Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 286: Skulu Empire

"How do we go back?"

Captain America is a little dumbfounded.

"very difficult!"

Reid shook his head with a bitter smile. "The star gate is the fastest and safest means of communication between galaxies."

"Depending on the spacecraft to shuttle the galaxy, even if the seemingly close distance between the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way is like crossing a small Atlantic Ocean across two Atlantic Oceans, you will encounter countless terrible unknown dangers."

Captain America covered his forehead all at once. "It's really bad news."

"Let's pick up Li Mo first." Reed stood up and looked out the window. "Maybe we can think of other ways."

"Actually, I am more worried than this ..." Reed said as he looked at Captain America,

"What exactly do dual theisms want?"


At the same time, Li Mo, who was far away from Exeter, also got the news and could not help yelling.

"Shit! Damn sticks!"

Carter was trying to communicate with the world shaper, and turned back after hearing Li Mo's scolding, "What happened?"

"The religious lunatics blew up the star gate." Li Mo shrugged helplessly. "We can't go home for the time being."

"What are they trying to do?" Carter frowned, wondering.

Li Mo thought about his chin and thought, "The purpose of blowing up the star gate should be to close the fairy galaxy. They must be planning something and don't want to be disturbed ..."

"There may be something to do with this ..." said the dwarf scientist Mondir. "Actually, going to Earth is a bitheistic order. The Duke of Brent is just an executor. I guess they are looking for something that can free the two gods. "

Carter was taken aback. "You mean, they've found it?"

"How do I know." Li Mo shrugged, then squinted at the world shaper, "Perhaps you should ask your racial artifact."

After hearing this, Carter and Mondir looked at the world shaper.

The eyes of the world shaper are still dull, but after a moment of silence, he suddenly said:

"Yes, they found it."


A week ago

Earth, Northern Greece, Mount Olympus.

It is covered with snow and mist all year round, and presents a different beauty under the setting sun.

The temple of Zeus, which has only broken remains, has no tourists at this time, and the underground 500 meters below it is a lively scene.

This is an ancient cave, about the size of a football stadium. The prototypes of ancient sculptures can be seen faintly on the surrounding walls, but most of them have been damaged by groundwater and moss.

The bishop of the priest, who was hidden in the American country church by Rev. Zeng, has been restored to its original form and is standing here, staring blankly at a group of Skulus exploring and setting up instruments.

A small Skull captain stood beside him and asked respectfully: "Archbishop, do you think what God wants will be here?"

The archbishop said blankly: "There are too many secrets of the earth. In the past 100 years, we have explored many places, and countless deaths and injuries have not found clues."

"The hidden space in the dark side of the moon has a closed door of unknown technology. Although it cannot be entered, it is definitely not our goal."

"I went through the history of earth mythology. The disappearance of the gods of Olympus is so suspicious that it may be related to what we are looking for."

The captain hesitated and asked curiously, "What are we looking for?"

The archbishop did not answer, but turned his head blankly to look at the captain.

The captain was so scared that he immediately knelt down on the ground and shivered, regretfully trying to tear his mouth.

Just then, a Skull scientist holding the instrument suddenly shouted in excitement: "Anomalous spatial fluctuations were found!"

The archbishop's pupils shrank, and he hurried up immediately. The captain kneeling on the ground wiped the cold sweat from his head and followed carefully.

Scientists have brought several instruments suspended in the air. One scientist, while manipulating the three-dimensional image, said to the archbishop:

"Dual-dimensional quantum fluctuations have been discovered in the space here, which is likely to be a hidden space or a weak entrance to the half dimension."

The archbishop nodded and waved backwards, and several Skulus immediately pushed over a room-sized, weird instrument like a globe, and a stranger without eyes was fixed in the center of the ball.

The stone of gravity originally obtained by the Skulu was taken away by Li Mo. They had to find another way. Fortunately, this stranger with super space ability was captured in Attilan.

With the order of the archbishop, the instrument quickly turned, and the blue energy was continuously extracted and amplified.

The surrounding space quickly vibrated, and a blue light shot from the top of the weird instrument opened a white-lighted space door in midair.

"Come on, check it out!" The Archbishop couldn't help but get a little excited, leading a large number of Skullurs into the space gate by airship.

As soon as they passed the portal, the tactical team immediately put on a defensive formation, but the scene in front of them opened their mouths wide.

