Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 297: Destroyer (2)

Extermination mother Susan failed to kill her son.

She is completely crazy!

This is everyone's knowledge, even her husband Alars. Because as soon as she is free, Susan will find a way to kill Babies.

She was unable to communicate, and her spirit had completely collapsed under her great fear. Helpless Arals isolated her.

Strange looked at it all, shook his head and said, "If she succeeds, maybe there won't be all this later."

"Before the disaster, only a few people could foresee, and they were eventually defined as crazy by people."

Li Mo touched his chin. "Don't you think it's strange? The birth of this guy is more like a fate."

"I think ..." Strance agreed, "We might find something extraordinary ..."


Infant Killer grew up under the careful care of his father, Alars, and became a somewhat melancholy teenager.

He has strong mental power and IQ. Among his school peers, scientific research and learning progress have far surpassed everyone.

He has an extremely strong physique, and the military's instructors are far from his opponents.

However, he was very lonely. Everyone except his father Alars feared him and secretly called him a monster.

Finally one day, Juvenile Extermination could not help but found his father Alars.

Alars is obsessed with his own scientific research. After seeing Typhoon entering the laboratory, he waved his hand as usual. "Child, go and play for yourself, I have very important things to do."

"Oh ..." Heba hesitated for a moment, finally blurted out and asked, "Father, am I a monster?"

Alars frowned, stopped the experiment in his hand, and turned to the tyrant and said seriously: "Thanos, my son, you are just a bit different. This is the result of a genetic mutation, and you are a It doesn't matter who you are! "

"But why is it just me?" The youngster annihilated.

Alars thought for a while, staring at the tyrant's eyes and said, "It's not just you, our entire Titans are themselves genetically modified humans."

Exterminated his mouth, "No one has ever told me all this."

"This involves some long-term secrets." Alars smiled. "But you, as my son, are certainly entitled to know."

"A long time ago, a group of powerful creatures roamed the universe. They are usually more than 600 meters tall, wearing thick armor and possessing various incredible abilities. They are called the Tenjin group."

"One day, the Tenjin group descended on our planet of origin, and after transforming the original population, our family was born."

"Later, there was a civil war for some reason. Your grandfather Kronos defeated another faction led by Juranos. They migrated to the former Titan Titan."

"We remain on Earth to actively explore the mysteries of life. In a quantum energy experiment, a terrible accident happened, but it activated the hidden power in our genes, which gave us powerful power and near-immortal life. "

"Because we have the power to guide the universe to perform superpowers, and live near Mount Olympus, the world often confuses us with the gods who live in the dimension of Olympus. Therefore, we also have another name, eternal Protoss. "

"Later, your grandfather Kronos became the **** of time and needed to choose an heir when leaving. In order to avoid a fight with my brother Zulas, I led some people to Titan Titan. "

"However, this planet is on the verge of collapse. Not only did they have a civil war, but also many peoples were captured by the Cree invasion. So I came to this planet with the rest and gradually multiplied to this day."

After listening to the young tyrant, he looked fascinated, "Do you mean, we are all gods?"

"Hahaha ..." Alars shook his head and smiled. "It's just a misunderstanding. Being God requires eternal life and the ability to create. Of course we can't, except your grandpa."

"God of time?" Aimba asked curiously, "Is he in charge of time?"

"No." Arals shook his head. "He serves time itself."

Destroyer seemed to understand, and then asked a little unwillingly: "Since he is a god, can you restore me to an ordinary person."

"Why do you do this?"

Alars shook his head, staring at the tyrant's eyes and said, "I believe that everyone who comes to this world has his mission and meaning, and you must be a special one."

"Mission and meaning ..." Fumio frowned. "What is the meaning of my existence?"

"Oh ... my boy." Alars patted Meba's shoulder with a smile. "It's up to you to find it!"

In the void above them, Li Mo said suddenly, "That's it."

Seeing Strange being a little confused, Li Mo explained: "I have seen the remains of the Titans on Titan, and I also saw a petroglyph in the Vatican's confidential laboratory, which shows Olin There was a terrible explosion and turmoil in Pith, which then split and the gods flew to the stars. "

"This makes me suspect that the tyrants are from Earth. It seems my guess is correct."

Strange opened his hand and said, "But that doesn't explain why the tyrant is always resurrected, after all, all of their families have died."

Li Mo nodded, "This guy must have had a chance."


After listening to his father Alars, Juvenile Destroyer devoted all his energy to his studies and research.

But as the knowledge continued to grow, his confusion and doubts grew more and more.

Why is he like this?

What is his existence for?

In the end, Juvenile Destroyer set his sights on life sciences, hoping to find answers in them.

The first anatomy class ...

Exterminated with a scalpel, he looked at the broken animal in front of him, the red and white muscle fascia, the blood that had solidified and turned black, and the bare bones of Sensen, suddenly a great fear burst into his heart.

He stumbled and ran out, vomiting frantically while holding the wall at the door.

Not because of dissection, it was just a dead object.

Exterminator knew that he was afraid of himself.

"Wow ... this is the first time, but you are too exaggerated." A soft voice suddenly sounded beside.

Extermination turned around, a girl wearing a traditional black tights and gold armor of the Titans.

She has dark beautiful hair and exquisite features, and her eyes are full of smiles.

This is the first time a girl of her age has spoken to her.

