Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 267: Aura 1 flash

"There is such a strong alien!"

Coulson and Nick Fury glanced at each other and both saw a sense of worry and anxiety in each other's eyes.

"While he is in a coma, we need to take some action!" Nick Fury said firmly.

"It's nothing to find." Li Mo gave Nick Fury a glance. "Do you know where your SHIELD failed?"

"Your purpose is indeed good, to protect the lives of ordinary people from super powers. But trying to control everything in your hands is doomed to today's bleak end."

"Freedom is the nature of life, but absolute freedom does not exist. Each life is free between the two lines of freedom and restraint. Your overly restrictive force will only push the other side to the opposite side. You can destroy the existence of the earth with just a few fingers. Do you have the ability to manage it? "

"The reason why the universe can survive to this day is because of balance. There is life and death, and evil can restrict their goodness, so I suggest you better change your way of doing things, otherwise the SHIELD organization will never be. Turn around. "

Nick Fury has been ups and downs for so many years. Naturally, he will not be easily shaken by Li Mo's words. He said with a calm face: "That is the horror that you have not experienced the loss of control. All the pain can only be borne by ordinary people. Because of our toughness, many disasters can be eliminated in the bud. "

"Forget it, I don't want to argue about such useless things anymore, how do you think this guy should be treated?"

"It's up to you." Li Mo shook his head. "Relax, just wake him up. This guy, as a king, would have been destroyed hundreds of times by the moon if he didn't understand restraint. Even if there were problems, I There are ways to stop him. "

Coulson first looked at Nick Fury, and after seeing Nocturne nodded, he quickly let Fitz and Simmons step forward to open the hibernation cabin.

While they were busy, Li Mo asked the black stewed egg about the stone of gravity.

"I seem to have some impressions ..." Nick Fury frowned for a moment, then took out a Rubik's cube-like metal cube, placed it on the ground and pressed the open button.

A large, three-dimensional, three-dimensional light and shadow appeared in front of him, densely packed with all kinds of materials, and Nick Fury dazzled for a while and then brought up a photo, "Look at this?"

The photo shows a dimly lit all-metal warehouse with three boulders in high-strength glass cabinets neatly arranged in a row. One blue, one white, and one black correspond to space, time, and gravity in turn.

"Yes, this is it." Li Mo could not help but smile a little, "Where is it?"

"Lincoln County, Nevada."

"Area 51?" Li Mo smiled and shook his head. "You really have ideas."

"So after the dissolution of SHIELD, the place was taken over by the US government." Nick Fury said blankly: "Since the first and second pieces have already been taken away, I don't think the first Three will remain there. "

"It's okay," Li Mo said indifferently. "As long as there are clues, I'll figure it out for the rest."

In the gap between them, Fitz had cracked and opened the dorm bay. After the vapor-like cold fog had dispersed, he was 1.85 meters tall and dressed in a well-crafted black coat. The colossal Black Bat King appeared in front of them, but Still comatose with eyes closed.

Seeing everyone's inquiries, Leo Fiz quickly explained: "I have detected a weird neurotoxin in him and need to go to the laboratory for analysis and detoxification."

"How long will it take?" Nick Fury asked.

"Hmm ... 3 days?" Fitz looked at Nick Fury's face, and quickly changed his words. "If it goes well, it will take two days."

After listening, Nick Fury turned to look at Li Mo.

"Don't look at me." Li Mo shook his head. "My pill is only for severe internal and external injuries and has no detoxification function. And I must go to Area 51 immediately."

Nick Fury thought for a while and said, "In this way, we will split the road, and Coulson will accompany you to the secret warehouse in Area 51. After all, you are not familiar with it. We will take this alien king to the base to experiment. Room detoxification, I hope you will come as soon as you get things, after all, we have no means of restriction, if this guy goes crazy, it will be a big trouble. "

"Okay." Li Mo smiled. "As long as I get things, everything is easy to say."


Lincoln County, Nevada.

It is 130 kilometers from downtown Las Vegas, which is the famous area 51. On the way, there are warning signs prohibiting traffic and allowing the use of lethal weapons. From the satellite map, you can see the longest flight in the world. track.

In the past, the US government always stated repeatedly that it was only a secret military scientific research base, but after the war in New York, it completely refused to disclose any news here.

Li Mo and Coleson, who had performed stealth, swayed through the strict warning line and entered the former SHIELD secret warehouse located 100 meters underground.

"It's so convenient." Feeling the power of stealth, Coulson couldn't help but said to Li Mo enviously: "If our agents can also have this power."

"You think too beautiful." Li Mo rolled his eyes. "Unless your agent is a senior mage."

Coulson laughed at himself and didn't talk anymore, avoiding layers of guards along with Li Mo.

The secret warehouse is in the shape of an intricate corridor. Every dozens of meters, there is a huge circular sealed door similar to a bank vault. The silver exterior wall has an empty and gloomy feeling under the illumination of incandescent lamps.

"No. 4a17 ..." Coulson came to a sealed door and said, "According to the information given by the director, what you want was stored here."