A teammate couldn't help but murmured, "Two gods are up. What is this?"

In front of me was a huge ruin that could not be seen at first glance, some resembling a Greek temple, and whether it was a broken statue or a huge stone pillar broken in half, it was several times larger than a human being.

The sky is covered with weird **** clouds, and the ground is a bone that has become endlessly turned into stones. Some of them are hundreds of meters high.

Wherever you can see, you can see a mountain peak consisting of countless bones in the distance.

The excited voice of the always calm archbishop trembled: "Come on, come and see!"

The captain nodded and drove the airship to the top of the mountain.

After reaching the top of the mountain, everyone's eyes were attracted by one thing.

It was a petrified corpse standing on one knee, with curly short hair and a thick beard, and a large hole in his forehead.

Most importantly, he held a weird black long sword in his hands, like nothingness, and gave out a sticky light like asphalt.

That light is so terrible that the souls of people staring at it seem to be plunging into the endless dark abyss of the universe.


Suddenly several Scrooges went mad, and fired at their companions with the laser gun in their hands, and the scene was suddenly chaotic.

"Kill them, everyone turns around and don't watch!"

The archbishop woke up in cold sweat, and quickly directed the rest to control the scene.

After the team leader killed several crazy companions, he was afraid to look at the strange sword on his back, and asked the Archbishop nervously, "Is this what we are looking for, what the **** is this?"

He closed his mouth just after speaking, apparently remembering what had just happened.

The Archbishop did not blame him this time, but said happily, "This is what God wants."

"Cutters of the Realms,"

"Front of Everything,"

"The end of the gods,"

"Sword of God, Black Death Sword!"

After speaking, he immediately waved his arm, "Hurry up, bring the isolation box, we will immediately return to the Fairy Galaxy with our things, and greet our great gods!"



"I don't understand." Li Mo said while looking at the world shaper.

"I feel tremendous power from you, even beyond the dimension. You should have enough power to stop them. Why wait?"

The shaper of the world is still a calm expression. "The mission of my birth is to destroy the two gods. Only when they are released will there be an end. And my body is about to collapse, leaving only the last blow."

"Wait ..." Li Mo quickly made a pause gesture. "You mean, you are now a display. You can only kill them when you wait for the two gods to get out of trouble?"

The world shaper nodded calmly.

"Really ..." Li Mo couldn't help rolling his eyes. "I'm going to ask you to help open the door of dimension ..."

Then he felt something wrong and turned around.

Carter and Mondir looked at him with anticipation.

"What kind of look do you have and want me to help you?"

"no way!"

Three days later, McQueen reached Exeter.

"We have to help them ..."

Li Mo sighed and said to Reed.

"To tell you the truth, before I came, I actually had a retreat plan."

"Open the dimensional door of my site through magic, and then McQueen will teleport you directly to the earth. I even brought Carroll, who is most proficient in magic, with me."

"But when I came here, I found something wrong. The entire fairy galaxy was prevented from opening up the extra dimension by a special rule of power. It should be affected by the seal of the twin gods."

"The current situation is that if we don't care about it, it will be difficult to determine whether the two dimensions can open the door of the dimension after the two gods get out of trouble, and they will definitely be hunted down."

"So for insurance purposes, you can only help them."

Reed went back to Susan, feeling less irritable, and said with a smile: "I agree with your decision. Even if it doesn't work, we can think of another way."

Captain America Steve also nodded and said, "I think we must do this since we are capable."

He looked at the beautiful scenery of the Exelo planet in front of him, but his eyes were a little dim, "The sights I saw along the way were really miserable, and life should not be treated like this."

The nearby Maria Hill glanced expressionlessly at him, and suddenly interrupted and said, "They are the Skullurs who have invaded the earth."

Upon hearing this, Carter said quickly and solemnly: "From now on, if any Skulu dares to invade the earth, he will be my life and death enemy."

Li Mo ignored their argument, bent down and touched the little girl Finko's head, showing a bright smile.

"Let's go and kill the twin gods!"


The Andromeda Galaxy, the Gemini region.

Although this star area is small, because it has avoided war, it still relatively preserves the civilization of the Skulu Empire at its peak.

They are relatively close to the center of the galaxy. Although there are complex space rays and gravitational currents, there are also a large number of stars that provide energy for the development of civilization.