Juvenile Destroyer suddenly had a stammer. He could feel that this girl was completely different from others. Not only did he have no fear of him, but he was full of appreciation.

Destroying melancholy suddenly felt like flowers blooming, and scratched his head a little embarrassed. "Am I very useless?"

"I don't think so." The girl shrugged. "Every life is different, just be yourself."

After speaking, the girl turned and left.

Heba hesitated and asked aloud behind his back: "May I know your name?"

The girl didn't answer, she just turned around and showed a bright smile.

In the ensuing time, Tyrant and the girl often met, and the more they talked about the more speculative.

Extermination feels that they are in love, and in a good mood, everyone is full of smiley faces, and also met a few friends.

One day, when they got together to discuss where to play, the girl suddenly proposed to go to a cave adventure.

Annihilator happily asked several of his companions and came to a cave in the planet Gobi Desert.

It was humid, cold, and dark, full of strange and terrifying atmosphere.

The other companions were a little scared to want to go home, but Destroyer kept digging into the cave with excitement.

Suddenly, the cave collapsed and isolated Tyrant and his companion.

Sounds of whispering sounds rang out in the darkness, and Destroyer turned on the lights in horror to see that it turned out to be some cute little lizards.

Mieba shook his head with a smile, looked at the communicator in his hand, and found no signal, so he decided to open the cave in the cave with his bare hands.

The landslide is a long road, and even if the juvenile destroys his strong body, he feels tired and thirsty.

He looked at the little lizard who had become a friend on his shoulders, and smiled and said, "Relax, even if I starve to death, I won't treat you as a snack."

After digging for more than a dozen hours, Destroyer finally opened a return path, but the scene in front of him made him completely dumbfounded.

All of his companions were torn apart and torn apart. The killer was a huge group of lizards, the adult bodies of small lizards on his shoulders.

Extermination of the tyrant's head was blank, and he stumbled out of the cave. Strangely, the group of lizards did not attack him.

This accident made Memba murky for several days. Every day, one person stayed by the river to watch the sunrise and sunset.

"What happened to you?" The girl suddenly appeared next to him.

"So you're still alive!" Amba looked surprised. "How did you escape?"

Instead of answering, the girl sat next to Exterminator and looked at the horizon and said, "What are you upset about, the death of your companion is a foregone conclusion, you should do what you should do."

"What should I do?" Ambarella asked hesitantly.

The girl smiled, "This ... ask yourself!"

Mieba was silent for a while, then turned to look at the sunset in the sky full of struggle.

Finally, when the moon rose, he returned to the cave with a knife and walked in without hesitation. Sharp hissing and roaring sounded ...

Standing in the flesh-and-bloom shards all over the ground, the annihilator holding the knife closed his eyes deeply.

"How are you feeling?" The girl asked next.

Extermination suddenly shuddered, "This feeling ... the satisfaction that comes from the body, why is this so?"

The girl smiled, "Be yourself!"


The death of his companion made Deba lonely again, and many of his peers regarded him as ominous, not only isolated but also pointing behind it.

However, the extermination is not at the heart, not only with the girl's company, but also because of overcoming the psychological obstacles of the killing, he put his energy into the research of life sciences.

He dissected everything that could be found on the planet, but his doubts grew.

In order to understand his own mystery, he finally decided to conduct a human trial.

However, due to the long peace on the Titan and the long life of the people, it is difficult to get a suitable corpse.

Distressed, Miba finally found two classmates who had a good relationship with him.

"It's a safe medical observation. I just want to see what is the difference between our genes." Exterminate patiently and two classmates explained.

However, the two classmates, like scared beasts, shivered and wanted to leave.

"I never hurt anyone." Exterminated the two with a frown, "Why are you so afraid of me because I look different from you?"

"You are a lunatic!"

A female classmate suddenly collapsed and wept, "Everyone sees that you often talk to the air, like there is really something there, and you make everyone scared!"

Exterminated his eyes wide, he pointed at the girl and said, "She's there, can't you see?"

"There's nothing there!" The male student pushed away the tyrant, "You're crazy ..."

"Nonsense!" Tyrant's eyes were instantly congested, holding the necks of two classmates in one hand and holding them in the air, "She's there! She's there ..."

The two classmates gradually lost their breath, and Exterminator dropped the two corpses with horror, sitting on the floor panting and panting.

The girl looked at all of them with a smile and seemed very satisfied with the performance of Tyrant.

Mieba looked at the girl sadly, "Are you just my fantasies, am I really crazy?"

The girl smiled. "You're not crazy. You're just the special one. They can't see me at all."

Mieba cried and held her hands, "I love you, I don't know why I just love you, even if you are my fantasy, it doesn't matter."

The girl smiled and pulled out her hand calmly, "Of course you will love me, because although you try hard to suppress, but you can't resist your fate ~ ~ what you love is death ..."

"And I, is death itself!"

Mieba seemed to understand a lot of things at once, leaning against the wall in frustration and confusion, "I have a memory from birth. I remembered clearly that my mother wanted to kill me, so I never dare to see her. "

"She's right, I really am a monster!"

"Oh, pitiful ..." The girl turned suddenly and raised her face with her hands.

"Death is the purest balance between the universe. There is no good or evil in itself. If there is only life and no death, the universe will soon die out, so hug me!"

The girl said as she kissed, and Mieba hugged her waist.

The girl kissed Exterminator, but her eyes drifted to the side.

There, Li Mo and Strange, already frightened ...

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