Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 262: Devil Gamble (1)

Dark Hell dimension first floor.

The black grotesque horror in the horrible stone forest has no grass, and the chilly cold patrols like a ghost.

Between the empty spaces surrounded by several giant rock pillars, a green door of dimension slowly unfolded like a vortex, and the Queen of Dreams came out with Li Mo's arm on her shoulder.

Although the queen of dreams has also become the demon lord of the dimension of dreams with the help of Li Mo, after all, she is still young and has limited strength. In addition, she is only a clone, so she has no ability to break into the space and directly enter the castle of Mephisto. . So the two can only wait here to meet the demons.

Although they only entered the area randomly, and there was no trace of life around them, the two were not worried at all. After all, Mephisto, who is all-knowing and all-powerful in this **** dimension, must have been aware of it the first time they came.

Sure enough, after a while, the ground suddenly cracked a fissure burning with magma, and a carriage pulled by two nightmares rushed out.

Although the red-skinned demon driving the carriage was naked, he elegantly offered a personal welcome etiquette, exposing his fangs and smiling, "The King of Sin is waiting for two."

Li Mo nodded and pulled the Queen of Dreams onto this carriage, which was similar to a closed carriage in the British 18th century.

As the demon pulled the rein, the two nightmares snarled and rushed into the crack.

This carriage should have cast magic, like running flat in the hot ground of lava, and the surrounding scene stretched backward like light and shadow, and soon entered the second floor and continued to rush down to the cracked ground.

The Queen of Dreams glanced out of the window and shook her head and said to Li Mo, "I don't know how many demon gods come here this time, but you better not offend them and concentrate on dealing with the gamble."

"Rest assured, I have something in mind." Li Mo lifted Erlang's legs and leaned on the back of the chair. "Speaking of dimensions, the deities shouldn't often hold such parties."

The Queen of Dreams smiled, and her eyes were bright and colorful, "Do you know how amazing you are doing this time? I know that there are only a handful of demons gathering like this, and the last time because an ordinary person has been hundreds of thousands of years It's the last thing. "

"It was also here in Mephisto, but the protagonist was Dom, a human magician jumped to become the dimensional lord, and was once strong enough to annex all the dimensions of hell, but unfortunately it was overcast by Mephisto. Now. "

"Although you are weak this time, the reason for the battle for the Demon King becomes the focus. If you fail, death is still good, and your soul will be deprived of the hope of never turning over."

Li Mo smiled and didn't speak, looking at the scenery outside the window lost in thought.

Suddenly, the space outside the carriage began to have a wonderful change. Time seemed to be infinitely stretched as if freeze-framed. Li Mo turned his head and looked at it. Countless carriages lined up like bookshelves and extended to the end of the universe.

Li Mo knew that this was the beginning of the change in the spatial dimension. He was preparing to use the power of realistic gems, and everything in front of him suddenly returned to normal. The carriage quickly drove down a stone road that shuttled to the sky. After a while, I saw the spectacular and magnificent fallen castle.

The carriage landed directly on the square outside the main fort. After getting off the train, Li Mo and Queen of Dreams walked towards the open door. There were some demons under Mephisto along the way. These guys were obviously much stronger. The fangs made an intimidating expression at Li Mo.

Li Mo shrugged his lips and moved his head forward.

As soon as he entered the hall, dozens of double eyes suddenly focused on him, some with scrutiny, some full of malice, and others showing interest.

The dimensional demon can be roughly divided into three categories, one is the **** devil like Mephisto, who likes to absorb the fear of the living body and the soul. The other is relatively friendly, and magicians usually borrow their power, such as Vishandi, Vatom, and Seraphim. And magic is usually prefixed by their name. For example, in the Triple Three, Strangy blows away the vatom wind used by smoke. The other is high, rarely dealing with people, and some don't even show their names.

And all the people who came here were the demon king. When they looked at Li Mo, Li Mo also took the opportunity to observe these dimensions of the demon. There are more than twenty people sitting on the lower side of the hall on both sides. From the perspective of perception, at most, it is the level of the Queen of Dreams, or it is barely higher.

And sitting high, giving people the pressure of the abyss like the sea, are all well-known deities in the magician books.