The planet Zaragozna, the administrative center of bitheism, is also the seat of faith throughout the Skulu Empire.

The entire planet is full of magnificent temple buildings, and the statues of many twin gods even reach thousands of meters high.

All inhabitants of this star area are the most ardent believers, and a huge star fortress carved with church emblems forms a tight line of defense.

They have no less power than the two warlords at war.

The core temple of the church is a mechanical city suspended in a height of 10,000 meters, which integrates the most advanced technology of the Skulu Empire, and can even conduct interstellar wars.

On the towering empty temple hall, the returning archbishop sits on the throne. The supreme leader in the name of the twin gods church is also the pope who is also the emperor of the empire, but the ultimate power is actually in the hands of the archbishop.

"The artifact I brought back has been placed on the console. No living body can approach it. All stellar sails are ordered to start charging."

"After three days, welcome my God back!"

All the bishops below have a frantic expression on their faces, shouting frantically the slogan of the dual theology,

"He loves us!"

What they didn't find, though, was that a guard outside the main hall, although also a frenzy with a look on his face, exudes ingrained hatred in his eyes.


Carter, who was contacting the Dawn Star organization through a confidential channel, turned off the communicator and anxiously found Li Mo. "They will act in three days."

"Time is tight." Li Mo stroked his chin. "But it shouldn't be a problem."

"No, it's very difficult!"

Carter's dignified face opened a star chart, "This is the information sent by our spy."

"The dual theism has shrunk most of its power for defense, and the church star Zaragzna is now like an iron barrel, and we cannot break through at all."

Li Mo frowned, "How is it compared to Lunar Star?"

Carter looked a little bit bitter. "It's impossible."

"That's it ..." Li Mo thought for a while, "McQueen, call me the Countess Shabak and use the passage of the Galactic Council."

Starry sky on the borders of Taryn district.

Countless space fortresses form a tens of thousands of kilometers of defense line, and more than one million large and small spaceships cover the entire starry sky.

On the central flagship, Countess Shabak is discussing a battle plan with his men.

Although she was passive at the beginning of the civil war, she took advantage of Lunar's anomaly, and her timing of chaos regained the situation, and she achieved fruitful results on many fronts.

It was a very happy event, but the unusual behavior of the twin gods church blowing up the star gate cast a shadow over the future.

Just then, a communication request suddenly passed into her portable terminal.

"Galactic Council?" Count Shabak frowned. "Who is this uninvited guy?"

After returning to the captain's room, he opened the channel and Li Mo's smiling face appeared on the screen.

"Sir Li Mo ..." Count Shabak smiled a little, "There was a message that you had sneaked into the empire secretly. What do you want to do?"

"Dear Count Shabak." Li Mo's expression was serious, "It's like this ..."

After listening to Li Mo, Countess Shabak sneered and said, "Why should I help you?"

"This is helping you!" Li Moyu said earnestly: "We have no time to go round the corner. As the only image representative of the Skulu Empire in the universe, your purpose is definitely to become the king."

"But if the Church of the Two Gods is successful, all your efforts will turn into bubbles, and even your life will be lost."

"This is the only chance for the Skullours, and your only chance."

"If you Skulus don't fight for themselves, what am I doing lying in this muddy water?" Li Mo sneered. "Let's go, let's play by yourself."

Count Shabak was silent for a while, looking at the vast universe outside the window and said, "You're right, this is indeed the last chance for Scrooks, I join."

After closing the channel, Li Mo looked at Xingtu and said, "The chance is one more point, but the Duke of Brent has already taken refuge in the church, and he is afraid that he will block it at that time."

Carter was silent for a moment, and suddenly said, "Can you open a full channel call?"

Li Mo nodded, "Yes, McQueen ..."

After McQueen turned on the channel at full power, Carter walked to the screen.

He was silent for a while, then settled down and spoke in a rough, sad voice.

"All people of the Skulu Empire, my name is Carter, and the current leader of the Dawn Star."

"Whether you're on the side of the civil war, or dodging war in a remote and barren area, or still praying to the two gods."

"What I want to tell you is that the Skurus are running out of time ..."

"We used to have a free and splendid civilization, but since the arrival of the two gods, everything has reached an inflection point."

"The destruction of the royal family, followed by thousands of years of war, countless people died, and countless people were displaced. Ask yourself, is this really what we want?"

