Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 312: Before the war

The whole hall of silence is silent ...

From all perspectives, the demon God said that Mephisto said that the king was unstoppable.

After all, there is no powerful demon king to take the lead. The other dimensions of the devil can only choose to follow blindly, and those who take the lead will be quickly killed.

Even if he doesn't have the strength of Marduk, over time, Mephisto will gain great strength and power, and Satan's position will become justified.

The Queen of Dreams felt her legs weak, and when she was about to leave quietly, she found that she was blocked by several bad-dimensional dimensional deities.

In a hurry, the Queen of Dreams shouted, "You asked us to solve the abnormal situation of the earth. I wonder if this is your promise as Satan?"

Many dimensional demons, like the Queen of Dreams, depended on the power of fear to **** and suddenly looked at Mephisto.

Mephisto smiled and spread his hands directly. "Yes, this is my promise. And I can tell you unceremoniously that I released the snake that caused the earth's anomaly."

"But everything is under control. It is predicted that he will end up with Sol, and the earth will continue to be your hunting ground. This is my gift to you as Satan."

The dimensional demons are a little speechless, creating their own crises to deceive them, and letting others solve the crises as a gift to them, Mephisto's cunning and shameless people are taught.

The Queen of Dreams was relieved, and it was delayed for some time, but before the crisis of the earth was resolved, if Mephisto could not be stopped, she would die.

What the **** is Li Mo doing!

The Queen of Dreams gritted her teeth and thought.

And in a dark corner of the hall, taking a look at the death goddess Hai Ramen, who looked at all of them, stepped back without expression, and disappeared into a phantom.

After two teleportations, Hella came to the periphery of the void dimension bordering her territorial dimension.

However, like the Queen of Dreams, even after trying for a long time, the void dimension cannot be opened.

Just as she frowned as she was about to leave, the dimension door to the void dimension suddenly opened, and Hella hurried in.

The exit location was ignorance. As soon as Hella came out, she saw Li Mo walking towards Fenrir while holding her.

Looking at Fenrir, who had been ridiculed by Li Mozhen, Hella couldn't help anger, "That's my dog!"

There was a hint of despair in Fenrir's eyes. He was a devil wolf, not a dog!

Li Mo carelessly placed Fenrir on the ground, staring at Hella thoughtfully, "What are you doing here?"

Hai Ramen gave Li Mo an expressionless look and told the story.

Li Mo was startled, and then asked with some confusion: "I don't understand why you told me this."

Hella snorted, "Asgard is mine, and destruction can only be done by me!"

Li Mo suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong, the goddess was also a woman.


After sending Hella away, Li Mo teleported back to Earth and arrived at the Stark Building.

The conference room here has become a nervous battle center. A three-dimensional world map appears from time to time with red dots. Stranger and Pharaoh keep opening the portals for the heroic company to fight the fire.

Not only did Li Mo meet Tony and Captain America, but even Dr. Voodoo and some superheroes he had never heard of before gathered here.

In the face of this earth-wide crisis, Strange and Tony convened most of the Earth heroes.

"Oh shit, you're here!"

After seeing Li Mo, Tony couldn't help complaining, and then pointed to an orientation of the three-dimensional earth image. "I'm relieved to have you. Go to this place and help."

"Don't worry." Li Mo shook his head. "We can't end this fight immediately."

Then, they pulled the two into the soundproof conference room and told everything about the hell.

"I knew there was something wrong with Mephisto!"

Stranger said angrily: "When the solar system looked out, Mephisto stopped the evil knight from helping, and said he went to the Mariana Trench to talk."

"He must have expected that you would leave, and he couldn't stop the snake the first time."

Li Mo smiled and didn't speak, but made a gesture to Strandch.

Strinch immediately realized that he waved several people into the mirror space.

Li Mo then said: "Mefistor is observing this place through spells in hell, and we cannot let him know the action plan."

"It shouldn't actually stop the big snake now, we're going to drag it off until Messtor's Satan plan is disrupted."

After listening, Tony was anxious. "But the earth is dead every moment now."

