Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 339: Interstellar annihilation (7)

The Skulu hero, Warlord Carter, is still alive.

Since the Fall of the Andromeda Galaxy, and have seen the horrors of the Zerg, almost everyone thinks that there is very little possibility of survivors in the Skulu Empire. I did not expect to get the news from Carter here.

From the thinking of this Zerg, after the fall of the empire, Carter led a group of elite Skulus into the negative space. Most of his men had the ability to deform. They transformed into the Zerg appearance and launched suicide in the rear. Destruction.

Perhaps it was the Earth's military ideology that came from Li Mo that played a role, and Carter actually caused chaos confusion in a short time.

But the good times did not last long. After all, just changing the shape could not fit into the Zerg's collective thinking. Just an hour ago, these Skulus were surrounded by a Zerg unit.

Li Mo, who got the coordinates, did not hesitate, and instantly teleported to disappear into this starry sky.

In a broken star field, Zerg spaceships are overwhelming.

Unlike those spaceships that invaded the main universe, except for several hundred-footed command ships and central flagships hidden in the insect wave, most of them were small assault ships like dragonfly larvae, and their appearance was disgusting.

This is the assault force of the post-worm Extenia.

Their opponent was a moon-sized round sphere, covered with a layer of energy shield, covered with Zerg spaceships, and relying on lotus-shaped mouthpieces for crazy destruction.

Like a huge honeycomb full of bees, the zerg creature spacecraft is surging layer by layer, and most people with dense phobia cannot stand this kind of scene.

Every once in a while, the energy shield of this ball will send shock waves, shaking off the Zerg spaceship full of body, but it will soon be full.

This is exactly the Zerg Star Destroyer weapon that was almost in the negative space at that time, the Sad Harvester.

This kind of weapon seems to be huge. In fact, it requires not many operators. After Carter led his men to occupy it, this plan has a big event, but he did not expect to be surrounded by the Zerg.

Fortunately, the sad reaper is a high-end weapon after all, and some greedy worms can't destroy the order, so the Zerg commander can only use this stupid method.

The grief reaper controlled the atmosphere in the hall a bit dignified.

"Marshal, the shield energy has reached the cordon of 30," said a Skulu soldier calmly.

The Grief Harvesters are star annihilation weapons. They are extremely slow in both starting speed and flight speed, so they are trapped here and have nowhere to escape.

At this time, Carter was no longer restored to his magnificent appearance, covered with corrosive scars, and blinded.

Staring at the overwhelming Zerg on the observation window and the pair of compound eyes that were good enough, Carter asked calmly: "How is the engine unit reformed?"

A Skulu warrior with one arm broken and using a temporary mechanical prosthesis replied: "It has been modified and can explode at any time."

Carl nodded characteristically and glanced around the rest of his subordinates. "After all, the Skulu Empire, which lasted for hundreds of thousands of years, could not escape the fate of the cosmic spark. Even if we escaped by chance, we will become a sad cosmic wandering race.

"Some people can, but I'm a fighter."

Scarred warriors with scars all around also looked at Calt calmly, "Marshal, let's order, it's an honor to be with you at last!"

Carl nodded characteristically, and without any hesitation pressed the self-explosive button. The rapid red light flashed. After 5 minutes, the mighty sad reaper would turn into a horrible bomb.

I don't know who took the lead in humming an ancient Skulu ballad, and others hummed along.

This song describes the dangerous voyage of the Skulus when they first stepped into the universe. It has been too long. Many people do n’t know the meaning of the lyrics, but the melody and pronunciation have been circulating for more than 100,000 years.

For a while, the atmosphere in the control cabin became calm and distant, as if the horrible bloodthirsty insects outside were just a joke.

There was no last-minute escape. When Li Mo arrived four days later, he just witnessed this horrible explosion.

First, a star-sized silver-white spherical energy wave formed, and then silently diffused from the center in a circular ring shape. The Zerg spaceships along the way were all drowned in the horrible bright light.

Li Mo looked at all this calmly, and found that there was no trace of fluctuation in his heart.

As his strength grows, time seems to have lost its meaning, and those people and things that have disappeared in time have also become smaller.

He is getting smaller and smaller, and only the mysteries of the universe can make him interested.