"Do we really need God?"

"Now, the dual gods plan to release the sealed dual gods. Some people may cheer, but I have seen the future."

"We will completely lose our freedom, whether from the body or the soul, we will perish in the frenzy of chaos ..."

"Think of what once was glory."

"Think about the future of future generations."

"Is this really what you want?"

"If, you still have a glimmer of hope for freedom,"

"If you still have a glimmer of hope for the future."

"Then please join us,"

"Skulu Empire, Long live!"

The open channel was quickly received by many people. The flames ignited in the eyes of the **** crew of the Star Fleet, and some people spit indifferently, while others were silently thinking.

After Carter finished speaking, he closed the channel and bowed solemnly to Li Mo, and then turned away with a solid step.

"This guy is a hero." Captain America couldn't help but say a word.

"It doesn't matter if a hero is not a hero." Li Mo lit a cigarette. "He already has a sense of death."


A day later, McQueen came to the periphery of the church star area.

All the fleets of Countess Shabak have been concentrated here, and the vastness of the universe is beyond sight.

Li Mo is right. No matter what she intends to do, only by preventing the two gods from getting out of trouble can they have the next opportunity.

The Dawn Star Organization has all arrived. Although the number of members scattered throughout the galaxy is also quite large, most of them are miscellaneous spaceships.

The fleet of the Duke of Brent came to stop, his fleet was the same size as the count of Shabak, and confronted outside the galaxy.

Li Mo shook his head and said to Carter, who had already returned to the Dawn Star Fleet: "You're saying it for free, and it's not bad if no one is upset."

Carter didn't speak, just sighed sadly.

The battle started almost instantly.

This is a head-to-head battle without any reservation.

Tens of millions of long-range missiles have continuously collided and exploded in the air, and the resulting waves have shaken the entire space.

The light emitted by the star annihilation weapon is like a light pen across the universe, passing across the opponent's spaceship group, always triggering a series of chain explosions.

Many spacecraft were severely damaged almost instantaneously, barely dragging their wreckage to continue fighting, and then quickly twisted by the suddenly appearing black hole bombs and disappeared into lines.

On the screen of the McQueen, the situation was completely invisible, and only the light flickering with the tremor of space could be seen.

Every second, there are countless spaceships bursting and exploding, and the waste and garbage formed are constantly spreading, and the margins are not visible at all.

The nearby planets were destroyed by the waves, and the waves formed constantly swept the entire space that was within sight ...

The people on Earth on McQueen were completely shocked. They did not have the concept of space warfare. They could only see the destruction and explosion of the sky. It seemed that the entire universe was burning.

"Too bad ..." Captain America spit hard, "What can we do?"

"We can't do anything!" Li Mo sat on the captain's seat and shook his head helplessly. "This is the battle of the fate of the Skulus. We can only ... wait for the result."

At this moment, there was a sudden riot behind the Duke of Brent's fleet, and many spacecraft suddenly gave up the attack and pointed their muzzles at their companions.

It turned out that under the pressure of a terrorist war, some soldiers who had watched Carter's video could not help but kill his boss and take control of the spacecraft.

This is a chain reaction. More and more spacecraft have problems, the formation of the fleet is disrupted, and signs of defeat soon appear.

The morale of the Baroness Shabak surged, the mighty spaceships increased their firepower, and a cruiser rushed up under the cover of a honeycomb-like assault ship.

Suddenly, Duke Brent's flagship disappeared suddenly.

This situation caused both sides to falter, and then one side gave up resistance and one side stopped offensive.

On the escaped flagship, the expression of the Duke of Brent has been somewhat distorted: "Say anything that will make me emperor, but just treat me as an abandoned son, and you all wait for me!"

A victory cheered the countless people on the battlefield, and even Captain America cheered loudly.

"Can we act?" Captain America asked.

"Not yet." Li Mo shook his head. "A gap must be opened from the blockade of the Church of the Two Gods."

Captain America was silent, watching the numerous broken ships on the screen, and suddenly sighed.

The rest of the fleet soon came together, led by the Countess Shabak and Carter towards the church star Zaragzna.

McQueen, the size of a pen, followed quietly.

The defensive power of the Church of the Two Gods exceeded everyone's imagination. They used the space fortress and solar sail weapons to form a solid line of defense, wrapping the entire star system where the planet Zaragzna was located, and even a fly could not fly Go in.

