Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 228: Earth Federation

"Huh ... huh ..."

Catherine, horned, gasped and pressed the reporter's card to the guard at the door, and hurriedly walked into the corridor while turning his head to his colleague, "Hurry, Allen, we must grab a good position."

The Texas farm girl is now a veteran reporter for the Horn.

She still remembers that the first big news when she first joined the company was the appearance of the tentacle man Li Mo, and the first interview task after her promotion was actually related to him.

This could not help but make Catherine sigh a bit, in just seven years, the world has changed too much. The emergence of endless superheroes, the invasion of aliens, the development of aerospace technology, and now the advent of the Hydra Star Fleet. When talking with many colleagues, they were already afraid to guess what the future would look like.

The hall was already overcrowded, relying on the wild character of her farm girl, Catherine squeezed a bunch of big masters to grab a place. Whispering with many journalists while waiting anxiously.

In the corridor of the next lounge, while listening to the phone, Coleson reluctantly said, "Yes, sir, I know, this is not a suitable choice, but you have to know, we have no choice."

After hanging up, Coulson sighed, pushed open the lounge door and walked in.

A black tight-fitting combat suit, shock-absorbing gloves on her wrists, and Skye, with short hair cut, leaning her arms against the wall, she will be in charge of the security work, and nodded when she saw Colson coming in.

Ophelia was sitting on a chair with Erlang legs crossed, and a row of three-dimensional stereo data and images appeared on her wrist communicator. After clicking in the void, she said, "Has the target been detected? Good. , The external deployment and control are temporarily unmoved, waiting for the fleet to return to resolve. "

Although he was a little curious, Coulson didn't ask much, and said in a tone after two steps forward: "Miss Ophelia, we agreed with your press conference request, but please don't talk about something that is easy to cause panic. Words. "

"Relax, that's a good thing. Our boss Li Mo just asked for some business cooperation." Ophelia's mouth showed a smile, "Actually it seems to me more like a friendship sponsor, a joke."

"Hydra's goal is the stars and the sea, and the earth is not thinking about it."

Coulson was stunned, and said in a complicated mood: "Congratulations then."

At that moment, the knock on the door rang, and finally the hotel staff opened the door respectfully and said, "Miss Ophelia, you are ready to go out."

Ophelia nodded, stood up and shook the handsome Starship Commander coat, and strode out.

Skye shrugged at Coulson. "It looks like a bad smell."

Coulson nodded sympathetically.

"Head, are you jealous?" Skye asked with a smile.

Coulson twitched. "Nothing."


In the eyes of many reporters, Ophelia, dressed in uniform, pushed open the door on one side and walked out.

This woman has a seductive face, tall and graceful figure against the tight starship combat suit, do not have a momentum.

The reporters took photos crazy, both men and women showed obsessed eyes. The shutters in the hands of the reporters from the mixed fashion week kept pressing. They have a hunch that this will set off a new round of clothing trends.

The audience in front of the TV was also brightened, and the inexplicable feeling of Hydra suddenly appeared, and the face value played a huge role at this moment.

Faced with a flash of light and a reporter who kept raising his hand to ask questions, Ophelia ignored it and said directly: "Our boss, His Excellency Li Mo is very disappointed with the earth."

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly cooled down, and the reporters looked at each other without knowing what happened.

Ophelia clicked on the wrist communicator a few times, several beams of light emitted, and a huge three-dimensional image appeared over the hall.

This is an alien city that exists only in the science fiction of the Earth people. It is densely packed with thousands of meters of high-rise buildings, and a bee colony of floating ships shuttles among them. The huge starships rise and fall in a distant place.

Everyone was confused, wondering what Ophelia wanted to do.

"This is El Star, the district where the Galactic Council is located." Ophelia said expressionlessly: "Not long ago, the Galactic Council was just established. This is a pan-galactic cooperative organization, as long as you join, it will be safe The protection of the Convention and huge gains in many aspects of technology and interstellar trade. "

"Our boss Li Mo has a voting right as Lord Honor of Sandar, and he can give this voting right to the earth after inquiry. Then the earth will enjoy great convenience in the future development."

"But unfortunately, the earth does not meet the most basic conditions for joining the Galactic Council: a unified administration, the ability to have two colonial stars and interstellar voyages."

The reporters on the stage suddenly made a noise, and since Tony brought back aerospace technology, it has become the consensus of everyone that the earth will enter the interstellar era. Although the Galactic Council sounds a little distant, no one is a fool. It is really regrettable that such a huge pie can't be eaten in front of the eyes.

"Excuse me, Ophelia, is there any remedy?" A bearded reporter from AFP stood up and asked.

Everyone, including the audience in front of the TV and the senior leaders of the countries that were paying attention, calmed down and waited for Ophelia's answer.

"Eligibility to give voting rights will expire in ten years." Ophelia tapped her finger on the table. "That is to say, there are still ten years on the planet. But I doubt that, given the current state of the planet's chaos, Is it possible to have two habitable colonial stars in ten years. "

"War, religious hatred, ideological opposition, exploitation of strong nations by weak nations ... Earth people have put too much energy on internal friction. Can we unite to achieve this goal?"

