Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 348: Powerful enemy

To be honest, the black widow Natasha returned much earlier than Li Mo expected.

The time flow velocity of the dream dimension is faster than that of the main universe, and varies according to the length of the region. This is why some people can dream in just a few minutes.

Li Mo spent 5 days in the dimension of dreams, which translates to a little more than two days in the main universe.

Why is the Dark Widow coming back so fast?

And what is the so-called big trouble?

If Li Mo wasn't too nervous before, the unknown civilization space station seen by Dream Dimension made him 12 points.

Uh ...

Ignorantly, the central command room.

The huge three-dimensional projection was playing the video materials brought back by Natasha. A group of Li Mo was watching carefully, and Natasha was explaining on the side.

"The time velocity of that universe is much faster than ours, so I have actually been there for almost 10 days."

On the screen, there is a white light that quickly moves backwards, and there are a lot of space fragments like broken glass visible to the naked eye.

"This is the scene I saw on the observation window after the space station took off." Black Widow Natasha said, "Although the portal looks very close, it took a long time to enter."

"It should be a cosmic membrane. There is no time, space is infinitely long." The boss said on the side.

Li Mo nodded and did not speak, and continued to watch.

After entering the unknown universe, this umbrella-shaped space station immediately started a jump flight.

The stars outside the window marked a long stream of light, and a member of the Nether Masters reported: "According to their calculations, their spacecraft is jumping slower than us."

Stephanie was beaming, "This is a great combat advantage."

There was a hint of doubt in Li Mo's heart. If that unknown god-level civilization was the backing of the material empire, how could there be shortcomings in this important technology?

After about a half-hour flight, Umbrella Station came to a huge space base.

This is a real cosmic-grade base. Countless layers of suspended continental space stations can't be seen at a glance, layering like a nebula.

The Umbrella-shaped space station may seem huge, but in this cosmic-level celestial project, it is like a little homing worker ant.

Although the dark widow Natasha tried to tell in a calm tone, Li Mo still heard a trembling, "The size of this place is beyond my imagination, but what is more frightening is the picture below."

At this time, through the picture, after seeing that the space station entered a certain star port, Natasha slipped down secretly.

The neat, clean, and overlying neighbourhood of Pingxinggang is working on large, bright and cold machines.

Everything is automated, no creature is seen, no trace of anger.

The dark widow Natasha said: "I thought it was just a high-tech star port, but ..."

Needless to say, everyone saw her fear in the next picture.

With Natasha's rapid movement, the appearance of this cosmic-grade base gradually appeared in front of everyone.

所有 Everywhere in this huge celestial project, it is empty without a figure, and there is no area for living creatures.

There are icy automated workshops everywhere, constantly producing robots and battleships, and various noises in the factories are constantly dinging.

However, it feels like a ghost town.

"Is this ... a mechanical civilization?" The boss said with some uncertainty.

"Probably not." Li Mo shook his head. "Even mechanical civilization will have a large number of intelligent individuals, and this is just a large war factory."

Strange squeezed his fist, "I remember, these robots have no sense of intelligent life, but simply repeat the words magic and destruction."

但是 "But one of them is totally different. They have a larger body. I feel the soul wave in the chest and the goal of destroying magic is also heard from their mouth."

"Do you mean this?" Natasha asked, pointing at a robot flying in the distance.

The crowd was attracted by the next picture. The robot flew to a special platform-type device and flashed a teleportation white light. A basketball-sized transparent ball appeared on the platform.

There was a green smoke swirling in the round ball, and a painful face appeared from time to time.

After the glass ball was inserted into the open space of the chest cavity, the robot suddenly felt a little more agile.

"This technique!"

Big boss stood up suddenly, "Spirit 傀儡 ..."

Looking at Strange's confused eyes, he explained: "The laboratory of truth once mentioned an idea to combine the soul of the fallen Hydra soldier with magic, and then it will achieve a new birth."