There was silence in the channel of the attacking fleet. Many of the spacecraft stopped. They were a little dazed, hoping that it was extremely slim at this moment.

At this moment, there were countless spatial fluctuations in the rear, and a variety of Skuru spacecraft jumped out. The number increased continuously, and it quickly exceeded 100,000, 500,000, millions ...

Seems never to stop.

Carter's eyes turned red completely,

His Majesty opened the channel and shouted in a hoarse and tragic voice: "Skulu Empire, Long live!"

"for freedom!"

Having said that, the spaceship commanding himself rushed up first.

"Long live the Skulu Empire!"

"for freedom!"

Countless hoarse voices rang in the channel, and the entire fleet rushed to the church's defense circle like a moth fluttering fire.

Another battle started,

This time, it was even more tragic. Most of the spacecraft did not cooperate. Many people just launched all the long-range missiles on the spacecraft and immediately rushed to launch a doomed attack.

The defensive circle of the church seemed like a burning flame. Artillery fire and lasers lit the starry sky. The fleet of Countess Shabak had been maimed long ago, and the main force of the attack turned into a civilian spacecraft from the entire galaxy.

Their firepower is very poor,

Their spacecraft is very worn,

They are like moths blindly plowing into the flames,

But the number of moths seems to be unlimited!

There are still spacecraft jumping out to join the attacking team in the rear. At this moment, the Skulus who have been suppressed by the Church of the Two Gods for thousands of years forget about life and death ...

The people on the McQueen were infected, their eyes were red and their fists clenched.

Li Mo narrowed his eyes and muttered in his mouth, "Hurry up, hurry ..."

At the moment, in the hall of the Temple of the Star of Zaragzna.

A bishop shouted in surprise: "Charging is over!"

Sitting on the throne, the archbishop, who had been closing his eyes, suddenly stood up, "Start!"

Near the nearest star of Zaragozna, countless solar sails slowly turned, and hundreds of thousands of hot rays burned along the space and hit a one-kilometer, disc-shaped instrument.

Excited by these rays, the disc-shaped instrument spins violently, and dark twisted rays appear around it, and an unknown dimension of energy converges in the center of the disc.

The Black Death Sword floated slowly, a wave of horrible death silence spread throughout the galaxy, time and space seemed to freeze at this moment.

A straight light bar appeared in the void in the hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and it was slowly cracking, getting bigger and bigger, and two star-sized shining figures stood at the rear, seemingly trying to widen the rift.

Outside the galaxy, both the church and the attacker, suddenly fell into a silence, and an unprecedented fear rose from everyone's heart.

"It's now!"

Li Mozhen stood up and said, "McQuan, give me the maximum speed!"

Immediately after his discourse, McQueen accelerated in an instant, penetrating the church's enclosed area like a glimmer of light.

The church radar's quantum radar is ringing, but their attention at this moment is all about the upcoming dual gods, and many people have been overwhelmed with fear by reason.

It passed through the galaxy's defense zone and no one blocked it.

Passed through the space orbit stations without being blocked.

Passing by the iron bucket-like church star, no one blocked it.

Until the gap in the space where the twin gods are about to emerge, and thousands of thousands of original shapes appeared, many people in the church felt wrong.

The two-story world shaper was thrown out, staring at the twin gods.

There was a smile on the corner of Li Mo's mouth,

"Dam them!"

The two gods opposite the space crack seemed a little nervous, and they wanted to re-close the space crack.

The world shaper smiled slightly,

Spread your hands and close them gently.

Stars move from space to space, as if the particles are constantly reorganizing, and the stars next to them become flat, and then they become cylindrical.

"The power that truly transcends dimensions!"

Li Mozhen stood up and was shocked.

"Cube of the universe, what is it?"

The two gods on the opposite side still seemed to want to resist, but the world shaper reached out and waved, dragging his head next to the instrument equipped with the black **** of the black sword and beating his head.

啾 ——!

A tinnitus that tore the soul suddenly sounded,

Everyone, even Li Mo, covered his ears and squatted down, his eyes were all white light.

Just out of their sight, the two gods, together with the world shaper who flung up, turned into a horrible light spot, which seemed to want to expand, but shrunk to a point and disappeared.

The Black Death Sword in the middle of them was blown out by this force, and disappeared in the universe in an instant.

