Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 169: Ghost prison (below)

Astral projection usually has three forms,

The first is the most common type, which exists as a psychic soul, which is the soul travel. In this form, because thinking exceeds physical limits, is extremely active, and time becomes relatively slow, most of the time I use reading books to learn.

(Note: The research on astral projection is very popular now. There are a lot of book instructions and popular science videos. Some people say it is a scam and some people say it is crazy after drug abuse. Who knows.)

The second is manifestation, which adjusts the frequency and fluctuation of the soul and can appear in front of ordinary people. Some successful mages often use this method to pretend.

The last one is the advent of the soul. When the soul is so powerful, it can be projected onto the body suitable for other dimensions, and it can even be projected on the sculpture to form a miracle.

Li Mo can currently achieve the second type, and in the normal astral projection state, the impact on the real world will drop to a very low level. An ordinary adult soul body may be severely dropped, which may only make the real world The chair in the middle moves two or three centimeters.

Only mental power and magic are relatively limited.

Summoning tentacles is possible, but unlike in the dimension of dreams, the dimensional energy consumed in real space is almost doubled.

So for Li Mo, who has not yet developed powerful attack magic, a simple labyrinth space magic is currently the most suitable choice.

After adjusting the soul frequency, watching Momu throat lead a group of people around in the same place, Li Mo nodded with satisfaction and quickly left.

He's going to find them quickly during this time.

What he didn't notice, however, was the moment when he left, the ebony throat looked strangely at his soul body and smiled.


Half an hour ago

The lowest level of the cold prison.

Unlike the freedom and chaos of Chin Space Prison, this prison is very orderly because of its intelligent management.

Because of the involvement of Kamora, the Rockets were directly held as spy terrorists at the bottom.

Each person has a silver-white compartment, a laser particle gate, and food and drink are all transmitted automatically, and there is no time for air release.

The good thing is that several people are facing each other across the hallway, and they don't want to talk about any robot.

During this time, they discussed many strategies without success. Even when the rocket was desperate, the laser protection net suddenly disappeared.

A few people walked out with a grimace.

"Is this conscience finding that we are going to let us out?" Xingjue could not help but make a joke.

"Mother Groot!" Grew, the Shuren, stretched out his palm and showed a bright smile.

"Dude, do you agree?" Star Jue stomped and patted Groot's shoulder.

"He's laughing at your IQ, stupid!" Rocket Raccoon snorted. "Don't you see yet, someone has broken the central system."

"I am most worried about Ronan. They are here." Female Assassin Kamora said worriedly.

"That's great!" Naked, strong Drax said excitedly, "Just let me kill him."

Everyone looked at the violent freak with them, and shook their heads silently. A few days later they found that this guy's IQ was simply negative.

"What kind of eyes do you have, a bunch of cowards?" Drucks growled with a thick throat.

"Don't do this." Female Assassin Kamola shook her head. "We should first transfer the cosmic spirit ball. Escaping here cannot let them find it."

"Women, I saved you because Ronan would come to you. No one can stop my revenge, anyone!" Drax reluctantly.

"Don't make a noise," Stark said loudly, "Kamola was right. I've met Ronan. Now it's best to ask God not to let us touch him."

"Who is God?" Drax scratched his head. "Is it useful?"

"Uh ... maybe." Star Jue opened his mouth. "Anyway, that's all."

Drax clenched his fists immediately. "God, let me see Ronan."

The Rocket Raccoon could not stand it anymore, and covered his eyes all at once. "It's really a bunch of brain damage."

At this moment, Li Mo finally found them, and immediately used the soul manifestation, a slightly transparent half-length body got out from the air, and there was a layer of glass-like substance behind him.

"Finally found you!" Li Mo said with relief.

The crowd was startled, and the rocket's hair was erected, and all of a sudden came under Groot's shoulder.

Kamola rolled on the spot and stared at Li Mo vigilantly.

"Ghost!" Xing Jue screamed like a woman.

"Shut up!" Li Mo frowned, using the power of realistic gems.

Xing Jue's mouth disappeared suddenly, pointing to his mouth in horror and making a whining sound.

"Are you God?" Drucks' eyes flashed.

"Are you mentally sick?" Li Mo rolled his eyes.

"Hey, man ... are you dead?" The Rocket Raccoon asked with a spit in his mouth, cautiously.

"I live well!" Li Mo snorted. "This is a kind of magic, and my soul will come to you."

"It's like this ..." Li Mogang said something, and saw Xingjue jumping around in front of him, pointing to his mouth with sweat.

