Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 195: Before the duel

Speaker Gallo was half-happy and watched Li Mo leave.

The strongest biological weapon cultivated by the council finally got the news, but it was in the hands of the unknown collector Difan.

As a speaker, Garo has read many top-secret materials, including the collector Difan.

Collectors already existed in their ancient history as far back as hundreds of thousands of years before the Riglians ruled the entire galaxy.

It is said that this is an ancient character that has existed since the birth of the universe. If that is the case, how many cards will this guy leave in his hands when he is used to the prosperity and decline of countless civilizations?

If it is possible, Gallo really does not want to provoke such people, but what can he do, waiting for the high priest's biological weapons to be successfully cultivated, and kill them all?

Thinking of this, Speaker Gallo took another look at where Li Mo lived.

Wait for the decisive battle three days later, if this guy can really compete with the sword, even if it is almost.

No matter how much it costs, he will be hired to take back biological cocoons!

the other side,

On the corridor leading to the lounge, looking at Li Mo with a calm face in front, Stephanie finally couldn't help asking: "Are you really not worried about the duel in three days?"

Li Mo was a little surprised, "It's not a duel of life and death, what are you afraid of?"

"That being said, I always feel a sense of uneasiness." Stephanie frowned. "The Empire of Shia spreads all over the Fairy Galaxy and the Milky Way, and is warlike, but as the leader of their royal guard, it is definitely not ordinary Strong. "

Li Mo smiled and shook his head without speaking.

When returning to the lounge, Ophelia was already waiting there, and everyone, including Kola, Shiv, and Roman Day, looked bad.

"What's wrong, one by one crying." Li Mo sat down and lighted a cigarette.

"Li, I have collected some information, and the situation is not so good ..." Ophelia hesitated.

"Is it about that cockfight?" Li Mo smiled. "It doesn't matter, let's talk."

Ophelia nodded, and then played some messages with the virtual terminal in her hand.

Doosan comes from a planet called Doosan. Due to its special environment, the planet has made the inhabitants of the planet extremely powerful.

After joining the Shia Empire, as the strongest person on the planet, he inherited the title of the sword and joined the Royal Guard as the head of the guard.

He has super strength, endurance, endurance, resilience and speed.

No one knows the upper limit of the sword's power, only that in an interstellar encounter, he blasted an asteroid with his bare hands.

The unimaginable density of muscle tissue has created a steel body, and most of the physical attacks and explosive energy guns are completely useless.

You can fly at speeds close to light, your eyes can release hotlines close to the internal temperature of the planet, and the ability to breathe frozen ...

The more embarrassing Li Mo was, he couldn't help asking: "What's the name of this guy?"

"Karlak," Ophelia replied.

"Shameless piracy!" Li Mo slammed the table fiercely.

This tnd is a big super, how to fight?

"Does this guy have any weaknesses, such as some special radioactive stone or something?" Li Mo asked expectantly.

Ophelia opened her mouth and said, "Maybe it is, but how can this obvious weakness be known?"

"No way ..." Li Mo sighed and said fiercely,

"I can't fight but I have to surrender."

Shiv shook his head and said, "Sol is right. There is really no sense of honor."

"A sense of honor?" Li Mo shook his head dismissively. "That thing was never in my mind."

"According to the information, my regular attack power can't hurt him at all, and the moment of using magic is enough for that guy to come and go around me two times. And if he gives me a punch, maybe I hang up."

"After all, I'm also a crispy mage." Li Mo shook his head a little shyly, "You all remember that life-saving is the first priority at times, and sometimes life-saving is also for life-saving. Only if you survive Hope to come back, do you know what my favorite sentence is? "

The crowd shook their heads.

The corner of Li Mo's mouth crooked,

"I will be back!"


at the same time,

In a cell surrounded by metal walls, with only one laser fence, Reid woke up.

After struggling to raise his head, he found that his hands collapsed like a rope and laid on the ground. An extended foot was resting on Tony's head in a coma.

Reed worked hard to get his body back to normal, then checked Tony's breath, and let go of his heart.

"Tony ... wake up, wake up soon!"

After shaking his shoulder for a long time, Tony woke up with a headache and covered his head and said, "Damn, who hit my head?"

Reed moved his foot back indifferently and said solemnly, "We have been abducted. I don't know who did it."

"That's not to say, it must be the tentacles that caused us to take the pot." Tony said calmly.

"You don't seem angry at all?" Reed wondered.

Tony sighed. "Get used to it."

After struggling to get up, Tony shouted into the empty wall: "No matter who you are, you have made a serious mistake."

However, after waiting for a long time, no one answered them.

There was silence in and out of the cell, as if it were a ghostly ghost.

