Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 301: Asgard immigration

? McQueen's ability to split is certainly not as good as the body, but the heat of the rays in the eyes can still reach the temperature of the sun's surface, let alone other functions.

Nodded with satisfaction, Li Mo reached out and waved, McQueen's volume instantly shrank, turning into a normal-sized skull floating next to him.

Li Mo turned and walked into the Stark Building.

The top floor has been renovated long ago. It is not only Tony's laboratory and steel armored warehouse, but also a rest and reception room.

Li Mo casually poured himself a glass of Tennessee champagne from the wine cabinet and asked into the air, "Jarvis, where is Tony?"

"Hello Mr. Li Mo, Mr. Stark is in a video conference." Jarvis' soft voice came.

Li Mo nodded, while drinking champagne, while walking down the iron stairs to the second floor Tony's video reception room.

When the door was opened, some loud noises ceased immediately.

Except for Tony, the other seats on the long round table are all virtual three-dimensional images, which are the big brothers of the Earth Federation.

"Everybody, what are you talking about? It's so lively!"

Li Mo took a chair and sat down with a drink of champagne.

The crowd was all attracted by the black-purple flame skull floating next to him, but no one dared to ask.

Tony looked at it with interest, and seemed to think of something, but then closed his mouth.

"Mr. Li Mo," said a silver-haired white man, "we are discussing the resettlement of Asgard."

"Although Saul has done a lot for the earth, they are aliens after all. I heard that even ordinary citizens' physical qualities are several times that of earth people. The influx of 500,000 strong existences will definitely bring security problems."

Li Mo glanced, he recognized the guy, the current president of the United States.

"I think your worries are simply superfluous," Li Mo said with a sip of champagne.

"I hope you recognize that they are not homeless beards bombed by you, nor are they unlazy black uncles."

"They are Asa protoss who have a high reputation in the universe and have civilization far beyond the earth."

"And to put it bluntly, although you do not recognize it, the earth is also one of the territories of the Asa Protoss. It has left traces here since ancient times, and I don't know how many external threats have been blocked by the earth.

"One more thing is that they have countless powerful warriors, advanced rune technology and superb medical technology. They need a home, and the earth needs them."

"Everyone ..." Li Mo looked at everyone,

"This is a skilled immigrant!"

The big brothers of the Earth Federation looked at each other and agreed in agreement.

The US President suddenly said, "I think they should be placed in the United States, and we will provide good benefits ..."

"Be beautiful!"

Li Mo rolled his eyes and interrupted his words directly. "His hometown is in Norway. If one day the Indian **** comes back suddenly, consider the United States again!"

After speaking, Li Mo got up and left the conference room.

Tony shook his head and smiled, then said, "Okay guys, I have transmitted the design of the solar system colonization plan. I hope that scientists from all countries can participate. After all, this is a prerequisite for joining the Galactic Council ..."

In the gap between Tony and their meeting, Li Mo sat on the sofa by the window and browsed the news briefing from the Galactic Council through McQueen's ultra-long-distance quantum communication:

"Interstellar Pirate Landry ransacked a large space station, but was captured by the Nova Corps who arrived later."

"Hyperlink Space Prison exploded and many criminals fled, including members of the Dark Order, superstars and black dwarfs. The three-dimensional image captured the mastermind of the ebony throat of Mad Titan Thanos ..."

"The situation in the Empire of Shia continues to be turbulent, and Gabriel, empire governor nicknamed Vulcan, has spoken publicly against Queen Lilandra ..."

"The Kerry Empire continues to close the country and all the people who entered it are missing ..."


Li Mo shook his head while watching, the situation in the entire universe was in chaos, and there were already signs of chaos.

In this crazy era, there are people who want to live, people who want to survive, and people who want to believe, but all of them are entangled in the river of fate ...

Who can escape?

Just then, McQueen, carrying Hulk to Sacca, suddenly sent a communication.

It has returned to the galaxy through the violent wormhole, and transmitted to Li Mo is a video left by Huoke:

The outer city full of Sakar's trash has become a pot of porridge. Various strange spaceships shuttle through the sky, and the laser-bombed trash is flying all over the sky.

Ant-like dots can also be seen on the ground to attack each other into several camps. There is smoke everywhere in the champion city of Sakar, and many buildings have collapsed, causing a blazing fire.

Hulk's big face appeared on the camera later, and he can be seen to be very upset. "Here is a fight here. Hulk is upset. Hulk is going to smash!"

After speaking, he roared off the ship ...

"Unlucky guys ..." Li Mo shook his head. He didn't worry about Hulk at all. Anyway, that place was also a place outside the law. Just let the big guys toss.

After the meeting, Tony who came out also saw the video. He had a good relationship with Dr. Banner, and he was obviously a bit worried. "Did you say that Bruce's consciousness has disappeared?"

"Never." Li Mo smiled. "I can see that there is only one soul in Huoke's body. No matter how it changes, it may be his own choice."

Tony was silent for a moment, then poured himself a glass of wine. "The earth may not really be the place for him."

He later told Li Mo: "The Earth Federation has made a decision to formally accept the Asgards, and according to Sol, they will help them choose an island off the coast of Norway and fill them out if necessary. The sea makes land. "

"No, I owe a lot of Asgard." Li Mo shook his head. "I will help build their home."

"They'll be there in two days." Tony shrugged. "I don't know if Earth people will accept them?"

"You think too much…"


Two days later, Hydra's transport fleet reached Earth's outer space orbit, and more than a dozen large spacecraft hovered there quietly, waiting for permission to enter Earth.

Not far away, there is a giant space station in the shape of a circular spire, which is the site of the newly established Tianjian Bureau.

Green-haired director Abigail Brand, looking at the screen of the Hydra fleet with arms folded, is behind a row of staff checking information.

