Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 163: Ronan's purpose

"Sure enough, you still want money!"

Li Mo said with a black face.

"No, don't you misunderstand." Star Jue said helplessly: "You're right, this is really not something I can participate in. But look at you two, energy shock wave, horrible tentacles, energy shield ... I You must be responsible for your life! "

"As long as you promise to let me leave safely, I will give you the cosmic spirit ball. As for who can get it, it doesn't matter to me, ok?" Star Lord asked loudly.

"The deal." Li Mo agreed quickly. Luo Nan nodded calmly and agreed.

"That's it." Xingjue smiled, and then carefully placed the leather pocket containing the cosmic spirit ball on the ground.

"Wait a minute!" Li Mo stopped him suddenly. "Open your pockets and let me see. Don't let you **** drop the bag."

"Hey, it's all ... well, can't you trust a little?" Xing Jue's face was a little bad.

"Who are you?" Li Mo sneered ironically.

"It's so sad that you actually look at me like that." Xing Jue said with wide eyes and saw Li Mo look indifferent, reluctantly opened his leather pocket.

Li Mo looked at the cosmic spirit ball inside, and nodded with satisfaction.

"I'm an honest person!" Xing Jue said with a grunt, and tied his pockets, then took a few steps back cautiously, turned around and ran up the spaceship to grow.

Li Mo did not stop him, because Ronan had already rushed up to **** the leather pocket.

With a wave of Li Mo, a tentacle suddenly emerged from the void, pulling the pocket over.

At the same time a teleportation opened the distance, flying in the air while bombarded with eyeballs, and wrapped around with tentacles.

This is a tactic he designed. Because of the lack of melee, he might be attacked by those physically strong guys. Therefore, he must open the distance and defeat the enemy with a powerful attack in the middle and long range.

After the accused Luo Nan smashed a tentacle with a hammer, he was taken back by a dozen steps, shaken by powerful forces, and his body was numb on both sides.

Kolas and his men kept firing explosive guns at Li Mo, but the green beam hit the magic shield in front of Li Mo with no ripple at all.

Then they were hit hard by a tentacle, the sound of bone fractures sounded, and green blood spit on the ground.

On the one hand, Ronan wanted to use the energy shield to resist the eyeball bombing, and on the other, he needed to avoid the tentacles, which were obviously difficult to resist.

He is at least one level worse than the Hulk, but is more familiar with energy manipulation.

Li Mo shrugged his lips, it seems that this guy has this ability, he did not want to drag on anymore, he instantly increased the frequency of attacks.

Ronan soon couldn't resist, and was entangled in the air by the tentacles. His two eyeballs protruded, howling in pain, and he was about to be strangled.

At this moment, Li Mo suddenly felt the crisis, looked up, and the dark asterisk in the sky had already fired a bunch of orange-red high-energy lasers at him.

"Shit!" Li Mo cursed, when did he become the one who would be beaten by the spaceship?

These are all his previous tricks.

The magic shield was a bit difficult, Li Mo didn't hesitate and immediately waved his hands to use the mirror space.

The surrounding space quickly appeared like a broken glass texture, and Li Mo entered the mirrored space.

Luo Nan's tentacles suddenly disappeared, and he fell heavily to the ground.

The seriously injured Kolas was covered with sparks all over his body. He climbed up hard, watching the ground continuously bombarded and melted by high-energy lasers in the distance, and asked bitterly, "Is that monster dead?"

Luo Nan stood up hard, shook his head and said, "No, we're leaving here."

A small aircraft landed next to them. The two stumbled up and the aircraft quickly took off.

At the same time, the dark star's high-energy laser stopped firing, and Li Mo suddenly appeared on the ground not far away.

"This monster really isn't dead!" Kolas exclaimed.

Luo Nan grimaced his teeth and stopped the aircraft in the air. He shouted, "I don't care who you are. But you know, this thing is dedicated to Thanos!"

"So what." Li Mo snorted. "He's not here anyway ..."

As soon as he had said a few words, he closed his mouth tightly, afraid that the crow's mouth would really invite the crazy Titan.

