Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 329: Dazzling open class

The Big Arena of Hydra College.

The amphitheatre, modeled after the Colosseum in Rome, was originally used for mech combat in the academy, but for the first time, it became a public lecture hall for Li Mo.

At this time it was night, and the ring-shaped stand that could accommodate millions of spectators was filled with seats. The signal lights of the eight-man battleship flashed in the sky from time to time.

80% of the audience were all Sandal Star residents, eating snacks, drinking beverages, chatting casually, full of laughter.

The aliens also like to make fun.

To them, this is more like a party. Li Mo is their pride and patron saint, but rarely appears or even speaks publicly.

They didn't care what Li Mo would say, and even the most boring speeches would cheer and support wildly.

Many other civilizations have purchased broadcasting rights. For a large number of fans in the universe, Li Mo is just the protagonist of the legend. They don't care what they will say, they just want to see a reality show.

In the VIP seat, the Supreme Star is chatting with the representatives of the three empires and a group of top civilizations.

For them, this is just a proper political activity.

Everyone knows that behind the hot rehearsal of Li More, there is the push of Nova Supreme, and after the meeting, Nova Supreme saw the hidden value of Li Mo for the peace of the universe.

They also didn't care what Li Mo would say, even if they only told a few jokes, they would give their applause with a smile.

In the corner of the VIP seat, two representatives of small and medium civilizations were chatting.

"It's unbelievable. I still feel in my dreams that a person actually has the influence to cross the Milky Way."

"It can only be said that it is the right time. After all, no one will save the three empires at the same time, or the universe-level powerhouse."

"Is this a good thing?"

"Of course it is good, after all, it may lead to peace in the three empires."

"I think there is a problem. Didn't you see his strength against those small and medium civilizations? Maybe one day will cause big trouble."

"Relax, it's just a temporary trend. When the enthusiasm cools down, people will forget him slowly."


"What are you two whispering there!" The warlord of the Skulu Empire, Carter, suddenly turned his head to gloomy glances at them, and the representatives of the two small and medium civilizations were scared to say more.

After humming, Carter turned around and stared silently at the round stage below.

The stage is divided into white and black by beautiful curves, like chasing entangled fish.

Carter couldn't understand what it was, but it didn't interfere with the respect for Li Mo at all.

He will never forget the figure that cut through the sea of ​​stars in a decisive battle with the twin gods church.

And the earth far away from the Milky Way is almost the concern of the people at this moment.

Stark Building, Little Pepper nestled in Tony's arms and watched TV. "What do you say he would say?"

Tony raised his eyebrows. "What else can I think? The Chinese people know him best, what's his name ... DaHuYou."

"What do you mean?"

"Brainwashing experts, I believe he's out of luck."

In the extra dimension, the demons and Li Mo who are not dealing with it are also paying attention, and the increasing scope of the Virtual Air Force Regiment has made them vigilant.

Among them, Mephisto is the most concentrated.

Li Mo's initiative to give up the dimension of the devil's identity made him feel bad, but he did not want to blindly lose his initiative again, and could only watch in secret.

"I want to find your mental weakness!" Mephisto thought of his chin.


Time is approaching every minute.

And indoors, Li Mo sat in a white robe.

He knew that the eyes of the entire universe had been gathered outside, but unexpectedly, his mind was not half swayed.

At this moment, his eyes were slightly closed, and his thoughts were scattered and not chaotic. It was not the ecstatic state of Buddhism, but he could not see all beings and the universe, and there was a trace of true self in his heart ...

After a while, the sliding door opened slightly, and Stephanie, dressed up, came in.

She froze as soon as she wanted to speak, and Li Mo, who was so familiar, seemed strange to him at the moment.

An inexplicable emotion infested her, mixed with fear, awe, admiration, and serenity.

After a long pause, Stephanie swallowed and said with a trembling voice, "Boss, time is up ..."

Li Mo slowly opened his eyes, nodded, and walked toward the gate to the arena.

Opening the door, it seemed as if the entire universe was starlight, that was the low light from the countless three-dimensional video equipment of the audience at the same time, and tsunami-like applause and cheers ...

In the spotlight, Li Mo stepped towards the Tai Chi Terrace in the center of the venue.

Applause and cheers rang through the space, but Li Mo just stared at the stars calmly.

An indescribable breath permeated the whole arena. A few seconds later, millions of people were silent.

Even the fans and Earth people watching through the signal seemed to be disturbed by some kind and quieted down.

Many people have an indescribable emotion in their hearts. They thought they would see a superhero make a brilliant debut and speak passionately, but they just saw a quiet Li Mo.

"Thank you all for coming."

Li Mo suddenly spoke, without using any equipment, but the sound seemed to echo in everyone's ear.