Li Mo said angrily: "I'll ask you to settle accounts later, and listen to me for a while, otherwise you'll lose your little Dingding."

Xing Jue nodded in horror. After Li Mo restored him, he stood beside him respectfully.

"Luonan and the members of the Dark Order are on it ..." Li Mogang said again and was interrupted again.

"God bless!" Drax, the brain-wounded king, raised his fist in excitement. "I'm going to kill them!"

"TM is endless!" Li Mo was furious, and immediately used a fascination spell, Drax sulked into a smirk at his eyes and sulked.

Li Mo was aggressive, "I just used a fascinating spell that can make people obedient for a while. How did this guy become a dumb fool?"

"He would have zero IQ." Rockets poked, "First talk about what is happening now."

"Okay, this is the thing ..."

Li Mo shook his head and spoke roughly, then said, "I'm going to hold them now, you quickly go back to get your equipment and cosmic spirit ball, and then take the deep sea transport ship they drove back to the water. After the ball was given to me, the battle was won. "

The Rocket Raccoons nodded a few of them and quickly left here.

Li Mo returned to where they were from Ronan, and planned to hold on to the guys to give them time to the Rocket Raccoon and Star Lord.

When he returned to that place, he found that Ronan had begun to smash around with the universal weapon hammer, the hammer was covered with a layer of light, and the magic space maze was about to be destroyed.

Without a word, Li Mo covered another layer of a larger maze of magic space and said with a smirk: "You wait here obediently."

However, a voice came suddenly from the side: "You make it difficult for me to do this."

Li Mo was startled, and the soul body flew back quickly.

I saw that the ebony throat was also a soul form floating around, and looked at him with a smile.

"You ... how are you?" Li Mo stuttered.

"It's just a form of soul. People with strong mental strength can do it after training." Wu Mu throat looked at Li Mo with a smile.

As soon as Li Mo was about to speak, he felt wrong. A strange spiritual idea had entered his body, and he was constantly drilling towards the core of the soul.


Li Mo was really scared. He could feel that if this spiritual idea was allowed to enter the core of his soul, not only would all the secrets be seen at a glance, but he would also be parasitic in his soul, turning himself into a manipulative Puppet.

He wielded his gestures and used several soul protection methods in succession, but none of them used eggs. In a hurry, he used the ability of the vampire.

Sure enough, he was not disappointed. Although the absorption was relatively slow, this mental idea was still sucked into the body by the vampire and slowly digested.

Li Mo was finally relieved, and began to carefully observe the guy who had been farted by himself.

The more you look at it, the more wrong it is. This soul is too powerful ...

"Oh, I didn't expect it." Li Mo shook his head and said, "I have collected your information, Kamola and Nebula need not say, I want to kill Thanos every moment."

"Removing supergiants is a neurosis affected by abilities."

"The black dwarf helped the tyrant to do things because the people were under duress. I'm afraid the hatred is not small."

"General Deathblade and Protoss of the Night have already made it clear that they are using the power of extermination, and they will definitely go against it in the end."

"I always thought you were the only loyal person, but I didn't expect you to hide deeper, you must be planning something."

"Suddenly it feels pathetic ..."

Wumu throat smiled and didn't care, and said elegantly, "This is not a strange thing. If you want, I can work for you, just sign a contract."

As soon as Li Mo was about to speak, he felt that the shell of mental thoughts in his body had been digested, and the center was a powerful spiritual force with a sulking smell of sulfur.


Li Mo had a very bad feeling, stepped back, and asked nervously, "Who the **** are you?"

"Sure enough, it is a cancer of the multidimensional universe," Wumu said with a smile. "I'm not like those gangsters. You can extract dimensional energy as long as you sign a soul contract."

"Fk!" Li Mo drifted backwards nervously. "Mephisto, what are you doing?"

"It's none of your business, little fellow." A wicked and ancient language was suddenly spoken in Wumu's throat, and it was strange that Li Mo understood the meaning at once.

"Discuss." Li Mo swallowed. "Let's never see each other. What about each thing?"

"you know too much…"

"Don't force me desperately!" Li Mo gritted his teeth and shouted, "You can only project a small part of your power."

"But not enough is known," Mephisto said mockingly.

"Can't you finish it all at once ..." Li Mo murmured softly, and then hesitated and asked carefully: "So, don't hit me?"

"Why fight?" Mephisto shrugged. "I'm a gentleman and a businessman who hates violence the most."

"That's right!" Li Mo slaps his palms and agrees. "I also hate violence the most. So ... don't stop here?"

Mephisto shrugged and gestured please.