"We have no choice!"

Li Mo looked at Tony and said, "You want the earth to tremble in the future under the threat of Mephisto?"

Then he looked at Strange, "Or are you sure you can stop Mephisto, who has become Satan and can send thousands of demons?"

They were speechless and could not answer.

"By the way, tell you something."

Li Mo smiled, "I have reduced the flesh and possessed the flesh. I can't use a little strength for the time being."

It turned out that after changing the direction of evolution, Li Mo now only has the flesh, and two infinite gems are constructing a virtual universe in the body.

This is a rather delicate process. He wants to create a stable singularity, and then propagate itself through the Big Bang.

This singularity contains his understanding of many spaces and rules, which is almost a creative process.

If there is interference, he will disappear directly when the universe explodes.

But if he succeeds, he will immediately have unlimited life and creativity, and become a true God.

Strange frowned. "Talk about your plans."

"My plan is ..." Li Mo smiled. "Re-raising Dom to the top. With his strength, I am afraid that he will be upset with Mephisto in the first place. We can calmly solve the problem of the earth. "

Tony and Strange were stunned, and then quickly figured out what they were all about, shaking their heads helplessly.

"The question now is, where should we find Domam?" Li Mo said, spreading his hands.

Strangy's face immediately became a little weird. "That ... I have a way."

Then, without waiting for the two to ask, they opened a rotating sparkling portal and walked in. After a while, they came out again, followed by a hot white-haired woman in a black tights.

"Introduction, this is my new apprentice Kerry." Strance looked at the two and said, "It is also the daughter of the current lord Uma, the niece of Dom, in the dark dimension."

"Hi, hello!" Kree waved her hand generously.

"Your apprentice?"

Li Mo's face was a little weird. "If I read correctly, it's your bedroom opposite the portal."

Kelly smiled, and strangled Strange's arm. "We are also couples and he will propose to me."

Li Mo couldn't help but give Thumbs a thumbs up, "Now!"

It's okay to marry the apprentice. What's really great is that he directly pulled the old niece's niece into bed.

Unexpectedly, the stuffy Strange was a blockbuster.

Strinch twitched his lips, ignored Li Mo, and turned to Kerry, "You tell me something about the dark dimension."

Kelly nodded and spoke about ...

It turns out that Domam and Uma are another human magician in the universe. A terror group called the Materialist Empire appeared in their universe, and they carried out an extinct slaughter of all magical powers in the universe.

Dorma and Uma fled to the universe and entered the dark dimension.

The dark dimension was originally a different look, with a magical civilization. Uma was married to the emperor of that empire, and Domam became chief counselor mage.

The following things were simple. After the murder of the emperor, the two took control of the empire, and then used black magic to impregnate the entire dimension and slaughter all beings.

Domham imprisoned Uma, who was contaminated by black magic, in the abyss of the dimension, but he became more and more powerful, and continued to wage wars on the surrounding dimensions. In Kerry's view, Domam himself was also polluted.

Klee fled to Earth and lived alone until she was rescued by Strange in an incident.

"This routine sounds familiar ..." Li Mo shook her head and asked Keli: "Do you know where Domam is?"

"Because they used the black magic to pollute the dimension, they couldn't kill another person." Kerry replied, "My mother was imprisoned by Domham in the dimension abyss, and with her cruel love of revenge, she must also Imprisoned Domham there. "

Li Mo touched his chin and said to Strance: "I can't do it. It seems you need to go to the dark dimension."

"Absolutely not!"

Klee suddenly strangled back behind him and said categorically: "He is as strong as a mortal, and entering the dark dimension is not my mother's opponent at all."

Strangy was a little embarrassed, helpless, and seemed to be afraid of his wife.

Li Mo shook his head and smiled, "Rest assured, I will send you a strong aid, absolutely safe and smooth."

"Who is it?" Everyone was a little curious.

Li Mo turned to look at Tony.

Tony was a little surprised at first, and then smiled bitterly. "When is it? I still want to pit me."

