Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 206: The hunt begins

Igo's planetary body is located in a remote and remote star field. The closest life planet is 2,000 light years away.

As for why?

Uh, although this guy is very powerful, he still has some fear of star-strike weapons of some powerful empire.

In the deep universe, Igo's egg-shaped spaceship jumped out, and flew towards the red planet itself.

It didn't take long before, and the USS Milan also jumped out. What the rocket raccoon was driving intently did not find is that a detector disguised as a boulder 500 kilometers away recognized the USS Milan and started sending signals.

This signal transmitter was installed by Li Mo in advance. Igo's planet position can get information from the interstellar intelligence merchant for a little less money, but a rush to approach may cause the bastard's vigilance, so Li Mo can only choose 蹭Light goes.

On the Milan, the rocket raccoon thought while he drove the spaceship: "Well, the Star Lord is a bastard, and his father doesn't look like a good breed, but what can I do? He finally has his own real Family, I'll go spit and leave ... "

As he kept complaining, the locator on his wrist Li Mo suddenly started flashing. After a flash of white light, Li Mo appeared, and waved with a smile: "Hello, man."

"Ohshit! You guy is getting more and more intrigued. What are you doing here?" Rocket Raccoon complained dissatisfied.

"Relax, can't you be boring to see your old friends?" Li Mo shrugged. "Where are they?"

"Don't mention it, his dad came to the door. It is said that he is still a god, but to be honest he is not a favorite guy." Rocket Raccoon poked his lips. "We are going to visit his planet."

"God? Interesting, I'll take a look." Li Mo's mouth showed a slight arc. "I'm quite curious about this so-called god."

"Well excuse." Rocket Raccoon gave Li Mo a glance. "What do you guys think?"

"I know I can't hide it from you." Li Mo scratched his head. "Well, this is the thing ..."

"I knew that guy was not a good guy!" After listening to Li Mo's remarks, the Rocket Raccoon patted the chair fiercely and said, "Let's hurry and rescue the Star Lord."

"It's a big deal to break through the trouble directly." Li Mo shook his head. "The star lord who doesn't understand the inside story will hate you. We have to wait for the **** to be revealed and I have a plan ..."

"Hahaha, you bad guy, but I like it." Rockets smiled proudly.

Looking out the window, Igo's planet is getting closer. The planet is actually a bit too small, smaller than the moon. The surface of the planet shows a blood red, and the spots on the atmosphere are shining with beautiful blue and white aurora.

Li Mo said while operating on the planetary rover, "I will set up six anchor points, which are coordinates, and the error cannot exceed one meter. See what happens when the time comes."

The Rocket Raccoon said earnestly: "I see, you can rest assured that I do things."

"I'm so familiar with this." Li Mo scratched his head. "Forget it, let's go down. Don't show the stuffing for a while."

The Milan quickly broke through the planet's atmosphere and flew towards a green field in the center of the landing site.

Igo's palace is located in the middle of this green, with towering strange rocks everywhere, covered with beautiful and beautiful green rattan plants, various beautiful flowers decorate the whole land, and waterfalls and water can be seen everywhere, like Expose yourself in a fairy tale world.

"Wow." Li Mo sighed. "I didn't expect this **** to have a girly heart."

"I can't wait to hit that guy's ass." Rocket crooked and smiled, showing his fangs. "I just happened to make a terrible bomb."

"Don't bomb!" Li Mo was startled. "Don't give me anything."

"Okay, okay." Rocket was a little dissatisfied. "Mother-in-law guy."

Igo's castle is golden overall, the style seems to absorb some elements of the earth, but the whole looks a bit weird, carved with inexplicable patterns everywhere.

Star Lord and his party were waiting in the open space in front of the castle. After the Milan dropped slowly on the tarmac, the Rockets, Li Mo and Groot walked down.

"Wow ... what are you doing here?" Xing Jue was startled when he saw Li Mo, and stuttered a little.

"Congratulations." Li Mo didn't answer, and patted Xingjue's shoulder directly. "You can now claim to be the real Prince of Stars."

"Peter, is this also your friend?" Igo asked with a smile.

"Of course, we are very good friends." Li Mo hugs Star Jue's shoulder with his right hand, and then stretches out his hand like Igo: "My name is Li Mo, Lord Honor of the Nova Empire."

Xing Jue's face was inexplicable. This guy didn't scare himself too much, how could he become a good friend in a blink of an eye?

He glanced a bit at Kamola, who shrugged and said he didn't know what was going on.

Igo didn't care about this either. He shook hands with Li Moxu and turned to his palace. "Everyone, please come with me."

"Wait a minute!" Li Mo suddenly exclaimed.

The Rocket Raccoon thought it was time to start, and immediately took out a huge explosive gun.

However, Li Mo's eyes went straight towards the center of the square, where there was a small fountain, and three groups of silvery fishes each formed a circular constant cruiser as if losing their gravity.

"This ... this is it!" Li Mo's mouth was a little unhappy.

"You guessed it right, it's the stars." Igo was surprised. "I didn't expect anyone to recognize it."

"But I heard it was extinct long ago." Li Mo could not help but swallowed.

"What you see now is the last population in the entire universe." Igor's face showed a hint of pride.

"A moment ... can you use this to entertain us?" Li Mo asked droolingly.

Igo's face was a little black. "Oh, you must be joking."

After speaking, turned around and walked into the palace without turning back.

After the others followed him with an inexplicable look, the Rocket Raccoon quickly put up the explosive gun and went to Li Mo and complained softly: "What are you doing? I almost shot that guy's face."

