Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 214: 10-word intersection dimension

Realistic gems have the effect of modifying reality.

However, there are certain limitations based on the user's strength. For example, Li Mo can now change some small substances, but it is certainly not that skill to make him a ship into a toy.

Similarly, he could not modify himself into a superman with realistic gems, but he was very easy to take advantage of the situation.

Just like he originally had a lot of magic knowledge, he can combine appropriate magic through realistic gems.

And this method is also applicable to Tony them.

Ignorantly, the ethmoid sinus area.

"Well ... if I'm not mistaken, can you use magic to get us research done quickly?" Tony asked, scratching his head.

Li Mo nodded.

Tony and Reed looked at each other with skepticism, but decided to let him try it when they saw Li Mo.

"What do we need to do, meditate?" Tony pouted and said, "I have been practicing yoga for a while."

"Nothing is needed." Li Mo smiled. "Just keep researching, don't worry about me."

"Uh ... well, let's continue our research." Tony sat before the electron microscope. "Damn, why don't you feel so uncomfortable."

Although they said so, they quickly became addicted to it. For scientists, this unknown research is more addictive than drug use.

Li Mo looked at the three, slowly injecting dimensional energy, and guided the power of the real gem in the past.

The situation changed quickly. Tony and the three of them seemed to be inspired at the same time, and they started to make structural drawings and design formulas with a frantic look ...

One by one video files are constantly being built, and the structural model on the 3D stereogram is also perfected bit by bit.

After five hours,

The three of Tony stopped researching and looked at each other, their faces couldn't restrain the ecstasy, and then they cheered wildly.

"Guys, did you succeed?" Li Mo smiled.

"What a miracle!" Reed shook his head a little in disbelief.

Tony asked hesitantly, "Well ... am I still too late to learn magic?"

Of course, after Li Mo told him that he would never learn this kind of magic, Tony immediately lost interest and said that he was a pure science sci-fi.

"Thank you, Li Mo." Reid suddenly said sincerely.

"Why?" Li Mo's face was aggressive, and in his impression, even if he saved Reed's life, he had never seen him like this.

"Because of you, we were able to solve the biggest doubts of humankind since entering the 21st century."

Seeing Li Moren still puzzled, Tony explained next.

The study of dark matter and dark energy is the most advanced science of human beings at present, but due to the limitation of technology, many things only exist in theoretical conjectures.

What is dark matter?

Take the nuclear reaction as an example, there is a small amount of mass difference between the material before and after the reaction, and this difference translates into huge energy.

Dark energy can make all the mass of matter disappear, and it is completely converted into energy. The dark energy in the universe is more than 14 times the energy of known matter.

"This dark energy research finding also corroborates a long-standing conjecture." Reed was a little excited. "There are more universes outside the universe!"

Well, the existence of the multiverse has always been clear to Li Mo, but how to connect from the dark matter to the multiverse. Although Reed explained for a long time, Li Mo was still aggressive.

But no matter what, they still derived the dark energy engine, and after another cheating, they realized the combination with the magic circle.

Coincidentally, dark energy has a repulsive force that is completely opposite to gravity, which is why the universe is constantly expanding.

And superimposed with the magic array, it forms a parallel line that does not interfere with the dimensional energy, which perfectly solves the problem of energy interference and leakage.

Cooperated with McQueen's divine computing power, Tony and they left after designing a final plan. According to them, this research will have a huge boost to their solar system defense system.

And Li Mo's next work is easy, and enough magic metals and materials have been raised. After the magical loli made the magic array module, McQueen relied on the transformation ability of the light of life to cooperate with the small robot to complete the final power. Source transformation.

After putting the devil's eye into the carry-on space, Li Mo took a deep breath and slowly started the door of dimension.

After the green space door opened, Li Mo walked in without hesitation.


In the United States, the legend of the devil at the crossroads has a long history. It is as well known as pen fairy and mirror spirit, but it is more powerful.

The specific method is to bury a metal box at the intersection, and put a picture of yourself in the box. After burying, wait at the intersection, the devil will come out at midnight to make a deal with you.

The content of the transaction is up to you. The devil promises you a 10-year luck. When the 10-year deadline is up, he will take your soul.

The most famous is the legendary black singer Robert Jonathan. It is said that he became famous because he had traded with the crossroads demon, so he died at the age of 27.

But in fact this is a secret that only magicians know.

Crossroads are a strange extra dimension. It does not have dimensional energy, but it communicates almost all extra dimensions.

He has the weakest space barrier with the main universe, so many weak demons often come here to trade through the earth.

No way, Mephisto is a bad boss.

There is also a strange space rule here. The stronger the power, the higher the space suppression. In addition to the special geographical location, the demon market is born.

Of course, this is why Li Mo dare to come here.

After coming out of the door of space, a strange phenomenon appeared on Li Mo.

His five fingers each grew a small hand, and the fingers of the small hand again grew smaller hands, spreading out almost infinitely into the void.

Soon, countless hands grew in the sky and buried him slowly.

However, Li Mo didn't panic at all, this was just a visual illusion caused by special spatial rules.

Close your eyes and meditate for a while, then open your eyes. Everything has returned to normal.

In front of me is a winding path made of red rocks, and all around is the channel suspended in the air.

All the channels lead to a floating continent. There are no stars in the sky, only the deepest darkness, but strangely, everything is clearly visible.

