Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 317: Give up

? Two months ago ...

The Large Magellanic Cloud, the second sector of the Kerry Empire,

Popper Galaxy.

In the dead orbit of the huge planet, a space interception battle is ongoing.

About 2,000 rebel starships struggled to maintain their formation and retreated as they fought. The Falcos, who took over the first and second fleets of the empire, have followed them for two days and two nights as if they were episcopal.

Although the number of ships on both sides was roughly the same, the Falkirks relied on the solidarity and cooperation of bee colonies and a cold-blooded style that did not care about life and death.

Because the long-range laser cannon beam is cut by the shield, both sides are using missile attacks.

Rows of missiles continually meet and collide in the air in a neat array, or penetrate the blockade and enter the opposing fleet to hit the target.

A series of explosions are like blooming fireworks in the universe.

On the flagship of the Resistance Army, red light flashed in the command cabin and vibrations continued to be heard. Luo Nan stood firmly in front of the observation window of 20 meters high and continuously issued orders.

The deputy leader of the Resistance behind him hesitated and said, "We are not our opponents. Otherwise, we will withdraw first. This flagship has far more power than other spacecraft."

"Shut up!" Luo Nan said angrily without turning back. "If we leave, the people who escape here will lose confidence, and the barge will be scattered, and they will be killed by the enemy one by one."

"Cree ... no more ..."

The deputy commander didn't dare to say much, and Luo Nan stared out the window.

He is a determined nationalist. His biggest dream was to restore the glory of the Kerry Empire to dominate the universe. However, after the terrible disaster, he just wanted to save the fire as much as possible.

After all, there was a clear gap. The Resistance was finally unable to support it, and the scale of victory continued to tilt.

Seeing that the enemy was about to surround the entire fleet, Ronan gritted his teeth, directing the powerful flagship to charge up, trying to close the gap and let more people escape.

However, the huge flagship was a target after losing its guard. Although it killed many of the other ships, it also suffered a more concentrated attack.

Seeing a missile break through the defensive fire and shoot directly at the command module, Ronan waved a universal weapon hammer into a huge energy shield in the shape of the window.


A terrible shock wave came, and Ronan flew out and hit the wall, sparks appeared in many places in the cockpit, and dizzy Ronan saw a city-like spaceship in a blur.

Then, passed out ...

When he was awake again, he saw the crystal at first glance.

It turned out that the alien races from the galaxy rescued them. The unconstrained Black Bat King was a bug in the universe. One person destroyed most of the enemy's fleet and saved everyone.

Even if the survivors choose to cling to the Majesty of the Strong, the alien race is an outsider after all, and Ronan with a strong reputation is still the nominal leader, but some people are already sneaking closer to Black Man.

Some men proposed to expel the aliens, but Ronan refused, on the grounds that the aliens who owned the Cree gene also belonged to the Cree and were a strong guarantee for survivors.

Part of the reason is that he, a tough guy, fell in love with Crystal.

For no reason, love tumbled like a tide and subverted his atrium. What was once regarded as cowardly love was so beautiful and bitter.

Once the old man is in love, everything will be left behind, and he feels that some things are more precious.

He could feel that, although mixed with some other purpose, Crystal also loved himself.

In this way, he fled all the way to the frontier and gathered with survivors of another force here.


Looking at the girl who came forward, Ronan smiled softly.

Crystal looked at Luo Nan's heart a bit complicated. This man is a hero in her mind. To say that the feeling is not without, but as a royal family, she thinks more.

In this vast universe, alien races have no roots like duckweed. They wanted to live in a recluse side after entering the Kerry Empire, but the current situation has made all alien races have a bit of ambition.

They firmly believe that this turmoil will eventually subside. After the turmoil, there will be Dazhi. The supreme wisdom of the supreme ruler has been reduced to demons, and the upper nobles will also suffer heavy losses if the empire is re-established.

An alien can also be king!

Ronan, the former highest accused with huge prestige, is a key figure. If he has his help, the strangers will say that the road will be flat in the future.

I'm crystal, royal crystal.

She said to herself again in silence.

The two spoke a few words each thoughtfully, and suddenly there was a noise in the camp. Many people looked up at the sky.