"You're right." Reid nodded. "No one came to interrogate us, but they still arrested us here. It should be to threaten Li Mo through us as hostages."

"That's why I said he did it wrong." Tony chuckled. "On jailbreaking, I'm already an expert."


The news that Li Mo and Dou Jian were dueling spread throughout the galaxy within a day.

As the captain of the Royal Guard of the Shia Empire, the sword has a great reputation throughout the galaxy.

Li Mo became famous in the battle of Sandal, and his strange ability in the interstellar battlefield was also known by many civilized intelligence agencies.

Coupled with the establishment of the Galactic Council, this little Alsing suddenly gathered many eyes.

In a dark star field,

On the strange asteroid, the tyrant sitting on the throne of the void opened his eyes, "Can you be sure he has two gems?"

The ebony throat under the steps bowed gracefully. "We found the collector, and the evidence shows that this is true."

Extermination nodded, "then the location of the five gems can be determined. Power and reality gems are in the hands of this guy, and the collector secretly keeps the spiritual gems, plus Asgard and the space of the earth and Time gem, there is no clue for soul gem left. "

Wu Muhou nodded, "I will continue to track this down."

After speaking, immediately levitated and flew away.

On the other side, the dead general raised his head slowly and said blankly: "We found the ebony corpse on a traveling comet by using a signal transmitter. Who is this guy?"

"There is no need for such doubts." Extermination of tyrants' sorrow and sorrow, "No matter who he is, it will be used by me before the purpose is achieved."

"But ..." General Deathblade was interrupted by Destroyer as soon as he wanted to speak.

"No, but." A ruthless smile appeared on Mie Ba's mouth. "It doesn't make any difference, even if you are thinking differently. But one day you have to think clearly before you start, I can give it, more Don't hesitate to take it back. "

The Dark Order superstar who fortunately escaped his life asked a little puzzled: "Since we already know the clues of those gems, why don't we **** them quickly?"

Exterminator looked at the cosmic starry sky in the distance. "Someone will stop me from gathering six gems at all costs, so our future actions must be as swift as thunder, and they will do it before they can react."

"Now, not yet ..."

On the Milan to Ayr,

Xing Jue, sitting in the driver's seat, said with excitement: "Finally, with his clues, I will definitely return to my Tintin. Life without a woman is too painful. I told you about the half-Zerg woman Story? That time I accepted a mission ... "

The rocket raccoon in the front passenger's seat stared blankly, took out an earplug from his ear and looked at it tightly.

Drax behind them laughed heartily, "You don't have Tintin, this story is false."

Star Lord was a little depressed, "I'm talking about previous things."

Drax: "You don't have Tintin."

Star Jue: "Well, you won. From now on everyone will not be allowed to speak."

Drax ignored him and hummed at his hometown minor, "Hahaha, someone doesn't have Tintin ..."

Xing Jue rolled his eyes, helplessly pushed forward the lever, and speeded up to fly to Al Xing.


Three days passed quickly,

After much discussion, the final duel was an unmanned and desolate planet living in a stellar system with Ayr.

This planet is very similar to the Martian landscape. The red wind and sand are scattered throughout the sky, and there are severely weathered strange stones. There is a thin atmosphere, but there are no animals and plants. The gravity is about 1.5 times that of the earth.

With Li Mo's strengthened physical quality, plus various enhanced runes engraved on the trunk of the Vampire Vine, this planet will not be affected by a trace.

The sword is a powerful existence that can survive in the void of the universe.

So this place is fair.

There are several spacecraft docked in the orbit of the planet, not only to observe the live broadcast, but also to deal with some unexpected situations.

On El Star, at the request of many people, the Galactic Council temporarily suspended its office on this day.

Countless people gathered in the huge square to watch the huge virtual projection in the sky.

Sandal Star has aroused the enthusiasm of the whole people. After all, Li Mo once saved Sandal, and it is also the honorary jazz of the Nova Empire.

If it can win, it will be a great glory.

On the Elstar Galaxy Parliament Square, Roman Day held his forehead unbearably. "If the residents of Sandal knew that their heroes didn't care about glory at all and were ready to surrender at any time, it would be a big blow."

"No ~ ~ Kola smiled," Do you know what the current market is? "

Roman Day replied: "One sword loses one, and Li Mo loses one."

"Tell you one thing." Cora raised her eyebrows. "Limo made Stepney press a lot of money on himself."

"That guy counts money." Roman Daye's eyes lit up. "So he's sure of winning?"

"It's important to keep your mouth safe." Kola shook her head. "Actually, as a man, you can't fight hard."

Roman Day nodded in agreement.

"By the way, he asked me to tell you to do one thing," Kola said suddenly. "Just watch the dealer."

"Why?" Roman Daye looked stunned.

"Because that's a lot of money!"

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