Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 186: Fire in london

Slums in London Docklands,

A 100-meter-high stone pillar stood up like a dark monster in the night.

In the sky above the stone pillars, three thick, large energy columns of different colors are twisted and twisted, while above them are cosmic stars that rotate rapidly at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

This phenomenon beyond imagination has long attracted the attention of many people, and residents of London have stepped out of their homes, cuddled up and looked at the sky in horror.

The mother held the shivering child in her arms, her eyes tightly covered. Still others drew crosses on their chests, "God, is this the end of the world ..."

A large number of army personnel have been gathered under the stone pillars, but they are also not scared, and their eyes are full of confusion.

Mayor of London Sir Thomas Bradworth murmured looking at the sky: "Maybe ... I should also find a faith ..."

What they didn't notice was that in the center of the energy entanglement, a black dot the size of a sesame was standing in the sky.

After returning from the dream, Li Mo didn't hesitate, immediately flew to the monument of life and time, activated the rune code with energy, and then continuously modified the energy circuit inside the stone using real gems.

"Will he succeed?" Pharaoh asked expectantly on the altar below.

"There's only one way." Strinch smiled bitterly. "If it doesn't work, we'll all disappear."

After a pause, Strance said, "Pharaoh, I have to confess to you one thing. You saved the money for your favorite dessert and I was taken to drink it."

"I know." Pharaoh said without turning his head back. "So the meal for the last two days was especially unpalatable."

Strinch opened his mouth. "Actually, eating sweets is not good for the body ..."

At this point Li Mo also reached the last step, as long as the last energy loop is modified, success and failure will be known immediately.

This thing is now a time bomb. If it fails, time and space will be beaten.

The time bubble of the entire earth will form a singular region of the universe. Time and space are distorted with each other. There is no past, no present, and no future ...

Even Li Mo, who was always big-hearted, was extremely nervous at this time, unconsciously dripping a drop of cold sweat, gritted his teeth, and twisted vigorously towards the energy circuit.

Then Li Mo's eyes went dark ...

Did it fail?

tnnd ...

In the vagueness, Li Mo felt a strange scene, colorful, and a space like the most complicated labyrinth. A tall figure stood in the void.

Space forms his silhouette, and everything in the universe is like his clothes.

A pair of eyes looked over, Li Mo suddenly lost his mind after seeing ...

He saw an indescribable orb, similar to an egg, and a huge explosion from the inside.

The range affected by the explosion keeps expanding, and as time goes on, the temperature and density decrease quickly. Everything began to form, and atoms, nuclei, and molecules became compound gas.

The gas gradually condenses into a nebula, and the nebula further forms a variety of stars and galaxies, eventually forming everything in the universe ...

"Hey! Li, tentacles, are you okay, wake up soon!"

Li Mo suddenly felt that someone was shaking his shoulder, and then his eyes brightened, and his vision gradually recovered.

He turned his head slowly, and first saw Strang, the guy was anxious.

After looking around, they found that they had reached the dock area, and Master Gu Yi and Crimson Witch were sitting aside to rest.

Huge stone pillars, sky visions, everything disappeared, and it never seemed to happen.

"What happened?" Li Mo muttered.

"I don't know what happened." Strange also looked confused, "It seems that what happened just now never happened, but I think you succeeded!"

"It's time to restart, just now that thing was erased by some great being." Master Gu Yi aside suddenly said.

"What great existence?" Li Mo asked quickly.

Master Gu Yi opened his mouth, then shook his head and said, "I don't know, the universe is infinite, the universe is eternal, who knows ..."

Just then, the Scarlet Witch suddenly sniffed, then stood up and said suddenly, "Look, what's over there?"

Everyone looked back.

From the underground of the slum, a faint, green smoke was gradually emitted, with a rotten odor of corpses.

Subsequently, the range continued to expand, and the entire London began to be covered with green mist.

Master Gu Yi reached out his hand, and a smoke was condensed in the palm of his hand, and he observed it carefully.

"It's a plague!" Master Gu Yi's eyes are full of dignity. "Black Death, affected by some strange witchcraft, seems to have just mutated. If you don't deal with it immediately, the whole London will become a dead city."

"It seems that the fire has to be let go." Strinch smiled bitterly.

"It's okay, take control and minimize casualties." Li Mo patted Strange's shoulder and said.

Stranger nodded, his face full of helplessness.

"We are not familiar with this place, you need a helper." Li Mo said with a smile, and immediately flew into the night sky.

