Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 176: Kama Taj Ruins


Li Mo frowned, and then sighed with thoughts. "I think I know what he is going to do. His mother and the **** lord have been charged for the transaction. He is probably going to stop this ..."

Gary Barton was a little angry when he heard it. "Did he ever think that would happen?"

"That's the pain you haven't tried to lose, like Jin Bing, if he can save the lives of his wife and children, he will do anything."

Li Mo shook his lips. "If it were me, it wouldn't matter to destroy the universe. But Dum did a bit of a fool."

"Why do you say that?" Natasha asked.

"Hell Lord Mephisto is a multidimensional creature. Unless he is trapped in a bubble of time, otherwise everything will be futile and the soul contract will always be in his hands."

"Time bubble? What's that?" Gary Barton looked puzzled.

"One is mentioned in the Book of Cario Strello." Li Mo explained patiently ...

"In our opinion, time is unidirectional and irreversible, but from the perspective of quantum physics, time is also composed of countless points."

"The time in the entire universe is like a wide river. A fish flows up the river and can only change the direction of water flow near him."

"Some magic and treasures about time can reverse local time. For example, it can make an apple rot quickly and become fresh again. But it will not change the course of the whole time. Just like the timeline of the earth changes, I have no influence in the universe. "

"The scope of this local change is called the time bubble. At present, the scope of the time bubble is the entire earth."

Looking at them still a little confused, Li Mo reluctantly said, "Probably that's what it means, don't go too deep. With our three-dimensional brain, trying to figure out time is simply impossible, just like time is in some cases. Higher dimensions may show materiality. "

"Forget it, tell me more about your experience of going back." Li Mo said to Natasha.

Natasha nodded and spoke slowly ...

After a scuffle at that time, the white stone suddenly turned into a tide-like liquid and wrapped everyone in.

They woke up back to 1942.

Dum quickly left alone, wondering where to go.

Captain America Steve Rogers took Eagle Eye and Black Widow to inquire for a long time without any clue.

They were thus trapped in 1942.

World War II was in full swing at that time, and Captain America of that timeline was still a native American mascot.

They had hid carefully in Europe, fearing that random action would change the world.

But when something you regret is happening again, you can't restrain the impulse to change.

Captain America rescued Bucky who should have fallen off the train.

What happened later caught them off guard because of the uniqueness of the space gem in this universe, the red skull did not get it at that timeline.

Without the advanced weapons that rely on space gems, the Red Skull put more thought into the fight against Captain America that timeline, and soon occupied an absolute advantage.

Steve and Natasha, who crossed over, pretended to help the Captain America in that timeline secretly, but forced the red skull to wake up a sleeping demon ally: Vampire Dracula.

After an uphill battle, Steve sacrificed his life and sealed Dracula, while Natasha and Hawkeye were also seriously injured.

In the era of harsh medical conditions, ordinary people could basically declare death, and they survived by relying on their strong physical fitness.

Coupled with the time spent lying in the hospital bed, when they were well wounded, Germany had already won World War II.

The Red Skull first betrayed Hitler's power, and then washed Captain America and the injured Bucky together.

After the war, Germany ruled the world, Natasha and Hawkeye organized the Resistance, and they have been fighting until now ...

"What do I say, Captain America, with his big eyebrows, betrayed the revolution and turned out to be brainwashed ..."

Li Mo shook his head, and suddenly remembered something, and asked, "That Tony is a fool, how do you call him Tony James?"

"Tony is not the biological son of Howard Stark. His father was a Hydra agent. Howard was killed by the Red Skull during World War II."

"It's unbelievable." Li Mo's eyes widened. "Well, I know what happened, now the key question is, where is that stone?"

"We have been visiting in secret for so many years, and we have no clue." Natasha's face was a little dull.

"There is one more problem," Li Mo said with a smile. "If I correct it all again, you mother and son ..."

