Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 188: lecture


Central New York Hospital.

During the New York War, it was severely damaged and almost ruined.

The reconstructed hospital is more advanced, with all modern facilities, and equipped with the latest intelligent guidance system.

Of course, it is also busier than before.

A black female nurse, Claire Temple, avoids each patient and hurries across the corridor.

Her marriage with the magical hero Luke Cage lasted for less than half a year, and the contradictions in life between the two parties finally defeated the once sweet love.

After the divorce, she returned to the hospital to work, forgetting to devote herself to work to heal her injuries.

As she passed a curve, a familiar face appeared in front of her, and Li Mo said with some sigh, "It's been a long time, Claire."

"Wow, I thought I would never see you again in this life." Claire Tempe smiled and stepped forward to give a friend a hug.

"How come." Li Mo smiled and shook his head.

"Come on," Claire said jokingly. "After Tony's return, you are almost everyone on the planet knowing what you are doing in the universe. Although you do n’t know exactly what you are doing, all kinds of comics about you have been ranked as the most sold. front end."

"Wow, maybe I should ask them to file a lawsuit about copyright tax." Li Mo smiled, and then his face gradually became serious: "How is he?"

"It's not so good." Claire Temple sighed. "Come with me."

The two crossed the hallway to a spacious ward. After Claire pushed in the door, Li Mo followed, and three pairs of surprised eyes looked at him at the same time.

"Boss, you are finally back." George and Barrett, who were sitting on both sides of the bed, stood up at the same time and came over excitedly to give Li Mo a hug.

Lying on the bed, he was severely burned, and only his breath was left by his first clerk, the black guy Lucas.

He wore an oxygen mask and ECG monitoring, and maintained his life on a ventilator. He couldn't speak in his throat and could only look at Li Mo with tired and surprised eyes.

Looking at this guy who was dependent on each other when he first arrived in the Marvel universe, Li Mo was very uncomfortable.

There is no nonsense, first let Claire fetch some water, pull out a strong pill 2.0 and turn it into a thick medicinal juice, and fill it into little Lucas.

The powerful pill quickly played, and Lucas's wounds recovered at a rate visible to the naked eye. After just a few minutes, he had returned to his original appearance, but his spirit seemed a little tired.

"Wow, every time I see it, it's a miracle." Claire Temple couldn't help but sigh.

"Let's go, what's going on?" Li Moura sat down in a chair and asked.

"Things to talk about since the last time you left ..." Lucas Jr. recounted exhaustedly.

Since Li Mo left the earth, Lucas has been working at the law firm of the Daredevil Matt Murdoch.

It was of course a troublesome place, but Lucas Jr. has been exercising and learned some self-defense skills. He is usually not involved in Matt's superhero life, and his life is quite peaceful.

Just a while ago, Matt's original girlfriend, Erica, suddenly arrived, and things got out of hand.

First Erica was possessed by Black Sky, and then Matt Murdock fought to save Erika and the Clan. The Handicraft Association attacked Matt's law firm, and his friend Virginia Nelson was killed. Lucas Jr. was also affected.

The furious Matt Murdoch opened the killing ring, and after chasing all the enemies, he chased after him.

Li Mo shook his head, and sometimes it takes a price to implement the beliefs in his heart. Even if you are prepared, when this price comes, you will know if you can afford it.

He looked at his first men, and Lucas Jr. was lying on the bed. Barrett has been running for the rights of black people in Harlem, and has shown a sense of old age. And after the dissolution of SHIELD, George also changed from a mean man to a decadent middle-aged man.

This is not even his later men, the crew on the McQueen, Stephanie and Hydra Film, Ophelia who is about to rush, and of course the new Elf elves of Alfheim ...

Even if he is a man who eats the whole family, he is not hungry. But as he went through more and more things, his strength became stronger and stronger, and many people gradually became attached to his wings.

It's time to set up a gathering place, not for what the king wants to dominate, but to give people close to them a place in this chaotic universe.

"Take care of it and follow me." Li Mo said with a smile. "I don't want to put a bunch of flowers in front of your tombstone someday."

George and Lucas Jr looked at each other and smiled, "We've been waiting for this day."

Barrett hesitated and said with a bitter smile: "Boss, I decided to stay because of my father's last wish and my own ideal."

Li Mo sighed, looked at this guy who was not a good person now, but now looks like a saint, and shook his head with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, everyone has their own way to go, this is your life, I will not interfere."