On the periphery of the solar system, a black hole in the space suddenly appeared, and it would only reclose in just one second.

And within this second, a comet burst out, and there were countless squirming black viscous liquid above the comet.

The tinnitus and white light that tore the soul faded away, and everyone stood slowly.

Reid asked with uncertainty. "We, did we succeed?"

After Li Mo felt something, he cracked his mouth and smiled, "Yes, it was successful, McQueen, and passed the news to the outer fleet."

After receiving the news, the Skulu fleet outside the galaxy suddenly boiled, and everyone was cheering wildly.

Baroness Shabak sat down, her legs softened, and she was weak. "I bet!"

Carter's spacecraft has been detonated long ago. He transformed into a stone man and is floating in the universe. He listens to the information from the headset, looks at the vast universe, and raises his fists high.

"How is that possible?"

The bishops archbishop suddenly collapsed on the throne, eyes lost, and kept mumbling to himself.

Then his expression became more and more distorted, staring at McQueen, who had already revealed the original shape, and screaming sternly: "Everyone, destroy the spaceship, no, catch them alive, I want them to be ashamed!"

The faithful devotees of Bitheism are completely crazy, and countless spaceships have rushed to McQueen, and even completely abandoned the defenses around the galaxy.

Seeing something wrong, Carter shrinks his pupils, "Go and save them, that's the Skulu savior!"

Countless spaceships rushed up in an instant and followed the **** of the church spaceship, but to no avail.

The others on the McQueen could not help but take a deep breath when they saw this situation.

"Well ... I think we should run away!" Thunderbolt Johnny swallowed and raised his hand.

However, Li Mo ignored them and closed his eyes and said, "Sure enough, the rules have disappeared."

Then he opened his eyes and watched the screen constantly rushing over, covering the church ship in the starry sky, and slowly said, "Open the door of dimension."

Two members of the Void Masters team that had been prepared immediately activated the magic circle, and a huge green dimension door slowly appeared above the McQueen.

A sea of ​​black and purple flames emerged instantly, which was a skeleton sea composed of numerous skull-shaped floating guns with a diameter of hundreds of meters, and instantly wrapped the McQueen in the center.

"What monster is that?"

"Stop it, offense! Offense!"

The church's spaceship went mad, and numerous missiles and lasers hit the Youquan system like a waterfall.

Although the Youquan system is powerful, it is thinned out instantly after being subjected to this saturation attack, but it is slowly recovering with the engulfing of energy.

After blocking a round of attacks, the sea of ​​skeletons in the rear rushed to those spacecrafts instantly, while burning with the fire of the void, while spraying alchemy laser rays from both eyes, they also opened their mouths and clicked. .

The scene fell into chaos.

Just then, the Virtual Air Force Regiment arrived.

After flying out like a swarm of magic maggots, they shuttled quickly in the universe. Holding a giant chopping ship knife three or two times would destroy a spaceship, destroying a fleet in front of the church like a bamboo.

In the end, the ignorant, terrifying skull appeared slowly.

From the perspective of the two-god church, if the skeletons and robots that are on fire can be classified as unknown technology, then ignorance is completely beyond imagination.

After all, the most powerful flagship of the Skulu Empire was only 1,000 kilometers, and his ignorance was two and a half years old, and he was still bluish, just like a ghost.

The frantic atmosphere was laid down by a basin of cold water, and the church's pioneer spacecraft began to retreat quickly, planning to gather troops to besiege.

Li Mo did not continue to pursue, but began to let his men slowly retreat into the door of the dimension, after all, the Church of the Two Gods still retains most of the strength, there is no need to fight at all.

The church members also seemed dead, and did not prevent Li Mo from leaving.

Carter has re-embarked on a spaceship ~ ~ and connected McQueen's communication, "Keep on, we will be there soon!"

"No need." Li Mo waved his hand. "We are ready to leave. Sorry, that's all I can do. The rest is your Skulu thing."

"That's good."

Carter finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Hurry up."

Li Mo nodded and closed the communication. After all his men entered the dimension door, they slowly closed the space door.

Looking at the dimensional door that was disappearing on the screen, Carter murmured: "Thank you, I will go to you."

"If you can survive ..."

He then opened a full-channel communication,

"Skulu, for the future of the empire ..."

"Death Fight!"

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