Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 248: Unexpected combat power

Barren and desolate.

In the void are colorful huge nebula clusters like ghosts. The naked eye is scattered everywhere.

This is the first layer of the abyss dimension, because of the difference in physical rules, not to mention the formation of stellar systems, not even the ordinary primordial disk.

On the McQueen that just rushed out of the door of the dimension, Li Mo's face looked wrong. "Are the guys in the mage regiment tide, how did we get to the first floor?"

A huge three-dimensional screen suddenly appeared in front of him, and the tide-like data kept coming out.

McQueen replied: "A certain level of spatial interference was detected, and the coordinates of the gates of all dimensions were shifted to the first level."

"Is Marduk back and forth?" Li Mo stroked his chin. "No, if it is him, it can close the whole dimension. It should be some kind of defense method for the large local forces."

"Trouble, do you want to get ignorant from the first floor to the fourth floor?" Li Mo had a headache.

"No need," McQueen replied. "Ignorantly has a special structure. As long as we install space beacons in advance, we can still forcefully eliminate interference, but the time needs to be extended to half an hour."

"Then the problem is not big." Li Mo relieved. "Quickly relay the news back and let them adjust the battle plan."

Just then, McQueen's voice suddenly sounded again, "Detection of the gate signal of dimension, 500 kilometers above our side."

"So clever?" Li Mo was surprised. "Quickly activate the stealth device and adjust the laser module."

McQueen, which has evolved many times and installed a dark energy-driven engine, has become a giant with a length of 1,500 meters and a height of 200 meters.

Although it is still a bluish beetle shape, the arc is more beautiful.

Because of the absorption of the space stone of the universe's wonders, and the power of the large number of infinite gems, its stealth function has become a bit unbelievable.

As McQueen's hull faded and disappeared, no one could find a spaceship hidden there.

Just ten seconds later, a door of a huge dimension hundreds of meters long opened on the side, and a behemoth swam out like a fish.

This thing looks a little like a trilobite, but has a long arthropod like a tadpole, and is over two kilometers long.

It moves like a fish, but it moves very fast and disappears in a blink of an eye.

"Is it some kind of star monster?" Li Mo was curious.

"It has been detected that there are a large number of life reactions in the body, which should be some kind of biological battleship, but there is no record in our data." McQueen showed the detection image on the 3D stereogram.

"It's normal," Li Mo said, shaking his head. "Our exploration of extra dimensions and the main universe is very limited."

"All the extra dimensions come from magicians, but how many magicians can really explore and make scientific records?"

"The exploration of the main universe is also a difficult problem. The scope of known civilizations is currently limited to the Milky Way and the nearby Large Magellanic Cloud and Fairy Galaxy. The distance between the galaxies is too large. It is a distant dark void, in the middle There is also the empty existence of the horrible universe. "

"Exploring with a spaceship is simply unrealistic. It can only rely on the star gate or wormhole. The construction of the stargate needs to be performed between two galaxies at the same time, and the stable wormholes across the galaxies have not yet been found."

"Because the unknown is infinite, it is attractive enough." Li Mo sighed and shook his head. "Forget it, let's not talk about this, let's go."

There are many entrances to the second floor of the Abyss Hell, and they found one after 0 minutes of spaceship travel.

This is a hundreds of kilometers of irregular oval-shaped hollow, surrounded by a faint red light across the void, from time to time you can see one or two strange spaceships rushing in.

After Li Mo drove McQueen into the second floor, he found that the rules of space here were relatively complete.

At least a large island-type continent can be formed. There are already some primitive life forms on it, but they are relatively fragile and small.

These beings will evolve into little demons in constant killing and devouring. If you are lucky, you will be taken to the next level by the great demon who came to recruit, and continue to evolve.

The third layer has already formed a large number of stars, and also has a certain number of demon tribes.

From this level, some planets will already have ordinary magic resources, but even the most powerful demons in the tribe are not qualified to play soul games.

Along the way, you can see that many planets have been destroyed, and **** interceptions are taking place at the entrance to the space on the next floor.

The native demonic forces of the Abyss Hell used large meteor belts at the entrance to construct fortifications.

The forces of other dimensions of the invasion are only outposts or guys who are struggling with autumn winds, and it is difficult to break through the interception under the circumstances of each child.

The invisible McQueen was not discovered by the belligerents at all, but Li Mo did not leave immediately, but hid beside him for intelligence gathering.