After admiring Li Mo and recording everything with nano glasses, he flew to the floating continent.

If you want to describe this continent, it is flat.

Without any mountains or ridges, nor canyons or rivers, it is a vast expanse of red gravel.

The Devil's Bazaar is located in the center of the mainland. It is said to be a bazaar, in fact, it is more like a city covering an area of ​​10,000 kilometers.

The first thing to notice is the tall halls, the shortest of which are two or three hundred meters high. Some are solemn, some are dark and distorted, and many are simply difficult to describe its architectural style.

These are the halls of the powerful demon gods, which are equivalent to offices.

They are evenly scattered everywhere, as if they divided their respective areas, and do not interfere with each other.

And around these high halls, there are huge tents or temporary buildings. The streets along the way are full of stalls, disorderly, and strange.

Li Mo slowly landed on the edge of the Devil's Bazaar, casually choosing a street and strolling in.

If ordinary people come here, they will definitely think that they are having nightmares, and there are all kinds of strange creatures.

Settl with long hoofs, classic ram-horned red-skinned demon, and lizard-like monsters all walk on the street.

And these are just the most common. It is not uncommon to see a cloud of dark misty elves and elements made of lava or ice.

As a human being, Li Mo walked in it with great care, and no one wanted to come up and bite him, because the demons have formed a consensus over millions of years: No human being can come here to mess with!

Just a short walk away, a little guy like a goblin ran over and nodded and said to Li Mo, "Dear Master, what can I do for you?"

Strange has told him about the situation here, this type of small goblin relies on helping people run legs to attract customers to receive some meager rewards to survive.

Don't look at this guy who looks respectful, but as long as you treat him and Yan Yueyan, you will definitely be slaughtered as a fat sheep, or you may lose your life.

Li Mo smiled and gave this little guy a magic spell, and the goblin's eyes began to straighten gradually.

Seeing that the magic had worked, Li Mocai asked, "I want to buy some magic metal, and I want it to be affordable."

The enchanted little goblin faithfully revealed the information of the Demon Bazaar: "All the right to buy and sell on the edge of the city is fraudulent. The lava element Demon Kubaka has the most complete variety, but because of the lack of words, the business It's bad and it keeps dropping prices. "

"Hey, human, what are you doing!" A long-horned lizard demon slamming smoke and fire in his nostrils rushed up from the side.

This guy was about five meters tall, with lava-like blood flowing from the bulging muscle texture, and raised his sharp claws and grabbed Li Mo.

Li Mo knows that this demon is the organizer of this kind of small goblin, which is equivalent to the kind of dregs in human society who sells children for begging.

And this devil didn't want to cause any trouble, but if everyone did it like Li Mo, how could they live?

Facing the sharp claws that waved over, Li Moli ignored him, and the tentacles that suddenly appeared rolled up the devil into the sky.

In the painful and miserable beggar of the devil, his body was smashed into numerous fragments, and hot magma blood dripped on the ground and smoked thick smoke.

After a little prestige, some demon faces did not change color, but instead laughed aloud in strange language. Most of the demons unconsciously removed their eyes from Li Mo.

Li Mo smiled and snapped his fingers. "Let's go."

The confused goblin led the way blankly, Li Mo seemed to be leisurely, but in fact followed the flow of people with caution.

Just 100 meters behind him, a tall figure in a cape and a hood glanced at him casually, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After Li Mo's figure disappeared, the mysterious man turned and walked in the other direction, and limped around outside a huge leather tent.

This tent is spliced ​​from all kinds of strange and strange devil skins. Not only is it covered with patches of various sizes, but it also exudes a stench that can poison people.

The tall figure frowned, and the curtain linked by various types of skulls was opened by an invisible force, and then she walked in with Sona's steps.

This is a prophet's tent. A huge crystal ball with green light is placed in the center, and various bone fortune-telling instruments are placed beside it.

Sitting behind the crystal ball is a serra. This kind of demon has a huge head, the brain is exposed, and a round eyeball is in the center of the forehead. The skinny body was covered in rotten linen.

This Sierra smiled, Wu Qing's lips opened and her mouth full of rotten teeth, "Confused man, do you want a vicious prediction?"

"Put away your deceitful trick, I only need one piece of information." The tall figure opened his hood and revealed a charming and charming face.

It is the Queen of Dreams in the nightmare dimension.

Sierra laughed. "Everything can be traded, as long as you can afford it."

The queen of dreams' flamboyant red lips opened wide and asked, "I know the king of nightmare is asking you to collect something secretly. What does he need?"

This Sierra face froze and shook her head. "I don't know what you're talking about, leave now."

The Queen of Dreams smiled ~ ~ Crystal spit out a pink smoke, and she covered the whole Sera with a sigh.

Sera's demon's one-eye quickly turned pink, reached out, and took out a scroll of sheepskin from the void to the Queen of Dreams.

After a close look, the Queen of Dreams spoke to herself ...

"This is the material for making the Crown of Nightmare."

"Nightmare, what do you want to do?"

"Marduk is dying. Do you also want to fight for Satan's name?"

"No, you are not so bold ... Oh, I know, you are afraid ..."

The queen of dreams gradually opened her mouth, and then laughed wildly.

"Hahaha, nightmare, you are afraid!"

"Your end is here!"

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