Before long, he was panicking, and Sir Thomas Bradworth, the mayor of London in pajamas, landed in front of everyone.

"Who the **** are you and what do you want to do?" Sir Thomas was almost scared to urinate his pants.

"We need a fire to burn London." Strange said seriously.

"What ?!" Sir Thomas opened his eyes wide. "Why?"

Master Gu Yi was too lazy to talk nonsense, and pressed his hands directly on his head. Sir Thomas instantly understood the cause and effect, and his face murmured, "It's over, it's over, what to do ..."

"There's no time, we need to do it right away." Strange grabbed Sir Thomas and flew into the sky, asking anxiously: "We need to kill as few people as possible, where is the best place to start a fire?"

"I, I don't know." Sir Thomas was about to cry. "The king will tear me ..."

Just then, a bakery not far below them suddenly caught fire.

"Start here." Strinch gritted his teeth, handed Sir Thomas to Li Mo, who was flying up, his hands dancing.

The fire in the bakery suddenly became huge, like a torch burning, but it didn't spread to the side.

"It's on fire!" Nearby residents soon found out, one by one ran out in pajamas, holding pots and pans constantly flooding with water.

However, they soon became desperate. The fire was so wicked that it couldn't be destroyed.

Strange saw that the nearby residents had already come out, and immediately stretched his hands, the fire spread out to the empty building next to it.

Soon the entire slum was gradually burning, and the fire drove all the residents out of the slum like rabbits.

They looked at their home with tears in their eyes, but no one found out that a large number of mice with green light in their eyes screamed and turned into ashes in the fire.

The fire gradually spread outwards, and residents across London started a great escape.

After all, it was necessary to control the fire to reduce the number of casualties as much as possible, and Strangi gradually became a bit laborious. Master Gu Yi and the Scarlet Witch also joined in.

Sir Thomas in Li Mo's hands was blinded at this time, "Why, why ..."

Li Mo looked at him pitifully and shrugged. "This is also no way, otherwise everyone has to die and relax. A better city will be born again in the flames."

Sir Thomas nodded his head, looked at the distance, and begged slightly, "Can you spare St. Paul's Cathedral, he spent almost a third of the navy's money."

"I'm here to help too," Johnny Blazer on the ground burst out laughing, and immediately turned into an evil knight burning with hellfire.

He looked at St. Paul's Cathedral in the distance, his neck crooked, "I hate this place!"

After speaking, a **** fire erupted from his right hand, setting off St. Paul's Cathedral completely.

Sir Thomas burst into tears, "It's over, it's over, it's over."

"You can think from another angle," Li Mo said with a smile. "After this fire, there will be a lot of opportunities to rebuild the city, and there are countless opportunities to make money."

"It will take me to survive, too," Sir Thomas smirked.

"Stupid!" Li Mo snorted. "Won't you find a scapegoat."

Sir Thomas opened his eyes, "Yes, I need it, the British people need a scapegoat. Who should blame ... Catholicism is a good choice. They launched a gunpowder plot 60 years ago ... Yeah, it's the ghost they ... stick…"

Sir Thomas kept mumbling and kept hypnotizing himself.

Li Mo smiled and shook his head, not talking.

The whole of London burned up ~ ~ The flames lit the sky, and afterwards, only five people were killed in the fire that destroyed the entire city.

Stranger watched the green plague smoke and many dead mice fading from the fire, sitting on the ground with his hips panting, "It's finally over."

"Yeah, it's finally over." Master Gu Yi sighed, then smiled and looked at Li Mo and Strinch. "You are doing well, my future disciples."

Strinch opened his mouth and asked for a moment, "Why leave?"

A slight smile appeared on Master Gu Yi's face, "Because the future is yours after all."

Just then, Crutu, lying on one side of the floor, suddenly woke up slowly, his head seemed a little confused, and murmured, "Is this Bosedonia, why is it burning?"

Suddenly, he rushed to the fire madly, crying loudly: "No, no, Alia, you can't die ..."

Looking at Crutu, who burned into flames, the crimson witch Wanda seemed a little intolerant, and she was ready to cast magic.

Li Mo stopped her, shook her head and said, "Let him go, his heart was dead thousands of years ago."

Li Mo looked at the raging fire, thought of the beautiful Atlantis in Crutu's dream, the sadness of Master Crutu's subsequent witch Kesi, and the future of the timeline, Could not help but a hint of confusion.

"Time, what exactly is it?"

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