Li Mo was suddenly a little confused. When Tony and other friends died, it would become less important to himself.

Similarly, many great cosmic gods have become the entities of the cosmic rules. They may be born gods and never consider such problems, but Li Mo has been a human being for a short time.

Does it really have divinity, and it will inevitably destroy humanity?

This explosion brought huge losses to this Zerg fleet. The Zerg spacecraft within tens of thousands of kilometers turned into cosmic dust, and a little further was also seriously affected by the hull. Bare muscles and intestines dragged in the void. Slowly creep to repair.

The flagship of this Zerg fleet was also affected. It was originally a huge meat ball with a diameter of 30 kilometers, covered with scales, uneven spikes and tentacles.

But at this time, the side facing the explosion seemed to be scalded by boiling water, and the scales were peeling and the skin was fluffy, which looked very miserable.

While the flagship was slowly repairing, Li Mo suddenly appeared in the sky, and stretched out his right hand expressionlessly.

Countless thin and thick, thousands of meters long tentacles suddenly appeared in the void. These twisted tentacles with space cutting effect, easily stripped the Zerg flagship into countless pieces of meat.

The nearby Zerg spaceship wanted to come to the rescue, but found that the biological spacecraft had a problem. Not only was it unable to detect Li Mo, which was located close at hand, even the spacecraft began to tremble continuously, and a mood called panic came.

The tattered flagship was peeled off, exposing the central command system. This is a translucent embryo surrounded by countless fascial muscles and blood vessels. A huge black shadow can be seen in the viscous liquid.

It is the Zerg Commander of this fleet.

Zerg's army command relies on collective consciousness and ECG induction. The role of each fleet commander is equivalent to a neural network node.

The huge embryo was broken, the serosa was ruptured, and the thick liquid spread out, revealing the Zerg Commander.

This is a bug that looks like a special shape, it is more than four meters tall, and it looks like black iron twisted and tangled torso. It has a long head, and there are countless tiny tentacles behind the head to connect with the embryo.

He kept on twisting and struggling, and the tide-like spiritual force rushed towards Li Mo without any effect. He came to Li Mo as if he was grasped by an invisible hand.

The Zerg Commander looked at the human in front of him in horror. He wanted to fight back, but seemed to be facing the cosmic starry sky alone, his whole body was stiff, and even his thinking had stopped.

Without much nonsense, Li Mo directly invaded the Zerg general's brain and began a squeezing information search.

A few seconds later, when Li Mo raised his hand, the skull of the Zerg general also exploded instantly, his tall body was motionless and floated in the universe.

Li Mo calmly looked in the other direction, and the information searched was not optimistic.

The place where the planet devourers are imprisoned is in the Zerg base camp, deep in the negative space universe.

More than 10 trillion troops of the two worms, Extermina and Externia, are guarded on the periphery, while the center is home to the most elite troops under the control of the insect king Nerus.

The origin of the Zerg civilization is also there.

And Li Mo learned from the brain of this Zerg general that the tyrant and worm King Nerus and the two crazy original gods stayed on the annihilation tower imprisoning the planet devourer all day without knowing what to plan.

Judging from the current situation, the source of this scourge must be eliminated as soon as possible, or there will be greater trouble.

Extermination is not his opponent. The two original gods are equivalent to the weak state of the planetary devourer. They should be able to draw. The strength of the insect king with the universe control rod is unknown.

It's definitely not wise to go straight up, and I'm not one of those stubborn villains. How can I separate them?

While Li Mo was thinking about the countermeasures, McQueen sent a message through his soul: the decisive battle between the Galactic Council and the Exterminator Zerg started.

Milky Way,

In a star field near the Skulu Star Gate, the fleets of the Galactic Council constantly jumped out of the void and quickly formed a formation.

Among them, there were also many damaged spacecrafts, which went into huge circular star-port-type maintenance stations for rapid repairs.

Arranged in a special geometric formation, this large and small spaceship can't be seen at a glance, the number has already exceeded 1 billion, and it is still increasing.

On the 200-kilometre, cigar-shaped central command flagship, a tall woman with a sturdy face wearing a uniform of the Marshal of the Galactic Council is looking at the spacecraft constantly gathering outside the window.