Soon he had a gratifying discovery that there were a variety of weapons on both sides of the belligerent, including magic artillery, biological spore attacks or a variety of dimensional energy weapons.

But relatively speaking, the attack power is not strong, and more is to fight against each other after destroying the spacecraft.

It's no wonder that most of the dimensional demons are mainly evolutionary, and there has been no systematic civilization in a long war.

After knowing it, Li Mo drove McQueen quietly into the fourth floor.

Starting from the fourth floor, it is considered to enter the real abyss dimension zone, and it can be seen that a large number of indigenous demon ships are converging here.

The main active area of ​​the native devil is between the fourth and tenth floors. After all, the space is narrower as the distance goes down. Although very powerful demons will be born because of the continuous evolution of the dimensional rules, the number has become very scarce.

McQueen avoided the demons of all sizes, and soon arrived on the planet where the lava demons were.

The surface environment here is a bit like the Mosbelheim, where the King of Flames Sirte is located. There are volcanoes everywhere, the sky is thick with volcanic ash, and the lava surface can see many lava rivers.

The planet is located far north, with a huge crater thousands of kilometers in diameter, and this is the only entrance to the lava demon tribe. In the sky above the crater and in outer space, more than 20 giant spaceships under Romdak's men have besieged it.

After McQueen bypassed the ships, she hovered slowly not far from the crater.

The lower spaceship cast a stealth spell, and Li Mo quickly flew towards the crater.

Along the way, although the wind and sand are not large, but the air is filled with a layer of thick red fog, under the light of the magma, finally there are some myths and legends like hell.

There are already many demon guards in the crater, belonging to the same group as those killed by Li Mo in the Kubaka store.

Li Mo flew deeper into the ground for 20,000 meters and immediately saw the two sides at war.

Although the lava giants can survive in the hot magma near the center of the earth, they don't like to soak in them all the time, so the tribe was established here.

They belong to magical creatures and need to survive in a hot magma environment full of dimensional energy. Over time, it will grow slowly, so there is no need to **** resources and soul like other demons.

The light here is already a little dark, and the red light emitted by the magma in the cracks adds a strangeness. The temperature is extremely high, and despite Li Mo's excellent physique, the energy shield automatically emerges.

Under Romdak's men, more than 200,000 demons, like dense ants, continued to flock to the fortifications composed of thick rocks and hot lava.

The tens of thousands of lava demon standing there were significantly weaker than their patriarch Kubaka. However, relying on non-stop throwing, such as cannonball-like bursting magma stone balls, barely resisted the attack.

And Romdak's men held the spear that could emit electric light, bouncing around the hot rocks, waiting for the opportunity to attack some clumsy lava demons.

Whenever the attack reaches saturation, the wounded lava demon will roar down like a scattered rock pile.

A large demon dressed in armor, similar to the leader, has grown a huge cricket flesh. While inciting to float in the air, he yelled out loudly: "Satan is up, you **** stone heads, surrender quickly, or else you will be exterminate!"

However, the Lava Demon didn't seem to hear it, and remained silent like a mechanical defense.

"? Δ? ..." The leader of the big devil yelled at the demon slang in annoyance, and then took out a soul crystal with some pain, holding his hands and chanting the spell.

Then, he held up the crystal in his hand and blew it gently. A strange red smoke immediately flew out, covering a large group of demons attacking the front line.

The muscles of those demons suddenly swelled up, and their speed and strength doubled as if they were hit with chicken blood.

Under the crazy attack of the demons blessed by the spell, the central defense line was finally broken, and the demons in the rear surged like a tide.

Just then, the thousands of meters of space in front of them suddenly turned into a glass-like texture, and the demons that poured in suddenly disappeared.

This is Li Mo's self-made magic colosseum, summoning the mutant beast in the dark dimension of the demon God Thorne in the mirror dimension.

The demons that rushed in were soon engulfed by the crazier dark dimension mutant beast.

After losing a large number of personnel, Romdak's men finally hesitated to stop the attack.

At the same time, Li Mo, who had performed the surgery, also showed his figure. A teleportation later came to the lava demons, throwing the token given by Kubaka, and summoned more than 0 big eyes and four Dozens of tentacles 100 meters long.

The energy rays emitted by the big eyeballs are sprayed on the demonic group like rainwater. While countless demons are broken into pieces, tentacles like pythons are raging wildly in the demonic group.