After telling Lucas and George to wait for Tony, Li Mo walked out of the New York City Central Hospital.

There are still people coming and going on the street, terrorist bombings, alien attacks, and even after suffering a series of disasters, people are still strong and busy running their lives.

He took out a cigarette and took a deep breath after igniting. Li Mo stretched his waist. "Ordinary beings, superheroes, interstellar powerhouses, dimensional demon ... all TM are the same!"

When a serious-looking woman next to her saw it, she immediately walked up to remind Li Mo not to smoke in public.

However, when she had just taken two steps, she saw that Li Mo's legs were bent, and a huge wave of air passed by, and the whole person was gone.

After seeing the driver, he excitedly pulled out his mobile phone and wanted to shoot in the sky. However, after a tight brake, he caused a series of rear-end collisions. After a few bangs, a few whistle sounded, and there was a noisy street ...



At this time, the sky was bright, Li Mo was approaching dusk when he left from New York, and arrived in the capital just in the early morning.

Tiananmen Square is very cold, only some citizens and tourists holding children are waiting to raise the national flag.

Li Mo dropped slowly from the sky, watching the familiar building suddenly startled.

The people who watched the flag-raising ceremony were startled, and then the children became excited and adults whispered ...

"is it him?"

"Absolutely, although the shape has changed."

"What is he doing?"

"Mom, I'm going to sign up."

"Don't die, be careful he pinches you ..."

Finally, there were a few young men in stylish clothes walking boldly towards Li Mo.

However, the plain clothes and guards who hurried up stopped them, and took out a pistol and stared at Li Mo vigilantly.

The air was stagnant for a while, and Li Mo didn't care, just staring at Tiananmen.

He has been avoiding the question of returning home, not because he is afraid, but because he always sees these familiar things and things that remind him of his past life.

Although he has the same building and yellow skin and black eyes on the street, he is no longer his home after all ...

Several military-branded black off-road vehicles rushed in, and after the opening of the door, a group of people in black suits came down, all of them shrewd.

Zheng Xian walked out of the car with a smile, and came next to Li Mo who was in a daze. "What are you looking at?"

Li Mo looked back and smiled easily: "Nothing, just think of something, let's go."

Zheng Xian nodded, and a few people drove away from the place in a black off-road vehicle.

An hour later, they arrived at a huge camp in the mountains on the outskirts of Beijing.

This is a standard barracks. Although all facilities are readily available, it is no different from what Li Mo has seen in previous lives.

Li Mo is a little disappointed. He doesn't say that he must be more aggressive. It cannot be worse than the Trident Building of SHIELD.

"It seems that you don't pay much attention to it, not only the place is very local, there are not many decent facilities." Li Mo patted Zheng Xian's shoulder with a smile, "Are you a leader who is not wronged?"

"Yeah, so wronged, like a grandson all day long." Zheng Xian said bitterly, sighed, "the plane is coming soon, let's go."

"Which plane is it? Isn't it sick so close?" Li Mo snorted.

"Look at me." Zheng Xian patted his forehead. "Forget you will fly, you go up first, the base is in the sky."

"Heaven?" Li Mo looked up. He didn't notice it before, but now he sees a ring-sized aircraft.

Without much nonsense, Li Mo immediately flew into the sky, and as the distance got closer, the base of the ring also appeared in front of his eyes.

Just like its name, this is a ring-shaped base, about the size of five SHIELD airships, six huge ion thrusters inlaid around it, and hidden laser weapons everywhere, Li Mo was quickly locked as soon as he approached.

"This is what it looks like." Li Mo smiled. Although it is nothing in the universe, it is the most magnificent base he has ever seen on earth.

Zheng Xian seemed to have explained it, and immediately two small aircraft appeared to greet Li Mo.

On the built-in tarmac, the flight attendants came and went. The girl who had ever seen the cuckoo was leading several people to wait there. Her green uniform was bright and charming.

"Mr. Li Mo, welcome to the ring base." Du Juan said with a serious look.

Li Mo smiled after shaking hands. "Why do you stretch your face, old acquaintance? You almost became my subordinate, didn't you?"

A girl behind the cuckoo fluttered and laughed.

"I've only seen one side, please take care of yourself," Du Juan said with a dark face.

Li Mo shrugged and looked boring.