She is Eva Bakan, who rose in the former Sandal World War I. With her excellent military talent, she quickly climbed to the throne of the highest rank of Marshal of the Nova Empire in successive battles and was appointed the Supreme Commander of the Galactic Council Fleet.

As the brain reminder sounded, three-dimensional images of the Galactic Council leaders appeared over the room.

Eva Bakan turned quickly and performed a military salute in the standard posture.

The expressions on the faces of all the big brothers were a little dignified, and the new star asked solemnly, "Marshal Eva Bakan, the Zerg has begun to make changes. How is the fleet preparing?"

Originally in accordance with Li Mo's plan, the Galactic Council split up the Zerg territory to prevent the insect tide from spreading.

However, the number of Zerg is far more than estimated, the force is more than 10 times, and the fairy galaxy is still unknown.

Despite the possession of Li Mo's anti-pheromone radar and Netherfire weapons, the power gap between the parliamentary fleet and the Zerg has narrowed significantly. However, after several early battles, the Galactic Council found that the scattered forces would only be eliminated one by one by the Zerg.

Li Mo's strategy was not always correct, not to mention the fact that the battlefield was changing rapidly, so the Galactic Council immediately decided to join forces to break through the star gate and cut off the source of Zerg forces.

Eva Bakan's resolute face did not waver. "The fleet has assembled 80 troops, and some fleets are still fighting the Zerg and cannot escape."

"What's the brainpower's deduction rate?" Asked Speaker Severingaro.

Eva Bakan frowned slightly.


"Why is it so low?" Speaker Romandler couldn't help but exclaim, and the other big brothers didn't look well.

Eva Bakan said calmly: "After possessing the weapon of Sir Li Mo, our individual strength is superior, but the number of Zerg is too large and the force is continuous. As long as we fight for more than 36 hours, our casualty rate reaches 60 hours. , The risk of failure will continue to expand. "

"I suggest directly adopting Sir Li Mo's final plan and throwing a negative wave bomb at the Skulu Gate."

"Too hasty." Almost all the big brothers hesitated.

The general-purpose negative wave bomb has a killing range of one to two light years, and it can definitely bring a fatal blow to the Zerg fleet, but its side effects are too terrible. It is still a no-man's land near the star area of ​​the original Hara in the Kerry Empire.

Although the Milky Way has a diameter of 100,000 light years, even habitable planets are not everywhere, and the area around Skulu is just dense, let alone changes in future routes and so on.

Therefore, negative wave bombs are often used as a deterrent weapon, and there are few opportunities for direct use.

Eva Bakan said resolutely, and conceded, "At present, this is the best way to reduce losses. We cannot afford the consequences of the insect wave spreading throughout the galaxy."

The big brothers were a little hesitant. While they were communicating and discussing, Nova Supreme suddenly frowned, and looked down at a document.

After a while, she lifted her head and interrupted the conversation of everyone, her expression solemnly unprecedented.

"Everyone, the great master Li Mo who has entered the negative space has figured out the strength of the Zerg and sent a copy of it."

Immediately after, a video appeared in front of everyone. This was the scene that Li Mo transmitted through his soul and McQueen recomposed the picture.

The vast starry sky ~ ~ The Zerg fleet of sky has almost reached the depths of the universe, half of which is copper-green and half of black, as if the endless ocean is hanging in the air, surging.

There are countless floating island continents below them, connected by huge meat pillars with a diameter of thousands of kilometers. Countless giant bugs like crickets are constantly surging and crawling on top. The continents are volcanic twisted meat mountains.

Whenever the pustule bursts in the huge meat mountain pass, a Zerg creature spaceship appears and merges into the huge spaceship group.

And this twisted Roshan is hard to count.

At the same time, Li Mo was still explaining: "This is just the periphery of the negative space Zerg base camp. The invasion of the Milky Way is the army led by the most crowded Zerg Queen in Zerg Queen's Palace. There are two more powerful troops here. "

"My opinion is not to hesitate to use a negative wave bomb here with the Skulu Gate."

Seeing this horrible scene, the many big brothers in the Galactic Council no longer hesitated, "How many do you need?"


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