is sitting at the table and discussing the script, Stephanie is sitting alone at the window staring at the universe starry sky.

Li Mo clapped his hands and caught everyone's attention.

"Everyone ~ ~ We will see Pluto immediately, as if this guy has been downgraded, but who cares."

"Anyway, that means we will soon enter the Kuiper Belt, the frontier of the solar system."

"Emil just took you to see a small probe. It was the New Horizons probe, which was launched by NASA in 2006, and it won't arrive where we are now in a year. That's what space travel is like Wonderful, time always blinds you. "

"Well, free time is over, we are about to make a space jump, you all go to the dorm."

With the end of Li Mo's words, Woody went to the dormant cabin under Scolchi.

Stephanie came over, Li Mo nodded, "Relax, I will wake you up when I get there."

Stephanie left in excitement.

Li Mo shook his head, "Poor girl, I hope you don't regret ..."

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