虽然 "Although the experiment was successful, the results of the experiment forced us to abandon this idea. The incompatibility between the soul and the flesh kept them in the pain of nothingness at all times."

他们 "They have no body, but this pain is from the depths of the soul and cannot be eliminated at all. Over time, the soul will fall into madness."

The evil spirit knight Johnny Blazer showed a trace of murderous eyes, "Is that the soul they captured?"

"Surely not." The boss shook his head. "Regardless of the machine or 傀儡, this technical body must be completely controlled by the soul, otherwise it will be meaningless."

"In other words, they voluntarily endure this pain."

The central command room quieted for a while.

Not only did Natasha bring back a large number of images, but she also took pictures of some occasional text on the wall.

According to these texts, at the end of the video, members of the Mage of Truth cracked the text of the Material Empire.

Most of them are nothing special, just some factory numbers and warning words, but on a circular platform at the top of the entire base, a few huge words with an area of ​​several kilometers are very heavy.

"C013 Space Base, No. 07 ..."

Stephanie's voice is a little hoarse, "bases like this should have more than 10 per universe, and ... they control not only one universe ..."

Li Mo's men are proud. They followed Li Mo's development step by step, in a short period of time, turned the Hydra into countless dimensions, the number one and two forces in the main universe.

This is an achievement that many civilizations could not achieve for 100,000 years.

However, in the face of the enemies of this huge trans-universe civilization force, a little panic finally appeared.

莫 Li Mo shook his head and stood up and said, "But just faster than us, there is no need to be afraid."

我们 "We have our own unique advantages, but we are only temporarily out of the wind. When encountering such enemies, wasn't it already in our imagination?"

别 "Don't forget our ultimate goal, much more than that!"

The members of the Mage of Truth quickly regained their spirits. They looked at Li Mo with a trace of enthusiasm.

Under the leadership of Li Mo, they are always creating miracles, and this time, they will definitely win!

Seeing that morale was restored, Li Mo made arrangements:

"Mage of Truth, full structural analysis of the technology and weaknesses of the material empire."

"Stephanie, recall all the virtual air forces that are undergoing dimensional warfare, reconfigure them, and prepare for comprehensive war."

"Natasha the Black Widow, now that the enemy's position has been determined, release all members of the spy team. Find out the distribution of each base of the material empire."

记住 "Remember, at the same time, you must also search for the place where Strange's wife Kerry is detained. So many magicians are missing. I believe that the Material Empire may have its own purpose, and they are very likely to survive."

With Li Mo's arrangement, the whole ignorance quickly got busy.

Li Mo turned and looked at Strange, "how, what is the harvest, is Master Merlin clear?"

"Mer. Merlin is dead ..." Strangy's face was a little dignified, and then something happened.

"This is the limitation of the gods." Li Mo said calmly: "After they integrate themselves into the rules and represent the rules, when the rules collapse, it means the end of life."

"It's a dimensional space ..."

Li Mo thought for a while, and shouted again: "Gaya Tower, eat!"

"What are you eating today?" Almost instantly, the cute girl appeared in front of him like a puppy, and Hara was still flowing in the corner of her mouth.

"Today is a big meal ~ ~ A dimensionless life energy planet in the void dimension." Li Mo shook his finger. "On the premise that you have to tell me where is the dimensional space?"

Tonga Yeta muttered her mouth, and her eyes seemed to sigh with a large amount of purple light flowing through her, and she could see that it was a bit laborious to learn the deep information.

"found it!"

"The dimensional space is the realm of the universe's abstract deities to acquire the physical body. The body they acquire is called the M-body."

"Abstract universe characters can create infinite physical forms through apparent dimensions, usually anthropomorphic creatures. The explicit dimensions also include every form of expression they construct."

"In other words, there you can see any **** that has ever appeared in the universe."

"Infinite, eternal, death, even ..."

"Life court!"

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