"You can do it if you can." Gary Button suddenly stood up. "I've had enough of this **** world!"

After speaking, he went out without looking back.

"This kid is so angry?" Li Mo was surprised.

"I'm not fertile." Natasha's face was decadent. "Garry was a baby I accidentally saved, and it wasn't something he should have undertaken."

Li Mo was silent for a while, "Okay, take care of your wounds, it's up to me."

He then changed into a baseball uniform and walked out of the base wearing a peaked cap.

At this time it was night, there was a curfew in the street, and there were no people under the dim street lights. The silent night made it difficult for Li to believe that it was once a bustling New York.

From time to time, three-two-two Ultron robots can be seen flying over the sky, patrolling the entire city.

Although this intelligent system is also called Ultron, it is also very powerful, but it has far less potential than the original version. After all, it is the energy baptism of a spiritual gem.

Li Mo was walking in the dimly lit alley, inexplicably remembering that the first killing was also in such an alley, at the same time.

And now things are wrong.

Several wild dogs who were looking through the green leather trash bin screamed loudly after seeing Li Mo. After the thermal image was detected by the Ultron robot in the sky, blue flames sprayed one by one quickly and surrounded the place.

A few wild dogs sobbed and fled, and there was no one here.

A few minutes later, the Navy's Quito smart radar detected a tiny target leaving the United States at supersonic speed, and when they were ready to track, the target suddenly disappeared.


While flying at supersonic speed, Li Mo was making a long-distance teleport.

The Atlantic Ocean was turbulent at night, and a large dark cloud stood like a mountain, during which thunder rolled.

Seeing the storm approaching, Li Mo turned around and flew over the clouds.

The incident after his return caught him off guard, but as a multi-universal magician, time travel was an essential experience.

This rock that caused confusion must be one of the three cosmic wonders mentioned by McQueen, which is not only related to McQueen's growth, but also a key item to end this incident.

It is necessary to find this stone, but at present there is no clue.

Li Mo's goal is now Kathmandu, Nepal, and he is going to check on Karma Taj's situation.

The Supreme Master maintains the balance between the earth's magic and time, and things like this going back to the past can never escape the master's control.

When he left, it was when Strange began to encounter Domham. Of course, this was a round of Master Gu Yi.

But even if Master Gu Yi has been detached, there should be Strange to stop it, because that guy is a novice?

After a two-hour flight, Li Mo arrived at Kama Taj, which was just dusk.

I wanted to ask Strangie, but the scene in front of him surprised him.

In the past, there were many scholars. The antique Kama Taj has become a ruin, adding a sadness under the setting sun.

Judging from the moss covered with mottled old stone tiles, the accident here is a long time ago.

"What the **** happened ..." Li Mo muttered.

When he was settled, Li Mo waved his hand and summoned big eyes.

This large eyeball plucked from the Artifactor's Eye is not just a tool for emitting energy rays.

Other more auxiliary functions are why it is called an artifact.

Li Mo has only developed the function of detecting energy traces, removing illusions and scene retrospectives.

What he is going to use now is scene recall.

After injecting dimensional energy, Li Mo's eyes began to appear a white light.

Scenes with intense emotions appeared before his eyes:

Someone was killed here, someone found a treasure on the ruins ...

However, it was all about two or three years ago. Before that, it had become a ruin. Just when I wanted to go further, I was dizzy.

It seems that five years is his current limit.

The scenes of Huishu are of little use to him.

Just as he was about to leave, a spinning cremated space-time door suddenly opened.

Li Mo narrowed his eyes slightly and relaxed when he saw the people coming out.

It was the original librarian king of Kama Taj. This fat Asian man was already very old, with white stubble on his face, his eyes were scattered, and a foul smell came from the shabby cotton jacket.

"Wang, how did you do this, what happened to Kama Taj?" Li Mo asked with a frown.