When Ronan saw it, he couldn't help but want to ridicule him, but Colas pulled it tightly and whispered, "That guy can fly!"

Ronan closed his mouth immediately, and his face was a little ugly. "Let's get out of here."

Seeing Luo Nan run away, Li Mo didn't go after him, he didn't care about the life and death of these guys.

Anyway, the Cosmic Spirit Ball is already in hand. What is Fenerkung Fu doing?

Seeing that the dark star quickly left, and no annihilation appeared, Li Mo opened the leather pocket with satisfaction.

Power gems are very arrogant and difficult to master. A single blow on a weapon can destroy the planet.

I don't know if my tentacles can bear it, and what kind of benefits it will bring, Li Mo is looking forward to it.

However, after opening the leather pocket, Li Mo's smile was frozen ...

Inside is a glass ball containing a doll.


Li Mo threw the ugly doll on the ground fiercely, "Your father is a ball, you are a jerk, please let me go, and come with me ..."

Obviously checked, when did the **** give away the bag again?

Has he become a villain boss who has been played around?

"This tm is not the treatment of the protagonist!" Li Mo growled angrily.


Li Mo got a black face and boarded McQueen.

Emir was startled when he saw it, and asked carefully: "Captain, isn't it going well?"

"Meet an unlucky thing!" Li Mo said fiercely.

"Are we going to catch up?" Emile asked.

"No, that **** ship hasn't known where the jump has gone."

Li Mo snorted. "We went directly to Sandal. McQueen was much faster than his broken ship. He intercepted him one step ahead."

"Okay, Captain."

With the operation of Emil, McQueen's rapid transition disappeared into the starry sky.


Over time, Li Mo was no longer the youngest brother who had just started spaceflight.

He already has a deeper understanding of the universe.

Sandal is located in the southern part of the galaxy, and the strength of its Nova Army is expanding.

Because of its proximity to the Kerry Empire, the Milky Way's companion galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud, the two sides often clash.

A large cold spot near the Pojiang Block in the southern part of the Milky Way is not suitable for intelligent life because of the extreme cold, and it has become a border between the two sides.

In the Fairy Department closest to the Milky Way, there is another powerful ancient empire, Skullur, who is the enemy of the Crees.

Centered on the Milky Way and the Andromeda, around more than 50 galaxies of different sizes together form the local galaxy group, which belongs to the larger Virgo super galaxy cluster.

Among the civilizations that have been discovered so far, in addition to the Kerry and Skullur empires, there is a more powerful Shia empire.

Little is known about the capital of the Shia Empire, but it is speculated that it may be somewhere in the center of the fairy and galaxy.

Only they have the technology to build superstar gates that travel across galaxies.

And the Milky Way's two superstar gates, one of which is located not far from the Orion arm where the Earth is located.

The size of the universe allowed Li Mo, who had just gotten McQueen, to say that he would walk around the universe in his lifetime, dispelled this idea early.

After passing through several wormholes and after dozens of spatial jumps, McQueen was not far from Sandal.

Around the starry sky, we can occasionally see the hurrying spacecraft.

Mike is sailing in a large meteorite belt.

As Emir kept adjusting his course, he asked, "Captain, we will soon enter the star area where Sandal is located. Should we stop and wait here?"

"No." Li Mo shook his head. "We turned on the stealth function and hid near Sandar Star."

"But ..." Amir asked with surprise: "Aren't you the wanted offender? We're going to catch ourselves."

"Rest assured." Li Mo smiled. "The internal situation of the Kerry Empire has recently been tense, and the hardliners are showing signs of rising, coupled with the accused Ronan has been disrupting the border. Sandal has sent most of the Star Fleet. The rear defense is very empty. "

"That's okay." Emile nodded. "The last jump will be made immediately."

With the activation of the honeycomb singularity detector, McQueen rushed into the singularity.

However, after jumping out of Sandal's stellar system, Li Mo and Emil were dumbfounded ...

There are five huge yellow and red space fortresses near Sandar Star.

Dozens of two-kilometer-long interplanetary carriers are guarded by a large number of interplanetary destroyers, lined up in a dense line.