Li Mo nodded, calculated the distance, and pulled Coulson to teleport directly into it.

"As we expected." Coulson looked at the empty warehouse and smiled at Li Mo with a bitter smile. "The things have been taken away."

Li Mo didn't say a word, summoned a big eyeball and started back in time. Because few people came here, I quickly saw what had happened without interference.

First, the SHIELD people placed the three megaliths in a high-strength glass cabinet one by one, and then two groups of people sneaked away the stones of space and time in batches, preparing them for the third time. When the Stone of Gravity was transferred, a group of heavily armed soldiers raided them. After a general and an old woman came in and observed the stone around the stone for a long time, they removed the Stone of Gravity ...

"Anything found?" Coleson quickly asked after Li Mo retracted his big eyes, and only the person who could see the scene back in time could see it.

Li Mo thought about it and described it, "There is an old woman with short blond hair, a low build but a strong temperament ..."

"I think I know who it is." Coulson immediately gave the answer. "Rawanne, the most likely to be president at the moment."


Li Mo was surprised. "What are these guys doing?"

"I don't know, but what I know is ..." Coulson smiled a little bit, "Our goal now looks the same."

Li Mo rolled his eyes silently.


Now that he knew where the Stone of Gravity was, Li Mo wasn't in a hurry. Led by Coulson, he arrived at the SHIELD secret base in Alaska.

The base is located under a snow-covered hill pack. When they arrived here, the Fitz and Simmons scientific duo was still equipped with a neurotoxin antidote. Because it was doped with technology that was not Earth, the progress was a bit slow. Li Mo, who was temporarily okay, wandered around the base.

This once glorious base has become very deserted. Only Coleson's team and Nick Fury are stationed here.

Everyone seems to have their own business to do. Li Moben wanted to find long-legged sister Maria Hill for a while, but the guy said a word to him and left the base in a hurry. Hearing the news from the training room, Li Mo walked in with a cigarette.

Melinda May and Skye are doing fighting training in the training room. They did a good job in one move and one style. Knowing that Skye was a halfway monk, and being able to keep up with the fighting master Mei ’s actions is enough to prove her talent.

Everyone can see that Coleson attaches importance to Skye. If SHIELD still exists, it is estimated that this little girl will become the future director.

Seeing Li Mo coming in, the two finally stopped after one move, Mei looked at Li Mo with an expressionless expression and then left, while Skye came over while wiping the sweat from his forehead with a towel.

"Hello." The little girl looked at Li Mo with interest. "You are the most powerful superhero I have ever met. Can you give me some guidance?"

Li Mo smiled, "To be honest, I'm very talented in melee."

Although Skye has Chinese ancestry, he speaks very directly. "I mean in terms of abilities. I always feel that I still have a lot of potential, but I can't always show it."

"No problem, you can demonstrate your ability first." Li Moyan said with his arms folded and holding his arms.

Skye nodded, reaching out to a box next to him, and a ripple visible to the naked eye whistled out, pushing the box far away.

"Skye, right?" Li Mo applauded. "Very promising ability."

"You can call me Daisy." Skye nodded.

"Daisy? It doesn't matter. Your ability should be Zhenbo." Li Mo touched his chin and thought for a while. "First of all, let me talk about your use skills. It's too rough. The real power is not in it. Let go, but control. "

"Can you be more specific." Skye was a little confused.

"Then I will give an example." Li Mo continued: "When fighting against the enemy, you should use your ability more accurately. For example, shaking the opponent's brain to faint, breaking the opponent's internal organs, It killed them directly. "

"Further, it can shake a wide range of air to produce a powerful thermal effect. Mastering the resonance frequency of the human body can even cause large-area killings."

"This ... is it possible?" Skye asked a little bit, and was uncertain.

"Of course it is possible, but to do this, it takes hard practice." Li Mo replied affirmatively, and then after two rounds of thinking, he asked: "Have you heard of Planck?"

"Of course." Skye nodded. "Einstein's teacher, the father of quantum theory."

Li Mo said while thinking: "When he won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918, he once said: The final conclusion of my research on atoms is that there is no such thing as matter in the world, and matter is composed of fast-vibrating quantum. "

"The subsequent analysis is more interesting ~ ~ He believes that all matter comes from a force that makes the atom move and maintain a close unity, and behind this force is consciousness and mind, and mind is the basis of all matter . "

"A study I conducted showed that mind can indeed make quantum vibration, which may be the way of all the magic of abilities, and that mind is beyond the existence of multidimensional space, then this leads to a more interesting philosophical proposition . "

"Cogito ergo sum!"

"So do the expressions of time and space in different dimensions follow the same principle, and do the demon gods of multiple universe levels have more advanced observation methods ..."

Li Mo said as he fell into a state of sometimes ecstasy and ecstasy, and a high-latitude observation experience and memories emerged.

Skye's mind was completely confused, and he was a little worried to see Li Mo's appearance, but when he just wanted to speak, he looked up and saw a horrible dark starry sky, sitting on the ground with a fright, and then ran out in panic.

"Come on, tentacle man is crazy!"

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