Du Juan's face was dark again, and said blankly, "Li Qianhuan will take you to the lounge, so I won't bother."

After speaking, leave directly.

The little girl named Li Qianhuan stuck her tongue out, "You're done, Sister Du Juan is really angry, I think you're not acting with her."

Li Mo looked at the little girl with amusement. "Who said I was interesting to her?"

"Who doesn't know in New York." The little girl's face was scorned. "You and Tony Stark are a pair of embarrassed dudes."

Li Mo froze for a moment, and looked at this little girl with a loose character, "Are you a New Yorker?"

The little girl said with a look of old rivers and lakes: "Well ... I was mixed in Queens before, but then picked up by sister Du Juan."

Li Mo's eyes were frozen, and she immediately saw the energy flowing in the little girl's body. "No wonder, it turns out that you are an amazing person."

"Yes, I joined the Xiongbing company ... Oh god, what's this name!" The little girl whispered: "I heard you got it, there are a bunch of people in the team who are scolding you all day."

Li Mo's face turned black. "Little girls, don't understand, don't talk nonsense."

Li Qianhua vomited his tongue, did not speak anymore, and took Li Mo to the lounge.

The little girl was leading the way, and Li Mo looked boringly and followed.

This base is mainly silver-white metallic, with blue three-dimensional three-dimensional displays everywhere. Compared to the interior of the SHIELD Sky Mothership, it is more sci-fi. There are rigorous uniformed staff and heavily armed guards. Vice busy serious scene.

After staying in the lounge for a long time, Zheng Xian opened the door and came in, "Mr. Li, the big scene, I heard that you are going to give a lecture, the conference room is already full, and most of the chiefs will watch it live."

"Ah ?!" Li Mo thought, "Who said I was coming to lecture?"

Zheng Xian followed his head, "Don't you promise to come to lecture when you have time?"

Li Mo opened his mouth: "I forgot ..."

The sweat on Zheng Xian ’s head came out, gritted his teeth and said, “It ’s okay, just tell me about your experience in the universe. Everyone wants to hear this.”

Li Mo relaxed after thinking about it, "Okay, let's go, let's talk about storytelling, tell you, I have also learned two paragraphs: the bustling life is like a cloud, the immortality still needs to be built ...

Li Mo said as he walked out.

Zheng Xian chased up with a headache, "It's not about storytelling, don't talk nonsense."

After coming to the conference room, Zheng Xian stopped Li Mo and stepped onto the podium first: "Today we have the pleasure to invite Mr. Li Mo as a pioneer to enter the universe ..."

The fierce applause sounded, Li Mo stepped onto the stage with a smile. After so many things, this was just a small scene for him.

He looked down the stage, all of them were dressed in military green uniforms, men and women were sitting upright, dozens of three-dimensional images in the back row, most of them are old people, both in military uniforms and suits No one knows.

After Li Mo nodded, the applause gradually subsided, and each one looked at him quietly.

What should I say?

Li Mo remembered what he had seen and heard for several years, and said with a sigh, "I know you mainly want to know the distribution of forces in the universe, but today I want to talk about another topic first: survival and evolution!"

"Each of us is chasing, striving, longing, and suffering. Just because every life is unwilling to be ordinary.

The haze of the modern city obscures the sky, and the red dust trivia covers the hearts of the people. Responsibility, belief, love, money, people are happy, excited, crying, struggling.

Who ever remembered that when I was a child, when the night was quiet, I looked up at the dazzling Milky Way ~ ~, letting my heart fly, full of humility and reverence, accepting the baptism of starlight billions of years ago!

From the origin of life to the demise of species, the most essential and ultimate desire may be to pursue the sublimation of the essence of life! "

"And this is also the main theme of the universe. Every civilization is seeking evolution and transcendence. In the process, countless civilizations are flourishing and disappearing, and more and more are constantly striving forward."

"The two powerful interstellar empires closest to us, the Skullurs and the Kerry civilization, all began to appear civil strife and defeat because of the interruption of the evolutionary path, and the emerging civilization is still catching up ..."

Unconsciously speaking for an hour, Li Mo looked at the stunned crowd below the stage, shook his head and said, "There are many terrorists on the planet, but in the interstellar space, there are many people who destroy the planet and destroy civilization."

"The New York war was fortunate to win, but in my opinion it is actually a joke, so the most important consideration for the Earth people is now,"

"How to survive in this cruel universe ..."

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