All ships are yellow, with huge octopus signs inlaid at the top.

A Star Fleet of the Nova Empire actually returned?

One of the destroyers quickly flew out several small octagonal spacecraft, and started the curvature engine with the highest speed and came to the McQueen not far away.

"The spaceship ahead, please report your identity and cooperate with the inspection." A signal was immediately connected.

"Captain, what should we do?" Amir asked with a swallowed throat.

"What else can I do ..." Li Mo's eyes widened, and then he shouted frantically: "What are you still doing, let's run!"

Emile reacted and hurriedly twisted the steering wheel.

McQueen almost made a drift-like sharp turn, then accelerated madly, and suddenly the jump disappeared.

Several pilots on the Nova Army's Bamanxing spacecraft staggered, and then noticed something wrong and immediately caught up.

However, McQueen's speed was too fast, they immediately lost it.

After the Wolverine experienced several space jumps, Li Mo and they hid in a gaseous planet.

"What happened to that TM just now?" Li Mo asked incredulously. "How did the Star Fleet of the Nova Corps run back?"

Emile quickly retrieved the information and then said, "Captain, I think you probably need to look at this."

Li Mo sat in the captain's seat and clicked away. "Well, it's a piece of information intercepted by McQueen from the Nova Legion fleet. Let's see what they want to do?"

The three-dimensional information image was soon revealed, and it was Sandar's new star Supreme Ilani Rael, a silver-haired iron lady.

She saw her face solemnly said: "Attention all members of the Nova Legion. According to the information we have received, the former Kerry Empire's highest accuser, Ronan, suddenly appeared near the local galaxy. He also accompanied the crazy Titan Sanos Of the Dark Order fleet. I can suspect that their target is most likely Sandal. The exact reason is unknown, but we must strictly guard against all suspicious spacecraft and prevent enemy penetration! "

"Why did you play in advance? Do you want to be a big boss?" Li Mo muttered.

"Captain, what are you talking about?" Emile asked curiously.

"Nothing, things are a bit troublesome." Li Mo shook his head, "Sandall can't get in."

"Where are we going now?" Emile asked.

"It seems that I still need an old friend to help me, McQueen, searching for rocket raccoon information and sky signals." Li Mo sighed.

"Hope this guy is still Sandal ..."


20,000 light-years from Sandar,

The dark side of a planet in a strange star system,

A huge black fleet is quietly hiding here.

Led by the dark star.

Gloomy central command hall,

The accused, Ronan, sat quietly on the conductor's seat constructed of dark metal.

He stared blankly at a group of people below, Thanos' adoptive nebula Nebra and the ebony throat, dark star, and supergiant of the Dark Order.

"The accused, Luo Nan, the adult saw your reputation but overestimated your ability." Wumu throat said with a smile: "But the adult still decided to give you another chance, we will temporarily obey your command."

This guy has a smile on his face, but his words are very vicious: "If you fail, your ideals and your beliefs will all turn into beautiful bubbles, and even your soul will be destroyed forever."

"Tell Thanos, I won't fail." The accused, Ronan's face was somber as if dripping water. "That fellow's gang, a little punk called Star Lord, has reached Sandal, just grab this person, You can find the monster who took the cosmic spirit ball. "

"Very good ~ ~ Adult's favorite adoptive daughter, Kamola, has secretly sneaked into Sandal. Hope everything is as you said."

After the ebony throat spoke, he nodded gracefully and led everyone out of the hall.

After they left, the accused, Ronan, could no longer bear the anger of humiliation, and slammed his punch on the black steel conductor's seat.

One of his henchmen came up and said indignantly: "Master, they are too bullying."

The accused Ronan suppressed the anger in his heart, "It doesn't matter, let them deal with that monster at that time. We have only one goal, destroy Sandar."

"As long as this is done, not only can the establishment of the Galactic Council be destroyed, I will also have a huge reputation."

"At that time, I will return to the Kerry Empire, take over the hardliners who are rising in the country, and overthrow the most intelligent and pedantic rule in one fell swoop and complete our ultimate great cause."

"Reviving the Kerry Empire!"

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