Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 292: Dusk of the Gods (1)

When Li Mo first came to this world, the annihilation was a shadow in his heart.

When he arrived, Thor was not filmed yet, and later things were completely unknown, but the constant indoctrination of his friends and the arrogant look of tyrants in the movie eggs let him know that this bad-looking bad guy would definitely come to earth.

Entering the universe is not avoiding the idea of ​​this guy.

However, as his strength increased, he continued to integrate into the world, seeing the dimensional demon far beyond the imagination before, and long ago killed the tyrant.

Until the death of a friend Moradin.

He had wanted to resurrect his friends with realistic gems, but only got an empty body, and his soul was long gone.

Also, if everyone can get around with infinite gems, will those powerful beings let these things go out?

Thinking of this, Li Mo had no unnecessary nonsense, and flew directly towards the spacecraft where the overlord was located.

About fifty or sixty dark church missions were blocked in the front. The sky's laser beams constantly bombarded Li Mo. Li Mo flickered flexibly from side to side in the starry sky, without any reduction in speed, and at the same time he waved his hand.

Dozens of tentacles over a thousand kilometers extend from the void. These tentacles are also shining with purple rays like meridians, which is the energy of power gems.

This is Li Mo's first use of power gems without hesitation, the power is far beyond his imagination.

As soon as the spaceships touched the tentacles, they were disintegrated and broken down by purple energy, just like tofu with a whip, and a sky full of purple fireworks bloomed in the void.

In just ten seconds, more than 50 hundreds of meters of spaceships of the Dark Order completely disappeared.

Li Mo stunned himself, then cracked the corner of his mouth, grinned wantonly, and continued to rush towards the spaceship where the tyrant was located.

But what surprised him was that even when he saw his companion's encounter, those remaining spacecraft rushed forward without fear.

At this time, Li Mo remembered that Kamola had told him that for many of the annihilators, embracing death in the process of bringing death was a gift.

"Very good ..." Thinking of this, Li Mo smiled indifferently, "then let's all die!"

After that, not only did the tentacles begin to entangle and puncture the spacecraft, but also summoned ten large eyeballs over 50 meters high, and sprayed a bright purple energy beam with a diameter of 78 meters from the pupils covered with purple veins.

Ten purple beams glided across the formation of the Dark Order ship, causing a series of explosions, and those tentacles raged in the stars like terrors.

Soon, the rest of the spacecraft also turned into dust, leaving only the main flagship shelter of Extermination.

In the shelter of the USS Shelter, Destroyer stared blankly at the destruction of his fleet, seemingly indifferent to everything.

A dark-haired old man with a dark face and Caucasian facial features emerged from the shadows.

He wore a bright red robe, a tall, high-necked collar, his hands bucketed in his cuffs, and watched the fleet of fleets screaming and admiring: "I did not expect Gu Yi to make a monster."

His name is Karuru, and he is a dark mage.

A few years ago, he and Master Gu Yi were fellow citizens. First discovering the mysteries of magic, he chose to share with Master Gu Yi, and co-founded Kama Taj.

However, in the end, the two took the opposite path. Master Gu Yi chose the book of Weishan Emperor and guardianship.

Carulu chose dark magic and believed in Sisorn. Although he was driven out of the earth by the ancient master to travel in the multiverse, his strength is beyond doubt.

Mieba stared at Li Mo, who was approaching continuously and continuously, without blinking, saying calmly, "It's your turn."

Carulu stretched his arm out of his sleeve, exposing his withered claws like a mummy, with black sharp nails at the front of his fingers.

"I need someone to attract him for a while." Carulu turned to look at the tyrant, with a smile, "I don't know if you have the courage to call the so-called crazy Titan."

"I have many countable charges ..."

Mieba's majestic body stood up, taking heavy steps and striding outward without hesitation.

"Cowardly is not one of them!"

There was a smirk in the corner of Karuru's mouth in the command capsule, waving his claws of horror and starting to build a complex black magic array in the air ...

Exterminator stepped out of the shelter, his strong legs kicked on the deck, and rushed towards Li Mo like a shell.

He can survive in the universe, but does not have the ability to fly. Fortunately, the armored spray device can make up for this shortcoming.

Mieba and Li Mo soon met 2000 meters from the shelter.

The two stopped unexpectedly and looked at each other.

The exterminator's body was majestic and strong, and the golden armor made him look like a **** of war, full of towering momentum.