A dazzling blue spacecraft cut through the sky and hovered over the camp opposite.

Luo Nan looked at the spacecraft access permit on his personal terminal, and was a little stunned. "Where is this guy?"

Crystal also saw Li Mo's name on it, covered her mouth in surprise, and then looked at the spaceship. "I'm going to notify Black Batman."


With a traction beam slowly falling, Li Mo and Doujian Squad saw on the face of a rocket with a smirk and a teenager Gruit who focused on playing games.

When entering the galaxy, it happened that the rocket repaired the Milan, so the contact was made.

It is a joy to meet old friends.

Li Mo bent down and gave the two a hug. "Hi guys, how are you?"

"It's terrible!"

Rocket spread out his hands and complained, "The entire galaxy is full of monsters, and we are as pitiful as rabbits."

"Mother Groot!" Groot raised his hand in response and started the game again.

Seeing Li Mo's strange look, Rocket shrugged helplessly. "During the rebellious period of the youth, I really doubt he would play silly heads."

Li Mo shook his head and smiled, "What about the woman you saved?"

"She hid alone in the room and didn't deal with anyone." Rocket complained. "To rescue her, she destroyed the Milan."

"Rest assured!" Li Mo raised an eyebrow, and then quietly spoke in Rocket's ear.

Rocket raccoon's eyes lit up instantly.

At this moment, a large number of people rushed in, and the leading Cree rushed over after seeing Li Mo.


Li Mo looked at the boy who was no longer immature, and said with emotion: "Caesar ... you are grown up."

It turned out that Caesar was the leader of the other side of the base.

After the release of "Love in Sandal", various new ideas of the chaotic empire rose quietly. With the identity of the movie's protagonist and a large amount of geopolitical knowledge learned from Li Mo, the dawn of Caesar's establishment will be a vigorous Vitality blossoms around the ancient empire.

After the change of the Capital Star, a large number of new thought enlighteners gathered under his Majesty, and formed a survivor camp with Ronan's Resistance Army.

After a few casual conversations, Li Mo took the eager fighting sword team into a makeshift barracks.

It was Princess Lilith who opened the door.

She seemed to have expected someone to come to the rescue, but did not expect that the lead was Li Mo.

"You are here, great!"

Princess Lilith dragged Li Mo's hand into the room anxiously, "I found the true clue of the dark vortex!"

Li Mo looked at it casually, and the surrounding walls were covered with complicated star maps and various geometric inference formulas.

This little girl is so enchanted ...

"His Royal Highness, please follow me back to the Empire of Shia!" Dou Jian stepped forward and interrupted Lilith, who was about to be introduced to Li Mo, and told the current situation of the empire.

After all, she was an elite educated by the royal family. Lilith quickly calmed down and thought silently for a while, then said firmly, "I can't go back now!"

"Why?" Dou Jian was a little anxious.

Lilith's eyes regained clarity and calmness. "All the problems of the empire are ultimately the interruption of evolution. I ca n’t go back to play a decisive role at all now. Only by finding the dark vortex can we solve all the problems in one go!"

"So where is the artifact?" Li Mo asked.

Lilith glanced casually, and the sword immediately guarded the door with interest.

After there were only two people left in the room, Lilith unfolded a star map, pointed to a marker and said, "All the clues point to this planet."

Li Mo frowned. "This seems to be the area occupied by the Falcos."

"Yes." Lilith nodded. "Not only that, but I also found out that it was the Kerry Empire's supreme wisdom that got rid of the negative wave bomb."

Li Mo couldn't help crying. "Forget it, you think about it again. This is completely behind the enemy. Unless you retreat to the Krewolves, your country is still in chaos."

After speaking, he ignored the little girl's resentful glance and walked out of the barracks.

Caesar had ordered people to wait outside, and he was going to host a welcoming banquet for Li Mo.

Before time was up, Li Mo let this person take himself to wander around in the camp.

The scene along the way was a bit miserable, with Cree sick and hopeless everywhere. This original proud race was brought down to earth before this upheaval, just like a refugee camp.

Li Mo is not too concerned about this. Since the birth of the universe, how many civilizations have risen and fallen, there is no eternal empire.