Li Mo drifted a hundred meters away with his back cautiously, and then fled furiously.

Quickly came to the berth of the deep sea ship, saw a group of people in Star Jue already sitting inside, and launched the ship to dive underwater.

"Where is the Universe?" Li Moxian asked anxiously in the cabin.

"Rest assured, here." Star Jue took the cosmic spirit ball out of his pocket and tossed it.

"Good job," Li Mo said with relief and anxiously: "Get out of here, immediately, immediately!"

"I see, I know." The rocket started the deep-sea ship and asked, "What's the matter with you, man, it's like being chased by evil spirits, oh forget, you're a ghost now, hahaha, it's ridiculous."

This guy laughed heartlessly and took other people for a while.

"Shit!" Li Mo was completely driven crazy by these brains. "There's something more terrifying than evil spirits ... Anyway, let's go quickly and finish it all late."

"Tell me you're kidding." Xing Jue swallowed.

"Your little Tintin is gone!"

"Don't get angry, just go, go now ..."

Watching this group of teasers driving the deep-sea ships constantly upward, the lights gradually disappeared in the gloomy sea water, and then looked back at Luo Nan when they did not catch up, Li Mo was only slightly relieved, and the soul returned at an extremely fast speed. The flesh.

Looking at the space matrix around the room, there was nothing unusual, Li Mo nodded and opened the door.

Roman Day didn't know what Li Mo was doing in it, but he was still faithfully performing his duties under panic.

After seeing Li Mo coming out, he anxiously stepped forward and asked expectantly, "How's it going?"

Li Mo nodded and smiled: "Go to the sea and wait, Luo Nan did not succeed."

"Yes!" Roman Dye waved his fist in excitement and rushed out with a group of people.

More than a dozen Nova star-shaped starships were constantly patrolling around the sea. The pilots took a peek from time to time to glance at Li Mo, who was floating in the air with his hands behind him, and his mind was full of curiosity.

After about five minutes, a pilot suddenly shouted, "A ship is approaching sea level."

Then, an oval-shaped deep-sea carrier slammed out of the sea, splashed with big waves, and floated up and down with the raging waves.

After being dragged to land by the eight-star starship, a group of Star Lords solemnly took out the cosmic spirit ball in the eyes everyone expected.

All members of the Rising Star Corps couldn't help cheering, and Roman Dye smiled and gave the Star Lord a punch.

Star Jazz enjoyed this atmosphere and couldn't help but said to the next Carmela, "Actually ... it feels good to be a good person."

"Idiot!" Rocket rolled his eyes.

Li Mo smiled and took the cosmic spirit ball. He stretched out the two tentacles and twisted it slightly. Then, the smile began to stiffen ...

"Star Lord, Peter Quill!"

"What's the matter?" Star Jazz, who was embarrassed with the members of the Nova Legion, turned his head back with a smile.

"You touch yourself ..."

"That's so embarrassing, everyone in the court ... fk! My Tintin!" Star Jue's face was pale.

Li Mo threw the empty cosmic spirit ball to the ground all of a sudden, "You're going to die!"

"Hey, calm down," Rocket said with a serious expression. "I'm staring, this guy didn't do anything."

"How could that be ..." Li Mo said a word and then stopped, his face began to look bad, and he took out his mental power protection bracelets and put them on the heads of Rocket and Xingjue.

"I remember!" Xing Jue suddenly called out, "I have a woman with blue skin, but why do I forget it?"

"Because your idiots have been brainwashed!" Li Mo gritted his teeth and said, "No wonder the old **** and I were there for a long time. It turned out that the superstar was going to adjust the bag."

In the distance, an omega-shaped spacecraft suddenly burst out of the water and flew towards the sky.

"Stop it!" Exclaimed Roman Day, ~ ~ Several occult starships quickly chased them up. Unfortunately, as soon as they approached, they started chaos, killing each other, and the wreckage fell into the sea after a severe explosion.

"It's all over ..." Roman Dye sat on the ground with his butt, his face pale.

He opened the 3D communication system, and a little girl with pink skin jumped from her mother's arms and ran quickly to say, "Dad, Dad, when are you going home, aren't you saying you want to take me to the playground? ? "

Roman Day didn't answer, but just said foolishly: "Baby ... Dad loves you!"

Li Mo squeezed his fist, his expression became firm, looking at the sky, he flew out, and disappeared soon.

"What is he going to do?" Star Jue opened his mouth.

The Rocket Raccoon struck up with an electric baton, and then shouted, "Get ready for the spaceship."

"We're going to get big!"

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