The man with a fangs and sharp teeth on his stomach was called Santanish. He heard that it was a Domam's creation. After separation, he sometimes became a Domam's loyal dog, and sometimes he did not obey the order to stir the fire everywhere.

A furry man with a huge iron hand is called Zum. Although he is a Lucifer's creation, his strength has completely surpassed Lucifer even after he got out of control. He even competed with Domam. I heard that some primitive rainforests The guy still believes in him.

Belasco, although it is the appearance of a human, has two red sharp horns on his head. The lord of the **** border is also a model for the counterattack of a human magician.

The guy with dark hair and black beard who thanked him was called Pruto. Another name might be more familiar to humans, Hades.

The other two are the familiar Domam and Big Eyed Meng Shuma Goras.

Mephisto sits high on the throne and looks at least 20 meters tall with a thick eye. Of course, this is just the result of his transfiguration. The shape of these powerful dimensions of the devil is not conceptual at all, so Li Mo can only look up at these giants.

It can be seen that Mephisto, who was put on the face, was a bit bad, and completely lost his dialogue attitude on earth, staring at Li Mo indifferently.

In the lower hall, a red-skinned, ogre-like horror suddenly yelled out loudly: "Bold man, he didn't kneel when he saw the King of Sin!"

Li Mo squinted him up and down, "What kind of onion are you? What's wrong with you here?"

The Queen of Dreams laughed beside him. "This name is Dorastan, a demon of Lord Mephisto."

"Oh ..." Li Mo's expression suddenly dawned, "Faithful dog, no wonder you come out and scream."

"Let's die!" The devil named Dorastan burned a blood-red flame all over his body, and his hands gathered a powerful blood-colored energy ball.

Li Mo's face was overcast, and he was ready to fight at any time.

However, just as the two parties were about to start, a tentacle suddenly extended from above, entangled Dorastan like lightning, and in this scream of the demon, he was quickly corroded by the black energy like asphalt. .

The other demons were taken aback and looked at Schuma Gorath, but Big Eyes Meng ignored them at all, as if it had never happened before, wrapped around the throne and closed their eyes to rest.

"What do you mean?" Mephisto's face was a little bad. Although it was only a subordinate of his subordinates, he still had to look at the owner to fight the dog.

Hearing Mephisto's words, Big Eyes Meng still ignored him. After slightly opening the big eyes, he waved his tentacles and applied a protective magic to Li Mo.

After Li Mo nodded in a friendly manner, many deities suddenly became aware of it. No wonder Shuma. Goras, who was always strong and lonely, would come suddenly. It turned out to be Li Mo's platform.

After thinking about this link, many demon gods saw Li Mo's eyes suddenly differently. You must know that Big Eyes Meng is well-known in the multiverse, and the strength is only a little worse than Torak. With the support of Schuma Goras, the result of this gambling game suddenly became confused.

Just as Mephisto was about to say something, Domam said a little ironically: "We're here to watch the gambling, not to see you pretentious."

Mephisto glanced at Dom with a black face in disgust, focusing on Li Mo.

Even with the blessings of infinite gems and big eye protection magic, Li Mo still felt various visions echoing in his mind. Blood, fear, sin, and confusion, all kinds of indescribable feelings came to my heart, making people sad to want to vomit. .

Li Mo knew that Mephisto did not do anything. This was his performance after converging and solidifying the image, mainly because his strength was too different, and staring at him was like staring directly at the source of sin.

Mephisto chuckled and stretched out his hand. The surrounding hall walls quickly condensed and compacted, turning into an obsidian-like texture and burning a blazing **** flame.

"As you can see, I will block the rule of omniscient lords. The bet is divided into three times. In any case, you must bet your soul and two infinite gems. The way of betting must be agreed by both parties."

Mephisto held his cheeks and smiled at the corners of his mouth. "Okay, you start in the first game. Put your bet first and tell the way of gambling."

Li Mo first glanced at his eyes and saw that this guy was still resting with his eyes closed, and suddenly realized that Mephisto was not tampering.

He slowly took out the power gem wrapped in an isolated container from his arms. "This is my first bet."

"Wow." Mephisto smiled with satisfaction. "I thought you would take it out at the end. I know what you want. If I fail, I will release those superheroes and tear up the" Saint You should be very satisfied with the Van Gonzsa Compact. "

"Not enough." Li Mo shook his head. "I want the soul of Dum's mother Cynthia von Donor."

