Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 225: Truth laboratory

In the following months, Li Mo, who was finally able to calm down, devoted all his energy to the construction of the alchemy laboratory.

Traditional alchemists usually work in small workshops, relying on word-of-mouth secrets, coupled with the irresponsible teaching of their mentors, to grow in experiments that are enough to ruin their families.

This determined that the birth of an alchemist master became a rare probability product.

But there is no doubt that although it is also a means of exploring the world, once the achievement is achieved on a completely different path from science, the return will be unimaginable.

After all, you can rely on genetic technology to increase your lifespan, but once the sage stone that can live is in front of everyone, everyone will own it at any cost.

The alchemy laboratory is a concept of Li Mo, and no one has ever done so.

Although science and technology has a genius flash, it depends more on grass-roots experimental personnel and the wisdom of the group to promote the expansion of space.

In this process, many effective methods are summarized. For example, experiments can be divided into factorial experiments, judgment experiments, exploration experiments and control experiments ...

Thanks to Li Mo's early efforts, he not only has a huge knowledge reserve, but also can obtain abundant resources from other dimensions, and various high-tech instruments of the universe can be easily obtained.

The alchemy laboratory is therefore feasible.

Using realistic gems to optimize the design, draw a large number of magic arrays, rely on McQueen's powerful upgraded computing capabilities to assemble subtle components, this unimaginative alchemy laboratory is gradually improved.

Li Mo named it the laboratory of truth.

The Laboratory of Truth is a castle-like building that covers hundreds of kilometers and looks rather fantastic.

To be honest, Li Mo is not a temperament who likes luxury, and building such a large castle is not for the purpose of building a harem to live a dark and rotten life. It is a last resort.

The establishment of a magical alchemy laboratory is inseparable from the support of various technologies. Li Mo has created many magical experimental devices for this purpose.

For example, the huge Eye of Truth, which is a ten-kilometer tower-shaped building. Inside is full of layers of psychic arrays forming a shock effect, relying on a vein-like dimensional energy pathway link, and the outside is each A powerful protective matrix.

A hollow-kilometer magic iron ball with a diameter of two kilometers is suspended on the top of the tower, equipped with observation lenses smuggled from the space station of the Shia Empire, like a huge eyeball.

The Eye of Truth can observe the composition of the outer space and even the dispersion effect of extra dimensions, the particle effect that can analyze the magic energy inside, the observation matter even exceeds the atomic level, if the future development of the ignorance brain is linked, maybe Can reach the quantum level.

There is also a biological laboratory covering an area of ​​15 kilometers. This is the result of Li Mo's use of space law. After all, some huge organisms may reach hundreds of kilometers, plus different types of biological protection and cultivation facilities, even if Various building optimizations were done, and the final plan reached 15 kilometers.

The largest is the concrete structure workshop, which covers an area of ​​30 kilometers. After all, ignorance of future optimized component construction will be carried out here.

It can be said that this laboratory has accumulated a lot of efforts of Li Mo. A 300-person team led by the boss will serve as auxiliary staff, and all signed a soul agreement.

To ensure safety, the place where the skull is located will be completely closed. A larger Hydra base will be built into the mouth and throat area larger than this.

A fully functional city, an oversized Star Harbor, and a regular interstellar combat formation have all been included in the plan.

Of course, the scale is certainly not too big, not to mention interstellar power, even some weak forces with only two or three colonial stars are not as good.

However, Li Mo set out the strategy of elite soldiers from the beginning. With the gradual growth of the magic alchemy laboratory, this fleet will also be upgraded.

These will be the responsibility of Stephanie and Ophelia.

Li Mo didn't worry about it at all, he couldn't wait to see his own achievements.

And this day finally came.

Hundreds of miles of the city of truth stood alone on the plain where it was, which made it look a little empty.

Under the twinkling of the light and energy veins of life, a beautiful spectacle appears on the dome thousands of meters, as if exposure to the stars of the universe.

Li Mo nodded, "McQueen, the last time to detect the source of dark energy and dimensional energy."

McQueen's three-dimensional image appeared beside him, showing rows of data information at the same time.

"The hardware structure test is normal ..."

"The energy pathway is smooth ..."

"Dark energy links are OK ..."

"Extra dimension links are OK ..."

"Boss, the system checks everything is OK."

"Very good." Li Mo took a deep breath. "Start the power source!"

With his orders, the nasal cavity and the ethmoid sinus area suddenly began to glow with magic lines and light energy lines of life.

In countless dense hundreds of meters high ethmoidal vesicles, the layer-by-layer energy absorption device began to emit purple light and a deep buzzing sound.