"Bring Reed." Li Mo smiled. "Show you something."

Later, he was brought to the ignorance with everyone.

After entering a huge laboratory in the City of Truth, there were many busy Nether-Mage members, and Tony and Strinch were surprised that a 600-meter-high giant armor stood in the middle of the room.

"This is ... this is ..." Strange swallowed, stuttering speechless.

"Yes, this is a corpse of the Tenjin group. The truth laboratory has collected all the data. Although many organizations have disappeared, they still maintain a sound energy circuit."

"When I saw this corpse, I was thinking that Tony might have to change to a stronger armor." Li Mo said with a smile.

Aggressive by Tony's face, Strange quickly explained to him the legend and powerful abilities of the Tenjin group.

"No." Tony shook his head quickly. "The value of this thing is beyond imagination. I can't ask for it."

"Hey guy."

Li Mo patted Tony's shoulder. "A long time ago, we became friends. Over the years, I have watched you step by step and put on yourself the burden of defending the earth to see what you look like."

"To be honest, I don't really stay on Earth all the time, but you don't want to die as friends, so don't stop talking nonsense."

"This inflatable doll is cool enough!"

Tony was silent for a while, hammered Li Mo's chest, smiled at Reed next to him and said, "It feels great to have a tyrant friend."

Later, Tony and Reed started the design of the armor of the gods. Although this stuff is huge, it is not enough to see in front of the truth laboratory.

Coupled with the energy circuit that has been figured out, it should be completed within a few days.

Strange and Kree returned to the Most Holy Place and began various preparations, after all they knew what kind of horror world it was.

Li Mo came to Asgard.

When he came here, the scene in front of him surprised him.

There are a large number of civilian ships gathered outside the island. Countless people are holding microphones to protest. Someone uses the elastic device on the ship to throw tomatoes and eggs. Others are firing at the sky.

After Heimdall told the situation on the other side, Li Mo shook his head, "What are you doing standing stupidly? You can't drive them away."

Heimdall was silent for a moment. "They are also victims, and we will only make things more uncontrollable."

"These people do not represent public opinion!"

As soon as Li Mo waved his hand, McQueen immediately dropped 100 magic puppets through the door of Dimensions, and waved a large sword to frighten the people.

"These are people whose minds have been broken by the so-called democratic thoughts, fearing their real enemies and spreading their qi on friends to show their false power."

"Summary is mean!"

Li Mo shook his head, patted Heimdall's shoulder and said, "You have to get used to the way Earth people do things."

Heimdal opened his mouth, then shook his head and said, "If I live, it means betraying my soul. I would rather die."

"It's a dead mind." Li Mo rolled his eyes and then headed for the Golden Palace.

Sol was sitting on a rooftop drinking a glass of wine. When he saw Li Mo coming, he threw a bottle. Li Mo took it and filled it with half a bottle, as if he had returned to those days in Asgard. .

After Li Mo talked about the **** in general, Sol nodded his head and didn't speak, and his eyes looked at the square below from time to time.

Li Mo followed his eyes and saw that she was a young girl in green clothes who was practicing with a sword. "Who is that?"

"Rockie ..." A gentle smile appeared on Sol's face. "Rocky's reincarnation."

Li Mo shook his head silently ~ ~ I saw that this little girl was very cute, but I was uncomfortable when I thought of your original brother. "

Sol smiled freely, "Don't talk about him, Li Mo, my friend, goodbye to you, I'm afraid I'm really going to die this time."

"Nonsense." Li Mo said with a drink.

"You don't know the truth of the prophecy." Saul shook his head. "Look now, you can't use power, and the serpent will soon be stronger than Odin. This is my fate."

"Have you recovered your strength?" Li Mo asked.

Saul looked at the distant sea. "I used to drive my divine power with justice, courage, and self-confidence, but I gradually discovered the reason after losing my strength."

"Not because of fear of death, but because my identity has changed. As the king of the gods, what really drives me to fight is the power of responsibility and guard!"

He glanced at his hand, the lightning flashes between his fingers ...

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