The demons screamed, some were beaten into meat sauce, and some were screamed into the sky.

The crowded formation instead became a hindrance for the demons of Romdak, and soon lost a lot under the crazy output of Li Mo.

After the big demon's pre-war leader was divided by two tentacles, the demons under Romdak were finally timid, and receded like a tide.

However, after all, they were cruel and militant demons. After retreating several kilometers and out of Li Mo's attack range, they soon began to regroup and wait for reinforcements in the rear.

A message from a demon warship floating in the air soon began to fall slowly, but just before the rock-built warship reached hundreds of meters above the crater, McQueen suddenly appeared.

The integrated laser-ray array gun cut a huge slit like a scalpel in front of the Demon Battleship.

The huge explosion of bangs continued to sound, and McQueen emerged from all over the body of light blue space shields, facing the demon warship's magic cannon, and smashing the warship into pieces directly from the front.

McQueen disappeared just as other Demon battleships wanted to attack.

The Demon Battleships quickly formed an array to defend, but McQueen continued to harass them like a clever assassin.

The demon group assembled in the middle of the huge crater to wait for the next attack also encountered trouble. Thousands of ten-meter-high magic magpies appeared in array behind them with black and purple flames.

There are still 70,000 or 80,000 people in the front line of the demon army. They saw only thousands of puppets. They did not take it seriously, but soon became a little desperate.

Each of these magic maggots had a flexible levitating cannon on their shoulders, and the fierce long-range attack exceeded their imagination.

The most important thing is that these puppets also bring their own magic shields. Even after the magic shields are broken by saturation attacks, the damaged bodies are constantly being repaired, without affecting the battle at all. After just over ten seconds, the magic shield that appears again will give enough time for the magic puppet to repair.

Long-range attacks can't do anything about these puppets, and the demon who rushes forward and moves close to melee will be chopped into pieces by the black-purple void fire in the puppet's hands, dancing like a whirlwind.

What's even worse is that just as the demonic group mobilized troops to siege these magics, Li Mo suddenly appeared again, with big eyes and tentacles raging again in the demonic group.

The frontline demon army finally broke up completely. The surviving demon relied on his flexible skills to run around the cracks in the rocks, and soon disappeared.

Li Mo did not continue to chase, these scattered demons have no threat.

Li Mo nodded and looked very satisfied as he watched the magic puppet coming to his side in a neat array.

The use of the magic puppet troops in actual combat far exceeded his expectations. This is only 1,000 troops. What if the number is 100,000?

Later, Li Mo quickly flew out of the crater, and the magical magpies also flew up, relying on the purple fireworks sprayed from the back, and followed him closely.

After coming out of the crater, Li Mo quickly saw a funny scene, a dozen giant demon ships lined up in a fan-shaped defense array.

While vainly resisting McQueen, which was constantly harassing like a ghost, he retreated to outer space.

It wasn't until the chase was far away that McQueen stopped attacking. After these demon ships left, Li Mo was relieved.

These demons did not develop star annihilation weapons. Maybe there is, not here.

It seems that the situation is a little different from what was expected, and the power of these demons is overestimated by themselves and their men.

Although they are powerful, they are clearly and ignorantly far different in terms of tactics and weapons.

Li Mo thought of touching his chin,

Perhaps it should be bolder?


Vatican ~ ~ Sistine Basilica.

"For thousands of years, the devil has been watching the human soul, and you are the soldiers watching in the dark corridor."

Archangel Randgill slowly opened his huge wings, "Some are fallen, some are dead, and some are complaining about the injustice of heaven in weakness."

"Now everything will be on the right track. You will receive the power from heaven to maintain this glory!"

Marcus looked at the rest of the exorcist partners around. Some were injured, some were disabled, and some were unable to wait for the day to sacrifice early.

Thinking of Thomas, Marcus sighed, kneeling in a row with everyone on one knee.

Archangel Randkir's hand rested on Marcus 'head, and a azure flame burned down his hand, gradually covering Marcus' body.

"Holy power, the flame of heaven, open the defense of the soul, accept it with all your heart ... embrace it ..."

In the whisper of the archangel Randgill, Marcus screamed with blue flames burning all over his body.

After a while, Marcus gradually calmed down, and the blue flames on his body recovered. He raised his head, blue light appeared in his eyes, and said blankly, "Master ..."

However, Dekir had a strange smile on his sculpture-like face.

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