"This is a public class of the Hydra Academy. It is a dialogue between the principal and the students, so I hope that those who talk about the principles of the universe and peace may be disappointed."

"It's just a college course."

"Just about ten days ago, a student mentioned to me the doubt between learning and ambition, so with this open class, the name of this class is ..."


"Starting from the student's doubts, in order to resolve the contradiction between learning and ambition, we must first distinguish between learning for ourselves and learning for others."

"Some people will say it is very simple. Learning for yourself is learning for yourself, and learning for others is learning for others."

"But I tell you, it's not easy at all. I came from the earth to the universe, and most of the people I saw were learned for others."

"To give you a simple example, students come to Hydra Academy to study and enter various positions after graduation to study for their own future."

"So is he learning for himself or for others?"

"It reminds me a word."

"In the hometown of my earth, there is an opening in a classic" The Analects of Confucianism. "

"Zi said: learn from time to time, don't you care?"

"What I learned when I was a kid is that learning things often isn't it a happy thing?"

"When I grow up, I find that it is purely nonsense, and **** doesn't work."

"How can learning be a joy?"

"Not to mention review!"

"Later, I have a new understanding and want to redefine learning and practice."

"In the vast universe, every soul has been learning since its birth, cultural science and technology, knowledge, and even war, and understand this universe through the reflection of all foreign objects."

"This is 'learning'!"

"With the understanding of the universe, of course, the ego must respond, so all our behaviors are practiced after" learning "and" learning. "

"Isn't it a happy thing to perfect and purify my soul through constant 'learning' and 'learning'?"

"That's learning for ourselves, and it's about the self."

"Confucianism is equally self-conscious and self-conscious. Therefore, Confucius, the leader of the school, mentioned that scholars of the ancients are themselves and scholars of the present age are people."

"They pay attention to themselves, constantly improve themselves, and strive to achieve their goals."

"Therefore, in the University, reference is made to traits, knowledge, sincerity, sincerity, self-cultivation, Qi family, governance, and peace."

"From the micro to the macro, from seeing ourselves to doing everything."

"For what purpose?"

"As mentioned in The Doctrine of the Mean, when the physical nature is extreme, you can penetrate the rules of physics and reach the realm of saints!"

"It's also about pursuing soul evolution."

"In pursuit of self!"

"If‘ learning ’is for understanding the universe and pursuing self, but how to recognize it?”

"In my hometown of the earth, there is another school called Taoism, and their classic" The Book of Morality "mentions: Tao is Tao, very Tao."

"Everything we learn and know belongs to the Tao."

"We can't describe the Tao. It's like the universe. You know the rules of the main universe and the micro universe and extra dimensions. There is a parallel universe outside the universe, a multiverse, and a high universe above the multiverse."

"The endless way ..."

Speaking of this, Li Mo's brain rang loudly and seemed to break some kind of cognitive barrier.

Vampires scattered in countless dimensions continued to send rules and information. Li Mo seemed to be all things at once, and his breath was deep and broad.

The small universe in the body takes shape in an instant, first "one", and then the big bang, changing a lot ...

In everyone's horrified eyes, Li Mo's body became bigger and bigger, one hundred meters, one thousand meters, ten thousand meters, and then suddenly spread out.

The black starry light curtain rotates in the universe, and the black tentacles curl and twist ...

Like falling into an indescribable dream, the soul of the scene and the person watching through the signal is deeper and deeper ...

I do not know how long it has been,


Everyone suddenly came back and looked at the time, not even a second, it seemed just an illusion just now.

Li Mo continued to speak,

"With regard to 'learning' and 'path', countless civilizations have their own interpretations and insights, alchemy in the last era ..."

Li Mo's lectures are getting deeper and deeper, and it is difficult for someone like him to master the essence of many civilizations and to elaborate from a higher dimension.

Many dimensions of the demon and the universe gods also understand the rules that are not weak, but they are more like eating and drinking, which is difficult to describe.

Only Li Mo.

This lesson tells more and more things, many people are hard to understand, but they are full of tears ~ ~ Can't help but want to listen to it, like falling into a dream.

After speaking, even without language, or the language description, ordinary people can not hear it, and even the 3D video recording equipment is blank.

The lecture was repeated for three days and three nights. The audience stumbled when they returned home, fell down and slept. When they woke up, their minds became blank, but their mood was extremely relaxed.

Back to God, everyone was crazy, I do n’t know how many people in the universe immediately took the spaceship to Sandar Star.

There are spaceships everywhere in the Sundar Starfield. They only have one wish to enter the Hydra Academy to learn the Tao.

The influence of this lesson is growing, and it has even changed the direction of evolution of many civilizations.

Someone revealed the information of Li Mo while on the earth, and since then, Li Mo has an official title.

Grand Master.

And just when many people were looking for him, Li Mo came to the dimension of dreams.

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