Li Mo is a long man with a black cloak and black starry sky that appears from time to time in his pupils, which is full of mystery and unknown.

Without saying a word of nonsense, Li Mo launched an attack directly. Dozens of them were covered with purple light patterns, and hundreds of meters of tentacles protruded directly from the void around the tyrant.

The space around Destroyer was instantly filled, and the tentacles were all overwhelming. Under the blessing of the power and gems, the attack began like countless pythons.

Li Mo didn't want to give this guy a chance to survive, and commanded the tentacles to close all the retreats of the tyrant.

Mie Pa tightened her lips, the pupils in her eyes seemed to be burning, her fists stretched, and a bright orange dazzling light suddenly appeared, and the waves of destruction were continuously sprayed around the storm like a storm.

This destroying light wave of Destroyer is really powerful. The tentacles at ten meters were popped open one by one. However, these tentacles only retreated by two or three meters and attacked Destroyer at a faster speed.

Miba gritted his teeth, opened his mouth as if roaring, twisted a punch and banged a tentacle on the left.

A shock wave dissipated. Although the Destroyer blocked the attack of the tentacles and the power gems, he was hit by the shell like a shell because he could not use his strength.

The drooping Tyrannosaurus did not dare to slack off, turned around and punched again, and hit a tentacle with a tentacle coming from below, and was hit in the other direction.

In this way, Exterminator was hit and scrambled like a collision ball trapped in a tentacle cage.

The Shelter has powerful firepower. Although the members of the Dark Order above are willing to rescue, under the continuous attack of a dozen large eyeballs, their flagship shields weaken at a speed visible to the naked eye, and many parts of the huge spacecraft have begun. burst.

Ten seconds later, the Destroyer, who had been unable to dodge, was finally caught in a tentacle.

Although he has an extremely strong body and almost invincible defense, he still can't resist the tentacle of Li Mojia holding the power of power gems.

A series of purple light spots formed on the skin of Exterminator. Exterminator clenched his teeth and exhausted the whole body's energy to resist the strangulation of tentacles and the attack of energy.

There was a sneer in the corner of Li Mo's mouth, and another tentacle was also entangled at the same time, increasing strength.

Mieba's stout arm was tightly wrapped around, and his body began to creak like a prey entangled by a python. At the same time, he opened his mouth in pain, and a purple light appeared in his eyes and mouth.


Li Mo roared in his heart, and three tentacles tangled up at the same time ...

At this moment, the Karuru magic in the shelter's command cabin was also ready to complete, and a complex black three-dimensional magic array appeared in front of him.


After Karlulu chanted the spell indifferently, the magic circle suddenly turned into a wave of light. It began to expand from the spacecraft and swept Li Mo's body almost instantly.

The sky's tentacles and big eyes suddenly stopped as if they were standing still, and then they disappeared transparently.

Li Mo looked aggressively at the faded hand, and then looked at the tyrant who had restored his freedom.

He could feel a powerful repulsive force in the entire space. This rule was so tough that even the infinite gem power from the body was cut off.

"Shit!" After just cursing, the whole person disappeared ...


In front of a giant light curtain in the hall of Asgard Golden Palace, the people watching each other looked at each other.

"I know what's going on!"

Rocky shrugged and made an apologetic expression, "This guy doesn't know when he will become a high-dimensional energy creature."

"In other words, it also belongs to the dimensional demon **** who cannot fully enter the main universe, so the expulsion spell has also become his nemesis."

Frigga nodded calmly, "I see."

Later, she pulled out the sword in her hand and pointed firmly at the sky. "Everyone, defend immediately and defend Asgard!"


Heimdal, the three warriors of the fairy palace, and some of the generals behind him also punched their chests with their right fists at the same time, and quickly turned and strode outside the hall.

Frigga was about to keep up, but Loki gently pulled her sleeves and said sincerely: "Mother, Hella and Thanos are stronger than we can imagine. We are not opponents. I know one Secret, you can leave quietly. "

"To shut up!"

Frigga looked at Rocky seriously, "You've let me down ..."

"No!" Rocky looked at Friega stubbornly, his voice trembling, "I can't ... lose all my loved ones in one day."

Tian Hou's face softened. "Child, this is Asgard. I am Tian Hou. There are some things, even if you die ... you can't go back!"

"But I am also a mother at the same time, so Rocky, leave here, don't think of revenge, be an ordinary person."

After speaking, she turned around and walked out without looking back, leaving only the rocky complexion behind her.