A group of children playing in front of him attracted his attention. These little guys braved the cold and chased wildly on the frozen ground.

The laughter and the atmosphere of the camp were incompatible. The innocent hope and the despair of reality formed a weird picture.

Li Mo felt a vigorous vitality, and suddenly realized that he murmured: "Despair will give birth to hope, death will give birth to life. Nothing is eternal, even the most perfect rule will die out. They all have flaws, but changes are created because of flaws. Change is eternal and change is the way ... "

"Perfect rules only hinder!"

Thinking of this, Li Mo suddenly looked into the sky, and seemed to see through the heavy universe to see those pairs of emotionless eyes, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

In the small universe, the two infinite gems that are busy working suddenly stopped, slammed into shreds, countless rules became nutrients, and the blood-sucking vine tree in the soul cast a vague brilliance.

"From now on, no one wants to collect all infinite gems ..." Li Mo smiled easily and turned to walk to the huge barracks in the middle of the camp.

Infinite gems are both a help and a constraint, because they are too powerful and perfect. Although they lost all mysterious functions after destruction, Li Mo did not regret it at all.

Seems to take a step back, but ascended the mountains, the mist of the future is broken a lot.

He firmly believes that his Word is stronger than relying on foreign objects!


The large barracks contained not only Caesars and Guardians of the Galaxy, but also other old acquaintances.

Aliens and Ronan.

Seeing Li Mo's hearty smile, Black Bat King made a very happy and welcome gesture.

Li Mo smiled and shook hands, patted each other on the shoulders.

He still has a good opinion of Black Bat King. Being strong is not important. What is powerful is that he can restrain his desires, constantly persecute himself in order not to hurt others, and maintain a good attitude of tolerance.

Li Mo asked himself no such ability.

As for the other people of the alien race, haha ​​...

The big dog tetanus came and licked his palm, Li Mo touched the dog's head and felt sad.

The dogs who watched others were more obedient, and in their ignorance, one Cosmo and one Fenrir were almost the king of destruction.

The atmosphere of the banquet was very harmonious. Due to the fact that Li Mo served as a bridge, the two gangs immediately broke through the barriers and exchanged information and resources with each other.

Li Mo listened casually with a glass of wine, and something from Ronan caught his attention.

Luo Nan said to the crowd: "I first discovered the anomaly of supreme intelligence. I found out that he had gone to the galaxy to solve a superintelligence. After returning, his temperament changed greatly. I suspect he was infected."

"Don't doubt, you're absolutely right." Li Mo smiled bitterly. "And that guy's name is Autron."

Contacting Luo Nan's words and the semi-biological and semi-mechanical Fawolks clan, Li Mo could not guess what happened.

Tony, you're overwhelming ...

Looking at the eyes of everyone searching, Li Mo said, "This Ultron is a powerful artificial intelligence. He has already begun to test the combination of biology and machinery on the eve of the destruction. It seems that the Franks are his product."

"Teacher, are there any weaknesses in these things he made?" Caesar asked quickly.

Li Mo thought about it, "Send me all the information you have collected."

Both parties quickly put out their own data, including data audio files and various speculations of scientists.

Li Mo looked at it, unknowingly lost in thought ...

Time passed 1 minute and 1 second, everyone was waiting for his answer.

"It's an amazing creation." Li Mo suddenly sighed. "The cold blood is strong, and it can infect and deform like a monster, but also can manipulate starship battles. It combines all the advantages of machinery and biology.

The crowd was so disappointed that Caesar said bitterly: "Are we hopeless?"

"That's not necessarily ~ ~ Li Mo shook his head.

Ronan stood up after hearing this and said sincerely, "If you can help the Kerry Empire survive this disaster, I am willing to go to Sandal for trial!"

"It's my business ..." Li Mo shook his lips and said to everyone, "This hope lies not with me but with Ultron."

"Find out his purpose."

"Will you really create a racial civilization or build a bloodthirsty army."

"If he wants to build an army, you can wash and sleep."

"But if he is going to build a race, there is still hope of winning."

Caesar asked puzzledly, "Why?"

Li Mo smiled,

"Because genes are selfish!"

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