There was a hint of taunt in Ophelia's mouth: "You decide."

After waiting for questions from the following reporters, Ophelia continued: "We will provide a small amount of technical assistance to the earth and open up some interstellar common folk science and technology. We will send a spaceship to regularly carry the Earth Observation Mission to the friendly planet for inspection. In addition, a Hydra Academy will be opened in Sandal. Each year, students will be recruited on Earth. After graduation, they can join the Hydra fleet or choose to return to Earth. "

"Well, that's all I want to say." Ophelia stood up, and ignored the reporter's crazy questions, and went straight out.

This press conference caused a great uproar, and a series of documentaries about the civilizations and customs of the universe, as well as political and military strength were released later, which triggered a common discussion among all mankind.

Earth has been invaded by alien planets, but people's impressions are still blurred, and they only say, "Look, those **** alien hybrids have been run away by us."

The universe galaxy is still mysterious and unknown.

But now the situation has changed. Looking at the glorious and prosperous extraterrestrial civilizations on the documentary, watching the huge fleet that obscures the starry sky, watching the planets after the civilizations are broken, there is never any confusion and worry. Many people's minds floated.

Even science fiction that dominates the galaxy is no longer mentioned, as long as people with a little brain know that survival and development are the real theme.

The atmosphere of politics and speech is also quietly changing. Although there are still many disputes, a consensus has been formed.

Humanity must seize this opportunity to join the Galactic Council.

Not for peace and justice, but for a strong sense of crisis.

It's like a young animal just thrown into the wild nature ...

A week later, a secret meeting was held to change the fate of the earth. Leaders from almost all countries attended the meeting, which lasted for several days.

Tony was also invited to participate, specifically talking about what was included in the secret, but this guy came out with a look of joy.

On the day of the meeting, Ophelia was invited to the UN headquarters building, and an elite negotiating team was waiting for her.

Desperately looking at Shu is affirmative. The negotiating team has made many requests that are almost greedy, but Ophelia has always adhered to a principle: limited help, but not too much participation, only as a bridge to communicate with the outside world.

After three days of negotiations, except for some details, the two sides reached three major cooperation projects.

1. The Hydra Group provides basic civil technology for the earth at no cost, and helps the earth integrate into interstellar trade cooperation.

2. The Hydra Group will open a comprehensive academy in Sandar, covering all aspects of technology and military. Every year, 200,000 people will enter the earth to study, and half of them will join Hydra.

Spy is definitely difficult to put an end to, and Earth will certainly not overdo it so as not to break the agreement. Ophelia didn't care, Hydra naturally has its own means of control.

3. The Hydra Group will purchase part of the scientific exploration, industrial mining and part of the armed starships for the earth, and provide personnel training. These will be paid in installments for minerals collected in the future. In the future, the construction of large space stations, star ports and colony stars will adopt the same model.

On the day the cooperation agreement was reached, another exciting news appeared.

The Earth Federation Government has entered preliminary preparations and is expected to be formally established one year later. Of course, this is more like a strengthened United Nations.

No one will feel dissatisfied, since the birth of mankind has not been truly unified. Racial hatred, ideological opposition, and religious opposition have divided human beings into countless groups that are difficult to converge.

Although in the course of the establishment of the Earth Federation, it will certainly be accompanied by countless plots, negotiations and exchanges of interests, but this is already a huge progress.

Almost all leaders in various countries have issued statements calling for all disputes to be put aside and to build a better future for mankind.

On this day, almost all the citizens of major cities around the world took to the streets to hold spontaneous celebrations.

On this day, the earth showed a rare state of peace. Many tensioned border soldiers of the two countries greet each other across sentry posts and then pass on cigarettes.

This day is a wonderful day. In the crowd of celebrations, people can't help but greet and hug friendly people of other races.

Under tremendous pressure, humans seem to be truly united on this day. A festival called "Earth Day" takes place on this day.

One week after the agreement was reached, Ophelia led the fleet and left. Many news media broadcast live, and an inspection team composed of elites from various countries will accompany.

The cost of this expedition will be sponsored by Li Mo. They will spend a year on various cultural stars to investigate, and the summary information will guide the future development of the federal government.

Everything seems to be moving in a good direction ~ ~ Hydra flagship Viper.

There was a busy scene in the huge command cabin. Ophelia was sitting on the captain's seat, looking at the gradually smaller earth, and sipting red wine leisurely.

The lieutenant next to him, an alien woman named Roca suddenly sobbed, and Ophelia frowned, "What's wrong?"

This alien woman is a member of the Bald Party, and because of her resolute character, Marley was appreciated by Ophelia and was promoted to lieutenant.

Roca, with scales on her head, said sadly: "My home star is similar to the situation here. If I had this opportunity at the time, I would not be a stray race."

Ophelia nodded and didn't say a word, stood up after a moment of silence, and resolutely said: "All fleet captains obey orders and set sail at full speed in accordance with the formulated plans and routes!"

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