Exterminator quickly returned to the command cabin. Although his face was still calm, but a cough, a little blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

The dark mage Carulu's eyes slowly fell, and he made a ridiculous laughter, "It's just a little bit, you're dead."

Extermination lightly wiped the blood from the corner of the mouth, and there was no trace of fluctuation in his eyes. "If death here is fate, I will accept it frankly."

Carulu snorted uncritically, and then touched his chin with his withered fingers. "You haven't answered a question, how did you know and found me?"

Exterminator silenced for a moment and said, "Can you see the woman around me?"

Carulu was startled, and there were several superimposed magic formations in his pupils. After looking around, he said badly: "You are playing with me ..."

Mieba sighed and her eyes were more melancholy. "There is no need to ask any more. According to the agreement, as long as you help me to get two gems, I will help you destroy Kama Taj."

Carulu stared at Exterminator for a moment, without saying a word, slowly backing into the darkness.

At the moment of Li Mo's deportation, Hella also smoothly got out of trouble. She thoughtfully looked at the destroyer ’s spacecraft, thinking about not continuing to move forward, but hovering in the stars in place.

After the annihilation of the spacecraft shelter, a traction beam slowly attracted Haila into the command cabin.

Hella stared at Exterminator, then turned her mouth slightly, her chin slightly raised, "Very well, your strength and ingenuity have won my respect. I will give you the Rubik's Cube as a thank you."

After speaking, turned and looked out the window.

Asgard's circular island continent is at hand.


Within the dimension of nothingness,

Li Mo was so depressed that he almost spit out old blood.

I thought that after the increase in strength, we would kill the Quartet. If we pretend to be a force, we would suppress one party, but we did not expect this to happen.

He finally knew that the powerful Mephisto even had their eyes on their sufferings. Obviously, he had the ability to destroy the world, but he was driven out of the universe by his identity.

It's crazy.

He felt it. The inertia of the host universe against him still existed. It is no wonder that Strange had been able to settle for a while after they drove away Domham.

In the void space, with Li Mo's anger, the body has straddled hundreds of miles into the black starry light curtain, and the stars began to spin rapidly.

Thousands of meters of waving tentacles also caused thunderous sounds to cause space vibrations. Strong earthquakes began to appear on the ground. The base under construction of Hydra collapsed, and many ordinary people jumped into the airship in a hurry.

"Come on, you can't just stay here ..."

Waiting for McQueen to remind, Li Mo distraughtly re-entered the high-dimensional space in the vast mountains.

At the same time, an idea passed to McQueen.

"Does this purple-skinned monster really seem like I am alone?"

"McQuan, immediately sent a virtual air force to help Asgard's defense, and immediately notified Tony and asked him to go to Stranger."

"We need high-end combat power to get them to call Johnny Blazer, Crimson Witch and Black Bat King."

"Is there more than anyone, who is afraid of who!"


Asgard, on the Rainbow Bridge.

Exterminator, Hella, General Deathblade, the Night Stars couple, and the dark magic master Carulu slowly descended from the traction beam.

In the sky, thousands of airships met the huge shelter. The laser guns of both sides launched attacks at the same time. Almost instantly, several airships were hit, and they slowly fell while exploding.

Under the giant's wall, 50,000 Asgard soldiers wearing exquisite armor lined up in a neat defensive formation, with a firm face and a gun and a shield.

After that, Frigga slowly pulled out her long sword, her face was full of joy and sorrow.

Hella took a deep breath after stepping on the Rainbow Bridge, and the rushing energy suddenly poured into her body. She waved her hand, ignored the tyrant behind her, and stepped forward to meet tens of thousands of troops alone. .

"The people of Asgard ..."

Hai Laton paused, and looked at the Golden Palace, which had a protective cover in the distance ~ ~ Although it was still magnificent, it was no longer the master of the Quartet.

After an indifferent chuckle, Hella looked at Friega.

"I, the goddess of death, Hella, the first heir of the imperial palace, will now respond to what belongs to me."

"You can choose to reclaim Asgard's glory with me, or ... dead!"

Friega didn't speak, but calmly pointed the knife at Hella, showing her attitude.

"Well ... it seems you have chosen death!"

Haila took a deep breath, and once again felt the core of the city under her feet, her strength and momentum began to rise.

Then she opened her eyes sharply and twisted, dozens of seven or eight meters long night sky swords flew towards the dense Asgard soldiers.

"I like this feeling…"

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