"The fish must be protected no matter what!" Li Mo pointed at the fountain's face with unprecedented dignity, "The legend is delicious, some people are willing to pay a resource star in order to have a bite."

"Don't lie to me." The Rocket Raccoon also swallowed. "You know I love fish."

"Man, you will be unforgettable for life." Li Mo's eyes revealed excitement.

The two stared at the fish and swallowed a spit.

Upon entering the castle gate, I immediately heard that Igo was telling the Star Lord about their origins.

"So you are a planet?" Drax next to him was surprised. "Then how did you give birth to Stark, that would flatten her mother, oh I know, you must have made a qualified reproductive organ."

"Drax!" Star Jue looked annoyed. "Don't talk about these things."

"Why?" Drax looked puzzled. "That's the most sincere and wonderful thing. Have you forgotten Li Mo's pain when you have your genital organs gone?"

"Of course I made the reproductive organs." Igo shrugged. "Peter, your reproductive organs are gone? Rest assured, I will make one more for you."

"Thankyou! I already have it, I don't want two Tintin!" Xingjue looked embarrassed, "Let's stop tangling this topic anymore?"

"Okay children, they all listen to you." Igo nodded, then looked at Li Mo, with a hint of inquiry in his eyes, "You also have the power of creativity?"

"That's just a few tricks." Li Mo shook his head and changed the subject. "It's you, it's amazing that a miracle created a planet."

Then he looked at the Star Lord, "Eternal life and creative power are the signs of the Protoss, man, you are going to be developed."

However, there was no trace of joy on Xingjue's face, and he stared at Igo's eyes and asked, "Since you are a **** and claim to love my mother, why would you make her wait and die from cancer?"

Igor opened his mouth speechless.

After the atmosphere became a little embarrassing, Igo didn't continue to introduce him, and let his little maid Mandis bring everyone to the guest room.

For the next two days, I don't know what Igo said. Xingjue seemed to have accepted his identity, and gradually got dazzled by everything he was about to have, and began to entertain everyone as the master.

"Kamola, before I was a prodigal with nothing, now I finally have the ability to promise you." Star Jue looked at Kamora affectionately. "Will you be the future princess of this planet?"

"You are not very sick." Carmela rolled her eyes.

"Rocket, although I love Milan, I may not be able to take risks in the future, and Milan will give it to you."

"Are you sure you won't regret it?" Rocket Raccoon smirked.

"Li Mo, I respect you, really. But please don't intimidate me in the future." Xing Jue's face was smug, his right hand slammed his finger, and his fingertips glowed with blue and white flames.

"I also have super powers and can make a lot of things. Do you like Master Sith, I can make you a 1000 meter high."

Li Mo curiously reached out and touched the flame in Xingjue's hand, his eyes suddenly flashed, "Light of life!"

"How do you know?" Star Jue's face was aggressive, "Father also said that this ability is the light of life, and ... Don't look at me with that terrible look, I'm not fried chicken."

Li Mo touched his saliva, "Hahaha, you read it wrong, congratulations, hahaha."

After the stare's expression turned away, Li Mo immediately jumped up, "Damn, I should have guessed, huge vitality, unimaginable creativity, what else can there be besides the light of life, this time I will send It's hahaha. "

The light of life is an ability that is completely different from dimensional energy. Only some special ancient species can have it. However, some humans with genetic mutations occasionally have this ability. They come back to life and rebuild limbs. Called saint.

After waiting another day, Li Mo couldn't wait any longer. The plot seemed to have changed. Nebula didn't come to Camora to settle the bill. Igo didn't show up in a hurry, so he decided to speed up the process.

That night, after Mandys put Igo to sleep, Li Mo summoned everyone together.

"Guys, I'm sorry to inform you that the good times are over. I'm here to kill Igo." Li Mosong said with a shrug.

"Why?" Star Judger was startled, and then pointed his gun at Li Mo. Kamola and Drax also took out the vigilance with their arms.

"Hey, don't do it, listen to Li Mo, he will give you an explanation." The rocket quickly stopped everyone.

"Rocket, although we often quarrel, but you actually ..." Star Jue looked at your rocket raccoon with an injured expression.

"Ohfk!" Rocket looked helpless, turned to look at Li Mo, "It's over to you."

Li Mo nodded. "Come with me and let you see something."

He led the crowd into a cave and looked at the mountain-like piles of bones.

"This ... what is this?" Xing Jue already had a bad feeling in his heart, and asked with a trembling voice.

"These are your brothers and sisters. Igo crosses almost all the races that can be seen in order to cultivate the second **** of the light of life. Even if you are the only one who succeeds, it ’s just that he assimilated many. Life's battery. "Li Mo said truthfully.

"This is not true ~ ~ You are lying to me!" Star Jue looked angry.

"Why do you think Courage didn't give you to Igo? That's a lot of money." Li Mo looked at Star Lord with a pitying look. "There is even worse news for you, you His mother killed him. "

"Impossible, he ... he's my father!" Star Lord had collapsed somewhat.

"We can ask him in person," Li Mo said sincerely.

"I'll just ask!" Xing Jue said immediately and started the flame boots and flew out. Kamola and Drax followed with anxiety.

"You can actually be more euphemistic." Rocket sighed.

"I did it on purpose." Li Mo shook his head. "Although I sympathize with his experience, this matter must be made clear. Igo can control the entire planet. When the Magic Array is set up, there will be a wave of energy fluctuation. He didn't realize it when he fully assimilated the Star Lord. "

"And this is our best chance!"

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