Mephisto shrugged in agreement.

"Okay." Li Mo took out a silver metal dice with a length of one meter from the portable space. "In the first game, we bet our luck. This is my special dice, which can isolate all magic interference. I bet small."

"Ha ... ha haha ​​..." Mephisto couldn't help but laughed after glancing at the idea, "Are you sure?"

After glancing at the other demons, they looked at Li Mo with the same fool-like eyes, and shook their heads silently.

Li Mo seemed to hesitate, then nodded.

"Stupid ants!" Domma yelled directly. "How can you understand the power of the Dimension Demon with your tiny thoughts? The rules you see are just a tiny part of it!"

"He has promised!" Mephisto interrupted Domham. "And the magic contract does not stipulate that I cannot interfere with power. As I said, everything at the gaming table is just a means, and in the end I see Still win or lose. "

Of all the demon gods, Domam is the strongest competitor of Mephisto, plus the resentment of the two, so he is the demon who does not want Mephisto to win.

Seeing the flames of Domam's body start to burn violently, Murphyster sneered, "I know that you will also interfere, but you are only a clone, not my opponent at all."

After speaking, he turned to look at Li Mo, "Hurry up and throw it, let us quickly end this bet that is doomed to win or lose."

Li Mo's face seemed a little pale, and the Queen of Dreams looked at him with hate and steel.

In the eyes of everyone, Li Mo gritted his teeth and threw the dice directly into the air.


A powerful force was uploaded directly from Mephisto, set the dice in the air, easily turned the dice to six o'clock and fell down fiercely.


Another force came up from Dorma, slowing down the speed of dice, and trying to reverse.

However, as Mephisto said, the power of a drom who came from a clone cannot be compared with him at all, and the dice returned to normal after just moving.

A proud smile had already appeared on Mephisto's face.

However, when there were only five meters left from the ground, a sudden force came on the dice, and Mephisto turned his face somberly, lest the world be chaotic, Stannish. Smiled.

Buzzing, after several sounds, several powers passed to the dice, and Zum, Velasco, and Pruto all shot.

"You guys are just two!"

Mephisto snorted and strengthened again.

But what he didn't expect was that almost all the deities standing in the hall shot. Although their abilities were still weak, a stack of power actually let the dice start to flip slowly.

"You bastards!"

Seeing the weak little devil who usually dared to run away with his tail under the hall also dared to take action. Mephisto finally got angry, and there was a kind of injustice that you united to bully me.

Finally, half a meter close to the ground, Big Eye Meng also input the most powerful force, completely turning the dice to a little upward, and slamming on the ground with a bang.

The Queen of Dreams looked at Li Mo in surprise, and Li Mo swept away the sadness just now, and a naughty smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Master Mephisto, it seems that I am lucky, no, it should be your popularity not good enough."

"In fact, I bet on this game that no one wants you to be Satan!"

Now that the first game has been won or lost, Mephisto did not regenerate, and took a deep breath and said, "It seems that I despise you. You have made things so big to take advantage of this."

Li Mo shrugged. "Guess?"

"This inaccessible method can only be played once!"

Mephisto seemed to be serious, got up from the throne, walked in front of Li Mo with a heavy step, stared down at him, and a smile of evil charm appeared in the corner of his mouth. , I'm curious what else can you do? "

Li Mo endured the strong pressure that Mephisto brought to him, and took a deep breath: "The second sentence is for you to set the rules, how do you want to gamble?"

"Do you know what I like the most?" Mephisto took out a huge crystal ball from his hand ~ ~ and there was a young man who had just acquired super powers in the city.

"This is another vision of a parallel universe. This little guy is just an ordinary man with good luck. No one else can interfere. We can arrange three accidents for each of him and finally make him face the most difficult choice."

"Let's ... bet on human good and evil!"

Mephisto smiled excitedly, "Do you have any comments?"

Li Mo frowned, then raised his hand, "Yes!"

"This is a truly fair gamble." Mephisto shook his head. "I won't let you get lost."

"Actually what I want to say ..." Li Mo rolled his eyes. "You haven't cashed out the bets from the first game yet."

"I want to play tricks!"

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