"Is this just a transport fleet?" She looked at a spacecraft about a few kilometers long, shook her head and said to Maria Hill next to her, "When will my fleet appear?"

Maria Hill was silent. She remembered a star war that she had seen in the Fairy Galaxy, and could not help but feel a little confused.

Just then, a member next to him suddenly reported: "Secretary, a small scientific research spacecraft has requested to enter the earth and the company is registered as the Life Foundation."

"Let them wait first," Brand said casually.

The Tianjian staff said after ordering, "But their life support system has failed, and the request passed immediately."

Brand stroked his chin. "Allow it to pass, notify the ground staff, and check immediately after landing."


At the same time, on the Hydra transport fleet, Sol was speaking to the entire Asgard people.

"My people, the blue planet in front of me is Midgart, and now there is another name called Earth."

"From now on, this is our home. Of course, we also have another neighbor, human."

"Keep in mind that their bodies are very fragile and you have to be careful when dealing with them. If you give goodwill, you will find that they are also easy to get along with. I do n’t want to see bad things happen, so everyone should be careful.

"After entering the ground, we will carry out quarantine first, because they are very fragile and some cosmic germs may cause fatal harm to them, so don't take it seriously."

After speaking, closing the communication, Sol breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wow, it feels like a bit of a king." Valkyrie, the goddess of Valkyrie, said with a bottle of wine.

"You better not fight with people." Sol saw a headache in front of the woman.

"Rest assured." Valkyrie shrugged. "You say there are wine and girls here, which is a good place for me."

Sol felt a bit tired and ignored the woman, and set his sights on Frigga, who was sitting there in a daze, and could not help but worry.

This has been the case since the death of Loki, and Sol has persuaded him several times.

After completing the formalities, the Hydra fleet entered the earth and came over Norway.

A huge camp has been set up here, and outside the camp has gathered a large number of curious people who have come from many places.

The detection instrument invented by Tony and Reed is very advanced and can be completed only through a section of sealed door. Therefore, it took one day to detect half a million Asgards.

Several big brothers of the Earth Federation have been waiting there, and after signing the agreement, they announced that Asgard would join the Earth Federation as a country.

After the people of the Earth Federation left, Sol led Asgard's top management to Li Mo and Tony waiting beside him, hugged them fiercely and regretfully said, "Thank you guys, although I I really want to get together with everyone, but there are so many things, we first have to rebuild our own home. "

"Rest assured, I already have arrangements." Li Mo pointed to a huge circular spaceship of ten kilometers on the sea. "The engineering spacecraft of the Skuru people only takes three days to complete the construction of a city. I will try to restore Asgard. "

Tony even smiled with flowers on his face. He had seen this kind of spacecraft when the Galactic Council was established. You must know that the engineering skills of the Skulu are the first in the universe.

Li Mo directly gave the spacecraft to him, used to help the construction of Mars and Saturn colony bases.

Sol didn't expect that the biggest problem was easily solved, and moved to embrace Li Mo again, "My friend, how can I thank you?"

Li Mo smiled and shook his head. "You should deal with the matter here as soon as possible. I'll ask you for help after a while."

Later, the story of the scarlet witch Wanda and the solar system is told again.

"Looking at the Solar System!"

The queen on the side suddenly screamed, her eyes filled with surprise.

"Do you have anything?" Li Mo asked quickly to Tianhou, he had great respect for this magical enlightenment master.

"It's okay, I can do it, you can do your business." Tianhou smiled, and then greeted her maid into the tent.

Li Mo and Sol looked at each other.

Just then, a staff member of the Earth Federation quickly walked over and asked Saul: "Mr. Saul, there are a large number of media reporters and people outside the camp, and they are desperate for interviews and visits."

Pepper Pepper said beside him, "I don't think it's good for the time being. After all, the Asgard have just lost their home and are tired from long distances ..."

"No." Sol shook his head. "Asgard will no longer be a high-ranking protoss, and we will welcome all friends with an open attitude."

After that, he waved his hand, "Let them come in."

Following Sol's order, tens of thousands of journalists and people flooded into the Asgard base.

Although the people of Asgard have been taught by Sol, they have also brought out special fruit fruits for family entertainment, but they have underestimated the curiosity and boldness of the earth people.

A team of reporters scattered around and interviewed some aggressive Asgards randomly, and the influx of people even took smartphones, took pictures, and broadcasted lively.

The arrival of the Asgard on the Earth network has long been a hot topic, and under the influence of Sol, many people are impressed by this former protoss.

Ask why, face value is everything!

Asgards are generally tall and handsome men, women are classical and beautiful, coupled with some simple personality, very popular.

Many Asgard men were surrounded by a large group of sisters. Looking at those admiring gazes, their faces turned red immediately, and they took off their clothes and showed muscles in the sound of encouragement.

Asgard's women were at a loss as they watched a group of people constantly taking pictures around themselves.

Sol was surrounded by the most people. He kept smiling and posing with fans, almost forgetting the existence of the people next to him.

Heimdall sighed ~ ~ I know why he likes to come to earth! "

Li Mo and Tony shook their heads silently beside them.

In the ensuing period, a lot of troubles arose.

Although not far apart, unlike the Finns who are generally socially afraid, Norwegians are notoriously sexually open. If you meet a girl in a bar or party, it will quickly become poppy.

After the camp was completely open, the Asgards also entered the Norwegian city curiously. After feeling the enthusiasm of the Norwegians, the number of wounded in the hospital suddenly increased.

As for why, think about Li Mo once.

Wounded while studying wrestling ...

After more than a dozen days of noisy activity, Sol and Li Mo, who had been annoyed by shit, went to the Sahara Desert in North Africa.

After entering a space crack in the center of the desert, a huge mountain range appeared in front of them ...

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