The whole ignorance seemed to come alive, and the purple energy rays visible to the naked eye appeared around it, converging to the nasal cavity like a breath, gradually calming down after half an hour.

"McQueen, how is it?" Li Mo asked anxiously.

"Boss, the power source is operating normally. Within half an hour at full power, we have stored enough energy for 100 years."

"Yes!" Li Mo shook his fist fiercely. "Now start the city of truth."

Huge dark energy and dimensional energy are connected to the city through energy pipes buried deep underground.

Each magic circle was lighted in turn, emitting a bright light. The huge eye of truth began to rotate, and at the same time a ripple of space spread into the distant universe, and large and small energy sources emitted soft light at the same time.

"This ... is eternal!" Said the big boss behind Li Mo in tears.

Li Mo smiled and turned to the crowd behind him and said, "Let's go."

In the spacious and bright laboratory, technology and magic blend perfectly, silver-white metal walls, spotless ground, and countless small cleaning robots are constantly maintaining.

Standing in the central corridor of the silver-white biological laboratory hall, Li Mo stopped and turned to look at the 300 researchers in white robes behind him.

These people are top scientists from all civilizations. Both the mainstream races of the three empires, and some silicon-like lifeforms and even demons have been tested for magical talent, sworn allegiance to Li Mo and signed a soul contract.

"Everyone," Li Mo coughed and said, "After training, you are not only scientists but also magicians. Here you have the most complete research equipment and the largest knowledge reserve. This is our future and a new starting point. , We will explore the universe, we will explore the truth. You will have a name, a name that will reverberate through the universe in the future. "

"Void Master!"

"We will be divided into two research teams next."

"The first research project of the first group: the evolution of universe life. We already know that the Tenjin group and some starry giants rely on breathing dark energy to survive. They not only have a long life span, they also have great strength."

"We don't know how they were born, but we can study and transfer this ability to ordinary planetary species."

"What we know so far is only in the Milky Way and the nearest Fairy galaxy, and this is just a drop in the universe. If we want to reach farther galaxies, we need to span hundreds of galaxies. This is a desperate result . "

"But if you become a cosmic species and breathe 70% of the dark energy of the universe, then everything has hope, and we can even send people to explore countless additional dimensions and pocket universes."

"This is a long process. We even have to interrupt the current biological cognition system. We may not see hope for a long time, but in the process of exploration, the acquisition of knowledge will make everyone fascinated. "

"I have a hunch that this may be the right way to escape."

"The second group's research project: ignorance escalation."

"Everyone knows the chaos of the universe. We need the ability to protect ourselves. This is our home. It is our ark to explore the unknown."

"I think it's foolish to focus my whole life on dominating the king. But if you have powerful knowledge, but you are bullied or even destroyed, it is even more foolish."

"We are going to develop powerful alchemy creatures. Those iron puppets in ancient castles can only be used as antiques. Our creatures must have strong star combat capabilities and can even go to other dimensions for special attacks."

"We all know that ignorance is the head of a powerful Tenjin group. There are still many mysteries here. The principle of cortical transmission is still unknown to us."

"But it's not enough as a base. Don't forget that there is still a head that can be torn off. What day did we meet?"

"So, here can only be a foundation. We must continue to expand and strengthen, and build it into an eternal fort while researching alchemy technology!"

After a pause, Li Mo smiled, "Gentlemen, no, members of the Nether Masters."

"let's start."


At the same time, an interstellar formation consisting of three 20-kilometer-long mother ships and 15 small destroyers suddenly jumped out of the cosmic void.

All the ships' shells are engraved with the Hydra mark.

Inside the round bridge headed by the starship ~ ~ hundreds of staff wearing dark blue star fleet uniforms are constantly operating one by one three-dimensional images.

A chief Lizardman opened the communication system: "Commander, we are about to enter the solar system Kuiper Belt."

"Yes, I'll be right there."

In the captain's room, Ophelia curled her green hair back and straightened the handsome general in front of the mirror.

The tall and exploded figure is more attractive in the slightly tight uniform. After putting on the commander's jacket with various fringe and epaulets, Ophelia opened the door and strode out.

The guards along the corridor saw her, and all raised their hands forward, "Eternity, Hydra!"

Ophelia walked forward expressionlessly, her sharp leather boots knocking a crisp and firm voice on the metal deck.

When she arrived at the Starship Command Compartment, she shook her wide coat, and Da Ma Jindao sat on the captain's chair.

"I order, coordinate the earth, go at full speed!"

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