"You are ..." Wang stared at Li Mo confusedly for a while, then thought about it, his expression became a little excited, and he said with a dry voice: "You are Li Mo, you are finally here, sorry, time It's too long, my brain ... "

Immediately afterwards, he took a bottle of vodka from his arms and sipped it severely. "Alcohol has made my mind a little unconscious."

Li Mo shook his head, took out a silver box wrapped in black leather from his arms, and took out a cigarette and threw it over it. And harmless to the body. "

After igniting a deep breath, Li Mo took a stone and sat down. "Don't worry, tell me what happened."

After Wang Yan's ignition, he sat directly on a mound, his eyes looked a little confused, "It's a disaster ..."

After Li Mo left at that time, things really did look as expected by the ancient master, Casillas ushered in Domam, and Strand made use of the eye of Agomo to come up with the trick: you can't beat you.

Successfully became the Supreme Master.

The news of Master Gu Yi's death spread throughout the multiverse, and many demons began to move.

At the beginning, all of them were little mira. Not only did they not cause any harm, they also trained Strance. In the battles, this guy grew up at an amazing speed and became a qualified guardian. .

However, the real opponents are only watching in secret, just like Mephisto encountered by Li Mo. These powerful guys can only send some avatars.

Without absolute certainty, these demon gods will not shoot.

Subsequently, it was Captain America and Dum who used the stone of time to travel back in time.

The timeline has been leaked, and Strange and Wang use the eyes of Agomo to follow the hole in time to catch up to prevent this from happening.

Just as they entered the void of time, they didn't know which powerful devil gave them a hard cover.

They were teleported directly back to London in 1666. Wang and Stranger were separated. When they met again, Stranger had set off a wild fire and almost burned the entire London torch.

Just when Wang wanted to step forward to question, Strange suddenly used the eye of Agomo to push him into the empty time.

"Meaning that you don't know what happened?" Li Mo rolled his eyes.

"As soon as Strange used Eye of Ago, he was surrounded by a group of smokers. I don't know what happened at the time, but Strange's last words were,"

"Find Li Mo, bring him!"

"Fk!" Li Mo snorted. "You guys are messing around one by one, are you waiting for me to rub my butt?"

Wang smiled bitterly without answering, and continued: "After I came back, I found that Kama Taj has long been a ruin. I don't know who did it. The earth has no guardianship, and now it has become a paradise for demons."

"I couldn't help it. I waited for you for many years without a message, so I started to look up the information about the fire in London."

"After the timeline changed, many records also changed. The good thing is that a secret warehouse in Tamar Tamar kept the original history. Because the magic was released, it will not be affected by the timeline change. And I found this! "

After speaking, Wang took out a piece of parchment from the book and gave it to Li Mo.

Li Mo took it and took a closer look. It was a stick figure depicting the fire in London, a scene like **** ~ ~ and not only Strange, but also a call Although the face of the man in black with tentacles and eyeballs is not clearly painted, the clothes are obviously the star combat suits that he often wears.

Li Mo's expression became serious. "When was the magic warehouse you said established?"

"When Kama Taj was first established, Master Gu Yi put the original history in to prevent this from happening," Wang replied.

After listening, Li Mo frowned and had a headache. He didn't care about the **** fire.

Instead, I thought of a problem. If this is the original history, then it is not accidental to travel to this universe.

Master Gu Yi didn't say that at the time, what was he hiding?

"It seems I have to go back." Li Mo shook his head. "But how do we go back, the eyes of Agomo are in Stranger. Time can't be found ..."

But Wang replied, "The stone of time is here with me, and I hid it before I left."

"No wonder they were looking for Natasha all their lives ..." Li Mo rolled his eyes. "Why don't you go back without it?"

"Isn't this waiting for you," Wang complained, "that thing is a stone, and it has no response to magic at all."

"Of course you can't use it, haven't you heard a word? This thing has something to do with me."

"Then you must know how to use it."

"Um ... I don't know ..."

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